Syphon Filter Wiki

This page is dedicated to having a complete and written transcript of all dialogues in Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain. The page will include cutscenes, radio transmissions, PDA radio logs, conversations, all awards commentaries, quick chat messages and all possible dialogue spoken by particular characters in battle or specific situations. The game contains foreign languages in addition to English, and most of these dialogs are accompanied by English subtitles, in which case they will be presented in "[ ]". However, they are not always in the game and don't coincide with a speech all the time. For that reason, a more accurate translation or an addition to official subtitles will be presented in "( )".

Each mission has the following sub-sections:

  • Start cutscene: mission's opening cutscene.
  • Main plot: all dialogues spoken during the main story line and all possible alternative conversations.
  • PDA radio logs: all dialogues spoken in PDA radio log menu
  • Wrong actions: all dialogues spoken during mission failure or an action which contradicts the main story. Sometimes PDAs can be included.
  • Character quotes: all lines spoken by specific characters during battles.
  • Unused main plot: all unused main plot dialogues which should have been used in this mission, but which were ultimately scrapped.
  • Unused PDA radio logs: all unused PDA radio logs dialogues which should have been used in this mission, but which were ultimately scrapped.
  • Unused character quotes: all unused character quotes which should have been spoken in this mission, but which were ultimately scrapped.
  • Extra cutscene: mission's extra cutscene.
  • End cutscene: mission's ending cutscene.

Depending on the mission, some sub-sections can be missing.

Special thanks

Person responsible Contribution
  • Providing Russian translations
  • Updating the whole page
"Kayael" Providing French translations
"Leyo" Providing Arabic translations
"Sal_89" (Taser God) Providing Italian translations
Providing German translations
Providing Korean translations
Providing Japanese translations
Providing Swiss and German translations
Providing Burmese translations


The Omega Strain

Fade in to the exterior of Zurich, Switzerland, where the Niculescu funds tower is visible. It's raining, and peals of thunder boom, with flashes of lightning. Vehicles flash past as we pan up. A siren is heard.

Intercut to an upper level.

Zurich, Switzerland: Niculescu Funds Tower

Mara: You must miss me terribly to bring me here at such expense...
Niculescu: Perceptive creature, Mara dear... but this is business. Ivankov has decided to go into business for himself.
Mara: I warned you the man was another Stalin. There's nothing I can do.

Niculescu: (goes to a painting and grabs it) You and I are much alike. We use things until they are worn, and then... (tosses the painting to the floor)
Mara: (goes to the fallen painting) Alright, Mihai. I will deal with him, IF I can find him.

Cut to Pescara, Italy: St Cetteo's Square. Camera pans down from a high angle as we hear the Belarus 2 ambient theme song.

Pescara, Italy: St Cetteo Square

Camera enters a room, showing the floor with a briefcase on it.

Niculescu: It shouldn't be difficult. The new virus appears rather unstable, but Ivankov does not seem to care. He has someone making the arms, selling it anywhere. We won't know where he's coming next... but we'll know where he's been.

An arm drops near the briefcase.
Man: *Death moan*

Transit to:

Carthage, Michigan: Quarantine Zone

A dead body is seen with its arm in the same position as the man in Italy. CHA officers are on the scene.

CHA Officer 1: Where's Broussard? Has anyone seen Broussard?
Lawrence: Events are becoming complicated. The Carthage Health Authority is not cooperating. At this moment, I'm waiting to interview Broussard. If my suspicions prove correct, we may all be in grave danger. My preliminary findings suggest-
 (gunshot, screen cuts out)

Berlin, Germany: IPCA Agency European Command

Establishing shot. Zeus Files main theme plays.


Teresa: That was Mujari's final report. His cell phone went dead four hours ago. Gabe?
Gabe: Thanks, Teresa. Alright. I'm sending Imani with another team to Carthage to find him. Stone, you investigate the outbreak in Italy. Lian and I will go to Uganda.
Lian: Everyone will be briefed individually on their assignments. That's it.
Teresa: Hey, you guys? I know you don't wanna hear it, but I need information as soon as you get it. Check in once in a while.
Imani: That means you, Stone.
Stone: Whatever you say, darlin'.
Alima: I'll make sure he pipes in.
Teresa: Thanks, Alima. Get going.
Stone: What?
Alima: Leave Imani alone.
Imani: What are you standin' around for? Head to your locker and get loaded up. Weapons check before you board my chopper so your gear better shine.
Gabe: One more thing. Each of you were hand-picked to join this team. This threat is growing. We're the only ones who have a chance to stop it. I'm counting on you. Thanks.

Demo Trailer 1

Crush: ETA: 1 minute.
Lian: I'm worried, Gabe. You're letting this get to you!
Gabe: Someone's behind this.
Teresa: That's Russian for White Tower.
Gabe: Lian, you go to Tokyo. Take Imani with you. Stone, you're with me. Someone's behind this.

Demo Trailer 2

Niculescu: The new virus appears rather unstable.

We see Jandran's assistant dead on a table. Intercut to show a Syphon Filter viron under a microscope.

Gabe: This threat is growing.

We see Carthage, Michigan: Quarantine Zone as it appears at the beginning of the cutscene. Intercut to show the Niculescu funds tower at the start of the game.

Broussard: The situation has changed! This thing is out of control.

Intercut to show two agents inside the IPCA building while Broussard speaks. Transit to the Murakawa tower rooftop.

Lawrence: Events are becoming complicated.

Intercut to show Niculescu standing at a window near his table.

Niculescu: Ivankov has decided to go into business for himself.

Intercut to show the Ukraine terrorist base. Slam to show the mill in Belarus.

Lawrence: We may all be in grave danger.

The arm of a body drops to the ground somewhere in Italy. We see Imani with a pistol drawn somewhere in Carthage.

Imani: Let's take 'em out. Find those viral containers.
Stone: You've gotta stop 'em if possible. We might need him alive.
Lian: You heard the lady, buy...
CDP Soldier 1: Пошли! Пошли! (Move! Move!)
Pulikovsky: В Криворожстали что-то не в порядке. (Something has gone wrong at Krivorozhstal.)
Warren: The threat of global biological war, will of course affect us all.
Gabe: We're the only ones who have a chance to stop it.
Crush: ETA: 1 minute.
Teresa: I'll be damned! Someone's running a deep sea salvage operation.
Niculescu: There are always opportunities, Mr. Logan. Always.
Zohar: That is the deal, Logan, take it or leave it.
Gabe: Alright, Zohar.
Lian: Gabe, you can't! You're gonna jeopardize the entire Agency!
Gabe: This is something I have to do myself.
Lawrence: A nuclear device on this vessel will detonate in one hour. You have till then to make your escape.
Lian: This is gonna push him over the edge.
Niculescu: I can't be touched and you know it!
Gabe: I failed. *Illegible speech*

IPCA European Command - Training Center

Mission: Main plot

Imani: Good work, Cobra.

Imani: Make your way to the shooting range and practice the different types of weapons I've set up for you.

Imani: Climb over that.

Imani: Every mission has a mission deadline, which you have to beat if you want achieve the highest ranks in this agency. Some missions also have team deadlines. To beat the deadline, you have to complete all of the objectives for that mission before the mission deadline timer expires.

Imani: Roll under that.

Go the dead end

Imani: You're going the wrong way.

Imani: If it gets too dark, use your flashlight, but be careful, they'll be able to spot you easier.

Imani: You can climb that ladder.

Imani: Shimmy across that.

Imani: You can interact with that.

Imani: Stay away from fire. We got enough trouble without having to get you a medivac.

Imani: I want you to pick up that body and hide it. Some missions require you to do this under fire, other times; you have to hide bodies to prevent patrols from knowing you've been there.

Imani: The first part of the mission is complete. Good work.

Imani: You need to use IR goggles down here. They'll spot your flashlight.

Imani: To earn the bonus weapon you have to hit all the targets before the timer expires. Rapid and accurate targeting is an essential skill in the field.

Pick up armor crate

Imani: You can pick up that armor.

Pick up ammo crate

Imani: You can pick up that ammo.

Imani: The training mission is now complete. Are you ready for a real mission yet?

Mission: PDA radio logs

Imani: Welcome to the training course

Imani: Note to all new Agency recruits ranked Field Agent and below: Commander Logan has asked me to run this training facility and teach you everything I can about Agency protocol, so that's what I'm gonna do. That does not mean I have to like it. Green recruits are a liability in my opinion. Let's see you prove me wrong.

Mission: Wrong actions

Stay for 30 seconds

Imani: You haven't completed any objectives. Start pulling your weight.


Imani: Cobra's down. Repeat, Cobra is down. / Cobra's down!

Fail to shoot all the targets or kill the collateral target

Imani: Cobra has blown an objective.

Mission: Unused main plot

Imani: You can't open that door.

Imani: You can jump there.

Imani: You're almost out of ammo. Switch to another weapon or find some more.

Imani: You're out of ammo. Switch to another weapon or find some more.

Imani: Get down!

Imani: Get moving!

Imani: Roll!

Imani: You lose any more blood; you're not going to be much use to me. Take more evasive action.

Imani: Your flak jacket is getting pretty torn up. You better find another one.

Imani: You're taking too many hits. Find some cover.

Imani: You're taking a lotta damage. Try rolling.

Imani: Try to stay off the tracks. The terrorists are running the subways, and they're not stoppin' for anyone.

Imani: Watch out for sniper fire. Those guys are taking headshots.

Imani: Use flash bang grenades to blind them. It really messes up their IR.

Mission: Unused character quotes

Imani Gray

  • For this mission, I'm assigning you the code name Cobra.
  • For this mission, I'm assigning you the code name Python.
  • For this mission, I'm assigning you the code name Viper.
  • For this mission, I'm assigning you the code name Dragon.
  • Cobra has just joined the mission.
  • Python has just joined the mission.
  • Viper has just joined the mission.
  • Dragon has just joined the mission.
  • Cobra has left the mission.
  • Python has left the mission.
  • Viper has left the mission.
  • Dragon has left the mission.
  • Cobra has been removed from the mission.
  • Python has been removed from the mission.
  • Viper has been removed from the mission.
  • Dragon has been removed from the mission.
  • Cobra outranks you, so pay attention.
  • Python outranks you, so pay attention.
  • Viper outranks you, so pay attention.
  • Dragon outranks you, so pay attention.
  • Everyone outranks you, so pay attention.
  • Almost everyone outranks you, so pay attention.
  • You're the highest-ranking agent on this mission, so show 'em what to do.
  • Cobra has a higher clearance level than you, so watch and learn.
  • Python has a higher clearance level than you, so watch and learn.
  • Viper has a higher clearance level than you, so watch and learn.
  • Dragon has a higher clearance level than you, so watch and learn.
  • Everyone has a higher clearance level than you, so watch and learn.
  • Almost everyone has a higher clearance level than you, so watch and learn.
  • Cobra's injured. Repeat, Cobra is injured.
  • Python's injured. Repeat, Python is injured.
  • Viper's injured. Repeat, Viper is injured.
  • Dragon's injured. Repeat, Dragon is injured.
  • Python's down. Repeat, Python is down.
  • Viper's down. Repeat, Viper is down.
  • Dragon's down. Repeat, Dragon is down.
  • To find your way in dark areas, use your personal illumination device but be careful, enemies will be able to spot you easier when you have it turned on.
  • Python's down!
  • Viper's down!
  • Dragon's down!
  • Cobra, you've just blown our stealth. Be more careful.
  • Python, you've just blown our stealth. Be more careful.
  • Viper, you've just blown our stealth. Be more careful.
  • Dragon, you've just blown our stealth. Be more careful.
  • Python has blown an objective.
  • Viper has blown an objective.
  • Dragon has blown an objective.
  • Cobra, I said no collateral damage.
  • Python, I said no collateral damage.
  • Viper, I said no collateral damage.
  • Dragon, I said no collateral damage.
  • Good work, Python.
  • Good work, Viper.
  • Good work, Dragon.
  • Use your head, Cobra.
  • Use your head, Python.
  • Use your head, Viper.
  • Use your head, Dragon.
  • Stop screwing up, Cobra.
  • Stop screwing up, Python.
  • Stop screwing up, Viper.
  • Stop screwing up, Dragon.
  • Cobra's out of control!
  • Python's out of control!
  • Viper's out of control!
  • Dragon's out of control!
  • Cobra's screwing up!
  • Python's screwing up!
  • Viper's screwing up!
  • Dragon's screwing up!
  • You need to work together to eliminate this one.
  • There's too many. You need a full team to take them on.
  • You need to work together to get this done.
  • You can't complete this objective without working together as a team.
  • I want you guys to stay together on this one. Work together as a single unit.
  • If you split up and work separately, you'll be able to get this done faster.
  • PDA update.
  • Teresa's checking in.
  • You need assistance to climb up there.
  • Try to rendezvous with the other team members.
  • You're leaving the mission area.
  • Nice teamwork. You guys are quick.
  • Listen up, team. You're way too slow. Let's get this done!
  • You're running out of time! Pick up the pace.
  • You're almost out of time!
  • Mission complete. Good work.
  • *Moans*
  • *Death moans*
  • *Death screams*
  • How did you find your way in there?
  • What are you doing in there?
  • Looks like no one's ever been in there before.

Carthage, Michigan: Quarantine Zone

'Area is going to hell'

Carthage, Michigan: Quarantine Zone

Imani: Alima, we're heading into the quarantine area now. Head to LZ2 and wait for my call.
Alima: Copy that. Good luck, you guys.
Imani: Remember, let me do the talking.
Broussard: You're insane! I told you he wouldn't go along with this and now look what's happened! Shut up and listen to me. I don't care, that was not our- Wait... we'll talk later.
Imani: Dr. Broussard?
Broussard: Yes?
Imani: I'd like to ask you a few questions.
Broussard: Who are you? This is a restricted area.
Imani: I'm an investigator for the IPCA. We're looking for this man.
 (flashes a picture of Mujari)
Broussard: No, I'm sorry. I don't have time for this... You'll have to excuse me-

Car bomb explodes; Broussard runs off in the panic. Imani draws her pistol.

Imani: Teresa, we're under fire! Repeat, the entire area is going to hell! Can you find out what's going on?!
Teresa: Copy that. Already on it.
Imani: I'm headin' into the subway after Broussard. Stay on task and keep your head down. No one dies on my watch, got that?

Mission: Main plot

Teresa: Imani, attacks reported all over the quarantine area. Do you wanna pull out?
Imani: Hell no! We're not leaving until we find Mujari. Imani out. Let's get this mission done and get the hell outta here.

Imani: Locate some gear and start collecting those water samples.

  • Imani: CHA officers radio log

CHA Officer 1: Who are you? What are you doing there?

Imani: Elsa needs those water samples.

Imani: Find the field morgue and get that tissue sample.

Imani: Okay, that's one water sample. We need four more.

