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Aljir Prison Escape is the sixteenth mission in Syphon Filter 2. It is the eighth and final level the player takes control of Lian Xing. It takes place in Aljir Prison. In this level, the player must find Uri Gregorov in the execution chamber and then protect him as the player escapes the prison. The player must also find non-lethal means to incapacitate any hostile prisoners.


Mission Briefing

Siberia, Russian Republic: Aljir Prison
09/12 23:45
Operative: Lian Xing

Shutting down the power has stayed the execution, but it's had another unforeseen effect. Before the prison could switch to emergency power, several cell blocks' security grids went off-line. A riot has broken out as a result.

Get Gregorov out of there ASAP. The plan is to get to the top of the east wall and jump into the river. There is a tank of air waiting at the bottom. If you encounter any armed prisoners, do not kill them. Incapacitate them by any means necessary.


Moments after the prison’s power was shut off to stay Uri Gregorov's execution, several guards arrive in the power room (under orders from Mara Aramov) and attack Lian Xing, although she is unharmed by the attacks. She reports to Gabriel Logan that the prison is now running on emergency power and that the execution has been stayed. She also reports that a prison riot has occurred as a result. Gabe responds that this would provide the perfect cover to get Uri Gregorov out of the prison. Lian then proceeds to fight her way through the prison to reach Gregorov’s execution chamber. When she reaches a security area adjacent to the execution chamber, she finds “a room full of dead guards” (two of whom are named Evgeny and Kiril). She even sees an unarmed guard on his knees, begging for Lian not to kill him. She reports this to Gabe, who suspects that the prisoners might have caused this. Lian disagrees as the majority of the rioters are confined to the cell blocks. Gabe replies that the SVR does not know of any operatives working in the prison and therefore tells Lian to be careful. A pair of guards appears shortly after in a failed attempt to kill Lian and avenge the dead guards. They falsely accuse her of killing the guards in the room.

Lian arrives in the execution chamber to see Mara Aramov escaping the chamber to the next room. She unshackles Gregorov from his chair and asks him why Aramov was there. He responds that she was there to witness the execution but when the power was shut off, she killed the guards. He does not understand why she did this, and neither did Lian. She informs him that they are going to escape the prison by going over the prison walls and into the river, and that there are two air tanks at the bottom of the river for them to use so that they can swim towards the rendezvous point. Gregorov shows concern for Lian and her poor health but she insists that she is fine. After bring ambushed by a trio of guards and promptly neutralizing them, Lian asks Gregorov if he can fight. He responds that he cannot, as he has been weakened by the beatings (either by the guards or Mara Aramov). Lian understands and asks Gregorov to stay behind her and only move when she tells him to, to which he complies. Along the way to the cell block, she witnesses guards ruthlessly killing prisoners who were trying to escape. Gabe radios her that she cannot save everyone and that she has to focus on her main objective (of getting Gregorov out of there). Lian goes to check out the cell block but several snipers along the wall are seen killing the prisoners and try to attack her. Gregorov uses a smoke grenade he found on a dead guard to cover him and Lian from the snipers as they run through the cell block. Gregorov stops and asks Lian to shoot the security gate lock to which Lian does, which opens the gate. They then proceed to the bathroom area but when they get there, two prisoners armed with PK-102 are seen killing the guards. Lian and Gregorov are met with hostility by the prisoners. With the prisoners unable to be reasoned out, Lian decides to find a non-lethal weapon to get through them (she lost her crossbow in the power room). To this end, she goes back to the cell block (in the burning section of the cell block) and finds a Tear Gas Launcher on a guard. She uses this on the hostile prisoners to incapacitate them.

