Spooks are a group of enemy combatants in Syphon Filter 2. They were elite squads of Agents from The Agency under the command of Steven Archer to hunt down and kill Gabriel Logan and the G.I. Commandos shot down over the Rocky Mountains.
Although they killed many members of the team, Logan and John Ramirez survived.
Regular Spook
The normal Spooks were soldiers with "average" abilities when it came to the use of firearms. Many missed their shots, though those equipped with sniping weapons were superior shots. They each wore a black ski-mask with a black vest over grey-camouflage equipped with black combat boots and gloves. A few were also given Flak Jackets.
Elite Spook
The Elite Spooks are "Archer's best men". They are far more deadly with their weapons, able to pull off direct hits easily and many are skilled in getting headshots. Most if not all wore Flak Jackets under their clothes, which consisted of a SWAT-styled helmet complete with visor, purple and black full body armor with protection being primarily in the chest.
Spooks had access to various weapons rather than just a basic standard. Their most common weaponry consisted of 9mm handguns and M-16's.
Equipment used:
- 9mm
- M-16
- Flak Jacket
- Grenade
- M-79 Grenade Launcher
- H11
- They cared little for their own safety, as they had attempted many suicide runs against the team.
- While aboard a train, one Spook decided to throw a grenade which ended up destroying part of the train (and killing himself in the process), causing Logan to call the Spook "Idiot!".
- The way they operated varied:
- Spooks were capable of parachuting in on their opponents.
- They would camp out and snipe at their opponents from atop ledges.
- They staged clever ambushes by having what appeared to be "lone guards" wandering around aimlessly, though if an opponent was spotted their crackshot snipers would appear and fire at the enemy.
- The Elites in particular boxed in Logan if he chose to progress through the Crash Site via the inside of the C-130.
- In this same light, if Logan chose to go to the left or right of these tubes he'd be faced with a different ambush either by snipers, M-16 wielders or Elites with M79 grenade launchers.
- Spook is a playable character in Syphon Filter 2's multiplayer, that is available from the start.