Syphon Filter Wiki

Sea mine. The Spetsnaz Divers were deploying mines around the St. Helens wreckage. Bishop's minisub had been constructed out of glass fibers to reduce its magnetic signature against such weapons. But the minefield was densver than expected, and his path moved too close to the magnetic sensors. The Spetsnaz were here to find something. Judging by the density of their defensive perimeter, they expected to be here a long time searching for it. Or maybe they were expecting company. - - Gabe Logan

Missile shell. It's hard to believe the Navy would sink its own vessel. Yet I was on the bridge when cruise missiles slammed into the deck. And I heard the radio traffic first - hand. The markings on this missile shell prove it came from a Navy destroyer. However, the cruise missile is a ' beyond - the - horizon ' weapon, meaning that it can be fired from thousands of miles away, without visual confirmation of its target. That leaves open the possibility that the Navy didn't know they were firing on their own ship. It's possible they were firing on a target given by Cordell. - - Gabe Logan

Duct tape. Bishop grew up on an offshore oil rig where he developed most of his anti - authority attitude. It's also where he became a very savvy marine mechanic, learning to fix big or small prblems with anything on hand. Of course, most of the things that needed fixing, Bishop broke in the first place. Since he was forced into ' early retirement ' from British SAS for disciplinary problems, Bishop found only one person willing to hire him; himself. As his own accountant, he became almost dangerously frugal with repair expenditures. On the ocean floor, I found a part that had falle off his minisub. His backup oxygen lines had been held together by duct tape. - - Gabe Logan