CHA Officer 1: Stop or I'll shoot!

Go in tent of the first area with CHA suit

CHA Officer 1: Where's Broussard?

Imani: Look, I hate these monkey work assignments as much as you do, but someone's going to do them and ain't gonna be me.

Imani: That's two samples. Collect three more.

Imani: You're gonna have to prove yourself.

Imani: You need to get those samples scanned and updated.

Approach CHA Officer 2 without CHA suit

CHA Officer 2: Who are you? What are you doing there?

Save CHA Officer 2 without CHA suit

CHA Officer 2: Who are you? What are you doing there?

Approach CHA Officer 2 with CHA suit

CHA Officer 2: I saw someone moving over there. Watch out!

CHA Officer 2: Kill 'em!

CHA Officer 2: Quick, over here!

Save CHA Officer 2 with CHA suit

CHA Officer 2: Thanks, buddy. That was a close one.

CHA Officer 3: Move it! Keep your head's down. They're coming from everywhere!
CHA Officer 4: Here they come, watch out!

Save CHA Officers 3 & 4 without CHA suit

CHA Officer 3: Stop! This is a restricted area!

Save CHA Officers 3 & 4 with CHA suit

CHA Officer 3: Thank you. There's a few more men on the streets that might need your help.
CHA Officer 4: Let's get out of here before we get ambushed again.

Save CHA Officers 3 only with CHA suit

CHA Officer 3: Thanks for your help. My partner and I appreciate it.

Save CHA Officers 4 only with CHA suit

CHA Officer 4: Thank you for your help. Wish you could've saved my partner.

Imani: That's three. Two more to go. I hope Dr. E appreciates all this work.

Imani: Look, I know Gabe wouldn't have recruited you if you weren't the best. So don't disappoint me.

Go in tissue tent without CHA suit

CHA Officer 5: Stop! This is a restricted area!

Go in tissue tent with CHA suit

CHA Officer 5: Has anyone seen Broussard?

CHA Officer 5: Aaahh...

Imani: Don't screw up that field autopsy, follow the Agency protocols.

Imani: Teresa, we've completed the field autopsy. Let Elsa know her tissue samples are on their way.
Teresa: Copy that. Teresa out.

Imani: Find a scanning station and get Teresa the data she's asking for.

Teresa: Teresa here. The scan process will take some time to complete. Stay alert.

Teresa: Imani, they've just finished uploading the samples. Inputting them into the database now.
Imani: Good work. Imani out.

CHA Officer 6: Come on!

CHA Officer 6: Over that way!

Save CHA Officer 6 without CHA suit

CHA Officer 6: Stop or I'll shoot!

Save CHA Officer 6 with CHA suit

CHA Officer 6: Thanks for the backup. I wouldn't have made it without you.

Imani: You're doin' good. One more to go.

Imani: Huh, good work. I'll let Command know that we have all the samples.

Imani: I've located Proust in the subway. I don't wanna lose Broussard, so you're gonna have to eliminate him. You up to it?

Proust: Qui es-tu? Qu'est-ce que tu fais là? [Who are you? What are you doing here?]

  • Andre Proust's quotes

Imani: Good work. Teresa, Proust has been taken care of.
Teresa: Copy that. I'll file the DPE.

Complete all of the objectives

Imani: Mission complete. Good work, guys.

Mission: PDA radio logs

Imani: CHA officers

Imani: CHA officers are armed and won't be able to tell you from the terrorists, so keep your distance from them. They're considered collateral targets and I want no collateral damage on this mission. We're doing this by the book.

Imani/Teresa: Broussard Captured in Subway

Imani: I managed to get into the subway before they locked down the emergency gates. Broussard's been captured by the terrorists. I'm going to follow them and see where they're draggin' him off to. Maybe they'll lead me to Mujari. Teresa, these guys are all speaking French, don't know if that'll help you ID them.
Teresa: It might. Keep searching for whatever radio frequency they're using, we can use that to voiceprint them.
Imani: Copy that. Imani out.

Teresa/Imani: Get gear & water samples

Don't get bio-data gear

Teresa: Imani, Elsa wants to make sure you finish Mujari's original mission, she's going to need both water and tissue samples for her research.
Imani: The car bomb ruined our collection gear, so we'll have to commandeer some from the CHA, but we'll get it done. Imani out. There's a separate water system in the west terminal of the subway; get them from there, and any other place you see expose water.

Teresa/Imani: Get tissue sample

Teresa: Elsa needs a tissue sample from a recent victim. Once you find the field morgue, you're gonna have to perform a field autopsy and get a tissue culture from a victim's liver.
Imani: Sounds appetizing. Teams on it.

Teresa: Broussard's laptop

Teresa: Have your team keep an eye out for Broussard's laptop. We've already checked the CHA main computers and found nothing.

Teresa: Scan tissue sample

Teresa: Elsa's worried about the potential contamination in the samples. You need to get to a DNA scanner and upload the data as soon as you can. The CHA investigation unit must have one set up somewhere.

Proust/Masson: Proust's Location

Proust: Masson, à toi. Masson? [Masson, come in. Masson?]
Masson: Bon sang, Proust! Eteins la fréquence. Masson stop. [Damn it Proust! Close down this frequency. Masson out.]
Proust: Ok, Proust stop. Je vais au terminal est. Mais arrêtez-les! [OK, Proust out. I am going to the East Terminal. Stop them, damn you!]

Imani: Night vision goggles

Imani: Power is off between the connecting tunnels and the west terminal. I just pulled a pair of IR goggles off one of the terrorists. You're gonna have to find a pair or you won't be able to see a thing. There's a stash of them in one of the storage rooms in the east terminal.

Imani: Subway cars

Imani: These guys are using the subway system to move men and equipment. The main lines seem to be shut down but... the cars are moving back and forth between the platforms. Be careful down here.

Imani/Teresa: Terrorists Transmission

Imani: Teresa, I'm picking up a radio transmission from the terrorists. Pipin' it to you.
Teresa: Ready.
Masson: Dis à tous tes hommes de se déplacer, maintenant. [Order all of your men to move, now, now.]
Fournier: On n'a pas le temps. Le transport n'est pas ici. [We don't have time. Our transport is not here.]
Masson: Mais où est Broussard? [Where is Broussard?]
Proust: On sait pas. [We don't know.]
Masson: Trouve-le et emmène-le dans l'entrepôt avec l'autre. [Find him and take him to the warehouse with the other.]
Teresa: It's going to the computer voice banks now. I'll let you know if I find anything.
Imani: Thanks.

Imani: Terrorist radio acquired

Use C4 and exit from the subway side to the street

Imani: I killed one of the terrorists. No ID of course, but I did get one of the radio devices, should have something soon. They're moving Broussard west into the main subway tunnels. I'm still on 'em.

Imani: DPE order - Proust

Imani: You have to eliminate Proust. I'm not going to let a good DPE go to waste.

Imani: Hole to sewer system

Imani: Okay, I found where they been moving the viral containers. They've opened a hole that connects the subway system with the city's water and sewer systems. They've taken Broussard through. I'm gonna follow. Get a rough idea where they're goin' and then rendezvous with you back here when you're finished.

Mission: Wrong actions


Imani: Cobra's down. Repeat, Cobra is down. / Cobra's down!

Kill first CHA officer

Imani: Cobra, I said no collateral damage.

Kill second CHA officer

Imani: Use your head, Cobra.

Kill third CHA officer

Imani: Stop screwing up, Cobra.

Kill fourth CHA officer

Imani: Cobra's screwing up!

Kill fifth CHA officer and onwards

Imani: Cobra's out of control!

Go to scanning station without tissue sample

Imani: You don't have the samples yet. You're going to need them before you can scan them, won't you?

Tent power supply destroyed

Teresa: Teresa here. The power's been cut to the tent. Now you can't upload that data.

Time is 5:30

Imani: You're running out of time! Pick up the pace.

Time is 8:15

Imani: You're almost out of time!

Mission: Character quotes

ALA Soldiers

  • Tire dessus! [Shoot Them]
  • Flingue-les tous! [Kill them all]
  • Les laisse pas s'échapper! [Don't let them escape]
  • Arrête-les! [Stop Them]
  • Il y en a un! [There's one!]
  • Là-bas! [Over here]
  • J'ai besoin de renforts! [I need back up]
  • Ils sont là-bas! [They're over this way]
  • Couvre-moi! [Give me cover]

Andre Proust

  • Qui es-tu? Qu'est-ce que tu fais là? [Who are you? What are you doing here?]
  • Qu'est-ce que tu veux? Dégage! [What do you want? Get out!]
  • Tu ne pourras pas échapper à mes hommes. Qui que tu sois, on aura ta peau. [You cannot hide from my men. Whoever you are, you will be defeated]
  • Ils sont en face du lieu de parade. Arrête-les! [They're in front of the counter, stop them]
  • Ils sont là-bas! [They're over there!]
  • Il y a quelqu'un qui bouge là-bas! [Someone moved over there]
  • Par là! [Back here]

Mission: Unused main plot

Imani: You're not going to be able to get through the subway security gates without C4.

Imani: Watch out for the C4 triggerman. The ALA have explosives set up all over.

CHA Officer 5: Someone's coming, hurry up and hide!

CHA Officer 7: Don't shoot! I'm not armed!

CHA Officer 8: I'm not moving anything until they stop shooting at us.
CHA Officer 9: They need this scanning equipment back at the lab.
CHA Officer 8: Go ahead. Be a hero. I say let them get it themselves.

CHA Officer 8: Please, don't shoot me!

Teresa: Teresa here. We needed to get that data uploaded to Dr. E. Now her work's going to be delayed.

CHA Officer 6: Stop 'em!

CHA Officer 6: *Moans*

CHA Officer 6: *Death moans*

CHA Officer 6: *Death screams*

ALA Soldier 1: Proust dit qu'il faut qu'on soit prêts à bouger. [Proust says get ready to move.]
ALA Soldier 2: Nos hommes sont prêts. Ils sont postés des deux côtés du métro. [The men are ready. We have men at both ends of the subway.]

Imani: I've located Proust in the subway. I don't wanna lose Broussard, so you're gonna have to eliminate him. You up to it?

Mission: Unused PDA radio logs

Teresa: Terrorist identified

Teresa: Imani, we finally got an ID on the man who rented the car that was exploded in front of the Carthage city bank. Andre Proust, ex-French military explosive specialist. He's been hooked up with the ALA for a couple of years.

Imani/Teresa: Voice Print data

Teresa: Imani, I have data on those voices. Looks like we might be dealing with the Anarchiste Libertaire Armee.
Imani: The ALA, are you sure?
Teresa: Voiceprints have confirmed one of the voices belongs to Philippe Masson, known as 'The Hawk'. Downloading his file into Zeus now. Masson's second and third in command are Andre Proust and Jean Fournier. They almost as dangerous as Masson. You've been given a DPE for all three.
Imani: Copy that. We'll take care of it.

Mission: Unused character quotes

ALA Soldiers

  • Dégomme-les tous! [Kill them!]
  • *Moans*
  • *Death moans*
  • *Death screams*

Andre Proust

  • Ils ont des jumelles infrarouge. Balance-leur des grenades aveuglantes! [They're using NV Goggles. Use flash grenades]
  • Vas-y! Lance des grenades aveuglantes! (Go ahead!) [Use flash grenades!]
  • Ils sont passés à travers la barrière de sécurité. Attrape-les! [They've blasted through the security gate, get them!]
  • J'entends quelqu'un! [I hear someone in there!]
  • Ils sont là! [They're in there!]
  • Allez, reviens! [Move back! Back!]
  • *Moans*
  • *Death moans*
  • *Death screams*

Broussard's laptop audio ('The deal is off')

This file is unlocked by recovering Broussard's computer from the bank. While technically a team objective, it can be done as an individual using the jump glitch.

Audio recovered from Broussard's laptop...

We see two people in a room of the IPCA headquarters.

Broussard: ...I know we had a deal, but you can plainly see that the situation has changed!
Masson: Bon écoute! On a payé une grosse somme d'argent pour- (Listen, you! We have paid a lot of money for-)
Broussard: Speak English, damn you!
Masson: As I was saying, we have paid a lot of money for this material, Broussard! You cannot back out on the deal now.
Broussard: Who d'you think you're talking to? I'm not some local pencil pusher, I have connections t-
Masson: I know all about your 'connections'!
Broussard: Stop interrupting me, you arrogant bastard!
Masson: I don't give a damn about your connections or your problems! We gets out on the international market that you cannot be trusted! And you won't be able to sell or use-
Broussard: Look around you. This thing... is out of control. I have people dying all over the damn city. Anyone who's come into contact with this thing is dying!
Masson: A lot more people are going to die if you don't do as I say!
Broussard: Someone's coming. I have to go. The deal is off, Masson. That's all I have to say.

'There's no stopping it'

Carthage, Michigan: Subway Tunnel

Imani: Masson's men are inside the water system. You deal with them while I go after Broussard. With any luck he's being taken to the same place they're holdin' Mujari. Alima, are you there?
Alima: Standing by.
Imani: Head to LZ1. If we find Mujari alive, we'll need to move him quickly.
Alima: Copy that. OTW.
Imani: I never trust anyone before I worked with them. You're doin' alright. Let's take 'em out.

Scene cuts to elsewhere. Screen reads

Ukraine Military Base, Kiev, Ukraine

Zhidkov: Товарищ Иванков. [Comrade Ivankov.]
Ivankov: Жидков. [Zhidkov.]
Zhidkov: Мы готовы. [We are ready.]
Ivankov: Хорошо. Я возвращаюсь в Мозырь закрыть виллу. По моему разрешению все внешние операции должны быть прикрыты. [Good. I am returning to Mazyr to close the chateau. All outside operations must be shut down by the time I return.]
Zhidkov: Понятно. [Understood.]
Ivankov: Начинаем в Криворожстали. Это самая последняя операция Никулеску. Владимир, когда всё начинается, назад дороги не будет. Все наши лучшие ребята будут нужны здесь. Понятно? [Begin in Krivorozhstal. That is the last of Niculescu's operations. Vladimir, when this thing begins there will be no stopping it. We will need our best men here. You understand?]
Zhidkov: Да, товарищ. [Yes comrade.]
Pulikovsky: Значит, вы рассчитываете справиться с этим. Мы отказываемся от больших денег. [So you mean to go through with it. We are giving up a lot of money.]
Ivankov: Именно это мы и планировали сначала. Где сейчас Юшенко? [It is what we have planned from the beginning. Where is Yuschenko now?]
Pulikovsky: Он вернулся из Торонто, и находится сейчас на пути в Киргизстан, а потом отправится в Йемен. Деньги переведены как было предусмотрено. [He has returned from Carthage and is on his way to Kyrgyzstan, then Yemen. The funds have transferred as planned.]
Ivankov: Хорошо. Что от неё слышно? [Good. Any word of her?]
Pulikovsky: Её держат под замком в Гуантанамо. Они никогда её не отпустят. [She is locked away at Guantanamo. They will never let her out.]
Ivankov: Возможно это и к лучшему. Пойдём. Они будут нас искать, а нам нужно много сделать до того как они нас найдут. [Perhaps it is for the best. Come. They will be looking for us, and we have much work to do before they find us.]

