Syphon Filter Wiki

Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain Briefings

IPCA European Command: Training Center

IPCA European Command:
Training Center

Agency Memo:        Filed by: Imani Gray, IOC1

Note to all new Agency recruits ranked Field Agent and below: Commander Logan has asked me to run this training facility and teach you everything there is to know about Agency protocol, so that's what I'm going to do. That does not mean I have to like it. Green recruits are a liability in my opinion. Let's see you prove me wrong.

I'm going to cover everything from objectives to environmental hazards and basic navigation techniques. Pay special attention to the weapon and combat training. If you pass the course, I'll add a patrol knife to your load-out. Complete the Advanced Target Range and I'll add the Scorpion. Around here, you earn everything you get, including our respect. You got that?

...//Training_Day_        ..//IPCA:_International_Presidentical_Consulting_Agency_


  • Enter training course
  • Go to the target range and equip a gun (added)
  • Exit the training course (added)
  • Pick up the body (added)
  • Hide the body in a discreet area (added)
  • Bonus - shoot all the targets in under 45 Seconds (added)


  • No collateral damage

Carthage, Michigan: Quarantine Zone

Carthage, Michigan:
Quarantine Zone

Mission Briefing:        Filed by: Imani Gray, IOC1

I need you to prove yourself on this op. I want you to take initiative, figure things out, get the job done on your own. We're paying you to think on your feet, not just shoot off your gun. I'll continue the search for Mujari and Broussard while you get those samples that Dr. E is asking for.

The Carthage Health Authority (CHA) doesn't know we're here and will fire on you, so be careful. To them, you look like another terrorist, but you will NOT return fire on them, got that? Discrete Personnel Elimination (DPE) is authorized for all terrorist targets in the operations area.

Commander Logan suspected this outbreak was a new strain of the Syphon Filter virus. I think he may be right. He wants answers and we're going to get them.

...//Proust_Andre_        ...//ALA:_Anarchiste_Libertaire_Armee_


  • Replace bio-data gear
  • Protect CHA officers (added)
  • Collect 5 water samples (added)
  • Perform field autopsy (added)
  • Scan tissue sample (added)
  • Eliminate Proust (added)
  • Retrieve Broussard's laptop (Team)


  • No collateral damage

Carthage, Michigan: Warehouse District

Carthage, Michigan:
Warehouse District

Mission Briefing:        Filed by: Imani Gray, IOC1

We've learned the Carthage outbreak was the result of a bio-weapons deal between CHA director Broussard and a terrorist group known as Anarchiste Libertaire Armee (ALA). We don't know much about them except they are led by two men: Soren Masson and Jean Fournier, who are threatening to contaminate the Carthage water system. You need to find those viral containers.

Fournier is in direct command of the terrorists in this area, so make him your primary DPE target. Mujari is being held hostage somewhere in the warehouse district. I'll radio when I find him. If he's alive, we're going to get him out of here. Commander Xing has made this very clear: the Agency takes care of its own.

...//Jean_Fournier_        ...//ALA:_Anarchiste_Libertaire_Armee_


  • Stop 3 ALA from contaminating water
  • Collect 3 viral containers from the ALA
  • Eliminate all 4 ALA death squad assassins (added)
  • Eliminate unidentified female ALA (added)
  • Assist Imani by distracting Fournier (added)
  • Eliminate Fournier (added)
  • Hidden objective: Obtain Mujari's recorder (added)
  • Protect CHA officer (added)
  • Provide Imani covering fire (added)


  • No collateral damage

Carthage, Michigan: Carthage Mall

Carthage, Michigan:
Carthage Mall

Mission Briefing:        Filed by: Imani Gray, IOC1

The ALA terrorist leader, Masson, has taken a viral explosive device into the Carthage Mall. He intends to detonate it, taking half the city with him. You have to eliminate him and disarm that device.

The local police are getting butchered. Lock down the mall from the inside and stop more SWAT teams from entering. I don't want this turning into a massacre.

Alima and I are flying Mujari to emergency triage now. He looks pretty bad, but Dr. Weissenger will meet us there. If she can't stop the virus, no one can.