After clearing out the guards nearby, Lian gives a .45 to Gregorov, who is now strong enough to fight alongside her. Both fight their way to reach the prison walls outside but at this point, Lian’s health starts to deteriorate further. Upon arriving there, the area is lightly guarded, so both Lian and Gregorov sneak past the few guards and searchlights. When they reach to one of the prison wall towers, a guard outside sees them and alerts security. Several guards appear on the prison roof and start attacking both of them. Lian tells Gregorov to go on ahead while she covers him. They both jump into the frozen river below and swim (using air tanks for air) towards the rendezvous point, where Gabriel Logan, Teresa Lipan and Vladimir Nedobryi are waiting. When they get there, a severely weakened Lian succumbs to the virus’s effects and the cold environment, causing her to collapse and fall unconscious. The following morning, Gabe and Teresa prepare to head back home, with an unconscious Lian being taken aboard to their chopper by medics. Gregorov gives the rest of Jonathan Phagan’s data files to Gabe who hopes to use it to negotiate with the Agency for Lian’s vaccine. He tells Gabe that he owes Lian his life and wishes them luck. He also tells him that he has a war to stop (presumably in China against the Chinese rebel leader Shi-Hao).

Meanwhile, at the Council of Foreign Relations in Washington D.C., an irritated Vince Hadden asks Lyle Stevens over the phone as to why he hasn’t captured Lian Xing and gotten the phase 2 of the Syphon Filter virus from her. Stevens tries to explain himself but Hadden interrupts him, telling him that the shipment dates have been missed and that soon they will not need Lian’s infected plasma. Stevens assures his superior that they will have Lian soon, but changes the subject to Gregorov, claiming that Gregorov is now helping Gabriel Logan and has given the rest of Phagan’s data files to him. Hadden dismisses this, believing that Mara Aramov (who was there with Hadden) has taken care of Gregorov. Stevens then says that this doesn’t matter because Gabriel Logan will try to negotiate the disks for Lian’s vaccine and when he does, Lian and the Syphon Filter virus will be theirs. Hadden responds that he is concerned that Stevens is not being as useful to him and the Syphon Filter operation as he had hoped. Stevens reassures Hadden again that his plan will be successful. Hadden warns him that he is running out of time, telling Stevens to not disappoint him any further.


This first part is an open fire mission so stay in the crouched position and wait for the one warden to come your way and then blast him when he gets close by. Now head to the back corner of this same section and the warden on the left will be here. If you moved back in position you'll have an easy headshot. Now move to the middle part of the room and look right while crouching. Wait for the left warden to crouch and when he does stand up casually and you can get in an easy headshot. The warden now left on the right bobs his head right in your line of fire so get in this easy headshot and a short, sweet victory is all yours.

Go collect your ammo now and head left where the second warden on the left you shot is and head through this hallway. Go all the way through and a guy runs in from the left so go backwards into the hall again and wait for him to run in center screen and then take the quick headshot before he starts piercing through your flak jacket. Now press your target button and ease up a small bit enough to see the blood splattering off of the guy to know you're hitting him and he'll be dead soon. Now press the target button once again and to the left is another warden so hold the target button and then blast this guy. Now head out left and immediately be ready to do a headshot on the warden that pops out cause he has a flak jacket on.

If you need the jacket then take it, if not then head up and collect his ammo and then turn left at the doorway he was at. Follow this hallway around and when you make a left around a corner hug the left wall and before going left use the aim button and get a headshot on the warden standing at the doorway. Now there is another warden to the left and behind him so press your target button and somehow the warden looks down and doesn't pay attention so while crouched ease on out and you'll easily have a headshot on him without detection. Go down the stairs after collecting ammo and stay right near the middle wall and hug it while staying crouched. Strafe left a tiny bit until you have the left warden in your sights and get an easy headshot. Strafe a tiny bit more and you can easily get a headshot on the warden on the right.