Carthage, Michigan: Warehouse District

'Innocents die every day'

Fade in to show a warehouse interior in Carthage, Michigan. Screen reads...

Carthage, Michigan: Warehouse District

We see Mujari lying motionless in a warehouse. Broussard is shot once and falls on his knees. A second gunshot and he drops dead. A puddle of blood pools around him.

Masson: *Yells* Des nouvelles de Proust? [Any word from Proust?]
Fournier: Non. Les hommes de Broussard nous ont posés plus de problèmes que prévu. Et puis, il y a quelqu'un qui cherche Mujari. [No. Broussard's people were more trouble than we thought. Also, someone's looking for Mujari.]

Camera intercuts between Masson, Fournier and Mujari, the third of whom is moving fitfully.

Masson: Bon sang! Changement de programme: on va faire ça ICI! [Damn. Move up the time table. We'll carry out the plan here.]
Fournier: Ici? [Here?]
Masson: Mets-en un dans le réservoir d'alimentation. Je prendrai l'autre dans le magasin. Envoie deux équipes pour se charger de la police. Toi, tu t'occupes des types de Mujari. [Put one in the water supply. I'll take the other into the mall. Send two squads to deal with the police. You deal with Mujari's people.]
Fournier: Masson, beaucoup d’innocents vont mourir. [Masson, a lot of innocent people are going to die.]
Masson: Des gens innocents meurent tous les jours pour des causes justes, mon ami. Je peux rien y faire! [Innocents die for just causes every day my friend. I cannot change that now.]

Mission: Main plot

Teresa: Imani, ALA radio traffic is moving north and you were right about the water system. They're planning on dumping containers of the virus into the Carthage water supply.
Imani: Copy that, we're on it. Find the terrorists with that viral container, I want 'em stopped.

ALA Soldier 1: Passe-moi les explosifs. Si on les place ici, on peut faire un deuxième trou dans le système souterrain. [Hand me the explosives. If we set it here, we can blow another hole to the subway system]
ALA Soldier 2: Masson n'a pas demandé plus d'explosifs. [Masson did not give orders for more explosives]
ALA Soldier 1: Je m'en fous. C'est moi qui commande ici. [I don't care. I'm giving the orders]
ALA Soldier 2: T'assumes, alors. [It's your neck]

ALA Soldier 3: Ah! Ça pue comme de la merde ici! [It smells like shit down here]
ALA Soldier 4: De quoi tu te plains? Je dois me taper ton odeur, en plus des égouts. [What are you complaining about? I have to smell the sewers and you!]
ALA Soldier 3: Ah ah! Très drôle! Je sais pas si je dois rire ou te descendre. [That's funny. I don't know whether to laugh, or shoot you]

1:10 time left

Imani: Find those viral containers; I don't want the virus getting into the water supply.

ALA Soldier 5: Surveille le générateur. On nous a demandé de le laisser tourner. [Stand watch. We've been ordered to keep this generator on]
ALA Soldier 6: Pourquoi? [Why?]
ALA Soldier 5: Je sais pas. Il paraît qu'il faut faire tourner les pompes. [I don't know. Something about keeping the pumps running]

0:40 time left

Imani: A lot of Carthage citizens are going to die.

ALA Soldier 7: Faut qu'on répande les produits chimiques. Fournier a demandé qu'on les largue à trois endroits. [We're to spread the contaminate around. Fournier says to dump it in at least three places]
ALA Soldier 8: C'est pas bon ça. Des enfants risquent de mourir s'ils boivent de cette eau. [I don't feel good about this. Children are going to drink this water]
ALA Soldier 7: Je sais. Mais ce seront pas nos enfants. [I know.. But not our children]

Imani: Good work. If those canisters had gotten in the water, I don't know how many people would have died.

Teresa: Imani, I've got confirmation on the ALA. Apparently, Masson has been smuggling operatives into the US from Martinique through the port of Carthage for quite a while.
Imani: Copy that... but what's their connection with Syphon Filter?
Teresa: That's what you're gonna find out.
Imani: Maybe Lawrence can tell us when we find him. Imani out.

Imani: Well, I guess Gabe knows what he's doing after all. You're doin' a good job.

  • Female Terrorist's quotes

Imani: I know where they're keeping Lawrence, he's on the second floor of this warehouse but I can't get to him. They've got a sniper in the theater marquee. That's Fournier up there. Eliminate him so I can get into the warehouse.

Imani: Huh, good work. We've been told to provide assistance whatever we can.

Imani: I'm still pinned down by this sniper fire, are you gonna get him or not?!

Complete half of the objectives

Imani: The first part of the mission is complete. Good work, guys.

Imani: Okay, he's not shooting at me anymore. Take him out. I'm headin' into the warehouse.

Imani: Good job. Teresa, DPE order on Fournier carried out.
Teresa: Copy that.

Imani: I'm in the warehouse but I've got... But I've got some problems here. Another ALA squad. Get over here!

Imani: They're in the machine room. Get in there and clear this line of fire!

Imani: Good job. On my way in.

Mission: PDA radio logs

Imani/Teresa: Stone's Progress

Imani: Teresa, any word from the other teams? Stone checked in from Italy yet?
Teresa: Yeah. He's found some interesting stuff. I can download part of it onto your PDA, but the rest of it's classified.
Imani: Tell him I said ciao and send some kisses.
Teresa: Yeah right. Lipan out.

Teresa/Imani: Lian checking in from Uganda

Teresa: Imani, Lian's checked in from Uganda. Gabe wants an update from your end.
Imani: Give him the preliminary report I already filed, I'm a little busy right now to file another one.
Teresa: Copy that. Just forwarding orders. Not like I wanna deal with the paperwork either.
Imani: I hear that. Imani out.

Alima/Imani: Stop Death Squad

Alima: Imani, picking up more ALA radio traffic.
Masson: Envoie une équipe à la morgue. Je veux qu'on me débarrasse de ces témoins. [Get a squad to the morgue now. I want those witnesses taken out.]
Fournier: Ils sont déjà en route. [They are already on the way.]
Masson: Fournier, je veux être mis au courant. [Damn it Fournier, I want to be kept informed.]
Imani: On it. We'll see if we can stop 'em.

Teresa/Imani: ALA leader identified

Teresa: Imani, I have a positive ID on the ALA leader you're dealing with. Jean Fournier. According to his dossier, he's a trained sniper. He used to be one of the best shots in the French military.
Imani: Copy. Keepin' our heads down. Imani out.

Alima/Imani: Intercepted Terrorist talking to Fournier

Alima: More chatter.
Female Terrorist: T'es où? Quelqu'un se dirige vers l'entrepôt. [Where are you? Someone is heading to the warehouse.]
Fournier: Je me prépare dans le cinéma. Laissez passer personne. [I'm sitting up at the theater. No one will get in.]
Female Terrorist: Masson me paie pas assez pour faire ce boulot. [Masson is not paying me enough for this crap.]
Fournier: Ta gueule et fais ton job. [Shut up and do your job.]
Imani: They're setting up a trap. Be ready for anything.

Imani/Alima: Alima heading to Warehouse

Imani: Alima, ETA?
Alima: I'm circling over the south warehouse area now. Be there soon.

Teresa/Alima: Female Terrorist Noticed Missing

Teresa: Who was that? She was using some kind of voice mask, I can't get a print. I've got her on video though. I'll try to get an ID later.
Alima: Listen to this.
Fournier: On a vu la fille? [Has she checked in yet?]
ALA Soldier 9: Aucune nouvelle. [No word.]
Fournier: Amène tes hommes ici. Et mets le feu au quartier. [Get some men over there. Torch the whole damn neighborhood.]
Imani: That doesn't sound good. Imani out.

Alima/Imani: Circling Over Warehouse Targets Sighted

Alima: Imani, I'm circling over the south warehouse area now. Be advised you got multiple targets moving north; I've spotted another group heading west towards the main mall.
Imani: Give me a count.
Alima: They're moving on the rooftops in and out of the warehouses. I'm counting at least 25... maybe 30.
Imani: Copy that. Imani out.

Teresa/Imani: Keep an eye out for Mujari's gear

Teresa: Imani, Dr. E wants you to keep an eye out for Lawrence's gear. He had data on this micro recorder that she needs.
Imani: Copy that. We look for it.

Imani/Teresa: Mujari's gear found

Imani: Teresa, tell Dr. Elsa that we found Lawrence's gear. We'll be able to analyze whatever samples he took before we got here.
Teresa: Copy that. She'll be glad to hear it.

Mission: Wrong actions


Imani: Cobra's down. Repeat, Cobra is down. / Cobra's down!

Don't kill bio-terrorists in time

Imani: Dammit! You didn't get those bio-terrorists in time, now I have to report to Teresa that we failed to protect the water supply.

Alima/Imani: Death Squad Not Stopped

Alima: Damn... I'm patching in a radio call, from CHA field HQ.
CHA Officer 1: Someone's coming. No... Stop! Don't shoot!
ALA Soldier 9: Fournier, dis à Masson qu'ils ont terminé. [Fournier, tell Masson that they are finished.]
Fournier: Ça va. Fournier, stop. [Understood.. Fournier out.]
Imani: I wish we could've saved 'em. Damn it, I can't do everything myself.

Kill the CHA officer

Imani: Cobra, I said no collateral damage.

Time is 4:00

Imani: You're running out of time! Pick up the pace.

Time is 6:00

Imani: You're almost out of time!

Mission: Character quotes

Female Terrorist

  • Il y a quelqu'un ici. [There is someone over here]
  • Tue-les. [Kill them]
  • Je te tuerai d'abord. [I will kill you myself]
  • Descends-les. [Get them!]
  • T'es qui? [Who are you]
  • Vermine! [Damn you!]

Mission: Unused main plot

Imani: Find the control switch to the power generator, you can use it to lockdown the pump room valves and the south sewer doors.

Imani: I asked you to get all of those containers, now I have to go and do it myself.

Imani: You've completed an objective. Good work.

ALA Soldier 10: Fournier, ils sont dans le cinéma. [Fournier, they are in the theater]
Fournier: Je les attends. Fournier, stop. [I'm ready for them. Fournier out]
ALA Soldier 10: Ouais, il est prêt. Il se cache sur le toit pendant que nous on court partout et on risque de se faire descendre. [Yeah, he's ready. Hiding on the roof while we have to run around on the streets and be shot up]

ALA Soldier 11: Talk, you pig! Who are the people who have come for Mujari?
CHA Officer 2: Please, stop hurting me. I don't know what you're talking about!
ALA Soldier 12: Sniveling health authority. Why don't you grow some courage, eh? Here, let me help you!
CHA Officer 2: No, stop! Please, I know nothing!

Imani: Check those guys and see if they are alive. Move them out of the ALA's line of fire before they get killed!

Imani: You should've saved that cop. We're instructed to help the locals when possible.

Imani: Keep your head down in there; Masson's dossier says he's the best sniper the French army ever produced.

Mission: Unused PDA radio logs

Teresa/Imani: Site License DPE authorized

Teresa: Imani, we're following local police radio traffic pretty closely. They're gettin' their asses kicked. They're waitin' on backup from the RCMP Special Forces, the help's not here yet.
Imani: What's takin' 'em so long, it's a war zone out here!
Teresa: Some logistical screw-up. Command is authorizing you to intervene when possible. Don't go out of your way or needlessly risk the mission or team, but if you see a chance to help; go for it. Gabe's giving you a site license DPE order.
Imani: Understood. Imani out.

Teresa/Imani: Female terrorist not identified

Teresa: Imani, still no ID on that female terrorist. Weird... I guess we'll just file it and see if something turns up later.
Imani: Her accent was definitely not Quebec.
Teresa: Yeah, that's what makes it weird. I wanna to see if she was tied into another organization. Teresa out.

Mission: Unused character quotes

Female Terrorist

  • *Moans*
  • *Death moans*
  • *Death screams*

Jean Fournier

  • Il y a quelqu'un ici. [There is someone over here]
  • Tue-les. [Kill them]
  • J'ai besoin de renforts! [I need backup!]
  • Descends-les tous. [Get them]
  • T'es qui? [Who are you?]
  • Enculer! [Damn you!]
  • Je t'ai dans mon viseur. [I have you in my sights!]
  • Je vais te mettre une balle dans le crâne! [I'm going to put a bullet through your head!]
  • Je vais t'exploser la tête! [I'm going to spatter your brains all over the street]
  • *Moans*
  • *Death moans*
  • *Death moans*

Mujari's audio recorder ('They are all going to die')

This is unlocked by rescuing the CHA officer held hostage in the theater. If the man is killed, the recorder objective will automatically fail.

Audio recovered from Mujari's equipment...

Lawrence: It will go easier on you if you fully cooperate.
Broussard: I didn't mean for this to happen. The container... it leaked, it must have! But we never saw any sign. People... just caught to dying. We didn't... mean for it to happen.
Lawrence: Yes, as you keep insisting. Where is the container now? Where did you get it? Where did it come from?
Broussard: Millions of people will die. It's not my fault. I tried to stop them; I tried to tell them that-
Lawrence: Broussard! Listen to me carefully! I do not have time for this! I want you to answer my questions and I want you to-

Sounds of scuffles. French speech is heard.

Masson: Emmène-le à l'entrepôt et garde-le prisonnier. Et puisqu'il voulait à tout prix voir le conteneur... fais-lui voir. (Take him to the warehouse and keep him prisoner. And since he wanted to see the container at all costs ... show him.) Broussard! Get back on the street! And get those authorities off my back until I am ready!
Broussard: Millions of people are going to die. They're all... going... to die.

'It's like a hydra'

Carthage, Michigan: Warehouse District

Lawrence: *Barely breathing*
Imani: Hang in there, Mujari. Alima, I need an emergency medical evac. We'll be on the roof of the warehouse.
Alima: Almost there.
Imani: Teresa, Mujari is in bad shape, give Alima the coordinates for where Elsa is set up.
Teresa: Copy that, Imani. Already done.
Imani: Masson is on his way to the PATH mall. The locals have no idea what they're dealing with. Normally I wouldn't trust a new agent with this kind of mission but you've proven you can handle it, so I'm counting on you.
Alima: At the LZ.
Imani: Copy that, Alima. We're ready. You know, I had my doubts when the Agency started to grow so quickly, but I guess Gabe really does know what he's doing.