...//Masson_"The_Hawk"_        ...//ALA:_Anarchiste_Libertaire_Armee_


  • Complete DPE order on Masson
  • Lock down mall entrances (added)
  • Disarm both viral explosives (added)
  • Rescue injured SWAT officers (Team)


  • No collateral damage

Pescara, Italy: St Cetteo Square

Pescara, Italy:
St. Cetteo Square

Mission Briefing:        Filed by: Gary Stoneman, IOC2

Dimitri Alexopoulos was not only the head of the Cosa Nostra,the most powerful crime family in Italy, he was also harder to get at than a thirsty tick on a long haired mule. He left his fortified island maybe once a year, and I was lucky enough to be there when it happened. I don't remember why he was in there, a wedding, a baptism? Didn't matter. At 3:00 PM it was going to be his funeral.

My plan was simple: sneak into town without being seen, plant a diversionary bomb, get into position, and make the hit. I might have to break a few necks along the way, 'cause his bodyguards were everywhere. And I like to challenge myself. I carried only one bullet for my sniper rifle, if I couldn't make a hit with one, I should get a new line of work. Or a new rifle: mine was old and beat, but there was no way I was replacing her. We'd been through too much together.

...//Stoneman_Gary_"Stone"    ..//IPCA: Agency_Combat_Chief_


  • Assassinate Dimitri by the bell tower at 3:00 PM
  • Eliminate interfering bodyguards
  • Set decoy explosives
  • Move to extraction point (added)


  • Maintain stealth

Mazyr, Belarus: Krivorozhstal Mill

Mazyr, Belarus:
Krivorozhstal Mill

Mission Briefing:        Filed by: Gary Stoneman, IOC2

In Italy I discovered shipments of infected beef that were supposed to have been shipped to this old steel mill in Belarus. Now what would a rusty, broken down Soviet mill do with contaminated meat? I aim to find out.

The mill foreman's named Dobranski; find him and get some answers, but keep a low profile. This is a covert op and I don't want to fill out any damned paperwork when we get back. The mill workers are collateral targets, so leave them alone. And keep a sharp eye. Something's rotten in Belarus, I can smell it, and it ain't spoiled beef.

...//Zhidkov_Vladimir_        ..//CDP: Chechnyan_Democratic_Partizans_


  • Find Dobranski
  • Eliminate CDP soldiers (added)
  • Escort some workers to safety (added)
  • Take tissue sample from cow carcass (added)
  • Shut off overloading mill machines (added)
  • Disarm stacks explosives (added)
  • Eliminate Zhidkov (added)
  • Take mill documents from safe (added)
  • Escort all workers to safety (Team)


  • No collateral damage (added)

Mazyr, Belarus: Belaya Vezha

Mazyr, Belarus:
Belaya Vezha

Mission Briefing:        Filed by: Gary Stoneman, IOC2

Now this is the kind of investigation I like: shoot first and ask questions later. The Chechen Democratic Partizans (CDP) just picked a fight with the wrong hombre. We're going to hit 'em, and hit 'em hard.

First thing, get your gear: our bird went down in a canyon north of here. Then start hitting their ops out here, that AA tower, comm truck, gas main, anything you find. When I give the word we'll rendezvous at the chateau to tag-team Pulikovsky, the bastard running this show. We'll make him sorry he ever saw us.

I'm going after Alima: A squad's dragging her through the back country towards the chateau. They so much as look cross-eyed at her, I'll break their commie necks.

...//Mikhail_Pulikovsky_    ..//CDP: Chechnyan_Democratic_Partizans_


  • Eliminate Pulikovsky
  • Disable AA tower
  • Shut down gas main
  • Retrieve equipment from crash site
  • Destroy communications truck
  • Obtain sewage sample (added)
  • Destroy power substation (added)
  • Destroy the Scud missile (added)
  • Rescue Stone (added)
  • Retrieve Ivankov's papers (added)
  • Destroy tank (added)
  • Destroy bridge to stop tank (Team)


  • None

Tash, Kumyr, Kyrgyzstan: Saydahmat's Village

Tash, Kumyr, Kyrgystan:
Saydahmat's Village

Mission Briefing:           Filed by: Lian Xing, CO

We knew the CDP arms courier, Yushchenko, had sold a bio-weapon container to the local warlord, a man named Saydahmat. My mission was to infiltrate Saydahmat's stronghold, assassinate him, and retrieve that bio-weapon container. It was not going to be easy because the guards were a little trigger-happy and I had to rely on a flimsy disguise.