This level is extremely easy it's just a matter of taking the time to do it correctly without detection. Head down the stairs and collect the wardens ammo and now stay close to the left side of the steps hugging the wall. This part is a tad more difficult since you won't have the cover of the wall. Watch the wardens jump out patterns and time it to where you can be in the open right as he jumps out. Be careful though cause he shoots as soon as he comes out so get in a quick headshot or you'll die since he only aims for you head as well. Collect his ammo and head around left and kick in the red, bolted door and enter the next platformed hallway. This next part kicked my ass dozens of times and I couldn't figure it out so heres what to do. Once you enter the hallway this prompts the 2 wardens on the rooftop to start shooting at you so move back quickly. They also throw grenades so stay away until they throw the grenades and the grenedes blow up. Get used to the time in between them throwing the grenades until they blow up and how much time you have until they throw more.

Once you know the timing pattern heres what to do. Wait for the grenades to blow up and then run through the smoke after the blast and when you get to the door exit and on the platform, immediately press the target button and hold it and then blast away and the right or left warden falls off the roof to his impending doom with the ground. Implement the same tactic with whichever warden on whichever side is left and this part will be cleared. Go now and collect their ammo and head up the metal stairs but stop when you reach the second step up. The door flies open and 2 wardens pop out so use target button on the one closest to you and blast him and then let go of the target button and then repress and hold it for the second warden and blast him next.

Now go up the stairs and collect the wardens ammo and go through the hall until you reach another hall and a guy cowering in the corner. He looks like a warden and probably is but don't shoot him since he isn't armed or it will fail the mission. Go around the hall and in the next room is dead wardens and a radio transmission to Gabe ensues. As soon as you gain control of Lian run away and roll if needed to avoid gunshots and find a wall to hide behind. If you went back to where the cowering warden is stay close to the right wall and strafe left little by little until you can see the enemy warden on the left near the wall and when you have him in sight get in an easy head shot. Stay right near the wall and get behind the part of the wall sticking out. Another warden walks in from the right so line up the headshot and take him out also.

Collect ammo now and then head out left and follow the hallway around till you can go right and a dead warden is lying on the ground so go in this small hallway and enter the room with chairs and a cut-scene with Gregorov, The ACTUAL REAL GREGOROV ensues. Once you have that completed and have control of Lian Gregorov yells " LIAN, BEHIND YOU" Turn around right away and shoot the warden behind you and collect ammo QUICKLY and then turn around again and shoot the 2 wardens that are now on Gregorovs left side. If you don't protect Gregorov and he dies it's mission failed. You must be very quick in this part with your actions or you won't get through here. Watch the cut-scene and notice how Gregorov has a striking resemblance to SGT. Slaughter from the WWF?

Anyway, head out of this room straight and walk up to the left wall staying very close and in a crouched position. Strafe while crouched right little by little until you can see the standing warden with the shotgun on the right and get a headshot. Now strafe a tiny bit more little by little until you can get a headshot on the warden just behind the radio. He runs back and fourth but stands in place eventually for around 4-5 seconds so use that time to get in a headshot. Now while still in the crouched position creep up behind the radio using it for cover and watch the warden popping out on the rights' pattern. Get used to it and when it's safe to move strafe right while staying crouched and just start shooting, might I recommend the shotgun for you next couple of method killings. Lian then tells Gregorov to get his ass moving and that it's clear.

Yuri will move near you saying he's okay so now hug the right wall and crouch/walk until you can see a warden popping out. He stretches his neck out for around 3 seconds so wait for his pattern and then blast him while he has his neck stretched out. Make sure you're crouched and strafing left little by little until he is in the field of headshot range. Take his ammo and Flak Jacket if needed, and then stay to the right wall once again. Creep your way up and you'll see a prisoner run by and get shot down by some wardens but don't worry you won't fail the mission. Stay glued to the right wall using the crouch/walk method until you can see 2 wardens on the right blocking a doorway. Stay crouched and use the strafe left little by little and getting head shots on each warden and then Lian will tell Yuri it's all clear and she receives a radio transmission from Gabe. Listen to that and you'll arrive at another checkpoint.