Masaka, Uganda: Ebola Investigation

Gabe: I feel like we have no idea what we're doing.
Lian: I'm worried, Gabe. You're letting this get to you!
Gabe: It's like a hydra. We cut off one head, it grows another. There's no stopping it! Someone's behind this. Someone we haven't seen yet. He's clever. Thorough. But he's made a fatal mistake.
Lian: Mara.
Gabe: Exactly. Mara. He needs her. Trusts her. He's using her.
Lian: But why?
Gabe: I don't know yet. But if we follow the trail of corpses, we'll find Mara. Once we find her, we'll find him.

Carthage, Michigan: Carthage Mall

'A Carthage welcome'

Carthage, Michigan: Carthage Mall

A SWAT cop runs away from a mall entrance. In the background the Carthage battle theme song can be heard.

SWAT Officer: We've lost four men already! Whoever's in there has a sniper rifle and knows how to use it. We have to pull our men out of there!
SWAT Chief: No, we have to stop them!
SWAT Officer: But chief, our guys are getting massacred!
SWAT Chief: Attack squad's gonna use smoke grenades. Have teams ready to move in on my command. That's an order!

Audio track cuts off; camera transits to the mall interior.

Masson: Restez là les gars et occupez-vous d’installer les explosifs. Toi, mets des gars en renfort à toutes les entrées. Si quelqu'un essaie de s'introduire, je compte sur vous pour bien l'accueillir. Les autres, venez avec moi jusqu'au niveau trois. [You men stay here and finish setting the explosive. You, take some men and cover the entrances. Anyone tries to get in, give them a welcome. The rest of you come with me to level three.]

Smoke grenades are thrown in from the skylight.

ALA Soldier 1: Les explosifs sont presque prêts. (The explosives are almost ready.)
Masson: Le moment est venu de se faire une petite séance de tir. Voyons combien de lapins le Faucon peut tuer, hé? [Time to set up a little shooting gallery. Let’s see how many rabbits the hawk can kill, eh?]

Mission: Main plot

Imani: Check those guys and see if they are alive. Move them out of the ALA's line of fire before they get killed!

Imani: Those guys don't know what's waiting for them in there. See if you can find a way to lock down those doors.

ALA Soldier 2: Ils sont près des portes. Tuez-les! [They are by the doors. Kill them!]

Masson: Fournier, à vous! Fournier? Mais qu'est-ce qu'il fout? [Fournier, come in? Fournier? Damn it, where is he?]

Masson: Nous sommes cernés. [Hurry, they have us hemmed in.]

Imani: There are four entrances to the mall. Make sure you lock down all of 'em.

Imani: Keep your head down in there; Masson's dossier says he's the best sniper the French army ever produced.

Imani: Get that explosive before they set it off. Masson's planning a quick exit, and he's gonna take Carthage with him.

ALA Soldier 2: Ils sont près des portes. Tuez-les! [They are by the doors. Kill them!]

Masson: Rends-toi à l'entrée sud. Ceux qui sont là-bas ne sont pas de la police locale. [Move to the south entrance. Someone is in here, but they are not local cops.]

Imani: Masson still taking pot shots at those injured officers. You have got to move them out of harm's way.

ALA Soldier 2: Ils essaient de faire bouger la police. Tuez-les! [They are trying to move the cops, shoot them!]

ALA Soldier 2: Ils sont près des portes. Tuez-les! [They are by the doors. Kill them!]

Imani: Keep those SWAT guys from getting in. They don't stand a chance against Masson.

ALA Soldier 2: Ils sont près des portes. Tuez-les! [They are by the doors. Kill them!]

Imani: Good work. All the doors are locked tight.

Imani: Good work. Now let's hope they live until the medics show up.

ALA Soldier 2: Arrête-les avant qu'ils mettent la main sur la bombe! [Stop them from reaching the bomb]

Imani: Get to that explosive and defuse it.

Imani: Have you defused that explosive yet?

Imani: Get to that explosive and defuse it.

ALA Soldier 3: Je les ai vus bouger. Il faut les arrêter. [Someone is alive down there. Stop them!]

Imani: Good work. That's the last of 'em.

Masson: Sors-moi cet imbécile de ce trou! On a plus le droit à l'erreur maintenant! [Take this bastard out. We are too close to fail now.]

Imani: What's taking so long on Masson? Eliminate him!

Masson: Mais tuez-les! Venez vous battre, bande de lâches! [Take them out. Fight you cowards.]

Masson: Jean est touché. On peut rien voir dans ce bazar! Je n'arrive pas à viser! Ils vont trop vite, plus vite que l'éclair! [Jean is down. Damn it, who are we up against? I can not get a clear shot at them, they move too quickly, a shadow in the fog.]

  • Soren Masson's quotes

Imani: The Hawk is down. Teresa, our last DPE is filled out and signed.
Teresa: Copy that. I can't wait to read the report on this one. Lipan out.

Mission: PDA radio logs

Alima/Imani: Officers injured, more entering

Alima: Alima here. I've patched your MDRD so it can pick up the local police band.
SWAT Officer 1: Officer down, repeat, I've got men dead and down in here!
SWAT Officer 2: We're sending in more teams now.
SWAT Officer 1: Negative! We're still under fire, repeat, do not send in more men! It's a trap!
SWAT Officer 2: Hold tight and let me give the orders. Get those teams ready!
Imani: Keep those cops out of there until you deal with Masson. Imani out.

Imani: DPE Order for Masson

Imani: You've got a DPE order on Masson. Take him out.

Imani/Teresa: Get ALA scoped rifle

Imani: Check the terrorist's rifles. They must be using an infrared scope that cuts through the smoke. You can use it to beat them at their own game.
Teresa: Let me see if the spooks have any intel on what those guys might be using.
Imani: Copy that. Thanks, Teresa.

Gabe/Teresa/Imani: Thanks for finding Mujari

Gabe: Teresa, patch me through to Carthage.
Teresa: You're good.
Gabe: Imani, this is Logan. I heard you've found Mujari alive. Just radioed in to say thanks and... excellent job.
Imani: Thanks, chief. I had a lotta hell.
Gabe: I look forward to the report. Maybe we can hand out some commendations. Logan out.
Imani: Nice to know we're appreciated, but just doin' our jobs. Imani out.

Alima/Imani: Mujari's medevac

Alima: ETA to medevac point in 0-1-3.
Air Force Pilot: Jet fueled and standing by. Air Force 7 at your service.
Imani: Copy that, Air Force. We've got a hot package, order rush delivery.
Air Force Pilot: Copy that, IPCA. Standing by.
Imani: We're droppin' Larry off now. ETA on return pickup is 1-0 minute. Please have our DPE order on Masson filled out by then.

Alima/Imani: Carthage is cordoned off

Alima: Heading into Carthage airspace now. Oh my God...
Imani: No kiddin'... You would not believe what we're seeing from up here. The entire downtown area is in flames. Looks like the entire city is cordoned off.
Alima: ETA to mall is 0-5 minutes.

Alima/Elsa/Imani: Mujari is stabilized

Alima: Incoming call from Command.
Elsa: Imani, this is Dr. Weissinger. Lawrence has arrived and has been stabilized. Just thought you would want to know.
Imani: Thanks, Dr. E. It's good to hear. Imani out.

Mission: Wrong actions


Imani: Cobra's down. Repeat, Cobra is down. / Cobra's down!

Don't save SWAT officers

Imani: Damn it! Those officers are probably dead now. Why didn't you move 'em?!

Kill a SWAT officer

Imani: Cobra, I said no collateral damage.

Don't lock down all entrances

Imani: Damn it! If you'd locked down those doors, you could've saved their lives.

Time is 2:30

Imani: You're running out of time! Pick up the pace.

Time is 3:45

Imani: You're almost out of time!

Mission: Character quotes

Soren Masson

  • Qui es-tu? Pas un geste, je vais te faire la peau espèce de lâche! [Who are you? Lay still so that I can shoot you like the coward you are!]
  • On joue à cache-cache, hein? Je suis pas du genre à laisser tomber. [Playing hide and go seek, eh? You cannot hide from me forever]
  • Ton heure est venue. [It's time to die!]
  • Tu vas vite comprendre pourquoi on m'appelle le Faucon. [Now you will learn why they call me the Hawk!]
  • Je vais tous vous exploser! [I'm going to blow us all to hell]
  • Mourrez tous, chiens sales! [Die you Anglo dogs!]
  • J'irai cracher sur ta tombe! [I'm going to spit on your corpse]

Mission: Unused main plot

ALA Soldier 1: Les explosifs sont presque prêts. (The explosives are almost ready.)
ALA Soldier 4: Nous sommes prêts à mourir pour le Faucon. (We are ready to die for the Hawk.)
ALA Soldier 5: On y va. (Let's go.)
ALA Soldier 1: Oui, chef. (Yes, chief.)
ALA Soldier 4: Je suis à la sortie sud. Quelque chose a bougé dans le brouillard. (I am at the south exit. Something moved in the fog.)
ALA Soldier 1: Affirmatif, chef. Il y a des gens venu ici. (Affirmative, chief. There are people coming here.)

SWAT Officer 3: We've moving in. Remember, stay down.
SWAT Officer 4: Sniper fire! It's a trap! Pull back!
SWAT Officer 3: Shit... Too late, we've pinned down.
SWAT Officer 4: *Moan* I'm hit! I'm hit!

ALA Soldier 2: Ne les laisse pas monter les escaliers roulants! [Don't let them up the escalators!]

Imani: Careful. They may have other explosive devices set up as traps. If you find any, disarm 'em.

ALA Soldier 2: Ils sont près des restaurants. [They are in the food court area]

Imani: We're picking up frantic radio traffic from the local police channel. You have another downed SWAT officer in there. Get to him before Masson does.

ALA Soldier 2: Ah! Ils ont un de nos fusils! [They have one of our scopes]

Mission: Unused PDA radio logs

Imani/Teresa/Alima: Team is in the Mall

Imani: Teresa, I'm on route.
Teresa: Elsa's got everything set up. How's Larry?
Imani: Still unconscious. We're droppin' him off at the medevac, just outside the quarantine area. Then headin' back.
Teresa: Copy that. Teresa out.
Alima: Monitoring police radio traffic. Those guys are getting chewed up pretty bad. Masson's in a hurry.
Imani: Team is in the mall now. Won't be long before Masson's in a body bag.

Imani: Masson's taking out Carthage

Masson: T'as fini de préparer les explosifs? [Do you have the Explosives set up yet?]
ALA Terrorist: Pas encore. [Not Yet]
Masson: Permets-moi de te rappeler que nous sommes en guerre, alors dépêche-toi! [In case you haven't noticed, there is a war going on in here. Hurry it up!]
Imani: Get that explosive before they set it off. Masson's planning a quick exit, and he's gonna take Carthage with him.

Teresa/Imani: ALA using MRD scopes

Teresa: Imani, downloading some data into your PDA. You're not gonna like it.
Imani: I can't wait.
Teresa: Turns out the ALA are using tech purchased from our own military. Those scopes are prototype MRD.
Imani: MRD?
Teresa: Magnetic Resonance Displacement. Designed to pinpoint targets in dense cold fog and other situations where traditional IR won't work. Evidently, we shared some with the Canadian government for testing.
Imani: Well tell them they can stop testing. Masson proven it works fine.

Alima/Imani: Heading to extraction point

Alima: I'm 2 minutes out from the Carthage mall now. Flying into Michigan police beacon protection.
Imani: Once you take out Masson, Alima is going to drop this bird within a foot of the roof and drop a ladder. Be ready to move, we won't have much time.

Mission: Unused character quotes

SWAT Officers

  • I'm hit!
  • I'm down here!
  • Help me.
  • I can't move.
  • *Moan* I'm bleeding to death.
  • *Moan* I've been hit in the back, I think I'm paralyzed.
  • They're still shooting at us! Help!
  • God... Why won't someone help us?

Soren Masson

  • *Moans*
  • *Death moans*
  • *Death screams*

'I take all the risks'

Hampton, Virginia: Langley Airforce Base

Elsa: He's going to be fine. You have to leave now and let me work.
Imani: Okay. Come on.
Teresa: Sounds like Lawrence was pretty lucky. Must be because of your good luck charm.
Alima: Hey, don't knock it! I know it's just superstition, but it seems to work for me. Here's Imani.
Teresa: Good. Imani? New assignment. I've got a team of specialists already lined up and on route. Gabe wants you there.
Imani: Where?
Teresa: Brazil. Somewhere along the Amazon. Gabe sending you up a creek.
Imani: That's some creek. Whoo! I love babysittin' Agency researchers. Tell Gabe thanks.
Teresa: Alima's gonna bring your team back with her to hook up with Stone. Base commander's got a jet already filled up and waiting.
Alima: Yes, ma'am. You know how much I 'love' hanging out with Miss Grumpy here.
Imani: Better you than me. You know how much I 'love' Stone.
Teresa: I've downloaded your mission plan into your PDA. You'll meet up with Crush and to-
Imani: Hang on, Teresa. Hey, wait. I just want you to know that you did a good job out there today. When I write up my report I'm gonna let Gabe know that he's hired some real professionals. Thanks.
Teresa: Wow, listen to you! It almost sounds like you're turning into a nice person!

Zurich, Switzerland: Niculescu Funds Tower

Niculescu: We're running out of time, Mara. Your old friend has shown up in Uganda asking questions.
Mara: Gabe Logan? Of course, he has. I told you we would not be the only ones looking for Ivankov.
Niculescu: I don't think he's looking for Ivankov. This is costing us a lot of money and the risks are starting to worry me.


Turin, Italy: Cafe Montevecchio

Mara: *Laughs* I like our partnership, Mihai. I take all the risks while you play host to your precious paintings. I don't see any scars on your pretty face. But don't worry. I've already found our lost boy.
Niculescu: Where is Ivankov?
Mara: In Belarus. I'm meeting him tomorrow.
Niculescu: I want you to go-
Mara: I know what you want... but it's not always about what you want, is it, Mihai?

Pescara, Italy: St. Cetteo Square

'Just say whack 'em'

Berlin, Germany: IPCA Agency European Command

Stone: Now I'm pretty impressed with the way you handled that Dobranski business. The man was corrupt to his bones. Deserved what he got. I've worked with you long enough now to give you some personal advice. But first, lemme tell ya a little 'bout myself you may not know. You know that I just returned from a mission to Italy. You also know that I'm retired military. Fought in every war from 'Nam to the Gulf. What you don't know is that I'm retired CIA. Ex-spook. Trained hitman. But I'm gettin' ahead of myself.

Dissolve to show the clock tower.

Pescara, Italy: St. Cetteo Square

Teresa: Remember, Stone. Dimitri'll leave the church around 3.00 PM. He'll have a limo waiting so you have maybe 30 seconds to carry out your DPE order.
Stone: Don't you worry, sweetheart. I was doin' this while you were still in diapers. And that's a whole lot of words when you could've just as easily said 'whack 'em'. And if Hunter hadn't gotten lost, I'd had a little more time to set this up.
Teresa: We're a government agency, Stone. We don't use words like 'whack'. And complain to Crush about your problems, not me.
Gina: Sorry about that, boss.
Stone: Just kiddin', little gal. I've got plenty of time left. Stone out.