Complicating matters, a North Korean agent named Yang had an appointment with Saydahmat's men to purchase the bio-weapon. I had to stop Yang, without being seen or heard. I knew I couldn't use standard weapons because the sound would bring the entire compound down on me. I had to rely on my silent, poisoned throwing stars and, of course, the shadows.

...//Lian_Xing_        ..//IPCA: Agency_Chief_of_Operations


  • Locate arms deal
  • When Samaev has the container, eliminate him (added)
  • Hidden objective: Eliminate Zayed Al Dhahiri (added)
  • Obtain case from Dosbol Samaev (added)
  • Hidden objective: Locate Yushchenko's papers (added)
  • Change into a concubine outfit to fool Yang (added)
  • Give the bio-weapon case to Sok-ju Yang (added)
  • Eliminate Yang (added)
  • Get the container from Sok-ju Yang (added)
  • Locate a more revealing outfit (added)
  • Poison Saydahmat's water chalice (added)
  • Locate sherpa outfit (added)
  • Rendezvous at the extraction zone (added)


  • Maintain stealth (added)
  • Hide bodies (added)

Sana'a, Yemen: Arms Bazaar

Sana'a, Yemen:
Arms Bazaar

Mission Briefing:        Filed by: Ehud Ben Zohar, Mossad

Listen carefully to me my friend for we haven't much time. Yushchenko and his CDP escort are expected sometime within the hour and we have much to accomplish if our ambush is going to be successful. I know Logan does not trust me, but you shall help me regain his respect, eh?

First, you must gain entrance to the restricted section of the arms market. For this you must obtain credentials. Then you must shut down all communication devices, we do not want them to warn the Chechens. While you do this, I will be preparing the explosives for the ambush. I will radio you when all is prepared.

The Yemeni Liberation Authority (YLA) are not to be taken lightly, especially when they are led by al-Hassan and his murderous attack dog Khorsh. We will deal with them later.

...//Khorsh_Walid_Abdul_    ..//YLA: Yemeni_Liberation_Authority_


  • Enter the arms market with credentials
  • Eliminate the VIP to obtain credentials (added)
  • Hidden objective: Photograph Fadhil's files (added)
  • Destroy communications equipment (added)
  • Eliminate Khorsh (added)
  • Obtain Zohar's explosives (added)
  • Hidden objective: Obtain Thae-bok Jon's credentials (added)
  • Obtain video tape evidence (added)
  • Eliminate Khorsh's thugs (added)
  • Deliver explosives to Zohar (added)
  • Eliminate Yushchenko (added)
  • Eliminate Yushchenko's bodyguards (added)


  • Maintain stealth

Sana'a, Yemen: Taherir Palace

Sana'a, Yemen:
Taherir Palace

Mission Briefing:        Filed by: Ehud Ben Zohar, Mossad

I am sorry for the deception, my friend, but I knew Logan would never allow one of his agents to assist me with a Mossad assassination unless he was 'persuaded.' I assure you I will hand over Yushchenko's viral container just as soon as you have helped me accomplish my mission.

Correct timing is critical to our success. Once you are in the security station you must find a way to rearm yourself, but do not allow the guards to sound the alarm. My meeting with al-Hassan will be monitored so you will know when al-Hassan is dead. At that point you must make your way to the upper balcony to provide me with covering fire while I search for al-Hassan's papers. Do you understand? May fortune smile on us both.

...//al-Hassan_Fatha_        ..//YLA: Yemeni_Liberation_Authority_


  • Eliminate security room guards within 5 minutes
  • Retrieve weapons from security cage
  • Provide cover fire for Zohar (added)
  • Jump to extraction chopper (added)
  • Destroy Scud firing mechanism (Team)


  • Do not sound alarm before al-Hassan is dead
  • No collateral damage (added)

Minsk, Belarus: International University

Minsk, Belarus:
International University

Mission Briefing:        Filed by: Maggie Powers, MI6

I've unearthed evidence during my surveillance of Dr. Jandran suggesting he is somehow involved with the Omega Strain. Jandran's just now left the University where his laboratory is hidden. Your job is to break in and do some snooping about.

First, plant the viral sniffers your agency provided, then go to my safehouse and obtain your equipment. It is absolutely essential that Jandran's security forces not learn of our presence or they will destroy evidence. They have snipers on the rooftops, so stay in the shadows.

Also, we've no evidence University personnel are involved. They seem completely separate from Jandran's security, so hands off. You do not have a license to kill innocents while on my watch. MI6 allowed me to assist with this op because I vouched for Logan, an old friend. I will count on you to uphold his level of professionalism.