Yuri will be facing the red, bolted door but,don't go that way yet,unless your flak jacket is undamaged. Otherwise turn around after taking the 2 wardens PK- 102 ammos and head right when you can and on the right near the gate is a box with a fresh flak jacket in it. Now go through the red, bolted door. When you walk up to the door Lian claims she hears a lot of action on the other side and tells Yuri to wait there so she can check it out. As soon as you kick the door open you'll see 2 prisoners shooting up at some wardens and the prisoners soon get shot down. As soon as the snipers cease fire creep out while crouching a little and Yuri yells " SNIPERS, WATCH OUT" so turn and run towards Yuri again and a cut-scene ensues. Once Yuri throws out the smoke grenade make a run for it. You will have to do a dive towards the end but Yuri will most likely be ahead of you.

He says you'll need to shoot the lock on the security gate so look ahead and right while to the right of Yuri and shoot and if you hit it sparks fly. Now Yuri will keep running so keep on following him and he will run into some hostile women prisoners and you'll reach another checkpoint and another objective is added. This next part with the women shooting at me like mad had me stumped but do the following and you'll be through in no time. Go back through the security gate and when you get past it go right and past the flames on the left, just ahead. There is a corner of wall here and a warden bearing none other than a tear gas gun. Get in a headshot when you line up and shoot the guy. Go and take his flak jacket if you like and then his tear gas gun.

Now go back to the crazy women and when they generally take a shooting break which lasts about a second and a half climb the wall and use your target button very quickly and hold it and then shoot the gun and the women are motionless YAHOO!!. Now you'll reach another checkpoint and your objective is complete. Fall off the concrete wall and collect the PK-102 ammo from the prisoners and then equip that gun. In the next part take your first right into the hall and go about 1/4 of the way up the hall on the right. As soon as you see a guy run out from the doorway in the middle, immediately turn around and blast the warden behind you and make it a headshot or he easily takes you out.

Turn around now and make you way up the hall a bit and another warden wearing a flak jacket makes his pesence known. As soon as you get a headshot he gets really figity and it's hard to get him to where you can make a clear headshot. Move up a small ways while staying crouched and then he will dive and come closer to you so hurry now and get the headshot and then collect his flak jacket if needed and ammo. Once you do that another warden pops out at you so get prepared and then shoot the warden with a headshot and he also has a flak jacket so get it if needed and then collect the .45 ammo also.

Head around the corner going left and another warden is in this hall with the same stuff so get in a headshot and this hallway is clear. Now you must head back to where Gregorov or Yuri is and a cut-scene ensues and she gives him a weapon. Head back through the hallways you just cleared and now this next part is very fast paced so keep close to Gregorov and take out Wardens left and right and collect ammo. Just remember to follow Gregorovs lead, he knows where to go. Once you make it to another red bolted door and if  your flak jacket gets too damaged in all the warden killings then head back to the halls from earlier and get the jackets you couldn't get if there is any left. Head back to Gregorov and the red bolted door and kick it in using the triangle button. Enter the door and a cut-scene ensues and now your at another checkpoint.

Crouch down and go down the steps and look up and right and a warden is up here and also a search light. Get in the easy headshot and then wait for the search light to shine where the bulb is exposed and then shoot it out. Crouch/walk near the right wall now and just ahead is another search light so shoot it out and they spot you. Lian Yells " GREGOROV MOVE" Shoot the 2 wardens here and don't worry about the one above just run and dive to avoid gunshots. Head to the left doorway and enter here. Use the switch on the wall of the elevator to rise to the the second story. Now run with Gregorov and he will provide distractions but don't even worry about the left side, just keep running and diving. Kill any wardens in your way on this path and keep on diving to dodge enemy fire and when you get to some steps the level finally ends. Watch some long cut-scenes and save if you like.



