Usable only at close range, this device delivers a 100,000 volt charges that overrides the victim's nervous system, disrupting normal electrical signals within the body's nerve fibers. The target instantly loses control of his body and unconsciousness follows shortly.
Syphon Filter 2
The hand taser is a primary weapon for stealth missions in Syphon Filter 2. It can be used in Mackenzie Air Force Base Interior and Exterior, PHARCOM Expo Centre, Morgan, Moscow Club 32, Volkov Park, Gregorov, Aljir Prison Break-In and Aljir Prison Escape. Since it has a very short effective range, players are required to blindside alert victims to properly use it. It is a must to use it on collateral targets. Unlike the air taser, which can either stun or kill victims, it is impossible to use lethal force with it.
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