...//Fire_Soldiers        ..//CDP: Chechnyan_Democratic_Partizans_


  • Retrieve mission gear from safehouse
  • Deploy viral sniffers at marked locations
  • Download MetaGlobal's records (added)
  • Bug all MetaGlobal containers (added)
  • Plant Agency surveillance gear (added)
  • Deploy a beacon inside the refrigerated truck (added)
  • Use emergency gas shutoff valve (added)
  • Use elevator to enter the labs (added)
  • Acquire Omega Strain serum (added)
  • Fall back to the streets for extraction (added)


  • No collateral damage
  • Maintain stealth

Samashki, Chechnya: Ivankov's Home

Samashki, Chechnya:
Ivankov's Home

Mission Briefing:        Filed by: Lawrence Mujari, ACO

Our investigation into the CDP raised several troubling questions. They were in the wrong, of course, as were all terrorist groups who preyed on the innocent to achieve their ends. But what of their allegations? What drives men to such lengths? I was sent to this small Chechen village, the home of CDP leader Mikhas Ivankov, to discover the truth.

My mission was a simple one: to collect evidence, whatever it might be, of atrocities committed against the Chechen people. This would not be as easy as it seemed since I refused to take the lives of others if it could be avoided, even Russian soldiers. I would use the darkness to mask my presence and not rely on brute force. There was enough of that in the world already.

...//Lawrence_Mujari        ..//IPCA: Agency_Assistant_Chief_of_Operations


  • Photograph the bombed school
  • Photograph the bombed church
  • Photograph the bombed hospital
  • Photograph the 3 mass graves (added)
  • Obtain the code from Ivankov's house (added)
  • Photograph Uri Gregorav (added)
  • Rescue the CDP hostage (added)
  • Collect tissue sample from villager (added)
  • Free Chechen prisoners (added)
  • Get to the extraction point (added)


  • Do not use lethal force
  • Maintain stealth

North Atlantic: Lorelei Salvage Rig

North Atlantic:
Lorelei Salvage Rig

Mission Briefing:        Filed by: Lawrence Mujari, ACO

Discovering the barnacle encrusted viral containers marked SS Lorelei in Jandran's laboratories was a significant breakthrough. Logan had thought that sending the remaining stocks of Syphon Filter virus to the bottom of the Atlantic would insure their destruction, but one should never under-estimate the determination of men bent on an unjust cause.

And yes, I appreciate the irony in my accepting this mission. The nuclear device we carry represents more destructive power than that of all our terrorist enemies combined. But though I am a pacifist by nature and always encourage peaceful solutions, I am a realist. To eradicate this virus forever will take extreme acts of violence. But rest assured, though we come to destroy this facility, I will give the workers here ample warning to leave, sparing their lives.

...//Nikolai_Jandran_        ..//MGF: Meta_Global_Scientist


  • Locate salvage personnel uniform on level 2
  • Obtain access codes on level 5 (added)
  • Infiltrate restricted level 13 (added)
  • Collect original virus sample (added)
  • Open level 2 security door for Mujari (added)
  • Activate emergency pump system within 3 minutes (added)
  • Rescue level 5 salvage personnel (added)
  • Provide covering fire for Mujari (added)
  • Locate launch override switch on level 13 (added)
  • Administer medication to Dr. Jandran (added)
  • Infiltrate lower levels (added)
  • Plant four nukes on the lower levels (added)
  • Rendezvous on the level 13 mini-sub docking bay (added)
  • Eliminate threat on level 13 (added)


  • Maintain stealth until meeting Mujari
  • No collateral damage

Tokyo, Japan: Murakawa Tower

Tokyo, Japan:
Murakawa Tower

Mission Briefing:        Filed by: Lian Xing, AOC

The mission's off to a rocky start but with some determination we can still pull this off. Once Gina gets this chopper repaired, I'm going to complete my objectives, then wait for your signal. You have to infiltrate Murakawa's tower, get to his office, located on the upper high security floor, and then to the rooftop to secure our LZ.

With any luck, Murakawa's men will think we are part of this Higashi no Takibi (HNT) attack I orchestrated, and they won't be up there destroying evidence. When I was working undercover I got enough information to confirm Murakawa has another Syphon Filter lab in his building somewhere, and we're going to find it. Take extra care though, these Yakuza will fight to the death, I know.