Mission: Main plot

  • No bio-weapons for family business radio log

  • Knives are too messy radio log

  • Planting a diversionary explosive radio log

Bodyguard 1: Quanto ci fará aspettare? [How long is he going to be?]
Bodyguard 2: La cerimonia termina alle tre, credo. [The ceremony gets over at 3:00 I think]

  • Use the tolling of the bell radio log

Dimitri: Bella cerimonia. Forse dovrei uscire di più, eh? [That was a beautiful ceremony. I should get out more often, eh?]
Bodyguard 3: Sì, Padrino. [Yes Godfather]

Dimitri: E la faccenda con i russi, è andata in porto? [And this business with the Russians, is it completed?]
Bodyguard 3: Sì, Padrino. Tutto è andato bene. Ci sono state complicazioni con il pacchetto. Alcuni operai si sono sentiti male. [Yes Godfather. Everything went well. There were some complications with the package, some workers got sick]
Dimitri: Complicazioni? Perché nessuno mi ha avvertito? Accompagnami alla mia villa. E parliamone. [Complications? Why was I not told? Come back to my villa with me. We will discuss it]
Bodyguard 3: Certo, Padrino. [Of course, Godfather]

Bodyguard 3: PADRINO! NO!! [GODFATHER! NO!!]
Bodyguard 4: Hanno colpito Dimitri! [Dimitri's been hit!]

Stone: After I took the shot and saw Dimitri drop, I triggered the explosives.

Stone: Runnin' for your life provides an intense adrenaline rush. Really, there's nothin' like it. Except the incredible feelin' of satisfaction, when you know you've completed a mission and done your job well.

Mission: PDA radio logs

No bio-weapons for family business

Stone: Durin' my investigation in Pescara, I learned the Cosa Nostra was involved. Big crime family in the Umbria region. Gabe decided we couldn't afford to let them think it was okay to use bio-weapons for family business. Their leader, Dimitri Alexopoulos, had to go. And while you may think Gabe hired me for my good looks, he really hired me for my skill with a scope.

Knives are too messy

Stone: Here's another tip. I don't use knives. Too messy. I like to keep my clothes clean. And killin' a man with a knife can be a noisy business. Not good when you're sneakin' around with a sniper rifle. Instead, I use a neat trick I call 'the neck cracker'. Step up behind a man real close; grab his chin with your right hand and twist, like you're tryin' to catch a wet football. They go down nice and quiet.

Planting a diversionary explosive

Stone: I had C4 with me. I knew that after I made the hit, I would need a diversion to help me escape. My plan was to plant an explosive down the street in the opposite direction to my escape route and set it off after Dimitri went down.

I was pretty good with a rifle

Stone: Ahh... As a kid, I was pretty good with a rifle. In boot, earned every medal they had for sharpshootin'. I went to 'Nam as a GI, but it wasn't long before a couple of spooks approached me. I was reassigned to Special Forces and got special trainin'. Within a month, I was workin' behind enemy lines; taken out VC generals, politicians, leaders. From that war on, all my battles were private ones: me and a single target.

Dimitri was a recluse

Stone: Dimitri was a recluse. He came out in the public maybe once a year. It was sheer luck that he was goin' to this ceremony, whatever it was. I knew he was gonna be antsy. He had patrols everywhere, the streets, the roofs, even in the sewers. I was gonna have to watch my step. If his bodyguards found out I was there, they'd pull Dimitri out faster than shit through a goose.

I broke their necks, dumped their bodies

Stone: I knew I had to take out as many bodyguards as I could. I didn't want to be fightin' 'em as I was tryin' to escape. I was patient. Waited for my opportunities. Then broke their necks and dumped their bodies where they couldn't be seen.

To focus, take just one bullet

Stone: If you're gonna stay in this business, you're gonna have to learn a few tricks. Here's my favorite. If you've been assigned to make a hit, take just one bullet for your sniper rifle. Just one. It's an uncanny way of makin' ya focus. And if you miss... well you won't get another shot anyway.

Use the tolling of the bell

Stone: I knew that Dimitri would be comin' out of the front doors of the church. There was only one logical place for me to be to take the shot. The tower across the street. I knew I had to make my way there and set up at least 5 minutes before three o'clock. I would use the tollin' of the bell to mask the sound of the rifle. That'd give me a few minutes before they figured out, which direction the shot came from.

The best rifle in the world, is your own

Stone: Here's another thing. You find a rifle you like, a scope you can trust, you keep it. Don't let it out of your sight; don't let anyone else touch it. Don't take it in to get it fixed or re-bored, no you fix it yourself. This old rifle of mine is held together with duct tape and spit. It's got scratches, scrapes and dings... but it's the best damn rifle in the world.

On the third ringing of the bell

Stone: Seconds before three o'clock, the bell was about to sound. I steeled myself and got ready. Eye on the door through my scope. The bell would ring three times. On the first - I would aim. The second - I would breathe. And on the third - squeeze the trigger.

Mission: Wrong actions


Stone: While it was possible to escape with bodyguards all over the streets... I knew that it would be much harder.

Don't set diversionary explosion

Stone: If I hadn't set off that diversionary explosion, it would've been much harder for me to make it back to my extraction point.

Waste the shot

Stone: I only had one shot at it. Good thing I didn't blow it, because Dimitri wasn't gonna stick around and let me try again.

Mission: Character quotes


  • Sparategli! [Shoot him]
  • Ammazzatelo! [Kill him!]
  • Non fartelo scappare! [Don't let him escape]
  • Fermatelo! [Stop him!]
  • Da questa parte! [Over here!]
  • Datemi rinforzi! [I need Backup!!]
  • Ammazzatelo! [Kill him!]
  • Copritemi! [Give me cover!]

Mission: Unused main plot

Bodyguard 5: Mi sorprende che il vecchio non stia dormendo a quest'ora del pomeriggio. [I'm surprised the old mad is even awake this late in the afternoon]
Bodyguard 6: Zitto tu, e più rispetto. Se ti sente domani ti svegli con i pesci. [Quiet you, show a little respect. He hears you and you'll wake up with the fishes tomorrow]
Bodyguard 5: Stavo solo scherzando. [True] (Just kidding.)

Bodyguard 7: Controlla la strada. [Check down here.] (Check the road.)
Bodyguard 8: Perché? Questa è una cittadina tranquilla. Ué non succederà nulla. [What for? This is a nice quiet little town. Nothing is going to happen here]
Bodyguard 7: Questo lo dici tu. Ti ricordi l'attacco allla famiglia Lapoza? In un posto tranquillo proprio come questo. [So you say, just remember when we made the hit on the Lapoza family, it was in a town just like this]
Bodyguard 8: Vero. [True]

Bodyguard 9: Non si respira qui. Perché ci fanno controllare le fogne? [It stinks down here. Why are they making us check the sewers?]
Bodyguard 10: Taci e fai il tuo dovere. Sono stufo di sentire di frignare. [Shut up and do your job. I'm tired of listening to you cry all the time]

Dimitri: E tuo fratello come sta? [How is your brother, eh?]
Bodyguard 3: Bene, Padrino. È in America, a New York. Lavora per mio zio. [He is good, Godfather. He is in America, in New York City. He's working for my Uncle there]
Dimitri: Davvero? Lo conosco bene. Facciamo spesso affari insieme. [You don't say? I know him well. We do business all the time]

Dimitri: Guarda che ore si sono fatte. Le tre passate, fin troppo tardi per il mio riposino. Andiamocene. [Look at the time. It's after 3:00, past time for my afternoon nap. Let's be off.]
Bodyguard 3: Chiama i ragazzi. È avissane che ce ne andiamo. [Get the boys. Tell them we're leaving]

Stone: When I was younger, I had nightmares about blowin' a mission. I learned not to screw up. The spooks would only give you one chance, if you blew it; they'll never trusted you again.

Stone: I knew that if I wasn't in that tower when Dimitri made his exit, I wouldn't be able to take a shot without being ripped to shreds by his bodyguards.

Bodyguard 3: È un attacco! Chiama gli uomini. [It's a hit! Get the men]
Bodyguard 4: Non posso crederci! [No, it can't be!]

Bodyguard 3: Lassù! Lo sparo veniva dalla torre! [Up there! The shot came from the tower]
Bodyguard 4: Prendetelo! [Get him!]

Bodyguard 3: Eccolo! All'inseguimento! [There he goes! After him!]
Bodyguard 4: Non la passerà liscia! Vendicati Dimitri! [He won't get away! Avenge Dimitri!]

Bodyguard 3: Un'esplosione! Nella via, andiamo! [An explosion! Up the street, lets go]
Bodyguard 4: Da quella parte, presto! [That way, lets go!]

Stone: I heard the explosion rocked the street, clay tiles and glass flew everywhere. Once the bodyguards took off in that direction, I made my move goin' the opposite way.

Mission: Unused PDA radio logs

Never replace this old scope

Stone: Your scope is important as your rifle. Mine is old, beat-up, scratched and the crosshairs are off center. I have to compensate by aimin' half a head to the right. But I don't care, I know how it works! I know how to judge range and drop with it. When I squeeze off my one round, I know I'm gonna hit my target. I'll never replace this old scope.

Mission: Unused character quotes


  • Eccolo! [There he is!]
  • E da questa parte! [He's over this way]
  • Prendetelo! [Get that guy]
  • *Moans*
  • *Death screams*
  • *Death moans*

Chief Guard

  • Sparagli! (Shoot him!)
  • Uccidilo! (Kill him!)
  • Assassino! (Assassin!)
  • Attento! (Look out!)
  • *Moans*
  • *Death screams*
  • *Death moans*

'Never sleep easy'

Berlin, Germany: IPCA Agency European Command

Stone: So, that's my story... Do I think about all the hits I've made? Lost lives, that they had families, that they loved their dogs? Yeah, I think about it. You can't help it if you're human. In the middle of the night, you sit in the dark and their magnified faces stare back at ya from the blackness. And the fact that their deaths have saved lives, maybe thousands of lives, ehh, don't make it easier. But that's okay. You ever start sleepin' easy in this line of work, you stop being human, become somethin' else. If ever gets to that point, you keep a sharp eye. Maybe I'll have a DPE order, only made out on your name.

Mazyr, Belarus: Krivorozhstal Mill

Some Blue Collar Joes

Fade in to show the mill. Workers are sitting on the ground. A train suddenly pulls in from a distance.

Mazyr, Belarus: Krivorozhstal Mill

Dobranski: Скажи людям, что груз здесь. Пусть поднимаются. Заставь их шевелиться. Быстро, быстро, быстро! Пошли! [The shipment is here. Get them up. Get moving. Quickly! Go!]
Worker 1: Пусть он приходит и клеймит свою проклятую скотину. [Let him come burn his own dead cattle.]

The workers stand waiting for the train. A carriage door opens and they register a look of shock. Red dot sights settle on them. Sounds of weapons locking and loading can be heard. Safety catches flick off with an audible sound.

A hail of gunfire rings out. A few workers drop dead. Some survivors try to flee and are pursued by slugs. Laser sights can be seen from the distance. Camera shows a dead body on the ground. Pan up revealing Zhidkov looking down at the cadaver.

Workers: *Death moans & Death screams*
Zhidkov: Мне нужно чтобы взрывчатка была быстро заложена. Установите все механизмы на перегрузку и убейте всех рабочих. [I want the explosives set quickly. Set the machines to overload and kill all the workers.]

Insert cut to show a soldier deploying a C4 charge on a tower. Return to Zhidkov, who sees two men escorting the mill foreman to him.

Workers: *Death moans & Death screams*
Dobranski: *Moans*
Zhidkov: Добрански. Иванков решил не возобновлять с вами контракт. [Dobranski. Ivankov has decided not to renew your contract.]
Dobranski: Что это значит? Что происходит? *Moan* [What is this? What is going on?]

Zhidkov ignores this.

Zhidkov: Отволоки его в сторону и заставь открыть сейф. Если он будет сотрудничать, убей его. [Drag him back to his office and force him to open the safe. ...and kill him if he does not cooperate.]
Dobranski: Иванков эта собака, ты меня слышишь, Жидков? Вы все отправитесь к чёрту! [Ivankov is a dog, you hear me Zhidkov? You are all going to hell!]
Zhidkov: Когда получишь документы, убей его. [When you have the documents, kill him.]
Worker: *Death moan*

Pan up to show the skies above the mill.

Alima: Cattle in sight. ETA: 1 minute.
Stone: Copy that. Take us on it, gal. I want you to follow the mission plan. I'm droppin' you at the perimeter, then circle back to check the train yards. The whole op should be cake. Just a nice friendly interview with some blue collar joes. Just like you and me.

Mission: Main plot

Stone: Your primary objective is findin' the mill foreman Dobranski. If he's not around, search his office for documents, shippin' invoices, crap like that. That shipment of biohazardous material I found in Italy was supposed to be delivered to this mill. I wanna find out why.

Worker 2: Помогите! *Coughs* [Help me!]

Worker 3: Не стреляйте! [Don't shoot!]

CDP Soldier 1: Умри, свинья! [Die pig.]

Worker 3: *Death scream*

Worker 2: *Death scream*

Stone: I know it wasn't part of our mission, but we need to help as many of these workers as we can.

Stone: All right, no more playin' nice. Tear these guys a new one. You are authorized to use deadly force on all combatants, repeat, shoot to kill!

CDP Soldier 2: Занесите эти тела внутрь. Жидков хочет сжечь все трупы. [Move those bodies inside. Zhidkov wants all the corpses burned.]
CDP Soldier 3: Да, товарищ. [Yes comrade.]

Stone: Teresa, we've got confirmation that this was the intended destination of that livestock in Pescara. They are usin' this mill as a front to burn contaminated cattle.
Teresa: Copy that. Get some samples. Dr. E is gonna need them.

Alima: Got something else.
Zhidkov: Переведите механизмы в режим перегрузки. Мне нужно ровное место. Жидков уходит. [Set the machines into overload mode. I want the place leveled. Zhidkov out.]
Stone: Let's not have any of that. Search each buildin' and find those machines. I want that hardware shut down.

Stone: Make sure you get a sample from that carcass.

Stone: Got that sample Dr. E asked for. Hope she can use it.

Zhidkov: Докладывай. Взрывчатка заложена? [Report. Have the explosives been set?]
CDP Soldier 4: Ещё нет, товарищ командир. Щас мы у шахт. [Not yet comrade. We are at the stacks now.]
Zhidkov: Вот бестолочь. Поторопись! [Incompetent. Hurry up.]

Stone: They're plannin' on blowin' the stacks. Find those explosives and defuse 'em.