  • It is extremely difficult, if not outright impossible, to go through the hostile armed prisoners in the bathroom area because their shots never miss and will kill Lian before she even gets to the next area, even with using roll to evade their attacks.
    • In addition, even if the player successfully reaches the next section, the player won't be able to complete the mission because leaving Gregorov behind will end in mission failure.
Main Characters Anton Girdeux  · Edward Benton  · Erich Rhoemer  · Gabriel Logan  · Jonathan Phagan  · Lian Xing  · Mara Aramov  · Thomas Markinson
Minor Characters Alec Kabanov  · Ellis  · Jenkins  · Jorge Marcos  · Pavel Kravitch  · Richard Erikson  · Vince Hadden  · Vladislav Gabrek
Enemies Georgia Street Terrorists  · Flaming Enemy  · Girdeux's Terrorists  · Pharcom Bodyguards
Organizations Black Baton  · CBDC  · Pharcom  · The Agency
Missions Georgia Street  · Destroyed Subway  · Main Subway Line  · Washington Park  · Freedom Memorial  · Expo Center Reception  · Expo Center Dinorama  · Rhoemer's Base  · Base Bunker  · Base Tower  · Base Escape  · Rhoemer's Stronghold  · Stronghold Lower Level  · Stronghold Catacombs  · Pharcom Warehouses  · Pharcom Elite Guards  · Warehouse 76  · Silo Access Tunnels  · Tunnel Blackout  · Missile Silo
Weaponry 9mm  · .45  · Air Taser  · BIZ-2  · C4 Explosive  · Combat shotgun · G-18  · Gas Grenade Grenade  · HK-5  · K3G4 Assault Rifle  · M-16  · M-79  · Nightvision rifle  · PK-102  · Shotgun  · Sniper Rifle
Gadgets Card Key  · Flak Jacket  · Flashlight  · Viral Antigen  · Viral Scanner
Vehicles UH-60 Blackhawk
Conflicts Washington D.C. Attack  · First Investigation of PHARCOM  · Destruction of Rhoemer's Base  · Sabotage of Rhoemer's Cathedral  · Kazakhstan Missile Incident
Transcipts Georgia Street  · Destroyed Subway  · Main Subway Line  · Washington Park  · Freedom Memorial  · Expo Center Reception  · Expo Center Dinorama  · Rhoemer's Base  · Base Bunker  · Base Tower  · Base Escape  · Rhoemer's Stronghold  · Stronghold Lower Level  · Stronghold Catacombs  · Pharcom Warehouses  · Pharcom Elite Guards  · Warehouse 76  · Silo Access Tunnels  · Tunnel Blackout  · Missile Silo
Main Characters Dillon Morgan  · Elsa Weissinger  · Gabriel Logan  · Jason Chance  · Lawrence Mujari  · Lian Xing  · Lyle Stevens  · Mara Aramov  · Steven Archer  · Teresa Lipan  · Thomas Holman  · Thomas Markinson  · Uri Gregorov
Minor Characters Carter  · Colorado Bridge Bombing Commander  · Davies  · Derek Falkan  · Dobson  · Eschelman  · Ferguson  · Gershon  · Imposter Gregorov  · John Ramirez  · Jonathan Phagan  · Kowalski  · Mr. Cochran  · Shi-Hao  · Thompson  · Unnamed Airman  · Unnamed Doctor  · Vince Hadden  · Vladimir Nedobryi
Missions Colorado Mountains  · McKenzie Airbase Interior  · Colorado Interstate 70  · I-70 Mountain Bridge  · McKenzie Airbase Exterior  · Colorado Train Ride  · Colorado Train Race  · C-130 Wreck Site  · Pharcom Expo Center  · Morgan  · Moscow Club 32  · Moscow Streets  · Volkov Park  · Gregorov  · Aljir Prison Break-In  · Aljir Prison Escape  · Agency Bio-Lab  · Agency Bio-Lab Escape  · New York Slums  · New York Sewer  · Finale