...//Ryusaki_Iwao    ..//Yakuza_    ...//Murakawa_Industries_


  • Defend chopper while Gina repairs damage
  • Secure rooftop LZ
  • Infiltrate Murakawa Tower (added)
  • Eliminate Yakuza officers (added)
  • Eliminate HNT leader Matsua (added)
  • Eliminate head of security: Ryusaki (added)
  • Breach security without triggering alarm (added)
  • Upload computer data (added)
  • Search building for surveillance tape (added)
  • Obtain sample (added)
  • Plant C-4 charges on lab floor (added)
  • Meet Lian on the helipad (added)


  • None

Taguang, Myanmar: Irawaddy Basin

Taguang, Myanmar:
Irawaddy Basin

Mission Briefing:        Filed by: Lian Xing, COO

I feel partly responsible for Imani's death, we tossed a coin to see who would follow the North Korean agent, Yong-jun Kim, and who would lead that mission into the Murakawa building. If I had lost that coin toss, it would be me out there rotting in this jungle. We're taking her home with us. That's the least I can do.

First we have other work to do. On your way to the plane wreckage, plant these claymores. You're going to have the entire Myanmar rebel army chasing you on the way back and I want to be ready for them. Then find Kim's body and get the briefcase he was carrying. I want to know who was buying those NK nukes. And remember, by downing a commercial airliner and killing one of ours, these bastards have declared war on us. Eliminate them all.

...//Muang_Than_        ..//SLORC: State_Law_and_Order_Restoration_Council_


  • Find Yong-jun Kim
  • Find Imani Gray's remains at crash site
  • Plant four claymores along path
  • Eliminate Than Muang (added)
  • Plant C-4 on foot bridge (added)
  • Plant C-4 on each log bridge (added)
  • Eliminate MetaGlobal terrorist (added)
  • Find Yong-jun Kim's briefcase (added)
  • Take tracking device from Agent Gray's body (added)
  • Destroy radar tracking unit (added)
  • Recover viral container (added)
  • Take documents from terrorist (added)
  • Rendezvous at river boat with Agent Gray's body (added)
  • Recover flight recorder (Team)


  • None

Zurich, Switzerland: Niculescu Funds Tower

Zurich, Switzerland:
Niculescu Funds Tower

Mission Briefing:        Filed by: Gabe Logan, CIC

I'm convinced Niculescu is behind Meta Global Funds and is the man who has been behind Syphon Filter from the very beginning. Washington has forbidden me from even approaching him, and Lian thinks I am risking the entire Agency by breaking into Niculescu's headquarters. At this point, I don't care. Stopping Niculescu is all that matters. Nothing will get in my way.

While I go upstairs and search his office, you will be searching the bank area below. You'll need to deal with security first, the video system, the alarms, and laser systems. Do not harm the guards: I don't want any collateral damage on this op. I hand picked you to help on this mission. You've proven I can count on you.

...//Mihai_Niculescu_        ..//MGF: CEO_of_Meta_Global_Funds_LTD.


  • Access the main frame computer
  • Plant camera transceivers (added)
  • Power up emergency elevators (added)
  • Hidden objective: Obtain ALA financial records (added)
  • Bypass red laser alarm system (added)
  • Insert data transmitters (added)
  • Search vaults on 3rd floor (added)
  • Obtain security chief's handprint and bypass security system (added)
  • Search the vault on 4th floor (added)
  • Hidden objective: Obtain Birchim files (added)
  • Rendezvous at the last vault on level 4 (added)


  • No collateral damage
  • Maintain stealth

Budva, Montenegro: Niculescu's Villa Estate

Budva, Montenegro:
Niculescu's Villa Estate

Mission Briefing:        Filed by: Gabe Logan, CIC

For the first time in my career, I was beginning to have doubts. I had been so sure that I would find the answers in Zurich: proof that Niculescu was the man behind Syphon Filter. But I had failed. All we found in Zurich were crates filled with paintings marked for shipment to Niculescu's villa estate.

I had one last chance to prove that my hunch was correct. I borrowed high tech gear from a friend in the Advanced Combat Research Group and headed to Budva. I knew that if I didn't find answers here, I was finished. I would have to move slowly, avoid being seen, avoid killing anyone, at least until I had proof Niculescu was behind the conspiracy. After that, all bets were off. I was so close to getting Niculescu, I could taste it.

