MB-150 | |
Informations | |
Sniper Rifle |
I |
V |
Magazine/ Capacity
10 |
Max Rounds
30 |
Syphon Filter Dark Mirror Syphon Filter Logan's Shadow |
The MB-150 is the IPCA's prototype sniper rifle, and it is also Gabe Logan's most useful and versatile weapon system.
It appears in Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror and Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow. Lian Xing is armed with a modification, the VSS Special, in the former, and Teresa Lipan also uses it in a bonus mission in the latter. Touchstone steals it and uses it against Gabe in Episode 6, Part 2 in Dark Mirror.
It has the ability to fire specialized darts that can be triggered by the user at any time. Types of darts are:
- 6mm shots: General purpose bullets used to take down enemies at extreme range
- Explosives Darts: These will create a minor blast radius that kills multiple enemies, but they make much noise
- X34 Gas Darts: Similar to the explosive darts in that they take out a group of guards, although they are silent
- EDT Darts: Generally used to stealthily neutralise individuals, but firing one into a puddle of water and triggering it will eliminate many patrols positioned inside the puddle.
- In Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror, enemies wearing electronic armour are invincible against explosive darts. This was changed in Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow, allowing players to drop them on their knees.
- This weapon seems to resemble the Heckler and Koch MSG90, more commonly referred to erroneously as the C8 Rifle.
- Even if armoured enemies are killed instantly using explosive darts, the 'Flak jacket' icon would still show up on them, as it usually shows up on such enemies.
- The scope in Dark Mirror has a complete crosshair, while that in Logan's Shadow is incomplete, with an arrow at the bottom indicating where the shot will approximately hit.
- Darts can be removed if the EDSU goggles is equipped and the player is close enough to the initial dart, allowing Gabe, Lian or Teresa to retrieve them.
- It is strikingly similar to the SC-20K from Splinter Cell. Both weapons have a variety of ammunition types, with the MB-150 being used primarily for firefights and the SC-20K being more modular, having a shotgun, sniper rifle or grenade launcher attachment. The latter can be used not only as firepower but also as a reconnaissance instrument.
- According to Teresa, the X34 darts are a variant of Sarin nerve agent, a gas grenade which was available in The Omega Strain, but can also be used in multiplayer in Dark Mirror and Logan's Shadow.
- Enemies may sometimes comment on how amazing the weapon's functions are, and may even use explicit terms such as 'damn'.
- According to the description for Stone's sniper rifle, he has stuck by the weapon for more than 40 years and would never trade it for an MB-150. In fact, Gabe had tried to give him one of these weapons, but he declined the offer.