Park Jungle Gym is a multiplayer map in Syphon Filter 2. Available from the start, it is based on the level Washington Park from the first Syphon Filter.
Briefing Info
Washington Park: Washington D.C.
This park monument has no formal title, but is affectionately known to locals as the 'Tank Trap' because its huge blocky concrete design and construction are similar structures the Army Corp of Engineers used during WWII as tank defenses. Their sturdy vertical surfaces were about the only thing tank treads could not climb or knock over.
It's probably this same defensibility that led Rhoemer to choose this particular location as his communication center when he planned his terrorist assault on Washington D.C. It was central, high enough to eliminate interference, and not easily accessible by roam; in all, a good choice. If Rhoemer had chosen a different triggerman, the outcome may have proven very different.
China Exhibit ·Colorado Bridge ·D.C. Subway ·Military Base ·New York Slums ·Phagan's Warehouse ·Rhoemer's Fortress ·Washington Park ·Whispering Woods Mortuary