...//Mara_Aramov_        ..//MGF: Partner_of_Meta_Global_Funds_LTD.


  • Find evidence linking Niculescu to Syphon Filter
  • Stop Mara Aramov's execution (added)
  • Hidden objective: Locate Niculescu's files on Mara Aramov (added)
  • Find the key to Niculescu's bedroom (added)


  • Maintain stealth

Kiev, Ukraine: Chechen Terrorist Base

Kiev, Ukraine:
Chechen Terrorist Base

Mission Briefing:        Filed by: Lian Xing, CO

We don't have much time. Ivankov has a nuclear armed missile somewhere beneath the military base and the CDP have made it very clear they intend to launch against Moscow. This is a straight forward military op.

Your primary task is personnel control. I want you to sweep the complex looking for Ivankov's top brass and eliminate them. We'll try to break the terrorists' morale before the fire fight begins.

Stone will be planting C-4 in strategic locations to mask our escape. Gabe is going to head directly into the silo to bypass ground security completely. I'm going to sweep the forest area and keep the LZ clear. Good luck.

...//Mikhas_Ivankov_        ..//CDP: Head_of_Chechnyan_Democratic_Partizans_


  • Eliminate Ivankov's top four lieutenants (added)
  • Provide cover fire for Stone (added)
  • Disable helicopter flight controls (added)
  • Bring Alima Haddad to safety (added)
  • Provide covering fire for Gabe in the silo (added)
  • Find Omega Strain DNA code (added)
  • Stop missile from launching (Team)