Stone: The CDP leader is named Zhidkov. We've got a field DPE order. So, if you gonna cross him, eliminate him. And don't mess around. If he's runnin' this massacre, he's gotta be the CDP's attack dog.

Stone: Defuse those explosives.

Stone: Findin' Dobranski is the key to findin' out what's going on here.

CDP Soldier 4: Нас атакуют! Я уже потерял много людей. [We're under attack. I've lost men already.]
Zhidkov: Проклятие, ты их задержишь, понятно? Может это просто местная полиция, она не может на противопостоять. Владимир уходит. [Damn it, you hold them, you understand? It's probably just the local militia, they cannot stand up to us. Zhidkov out.]

Stone: Good work defusin' those explosives. Though I admit as kinda wondered what kind of fireworks show they would've made.

CDP Soldier 5: Они около водонапорной башни! [They're near the water tower.]

CDP Soldier 6: Это американцы, я их чувствую по запаху. [It's Americans, I can tell by their smell!]

CDP Soldier 5: Они в туннеле! [They're in the tunnel.]

Stone: They're gonna execute Dobranski. You've gotta stop 'em if possible. We might need him alive.

Stone: Did you find Dobranski's office yet? You gotta stop that execution.

  • Dobranski Interrogation's quotes

Dobranski: Спасибо, дружище. Спасибо. Они бы убили бы меня. Вот, смотри, я открою сейф, вот здесь документы, которые они разыскивают. [Thank you my friend. Thank you. They would have killed me.] (Look, I open the safe, here the documents they looking for.)

Save Dobranski quickly

Stone: Good work gettin' to Dobranski before they killed him. Couldn't've done it better myself. Now get whatever's in that safe, it's gotta be important.

Stone: We came for the documents in that safe. Let's not leave 'em lying around.

Stone: Good work. You've got Dobranski's documents.

Complete half of the objectives

Stone: The first part of the mission is complete. Good work.

Stone: Better take him to the shelter. If you leave him there, he's gonna get killed.

CDP Soldier 5: Они вошли в изгибающее здание! [They went into the coil building.]

Stone: Good job. Damn, I wonder how old those things are. It's a wonder they don't blow up without being overloaded.

Worker: Убежище находится в нижней части шахты лифта. [The shelter is down this elevator shaft.]

Stone: That shelter must be where they're hidin'. See how many other workers you can help in there before we have to pull out.

Worker: Спасибо, дружище. Вот этот лифт ведёт в бомбоубежище. Вам нужно уходить сейчас, пока солдаты не пришли, и не увидели вас здесь. Пожалуйста, помогите моим товарищам. [Thank you my friend. This is the elevator to the bomb shelter. You must go now before the soldiers come and see you here. Please go help my comrades.]

Stone: Ooh, bad idea, partner. You don't wanna go into a small room filled with sick and dyin' workers. Let's limit our exposure to this thing.

Stone: Good work. See how many more you can save.

Online only

Stone: Good job on savin' those workers. I'm bettin' Mujari buy us dinner when we get back.

Stone: Good work. One more to go.

Stone: That was the last of 'em. Now this old mill might last another 50 years.

Alima: Sounds like Zhidkov is going to take off.
Zhidkov: Возьми людей. Мы уезжаем. [Get the men. We're pulling out.]
CDP Soldier 7: Но они разбросаны, нужно время, чтобы их собрать. [But they are scattered, it will take time to organize.]
Zhidkov: Я не буду ждать. Каждый, кто не будет на поезде сейчас же останется здесь. [I'm not waiting. Anyone not at the train now will be left behind.]
CDP Soldier 7: Да, товарищ командир. [Yes comrade.]
Stone: I want him stopped. Get to the tracks by the north gate and blow 'em up. Zhidkov's not gettin' out of here alive.

Stone: You don't have much time! Blow up those tracks, Zhidkov's on the move. Blow those tracks!

Stone: Yeehaaw! It's a 4th of July in Belarus. Good job! Zhidkov ain't goin' nowhere but to hell.

Stone: All right, kids, time to wrap it up. Make your way to the LZ; I'll be there in 4 minutes. And you don't wanna keep papa waitin'.

Complete all of the objectives

Stone: Mission complete. Good work, team.

Mission: PDA radio logs

Stone/Alima: Keep scanner going

Stone: Alima, you be a good girl and keep the frequency scanner goin'. You pick up any local traffic, pipe it straight in.
Alima: You got it, boss.

Stone: Mill is a warzone

Stone: Teresa darlin', can you find out why my team was sent into a warzone without my consent?!
Teresa: Sorry, Stone, but if anyone can handle it, you can. Grabbing video feed from the MDRD.
Stone: Don't wanna complain... but it seems like Larry and Imani were both dropped into warzones without advance intel! And now us! What're we payin' you folks for?!
Teresa: What can I say, Stone? The world it's a dangerous place. That's why we keep you around. Lipan out.

Stone/Alima/Teresa: ID requested on soldier

Stone: Alima, be a sweetheart and patch us in to Command.
Alima: Copy, Stone. Uploading now.
Teresa: What you got, Stone?
Stone: Got a combatant here, dead as of two minutes ago. Take a look at his colors and see what you can find. No ID, but he had this folded flag in his pocket.
Teresa: Got it. Get back to you soon.

Teresa/Stone: Soldiers identified

Teresa: Stone, you've got trouble. I've got an ID on those uniforms. Chechnyan Democratic Partizans. May not sound like much but the CDP are made of ex-Spetsnaz, KGB and old-Soviet hardliners. A mixed crowd. All fanatics.
Stone: What the hell they doin' here?
Teresa: No idea. Scrambling now to get ahold of Gregorov, see what SVR intel has. I'll keep you posted. Lipan out.
Stone: Copy that.

Stone: DPE authorized on soldiers

Stone: Teresa, I'm orderin' a mission redirect! I dunno who these guys are, but they're slaughterin' these mill workers, and my team ain't standin' by let it happen!
Teresa: Copy that. Mission redirect logged and forwarded to Gabe.
Stone: Alright, you guys heard the lady. You get 'em in your sights, you whack 'em! We're not gonna let these murderin' sons uv bitches get away with this!

Stone: Bomb Shelter

Alima: Stone, picking up radio chatter.
Stone: Pipe it through.
CDP Soldier 7: Но мы не можем уничтожить всех рабочих. Больше половины из них исчезло, возможно, ещё больше. [We can't account for all the workers. Over half of them are missing, perhaps more.]
Zhidkov: Должны быть, они прячутся. Во время холодной войны под всеми этими заводами были построены бомбоубежища. Там вы их и найдёте. [They must be hiding. All of these old mills had bomb shelters built beneath them during the cold war. That's where you'll find them.]
CDP Soldier 7: Мы никого не нашли... [We have not found any...]
Zhidkov: Ищи, идиот. Я не могу всё делать сам. [Look for it, idiot. I can't do everything myself.]

Stone/Teresa: Stack residue

Stone: Teresa, find out from Dr. E what kind of residue in those stacks they might be tryin' to get rid of. The CDP seems pretty intent on levellin' the entire mill.
Teresa: Copy that.

Teresa/Stone: Voice print on leader

Teresa: Stone, we've got a voice print ID on the CDP officer leading the raid on the mill. It's Vladimir Zhidkov. He's got an Interpol rap sheet as long as my leg, going back to war crimes in Afghanistan.
Stone: Sounds like a rough customer. We'll take care of him. Anythin' else on these Chechnyan guys?
Teresa: According to the SVR, they are hardline terrorists. Russian troops have been fighting an uprising in Chechnya since Perestroika, but Uri has no idea what they might be doing in Belarus. Lipan out.
Stone: Thanks, hon.

Stone/Alima: Dobranski to be executed

Alima: Stone, picking up something.
Stone: Patch it through to our main channel.
Zhidkov: Вы уже получили документы? [Have you got the documents yet?]
CDP Soldier 8: Нет. Пока ещё на пути к офису Добранского. [No. Still en route to Dobranski's office.]
Zhidkov: Когда он будет убит, сбросьте его тело в шахту. Нам нельзя оставлять после себя никаких улик. [When you kill him, dump his body in the stacks. We don't want any evidence left behind.]
CDP Soldier 8: Да, товарищ Жидков. [Yes Comrade Zhidkov.]
Stone: Giddy up! We might need Dobranski alive for questionin', so get to him quick.

Stone/Teresa: Mill documents obtained

Stone: Teresa, might have a break in the case. We have Dobranski's documents!
Teresa: Copy. That's good news! Gabe and Lian haven't turned up much in Uganda, and Imani is coming up empty in Brazil.
Stone: I love bringin' Teresa homework. A suitcase full of Russian shippin' documents ought to keep her busy.
Teresa: Just earning my paycheck, Stone. Unlike some of us...
Stone: Keep 'em flyin', darlin'. Stone out.

Stone: On way to LZ

Stone: Alima, I've finished my sweep of the train yards. On my way back. Fire up.
Alima: Copy. Ready to go.
Stone: What a mess out here. Zhidkov hit the train area first, all the workers are dead. Must be two dozen corpses. Also, count four train cars filled with dead cattle. Teresa, dig up the track layout for the Mazyr area. We don't find anythin' at the mill; we have to try to track down the origin point of these cars the hard way.
Teresa: Copy that. Lipan out.

Mission: Wrong actions


Stone: Cobra's down. Repeat, Cobra is down. / Cobra's down!

Stone/Teresa: Samples not found

Stone: Teresa, there's signs all over the mill that the workers have been draggin' dead cattle in and dumpin' 'em in stacks and steel vats.
Teresa: Did you get any tissue samples?
Stone: No, they must have finished before we got here.
Teresa: Elsa's gonna be disappointed. She wanted brain tissue samples from the specimens they were destroying.
Stone: Sorry... Stone out.

Kill first worker

Stone: Cobra, I said no collateral damage.

Kill second worker

Stone: Pull your head out, Cobra.

Kill third worker

Stone: You're actin' green, Cobra.

Kill fourth worker

Stone: Cobra's screwin' up!

Kill fifth worker and onwards

Stone: Cobra's out of control!

Kill a worker with non-lethal weapon

Stone: These workers are non-combatants, understood? These workers are not to be killed or injured. If you see an armed worker, you fire in self-defense only.

Kill fifth worker with non-lethal weapon

Stone: If you'd worked a little harder, you could've saved more lives.

Dobranski is shot

Dobranski: *Death scream*

Dobranski is killed

Stone: Damn it! We needed him alive. Now you're gonna have to find another way into that safe.

Stacks destroyed

Stone: Holy shit! I guess you didn't defuse those explosives. They'll be able to see those fireworks all the way to Minsk.

Stone/Teresa: Stacks destroyed

Teresa: Stone, Elsa says we can analyze ash from the stacks to determine what they've been burning there for the last year.
Stone: Too late now. It's all blown up. Tell her we're sorry. Couldn't get to 'em in time.
Teresa: What the hell are you people doing out there, Stone?
Stone: I just work here, darlin'. Stone out.

Stone: Rookies

Teresa: Oh, poor Stone, you just 'love' having to explain things like this in your paperwork, don't you?
Stone: You know it, darlin'. I think I'll retire and become a politician.

Zhidkov escapes

Stone: Oh hell... They let Zhidkov get away. Alima, pull this bird around; I'll take him out myself. You know, Imani wrote up some good things about you in her report, but I'm not seen much of that today.

Time is 9:00

Stone: Time is runnin' out.

Time is 13:30

Stone: You're almost out of time!

Mission: Character quotes

CDP Soldiers

  • Вон один. Убей его! [Here's one. kill him.]
  • Здесь ещё один! [Another one over here.]
  • Вот ещё, убей его! [There's one, kill him.]
  • Там рабочий, заберите его! [A worker over there, get him.]
  • Там ещё один рабочий, заберите его! [There's another worker, get him.]
  • Убейте их всех! [Kill them all.]
  • Не дайте ему уйти! [Don't let him get away.]
  • Сюда! [Over here!]
  • Они пошли туда! [They went that way.]
  • Он пошёл туда! [He went that way.]
  • Подкрепление, мне нужно подкрепление! [Reinforcements, I need reinforcements!]
  • Умри, свинья! [Die pig.]
  • Умри, собака. [Die you dog.]
  • Кто ты? Ты не рабочий. [Who are you? You're not one of the workers!]
  • Эй, ты не наш! [Hey, you are not one of us!]


  • Спасибо, дружище. Вот этот лифт ведёт в бомбоубежище. Вам нужно уходить сейчас, пока солдаты не пришли, и не увидели вас здесь. Пожалуйста, помогите моим товарищам. [Thank you my friend. This is the elevator to the bomb shelter. You must go now before the soldiers come and see you here. Please go help my comrades.]
  • Извините. Я не говорю по-английски. Я-я вас не понимаю. [I'm sorry. I don't speak English. I can't understand you.]
  • Немного дальше. Не дайте им меня убить. Пожалуйста. [Just a little further. Don't let them kill me, please.]
  • Мы почти на месте. Пожалуйста, защитите меня. [We're almost there. Please protect me.]
  • Убежище находится в нижней части шахты лифта. [The shelter is down this elevator shaft.]
  • Это чеченцы. Я не знаю, почему они здесь, я не знаю! [They are Chechen, I don't know why they are here.]
  • Помогите! *Coughs* [Help me!]
  • Я не з-*Coughs* Я не знаю, почему они нас убивают. *Coughs* Мне очень плохо. *Coughs* [I don't know why they are killing us. I am so sick.]
  • Вот тупой скот! Ах, это из-за них нам плохо. [The stupid cattle, they are why we're sick.]
  • Вы ведь американцы, вы поможете нам. *Coughs* [You are American aren't you? You will help us.]
  • Пожалуйста, не надо! [Please, No!]
  • Вы можете меня взять в убежище? *Coughs* Помогите! [Can you take me to the shelter? Help me!]
  • Не убивайте меня! [Don't kill me!]
  • Не стреляйте! [Don't shoot!]
  • Осторожно! Там солдаты! [Be careful, there are soldiers over there!]
  • Они убивают нас! Помогите нам! *Coughs* [They are murdering us, help us!]
  • Мне плохо. Помогите! [I am sick, help me!]