Locations Club 32  · McKenzie Airbase  · Rocky Mountains, Colorado
Terrorists Spooks  · Unit one
Multiplayer Abandoned Bank  · Catacombs  · Kazakhstan Warehouses  · New York Garage  · New York Slums  · Park Hedge Maze  · Park Jungle Gym  · Pharcom Expo Center (multiplayer)  · Rooftops (multiplayer)  · Small Village (multiplayer)
Weaponry .45  · 9mm  · 12 Gauge  · Air Taser  · BIZ-2  · C-4 Explosive  · Combat Knife  · Crossbow  · G-18  · H11  · Hand Taser  · HK-5  · Incendiary Grenade  · K3G4 Assault Rifle  · M-16  · M-79  · Nerve Gas Grenade  · Nightvision rifle  · PK-102  · Sniper Rifle  · Tear Gas Launcher  · The Flame-Thrower  · UAS-12  ·
Gadgets Binoculars  · Camera Scrambler  · Cellular Modem  · Flak Jacket  · Flashlight  · Nightvision Goggles  · Transponder Locator
Vehicles C-130 Hercules  · F-22 Raptor
Conflicts Raid on the C-130 Wreckage  · Escape from Mackenzie Air Force Base  · Second Investigation of PHARCOM  · Meeting with Uri Gregorav imposter  · Rescue of Uri Gregorav  · Search for Syphon Filter antidote  · Escape from New York City
Main Characters Gabriel Logan  · Lian Xing
Minor Characters Ellis  · Nigel Cummings  · Silvers
Missions Hotel Fukushima  · Costa Rican Plantation  · C5 Galaxy Transport  · Pugari Gold Mine  · Pugari Complex  · Kabul Afghanistan  · S.S. Lorelei  · Aztec Ruins  · Waterfront  · Docks Final Assault  · Convoy  · The Beast  · Australian Outback  · St. George Australia  · Paradise Ridge  · Militia Compound  · Underground Bunker  · Senate Building  · DC Subway
Weaponry .45  · 9mm  · Air Taser  · AU300 Heavy Barrel  · BIZ-2  · Combat Knife  · Crossbow  · Falcon  · G-18  · H11  · HK-5  · K3G4  · M-16  · M-79  · MARS  · Nightvision rifle  · PK-102  · Shotgun  · Spyder  · Tear Gas Launcher  · UAS-12
Multiplayer maps Afghanistan  · Computer center  · Izmalavio Park  · McKenzie Air Force Base  · Paradise Ridge  · Rhoemer's Stronghold  · S.S. Lorelei  · Training Simulator  ·
Multiplayer characters Agency operative  · Anton Girdeux  · Bag Lady  · CBDC operative  · Corpse  · Elsa Weissinger  · Erich Rhoemer  · Evil scientist  · Gabe Logan  · John Ramirez  · Jonathan Phagan  · Jorge Marcos  · Lawrence Mujari  · Lian Xing  · Mara Aramov  · Military Police  · Monk  · Ninja Gabe  · Russian Bodyguard  · Spook  · SWAT Officer  · Teresa Lipan  · Terrorist  · Unit One  · Uri Gregorov  · Virtual test subject  · Vladislav Gabrek
Minigame types Assassination  · Biathlon  · Demolition  · Elimination  · Thief
Minigame maps China Exhibit  · Colorado Bridge  · D.C. Subway  · Military Base  · New York Slums  · Phagan's Warehouse  · Rhoemer's Fortress  · Washington Park  · Whispering Woods Mortuary
Conflicts Assassination of Shi Hao  · Costa Rican Incident  · Investigation of Pugari Complex  · Soviet-Afghan War  · First Destruction of the SS Lorelei  · Investigation of Erich Rhoemer  · Abduction of Elsa Weissenger  · Assassination of Commander Silvers  · Paradise Ridge Incident  · Attempted Apprehension of Mara Aramov