  • None

Main Characters Anton Girdeux  · Edward Benton  · Erich Rhoemer  · Gabriel Logan  · Jonathan Phagan  · Lian Xing  · Mara Aramov  · Thomas Markinson
Minor Characters Alec Kabanov  · Ellis  · Jenkins  · Jorge Marcos  · Pavel Kravitch  · Richard Erikson  · Vince Hadden  · Vladislav Gabrek
Enemies Georgia Street Terrorists  · Flaming Enemy  · Girdeux's Terrorists  · Pharcom Bodyguards
Organizations Black Baton  · CBDC  · Pharcom  · The Agency
Missions Georgia Street  · Destroyed Subway  · Main Subway Line  · Washington Park  · Freedom Memorial  · Expo Center Reception  · Expo Center Dinorama  · Rhoemer's Base  · Base Bunker  · Base Tower  · Base Escape  · Rhoemer's Stronghold  · Stronghold Lower Level  · Stronghold Catacombs  · Pharcom Warehouses  · Pharcom Elite Guards  · Warehouse 76  · Silo Access Tunnels  · Tunnel Blackout  · Missile Silo
Weaponry 9mm  · .45  · Air Taser  · BIZ-2  · C4 Explosive  · Combat shotgun · G-18  · Gas Grenade Grenade  · HK-5  · K3G4 Assault Rifle  · M-16  · M-79  · Nightvision rifle  · PK-102  · Shotgun  · Sniper Rifle
Gadgets Card Key  · Flak Jacket  · Flashlight  · Viral Antigen  · Viral Scanner
Vehicles UH-60 Blackhawk
Conflicts Washington D.C. Attack  · First Investigation of PHARCOM  · Destruction of Rhoemer's Base  · Sabotage of Rhoemer's Cathedral  · Kazakhstan Missile Incident
Transcipts Georgia Street  · Destroyed Subway  · Main Subway Line  · Washington Park  · Freedom Memorial  · Expo Center Reception  · Expo Center Dinorama  · Rhoemer's Base  · Base Bunker  · Base Tower  · Base Escape  · Rhoemer's Stronghold  · Stronghold Lower Level  · Stronghold Catacombs  · Pharcom Warehouses  · Pharcom Elite Guards  · Warehouse 76  · Silo Access Tunnels  · Tunnel Blackout  · Missile Silo
Main Characters Dillon Morgan  · Elsa Weissinger  · Gabriel Logan  · Jason Chance  · Lawrence Mujari  · Lian Xing  · Lyle Stevens  · Mara Aramov  · Steven Archer  · Teresa Lipan  · Thomas Holman  · Thomas Markinson  · Uri Gregorov
Minor Characters Carter  · Colorado Bridge Bombing Commander  · Davies  · Derek Falkan  · Dobson  · Eschelman  · Ferguson  · Gershon  · Imposter Gregorov  · John Ramirez  · Jonathan Phagan  · Kowalski  · Mr. Cochran  · Shi-Hao  · Thompson  · Unnamed Airman  · Unnamed Doctor  · Vince Hadden  · Vladimir Nedobryi
Missions Colorado Mountains  · McKenzie Airbase Interior  · Colorado Interstate 70  · I-70 Mountain Bridge  · McKenzie Airbase Exterior  · Colorado Train Ride  · Colorado Train Race  · C-130 Wreck Site  · Pharcom Expo Center  · Morgan  · Moscow Club 32  · Moscow Streets  · Volkov Park  · Gregorov  · Aljir Prison Break-In  · Aljir Prison Escape  · Agency Bio-Lab  · Agency Bio-Lab Escape  · New York Slums  · New York Sewer  · Finale
Locations Club 32  · McKenzie Airbase  · Rocky Mountains, Colorado
Terrorists Spooks  · Unit one
Multiplayer Abandoned Bank  · Catacombs  · Kazakhstan Warehouses  · New York Garage  · New York Slums  · Park Hedge Maze  · Park Jungle Gym  · Pharcom Expo Center (multiplayer)  · Rooftops (multiplayer)  · Small Village (multiplayer)
Weaponry .45  · 9mm  · 12 Gauge  · Air Taser  · BIZ-2  · C-4 Explosive  · Combat Knife  · Crossbow  · G-18  · H11  · Hand Taser  · HK-5  · Incendiary Grenade  · K3G4 Assault Rifle  · M-16  · M-79  · Nerve Gas Grenade  · Nightvision rifle  · PK-102  · Sniper Rifle  · Tear Gas Launcher  · The Flame-Thrower  · UAS-12  ·
Gadgets Binoculars  · Camera Scrambler  · Cellular Modem  · Flak Jacket  · Flashlight  · Nightvision Goggles  · Transponder Locator
Vehicles C-130 Hercules  · F-22 Raptor
Conflicts Raid on the C-130 Wreckage  · Escape from Mackenzie Air Force Base  · Second Investigation of PHARCOM  · Meeting with Uri Gregorav imposter  · Rescue of Uri Gregorav  · Search for Syphon Filter antidote  · Escape from New York City
Main Characters Gabriel Logan  · Lian Xing
Minor Characters Ellis  · Nigel Cummings  · Silvers
Missions Hotel Fukushima  · Costa Rican Plantation  · C5 Galaxy Transport  · Pugari Gold Mine  · Pugari Complex  · Kabul Afghanistan  · S.S. Lorelei  · Aztec Ruins  · Waterfront  · Docks Final Assault  · Convoy  · The Beast  · Australian Outback  · St. George Australia  · Paradise Ridge  · Militia Compound  · Underground Bunker  · Senate Building  · DC Subway
Weaponry .45  · 9mm  · Air Taser  · AU300 Heavy Barrel  · BIZ-2  · Combat Knife  · Crossbow  · Falcon  · G-18  · H11  · HK-5  · K3G4  · M-16  · M-79  · MARS  · Nightvision rifle  · PK-102  · Shotgun  · Spyder  · Tear Gas Launcher  · UAS-12