Dobranski Interrogation

  • CDP Soldier 1: Открой же сейф, чёрт тебя побери! [Open the safe damn you]
  • CDP Soldier 1: Тебя снова побить? [Shall I hit you again]
  • CDP Soldier 1: Почему ты не хочешь открыть сейф? [Why won't you open the safe?]
  • CDP Soldier 2: Делай, что он тебе говорит, приятель, мы не желаем тебе вреда. [Do as he says comrade, we don't want to hurt you]
  • CDP Soldier 2: Давай же, прояви благоразумие. [Come now, be reasonable]
  • CDP Soldier 1: Не заставляй меня снова тебя бить! [Don't make me hit you again]
  • CDP Soldier 1: Открывай! [Open it]
  • CDP Soldier 1: Назови нам комбинацию. [Tell us the combination]
  • CDP Soldier 2: Упрямый болван, говори же! [Stubborn fool, Tell us]
  • Dobranski: Не надо. Пожалуйста, не надо! [Stop it. Please stop]
  • Dobranski: Пожалуйста, не бейте меня. [Please don't hurt me.]
  • Dobranski: Я не могу вам сказать. Жидков убьёт меня. [I can't tell you. Zhidkov will kill me.]
  • Dobranski: А где Иванков? Дайте мне с ним поговорить. [Where is Ivankov? Let me talk to him.]
  • Dobranski: Нет, нет! Пожалуйста! [No, no. Please.]
  • Dobranski: Я не могу я вам говорю. Я не буду! [I can't, I tell you. I won't.]

Mission: Unused main plot

Stone: Teresa, we got a situation here. The mill is under attack by unknown forces, repeat, the mill is under attack!
Teresa: Copy that, Stone. You're authorized to use deadly force to protect yourselves and any non-combatants.
Stone: Lock 'n load and take 'em out.

CDP Soldier 9: Товарищ Жидков, мы здесь не одни. Здесь кто-то помогает рабочим! [Zhidkov, we're not alone. Someone's here helping the workers!]

CDP Soldier 5: Они в здании со шлаковой ямой. [They're in the slag pit building.]

Stone: Any workers you find who can't walk will have to be carried to the shelter.

CDP Soldier 10: Остановите их, они пытаются помочь рабочим! [Stop them, they're trying to help the workers!]

CDP Soldier 5: Они в литейном цехе. [They're in the melt foundry.]

Stone: Looks like Dobranski is out cold.

CDP Soldier 11: Я здесь видел кого-то. [I saw someone over here!]

Stone: You gonna have to blow that safe. Use your C4, but don't use too much, just enough to blow the lid.

CDP Soldier 12: Кто-то вошёл в это здание. [Someone went into that building!]

Stone: You gonna have to blow that safe. See if you can find some C4. They might have some stored at the plant or the CDP might have some.

Stone: You get into that safe yet? What's takin' you so long?

Stone: All right. Good work.

CDP Soldier 13: Пришлите кого-нибудь на помощь! [Send some backup!]

Stone: Clean up that safe, we need those documents.

Stone: You don't shut down those machines, they're gonna blow!

Stone: Good work. Wonder what keeps those machines runnin'. Duct tape and chicken wire? They've must been built before WWII.

CDP Soldier 14: Прошу подкрепление! [Requesting assistance!]

CDP Soldier 14: *Moans*

CDP Soldier 14: *Death moans*

CDP Soldier 14: *Death screams*

Stone: Good work. Hope the CDP bought some body bags with 'em.

Stone: I'm at the LZ! You comin'?

Mission: Unused PDA radio logs

Stone/Teresa: Take tissue sample from cattle

Stone: Teresa, I'm pretty sure this was the intended destination of the beef carcasses that ended up in Pescara. Near as we can tell, the workers here are usin' the steel mill to hide the destruction of biowaste materials.
Teresa: Get samples if you can. Elsa will want samples of brain tissue.
Stone: Copy that. Tell Elsa we'll bring her back a nice plate of head loaf.
Teresa: Thanks for the image. Lipan out.

Stone/Teresa: Workers appear sickly

Stone: Teresa, these mill workers are lookin' sicker than a dog. Get on the horn to the WHO; tell 'em they may have another outbreak to deal with. Looks like the same thing I saw in Pescara. And matches the profiles from Brazil, Toronto and Uganda.
Teresa: Copy that. I've got Elsa alerting authorities through channels. Can't do it directly, since legally... we're not even in Belarus. Lipan out.

Mission: Unused character quotes

CDP Soldiers

  • Хватайте их! [Get them!]
  • Сюда! [Over here!]
  • Умрите, капиталистические собаки! [Die you capitalist dogs!]
  • За свободную Чечню! [Fight for free Chechnya!]
  • В бой партизаны, стреляйте! [Fight Partizans, fight!]
  • Убейте их всех! [Kill them all!]
  • Да, товарищ. [Yes comrade.]


  • Помогите! [Help me!]
  • Убейте их! [Kill them!]
  • Сюда. Сюда идите! [Over here!]
  • Остановите их! [Stop them!]
  • Не дайте им меня забрать! [Don't let them get me!]
  • Уйдите от меня! [Get away from me!]
  • *Moans*
  • *Death moans*
  • *Death screams*

Jandran's Safety Video

This is unlocked by acquiring the documents from Dobranski's safe. It is one of ten components that is required to cure the Omega Strain. While slaughtering the soldiers who harass Dobranski without getting the civilian killed will open the safe, the player can also use C4 charges to blow the door if the man is somehow slain.

Video from Dobranski's safe...

We see Jandran in a stereotypical mad scientist uniform (white lab coat and glasses). He stands at a computer terminal.

Jandran: Работает? Окей, хорошо. Хорошо, это не займёт много времени, поэтому надеюсь, что вы будете слушать внимательно. Переключитесь на слайды, пожалуйста. Не этот, идиот, этот отправляется к сельским кузнецам, они даже не поймут что это. Хорошо. То, на что вы сейчас смотрите, называется Бос Таурус Индикус, обычно известна под названием корова. Это экземпляр после одного часа воздействия. Тот же экземпляр четырьмя часами позже. Обратите внимание на пятнистые повреждения и ушибы, не правда ли прелестно? Подавление иммунитету к вирусному патогенезу приводит к полному коллапсу гомеостаза. Я использовал трансгенную модель, чтобы объединить ВИЧ экспрессор с БСВ и СФ гистохимическим клеточным промотором, с целью транскрипционного перемещения патологии за пределы иммуно-регуляторного пути распространения в организме. Гм-хм... Извините. В итоге она умирает очень быстро, её органы съедаются изнутри. Этот вирус распространяется самыми разными путями. Передача через воду является наиболее подходящей, поскольку геномная последовательность содержит ЧИВ и несколько родственных аденовирусов, поэтому избегайте контакта со всякими вязкими средами и жидкостями. Отсюда понятно, что вирус не является видоспецифичным, и из-за понимания этого мой лаборант дорого заплатил. Не закончите как он. Всё время носите маски. На вас всё время должна быть защитная одежда, и перчатки. Я отправляю вакцину первого этапа, используйте её. Не делайте ошибок, берегите себя, или этот вирус вас убьёт. Благодарю вас за внимание, желаю хорошего дня. [Is the camera running? Ok, good. Alright, this won't take long, so I hope you listen carefully. Switch to the slides please (screen cuts to show a Syphon Filter viron) Wrong one, idiot, this is going to peasant steel workers, they won't even know what that - (sceen shows a cow) Good. What you are looking at here is Bos Taurus indicus, commonly known as a cow. This specimen is one hour into exposure. (screen shows the same some time later) Same specimen four hours later. Note the mottled lesions and bruising. Fascinating isn't it. (cow is shown dead) The immunosuppression of the viral pathogenesis leads to the complete collapse of homeostasis. I've used a transgenic model to combine an HIV suppressor with a BSV and SF histochemical cellular promoter to transcriptionally move the pathogen beyond the specimen's immunoregulatory pathway. Sorry. In sum, it dies very quickly, its organs eaten from the inside out. The virus is spread in multiple ways. Water transport is the most likely as the genomic sequence contains HAV and several related adenoviruses, so avoid contact with all viscous fluids and aquifiers. (camera shows a lab where Jandran's assistant is on a stretcher dead) Here you see the virus doesn't discriminate between species, as my assistant learnt the hard way. Don't end up like him. (cuts back to Jandran) Wear a mask at all times. Wear protective clothing and gloves at all times. I'm sending along the first phase of the antidote, use it. Make no mistakes; protect yourself, or this virus will kill you. Thank you for your time and have a nice day.]
Camera Man: Может нам следует сделать ещё одну попытку? Похоже вы не записали- [Perhaps we should do another take? You seemed to lose-]
Jandran: Какая разница? Они крестьяне. Я закончил. [Who cares? They are peasants. I’m done.]

Fade out

Russian for White Tower

Mazyr, Belarus: North of Krivorozhstal Mill

Stone: We finally got the point of origin for these cattle shipments. Dobranski had shippin' invoices from a chateau just north from here. The Belaya Vezha.
Teresa: That's Russian for White Tower. I'll see what I can dig up.
Stone: Headin' there now. Alright, kids. Let's go get us some spetsnaz barbecue.

Mazyr, Belarus: Belaya Vezha

You Don't Trust Me?

Mazyr, Belarus: Belaya Vezha

Fade in to a security checkpoint, where a boom barrier blocks vehicles from passing. It's manned by a thug we can see, and presumably by a few more off-screen. The man calls out to an approaching truck.

CDP Soldier 1: Стой! [Halt!] (looks at the people within the vehicle) Дай ему пройти. Пошли! Пошли! [Let him through. Go! Go!] (the boom barrier rises and the truck passes through)

Cut to show the front of the vehicle. We see the passenger but not the driver. The truck drives into a tunnel.

Pulikovsky: В Криворожстали что-то не в порядке. Все на стороже. [Something has gone wrong at Krivorozhstal. Everyone on alert.]

Intercut to show the truck and a different area.

Truck Driver: Да, товарищ командир. Понятно. [Yes comrade. Understood.]
Pulikovsky: Но только не на дорогах. Мне нужен патруль в глуши. Вы меня понимаете? Пуликовский уходит. [And not just on the roads. I want a patrol in the back country. Do you understand me? Pulikovsky out.]

Ivankov appears from behind Pulikovsky.

Ivankov: Я отправляюсь на базу. Найди меня там, когда вы закончите здесь. [I'm heading to the base. Meet me there when you have finished here.]
Pulikovsky: Михас, я ей не доверяю. Ты знаешь, она работает на него. [Mikhas, I don't trust her. You know she works for him.]
Mara: Ты мне не веришь? Пуликовский, я удивлена, внатуре. И это после всего, что я для тебя сделала. [You don't trust me? Pulikovsky, really, I'm surprised. After all I've done for you.]

Mara exits from the chateau. She heads towards the road, where a car has pulled up.

Ivankov: Никулеску для меня. Идём. [Let me worry about Niculescu, comrade. Let's go.]

He makes a start for the vehicle. It drives off with the two leaving Pulikovsky alone outside the chateau. He stares at the falling snow for a few seconds until, from behind, a man struggling to carry a crate falls to the ground. Turning to the goon he enters the structure. As the man tries to stand he speaks.

Pulikovsky: Ты идиот! Убери всё это! [You idiot! Clean this up.]
CDP Soldier 2: *Moan*
Pulikovsky: К этому времени тебе пора всё разобрать! [You were supposed to be finished by now.]
 (shuts the door)

Cut to the copter.

Stone: We need to blow up this power station. Looks like they have a comm truck parked here. They got a tank workin' the main road, so we need to touch down and-
Alima: Buckle up! We're in for a little chop.
Stone: Alima! Where'd you learn to fly, darlin'?
Alima: From your daddy, Stone. Hang on! *Moan* Stabilizer's gone. We're going down!

Outside the aircraft, somebody fires a SMAW at the 'copter.

Stone: Bail. Bail! BAIL!

Mission: Main plot

Stone: Did everyone make it? Ohh, that was somethin' ridin' a bronco in a tornado. All right, you scattered from my position all the way to the gates. I saw the chopper go down just north of where I was thrown from it. So I'm headin' up there to find Alima. You take out that damn defense tower, and blow up anythin' else you can get close enough to. Try to make your way to the chopper crash site, and retrieve any gear that survived. We'll rendezvous at the chateau. Command, our bird's gone down, repeat, the bird is down. Ahh, storm must be blockin' our satcom. Looks like we're on our own.

Stone: You arm yourself yet? You're not plannin' on throwin' snowballs at 'em, are ya?

Stone: Take out that power substation. They're gonna be sorry they mess with us.

Pulikovsky: Доложи мне что там. Вы хотя бы выяснили, кто был в этом вертолёте? [Give me a report out there. Have you found who ever was in that chopper?]
CDP Soldier 3: Мы взяли одного, женщину. [We've captured one, a female.]
Pulikovsky: Верните её во дворец и ищите остальных. Их нужно найти, живыми или мёртвыми. [Bring her back to the chateau and search for the rest. I want them found, dead or alive.]
CDP Soldier 3: Да, товарищ командир. [Yes comrade.]

Stone: I'm goin' in after Alima. They gonna kill her.

Stone: You hit that substation yet? Damn it, get on it!

Stone: Good work. That took down the grid to the entire stockyards. Whatever operation they had back there'll be shut down for a while.

CDP Soldier 3: Они взорвали гидроэлектростанцию. Будут дальнейшие приказы? [They've blown the power station sir. Awaiting further orders?]
Pulikovsky: Дальнейшие приказы? Остановите их, бестолковые идиоты! Почему вы их до сих пор не убили? [Further orders? Stop them you incompetent idiots. Why haven't you killed them yet?]
CDP Soldier 3: Виноваты, товарищ командир, мы стараемся. [Sorry comrade, we are trying.]
Pulikovsky: Пуликовский уходит. [Pulikovsky out.]

Stone: You take out that comm truck yet? Get on it!

Stone: You shut down those gas mains yet?

Stone: Good work. That'll stop those guys from squawkin'.

Pulikovsky: Чёрт возьми, у нас прервалась связь с Иванковым. Что случилось с грузовиком командира? [Dammit, we've lost communications with Ivankov. What happened to the comm truck?]
CDP Soldier 3: Сожалею, товарищ командир, но его ээ нет. Уничтожен. [I'm sorry comrade, it's gone. Destroyed.]
Pulikovsky: Прекрати говорить мне о сожалении, вот когда я тебе пущу пулю в лоб, тогда ты действительно пожалеешь. Схватить их! [Don't tell me you are sorry, you won't be really sorry until I put a bullet in your head. Get them.]

Complete half of the objectives

Stone: The first part of the mission is complete. Good work.

Stone: Good work. That'll stir up the ant's nest an even more.

Pulikovsky: Прикажи прислать танк к дворцу. Он может нам понадобиться. [Order the tank to the chateau. We may need it.]
CDP Soldier 3: Да, товарищ командир. Он уже в пути. [Yes comrade. It is on its way.]

Stone: You're not gonna be able to stop that tank by yourself. Get on up here. We'll deal with that tank later.

Online only

Stone: Grab someone and find a way to blow that bridge. Gotta stop that tank from crossin', and you don't have much time!

Stone: We've got problems. Pulikovsky's ordered that tank to the chateau courtyard. That's gonna make our LZ a little hot.

Teresa: Stone. Stone? His PCD is dead. Sounds like his rescue of Alima didn't go all that well. Now it's up to you to rescue him.

