New York Garage is a multiplayer map in Syphon Filter 2. Available from the start, it is based on the level New York Sewer.
Briefing Info
Sykes Parking Garage: New York
The Agency is slowly buying up huge tracts of real estate in New Yorks' Lower East Side. 'Sykes' is one of the corporate holding names used by the Agency's financial division to hide its ownership. Future plans call for the Agency to control twenty city blocks which surround its underground facilities.
A structural report from the Agency Engineering and Surveying Division notes with some irony that this parking garage was built according to national nuclear defense specifications and was suitable for use as an atomic bomb shelter, notwithstanding that its foundations lay almost directly over the location of Enrico Fermi's original nuclear pile, far below within a sealed off section of the Agency Labs.
China Exhibit ·Colorado Bridge ·D.C. Subway ·Military Base ·New York Slums ·Phagan's Warehouse ·Rhoemer's Fortress ·Washington Park ·Whispering Woods Mortuary