Multiplayer maps Afghanistan  · Computer center  · Izmalavio Park  · McKenzie Air Force Base  · Paradise Ridge  · Rhoemer's Stronghold  · S.S. Lorelei  · Training Simulator  ·
Multiplayer characters Agency operative  · Anton Girdeux  · Bag Lady  · CBDC operative  · Corpse  · Elsa Weissinger  · Erich Rhoemer  · Evil scientist  · Gabe Logan  · John Ramirez  · Jonathan Phagan  · Jorge Marcos  · Lawrence Mujari  · Lian Xing  · Mara Aramov  · Military Police  · Monk  · Ninja Gabe  · Russian Bodyguard  · Spook  · SWAT Officer  · Teresa Lipan  · Terrorist  · Unit One  · Uri Gregorov  · Virtual test subject  · Vladislav Gabrek
Minigame types Assassination  · Biathlon  · Demolition  · Elimination  · Thief
Minigame maps China Exhibit  · Colorado Bridge  · D.C. Subway  · Military Base  · New York Slums  · Phagan's Warehouse  · Rhoemer's Fortress  · Washington Park  · Whispering Woods Mortuary
Conflicts Assassination of Shi Hao  · Costa Rican Incident  · Investigation of Pugari Complex  · Soviet-Afghan War  · First Destruction of the SS Lorelei  · Investigation of Erich Rhoemer  · Abduction of Elsa Weissenger  · Assassination of Commander Silvers  · Paradise Ridge Incident  · Attempted Apprehension of Mara Aramov
Main Characters Gabriel Logan  · Lawrence Mujari  · Lian Xing  · Mara Aramov  · Teresa Lipan
Minor Characters Alima Haddad  · Andre Proust  · Elsa Weissinger  · Gary Stoneman  · Gina Hunter  · Imani Gray  ·Jean Fournier  · Maggie Powers  · Mikhail Pulikovsky  · Mikhas Ivankhov  · Oleg Petrenko  · Rodion Ushakov  · Soren Masson  · Vladik Savin  · Vladimir Zhidkov  · William Crusher  · Yegor Leonov  · Yuschenko
Missions IPCA European Command: Training Centre  · Carthage, Michigan: Quarantine Zone  · Carthage, Michigan: Warehouse District  · Carthage, Michigan: Carthage Mall  · Pescara, Italy: St Cetteo's Square  · Mazyr, Belarus: Krivorozhstal Mill  · Mazyr, Belarus: Belaya Vezha  · Tash, Kumyr, Kyrgysztan: Saydahmat's Village  · Sana'a, Yemen: Arms Bazaar  · Sana'a, Yemen: Taherir Palace  · Minsk, Belarus: International University  · Samaschki, Chechnya: Ivankov's Home  · North Atlantic: Lorelei Salvage Rig  · Tokyo, Japan: Murukawa Tower  · Taguang, Myanmar: Irawaddy Basin  · Zurich, Switzerland: Niculescu Funds Tower  · Budva, Montenegro: Niculescu's Villa Estate  · Kiev, Ukraine: Chechen Terrorist Base
Organizations IPCA
Weaponry Beta Weapons  · C11  · China Type 56  · Combat shotgun  · FAL  · FAMAS  · G 33E  · GAWS 12 gauge  · K-BAR  · M1 Super 90  · Riot shotgun  · Shot Defender  · ShotHammer  · Silenced . 44  · Slug Defender  · SlugHammer  · SPA-12 shotgun  · SPA-15 shotgun  · Stava M70 B1  · SSG 550  · Sweeper 12 gauge
Conflicts ALA Assault on Carthage  · Assassination of Dimitri  · Sabotage of CDP Operations  · Transaction on Kyrgysztan  · Assault on Yemen  · Raid on Jandran's Labs  · Investigation of Chechen Genocide  · Second Destruction of the SS Lorelei  · Assault on Murukawa Industries  · Recovery of Imani Grey  · Raid on Meta Global Headquarters  · Raid on Niculescu's Estate  · Showdown with the CDP  · Assassination of Mara Aramov and Elsa Weissenger
Main Characters Gabriel Logan  · Lawrence Mujari  · Lian Xing  · Teresa Lipan
Weaponry K-BAR  · SG-10 Bolt Pistol  · Silenced . 44  · SSP 90
Act I. Cargo Hold 5 Pirates of Somalia  · Going Under  · Ocean's Five  · Sea of Darkness
Act II. Terminal Drift What Lies Below  · Depths of Darkness  · Dead Currents  · Drowning
Act III. Crimson Flood Missing Friends  · Found Enemies  · Nowhere To Run
Act IV. Tyorma Redemption Trinidad  · Into The Cold  · Deadly Cargo
Act V. Shifting Sands Operation Canyon Storm  · Our Hidden Past  · Desert Flames
Act VI. Shattered Destiny The Long Descent  · Powerless  · Disintegration  · Leading The Blind  · With Violent Intent
Bonus missions Killing Time  · Lian's First Time  · Shadowed  · Behind The Scenes  · Left Behind
Multiplayer maps Canyon  · Casino  · Depot  · Detroit  · SRefinery  · Shanty town  · Village
Multiplayer modes Free for all  · Retrieval  · Rogue agent  · Team deathmatch  · Sabotage
Conflicts Assault on the St. Helens  · Raid on the St. Helens' Wreckage  · Spetsnaz Incursion on Azerbaijan  · Escape from Gebel Tyorma  · Raid on Bitar's Bunker  · Faceoff with al-Jamil  · Assassination of Qwan Tak