Main Characters Gabriel Logan  · Lawrence Mujari  · Lian Xing  · Mara Aramov  · Teresa Lipan
Minor Characters Alima Haddad  · Andre Proust  · Elsa Weissinger  · Gary Stoneman  · Gina Hunter  · Imani Gray  ·Jean Fournier  · Maggie Powers  · Mikhail Pulikovsky  · Mikhas Ivankhov  · Oleg Petrenko  · Rodion Ushakov  · Soren Masson  · Vladik Savin  · Vladimir Zhidkov  · William Crusher  · Yegor Leonov  · Yuschenko
Missions IPCA European Command: Training Centre  · Carthage, Michigan: Quarantine Zone  · Carthage, Michigan: Warehouse District  · Carthage, Michigan: Carthage Mall  · Pescara, Italy: St Cetteo's Square  · Mazyr, Belarus: Krivorozhstal Mill  · Mazyr, Belarus: Belaya Vezha  · Tash, Kumyr, Kyrgysztan: Saydahmat's Village  · Sana'a, Yemen: Arms Bazaar  · Sana'a, Yemen: Taherir Palace  · Minsk, Belarus: International University  · Samaschki, Chechnya: Ivankov's Home  · North Atlantic: Lorelei Salvage Rig  · Tokyo, Japan: Murukawa Tower  · Taguang, Myanmar: Irawaddy Basin  · Zurich, Switzerland: Niculescu Funds Tower  · Budva, Montenegro: Niculescu's Villa Estate  · Kiev, Ukraine: Chechen Terrorist Base
Organizations IPCA
Weaponry Beta Weapons  · C11  · China Type 56  · Combat shotgun  · FAL  · FAMAS  · G 33E  · GAWS 12 gauge  · K-BAR  · M1 Super 90  · Riot shotgun  · Shot Defender  · ShotHammer  · Silenced . 44  · Slug Defender  · SlugHammer  · SPA-12 shotgun  · SPA-15 shotgun  · Stava M70 B1  · SSG 550  · Sweeper 12 gauge
Conflicts ALA Assault on Carthage  · Assassination of Dimitri  · Sabotage of CDP Operations  · Transaction on Kyrgysztan  · Assault on Yemen  · Raid on Jandran's Labs  · Investigation of Chechen Genocide  · Second Destruction of the SS Lorelei  · Assault on Murukawa Industries  · Recovery of Imani Grey  · Raid on Meta Global Headquarters  · Raid on Niculescu's Estate  · Showdown with the CDP  · Assassination of Mara Aramov and Elsa Weissenger
Main Characters Gabriel Logan  · Lawrence Mujari  · Lian Xing  · Teresa Lipan
Weaponry K-BAR  · SG-10 Bolt Pistol  · Silenced . 44  · SSP 90
Act I. Cargo Hold 5 Pirates of Somalia  · Going Under  · Ocean's Five  · Sea of Darkness
Act II. Terminal Drift What Lies Below  · Depths of Darkness  · Dead Currents  · Drowning
Act III. Crimson Flood Missing Friends  · Found Enemies  · Nowhere To Run
Act IV. Tyorma Redemption Trinidad  · Into The Cold  · Deadly Cargo
Act V. Shifting Sands Operation Canyon Storm  · Our Hidden Past  · Desert Flames
Act VI. Shattered Destiny The Long Descent  · Powerless  · Disintegration  · Leading The Blind  · With Violent Intent
Bonus missions Killing Time  · Lian's First Time  · Shadowed  · Behind The Scenes  · Left Behind
Multiplayer maps Canyon  · Casino  · Depot  · Detroit  · SRefinery  · Shanty town  · Village
Multiplayer modes Free for all  · Retrieval  · Rogue agent  · Team deathmatch  · Sabotage
Conflicts Assault on the St. Helens  · Raid on the St. Helens' Wreckage  · Spetsnaz Incursion on Azerbaijan  · Escape from Gebel Tyorma  · Raid on Bitar's Bunker  · Faceoff with al-Jamil  · Assassination of Qwan Tak