Gina Hunter is an Agency pilot recruited by Gabriel Logan alongside Alima Haddad and William Crusher. Fluent in English and Spanish, she had a career with the US Navy and graduated with honors from its academy. By 2001, Hunter had been with the SEALs completing Spec Ops missions, and she joined the IPCA after its founding.
She was active during the Omega Strain incident as a pilot for Gary Stoneman in Italy. Hunter airlifted him out of a villa following the assassination of Mafia leader Dimitri Alexopoulous, and transported other Agency personnel throughout the international investigation of Syphon Filter's sale on the black market.
Haddad's capture and Crusher's death made Hunter the final pilot in Agency reserve, leading her to fly priority assignments in Tokyo and the Ukraine. Hunter survived the incidents but was not an active pilot for the investigations of Project Dark Mirror and the X-Z-2.
Hunter only appears in Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain. She is neither seen or mentioned in the game's two sequels.
Hunter may be one of the few Agency members still alive following the end of Logan's Shadow. The other survivors are Cobra, Gary Stoneman and Lian Xing.
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