Syphon Filter Wiki

"I defeated your elite dive team and escaped from your prison. I thought Spetsnaz were supposed to be tough!"

-Gabe Logan taunts Surgei Kudrenko in Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow

The Spetsnaz are the Russian equivalent of US, UK or Australian Special Forces. They appear in Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow, being one of the nations pursuing the X-Z-2. They are also seen in Kuranca conducting genocide at the behest of Surgei Kudrenko.


  • Sergei Kudrenko: Commander-in-chief who was left with burns on most of his body following Gabe Logan's botched initial assassination
  • Sergeyev: Secondary leader who became Kudrenko's right-hand-man following Gabe Logan's assault on their team
  • Maksim Lebedev: Unintentional victim killed by Gabe Logan


  • BTR 90: Armoured personnel carrier seen in Azerbaijan.
  • KA 50: Assault gunship seen in Azerbaijan.
  • Stalker Submarine: Attack submarine seen patrolling St. Helens wreckage.
  • Transport Plane: General purpose cargo transport.