Online only

Teresa: Good work blowing the bridge. Now get in there and rescue Stone.

Online only

CDP Soldier 3: Товарищ, Пуликовский, они взорвали мост. Танк тоже... [Comrade Pulikovsky, they've blown the bridge. The tank...]
Pulikovsky: Да, да. Ну конечно, зачем вам вообще выполнять приказы? Слезь с моей частоты, я больше не разговариваю с тобой. Щас заговорят пули. [Yes, yes. Of course, why should any of you follow orders at all? Get off my frequency I'm done talking to you. I'll let bullets do the talking from now on.]

Teresa: Get to Stone as quickly as you can. Who knows what they're doing to him.

CDP Tank Commander: Это командир танка, занимаем позицию у главных ворот. Никто не пройдёт мимо нас, товарищ. Уверяю вас. [Tank commander here, setting up position at the main gate. No one will get past us, comrade, I assure you]

  • Stone Interrogation's quotes

Stone: Look out, place is crawlin'!

Stone: Pour it into 'em, team. Now we'll show 'em.

Stone: Dammit. Untie me, so I can kill some of 'em.

Stone: That's it. Tear 'em apart!

Stone: Get over here and untie me.

Stone: What took you so long, uh?

Teresa: Good work. I wonder where Alima is.

Stone: Teresa, PCD hooked up again.
Teresa: Stone, thank God. We're really worried about you.
Stone: Take more than a few dozen sadistic terrorists to take me out. Alima's gone. We're gonna look for her but I'm assumin' she's dead.
Teresa: No...
Stone: Sorry... My own damn fault. I was too cocky. Wasn't careful enough.
Teresa: I'll let the team know. Lipan out.

Crush: Crush here. You guys have a tank guarding my LZ, repeat, the LZ is hot. Can you guys get that clear please?

Stone: Tank's near the gate. Let's take her out.

Stone: Move. Move! MOVE!

Crush: You guys gonna clear that tank or what?

CDP Tank Commander: Это командир танка, нас атакуют! Повторяю, нужна поддержка пехоты. [Tank commander here, we're under attack. Repeat, requesting infantry support.]

Take out the tank quickly

Stone: Job well done. Bet those boys are wishin' they been sent to Siberia.

Complete all of the objectives

Stone: Mission complete. Good work, team.

Stone: Crush, LZ is clear. Come get us. We gotta see where they took Alima.

Crush: Roger that. On my way.

Mission: PDA radio logs

Stone: Radio traffic

Stone: Weather still cuttin' off satcom, but we're still pickin' up local CDP traffic. Keep your ears peeled for anythin' interestin'.

Stone: Find weapons wherever you can

Stone: Find an ammo dump and arm yourself. I saw at least two on our sat-recon on the way in. If nothin' else, take out a patrol and borrow their gear. Just make sure they won't need it again.

Teresa/Stone: Stone finally gets through to Teresa

Teresa: Stone, this is Command. Stone, can you read me?
Stone: Teresa, Stone here. Good to hear from you, little lady.
Teresa: Thank God! We've been trying to reach you.
Stone: Been dealin' with a whiteout here. Quick update, bird's gone down, Alima's MIA.
Teresa: Copy that. We're dispatching another ride. No ETA yet.
Stone: We'll be ready. Stone out.

Teresa/Stone: Look for Ivankov's papers

Teresa: Stone, check Zeus when you get back. And I'm dumping some of these files into your PDA. Uri came through with all the SVR files on these guys. Enough to give you nightmares. Acts of terrorism, murder, connections to the Obshina Organizatsiya.
Stone: Russian Mafia, no kiddin'. Some bad eggs there.
Teresa: The chateau and all the surrounding property belongs to Mikhas Ivankov. I know they're bugging out, but see if you can find any of Ivankov's private papers. Gabe wants to find out how they connected to these outbreaks.
Stone: Copy that. Stone out.

Stone: Alima taken prisoner by CDP soldiers

Stone: A CDP patrol has Alima. It looks like they're headin' back through the cattle yards towards the chateau. I'm gonna follow 'em. You were thrown clear on the other side of this ridge. So after you hit your objectives, you have to find another way in. When I get my hands on these bastards, they're gonna regret the day they ever saw me.

Stone: Cattle yards

Stone: Sweet mother... You would not believe what I'm seein' back here. They got barns and... fenced fields of cover 20 acres. Stockyards, filled with dead cattle. Each barn is some sort of lab set up.

Stone: Made it to the Chateau

Stone: I followed them through the back country, up into the rear entrance of the chateau compound. They've taken Alima inside. Two patrols are movin' along the back fence. Once I eliminate them, I'm headin' in. Wish I had my sniper rifle, they'd be dead already. Gonna have to do it the hard way. You start wrappin' stuff up out there, and make your way to the chateau.

Stone: Inside the Chateau

Stone: I'm inside. Looks like they're shuttin' the place down. Boxes everywhere. CDP's gettin' ready to bug out. It's a damn maze in here. They're takin' her to the dining hall. Ahh, too many guards, can't get to her. There're vents all over the place. Gonna see if I can find another way in. I'll keep you posted.

Teresa/Stone: Obtain waste dump sample

Teresa: Stone, Dr. E wants you to keep an eye out for any biohazard waste sites. Since they were only destroying solid at the steel mill, they've must be dumping liquid waste somewhere else.
Stone: We're a little busy right now, dear, but tell her we'll keep an eye out. All our collection gear got scattered when the chopper went down, but maybe some of it survived the crash.
Teresa: Thanks, Stone. Lipan out.

Teresa: Waste sample taken

Teresa: Good work. Elsa will need that sample to see what liquid waste material they dumping.

Stone/Alima/Pulikovsky: Stone captured

Stone: I'm in the vents above the dining hall. They've been torturin' Alima the bastards. They gettin' ready to move her out. I can't wait for you. I've got to get to her.
Alima: *Panting* I don't know anything. I told you that. I'm just a pilot. I can't tell you anything! Why don't you believe me?! Oh, God... nooo!
Pulikovsky: You expect me to believe you? I want to know who you work for? Why are you here? Who sent you? Aramov? Ukranians? Take her away. Ivankov has other ways to make her talk.
Stone: Leave her alone, you bastard!
Pulikovsky: Остановите его! (Stop him!)

Pulikovsky/Stone/Alima: Alima gone

Pulikovsky: So, we have a big tough American here, eh? We shall see...
Stone: Let her go, you son of a bitch! Whatever you got planned, do it to me!
Alima: No! Stop it! Leave him alone!
Pulikovsky: Yes, we will do it to you soon enough. Я с ней закончил. Заберите её или пристрелите. (I've done with her. Take her or shoot.)
Stone: YOU BASTARD! Let go of her!

Teresa: Ivankov's Papers found

Teresa: Excellent. He must have been trying to hide Ivankov's papers. We'll need those to figure out how he's involved.

Teresa/Stone: Crusher on the way to Chateau

Teresa: Stone, Gabe and Lian are back from their mission. So I'm sending Crush and a transport team to pick you up.
Stone: Okay. Tell him to land in the chateau courtyard. We'll need a quick pick up and dust off.
Teresa: Copy that. He's on the way.

Mission: Wrong actions


Stone: Cobra's down. Repeat, Cobra is down. / Cobra's down!

Time is 7:30

Stone: Time is runnin' out.

Time is 11:15

Stone: You're almost out of time!

Mission: Character quotes

CDP Soldiers (disguise)

  • Товарищ, нет лишней сигаретки? [Comrade, spare a cigarette?]
  • Почему ты не на своём посту? [Why aren't you at your post?]
  • Аа, ты пришёл, чтоб оплатить свой проигрыш? Или проиграть ещё? [Ah, here to pay up your gambling debt? Or lose some more?]
  • Ты здесь, чтобы освободить меня? [You here to relieve me?]
  • Как продвигаются их поиски, товарищ? [Any luck finding them comrade?]
  • Эй, что ты тут делаешь? [Hey, what are you doing here?]
  • Ергей, это ты? Я не знал, что ты патрулируешь этот участок. [Yergi, is that you? I did not know you were on patrol in this area.]
  • Яков, это ты? [Yackov, is that you?]
  • Эй Борис, это ты? А иди сюда. [Boris, is that you? Come here.]
  • Эй там, товарищ, я тебя не знаю. Кто твой командир? [You there, comrade, I don't recognize you. Who is your commander?]
  • Ты! Самозванец! [You, Imposter!]
  • Это один из тех, из вертолёта! [It's one of them, from the chopper!]
  • Они переоделись в нашу форму. Остановите их! [They're disguised in our uniforms. Stop them!]
  • Вы не чеченцы! Вы меня не проведёте. [You're not Chechen! You don't fool me.]
  • Умри, американская собака! [Die you American dog.]

CDP Soldiers

  • Здесь мёртвый солдат! Тревога! Дайте сигнал тревога! [There's a dead soldier over here! Alert! Sound the Alert!]
  • Стоп, брось оружие! [Halt, drop your weapons.]
  • Убей их. Не дайте им сбежать. [Kill them. Don't let them escape.]
  • Засада! [Ambush!]
  • Мне нужно подкрепление! [I need back up!]
  • Здесь внутри кто-то есть! [There's someone in here!]
  • Охрана! Охрана! [Guards! Guards!]

Stone Interrogation

  • Pulikovsky: Говори! Отсюда нет выхода. [Talk. There is no way out of here.]
  • Pulikovsky: Я могу быть таким же терпеливым, как и ты. Русская зима длинная, и мы привыкли к ней. [I can be as patient as you. The Russian winter is long, and we are used to it.]
  • Pulikovsky: Если ты хочешь когда-нибудь снова увидеть живой эту девушка, тебе лучше заговорить. [If you ever want to see the girl alive again, you better talk.]
  • Pulikovsky: Иванков найдёт самый интересный способ для того, чтобы пытать твою подругу. Ты можешь заговорить, и избавить её от лишних страданий. [Ivankov will find very creative ways to torture your friend. You could talk and save her much anguish.]
  • Pulikovsky: Я хочу знать, на кого ты работаешь. Кто тебя послал? Зачем ты здесь? Как ты разузнал об этом месте? [I want to know who you work for. Who sent you? Why are you here? How did you find out about this place?]
  • Pulikovsky: Говори! [Talk!]
  • Pulikovsky: Говори, или я снова буду тебя резать! [Talk, or I will cut you again!]
  • Pulikovsky: Может это поможет тебе вспомнить. [Maybe this will help you remember.]
  • Pulikovsky: *Laughs* Ты здесь совершенно один. Никто тебе не поможет. [You are quite alone here. No one will help you.]
  • Pulikovsky: Так что ты говоришь? Возьми это! [So you say? Take this.]
  • Stone: Where have you taken her? Damn you!
  • Stone: I'm not tellin' you a damn thing!
  • Stone: Do your worst, chech boy.
  • Stone: You men touch that girl and I'll break your neck!
  • Stone: That the best you can do?
  • Stone: Shoot! My lady hits harder than that.
  • Stone: You better kill me, cuz if you don't, I'm gonna break your neck.
  • Stone: Chechnya, now what is that? Russian for toilet?

Mission: Unused main plot

Stone: Damn it! Wish you would've followed orders and taken out that substation.

CDP Tank Commander: Танк прибыл на передний контрольный пост. Ждём приказов. [Tank's at the front check post. Awaiting orders]

Stone: I want their communication system shut down before this storm blows over. Make your way to that comm truck and light it up.

CDP Tank Commander: Это командир танка, щас движемся по направлению к туннелю. [Tank commander here, moving towards the tunnel now.]

Stone: You should've taken out that comm truck. Hope that don't come back to haunt us.

CDP Tank Commander: Это командир танка, щас движемся по направлению к шоссе. Скоро будем там, конец. [Tank commander here, moving up the main road. Be there shortly, out]

Stone: I remember seein' the gas mains along the main road. Let's fuck with 'em by turnin' off the gas, huh? Shut 'em down!

CDP Tank Commander: Это командир танка, мы почти у моста. [Tank commander here, almost to the bridge]

Stone: Dammit, man... Why can't you get anythin' done? I wanted those gas mains shut down!

CDP Tank Commander: Мы пересекаем мост. Расчётное время прибытия: 3 минуты. [We're across the bridge. Eta three minutes]

Stone: Damn... Tank just crossed the bridge. Now we're gonna have to do it the hard way.

Stone: Maybe they got some anti-tank grenades stockpiled in here somewhere.

Stone: The chateau is crawlin' with elite guards. You come across any of 'em, you take 'em out. If they're around when our ride gets here, things will get sticky.

Stone: Remember, eliminate all the elite guards.

Stone: Teresa, I found those papers you said to keep an eye out for.
Teresa: Awesome, Stone. Let's hope they shed some light on Ivankov's involvement.

Crush: Crush here. ETA: 5 minutes. Hope you're ready for pick up.

Stone: Crush is here. Let's get to the LZ, and then see if we can find Alima.

Crush: Stone, how you doin', bud? Hey, snag some of Ivankov's vodka for me, will ya?

Stone: All right. Let's deal with that tank and clear the LZ. Grab some of these anti-armor grenades and let's move.

Crush: I've done a complete flyby at the cattle yards and the stable area. No sign of Alima or anyone back there.

Stone: Come on, pick up the pace.

Crush: Looks like a convoy of Belarus regulars are heading this way. Better wrap this up.

Stone: Assholes and elbows, keep your boots movin'!

Crush: LZ is clear. Let's do this quick. Landing now.

Mission: Unused PDA radio logs

Stone: Train loading area

Stone: Damn... You wouldn't believe the smell back here! I'm passin' the train loadin' area now. Whole place is shut down. Must be a hundred cattle piled up here ready to transport. Wonder where everyone's gone.

Mission: Unused character quotes

CDP Soldiers (disguise)

  • Ты чё мне не отвечаешь? Ээ? [Why don't you answer me? eh?]
  • Ух, холодно, нет у тебя водки? [I'm freezing, you have some vodka with you?]
  • Товарищ, подойди сюда, пожалуйста. [Comrade, come here please.]
  • Тревога! Самозванец! Тревога! [Alert! Imposter, alert!]

CDP Soldiers

  • Эй, где патруль, который должен был быть здесь? Распределитесь и найдите его! [Hey, where's the patrol that's supposed to be here? Spread out and find him.]
  • Разве здесь не полагается быть охраннику? Где он? [Isn't there supposed to be a guard here. Where is he?]
  • Нам необходимо их найти, иначе этот ублюдок Пуликовский вместо их застрелит нас. [We must find them or that bastard Pulikovsky will shoot us instead.]
  • Сюда! Охранника убили! [Over here! A guard's been killed!]
  • Командир, пришлите замену охраннику. Один охранник пропал. И мы не можем найти его. [Commander, send a replacement guard. One's missing and we can't find him.]
  • Я что-то слышал на той стороне. Проверь. [I heard something over there. Check it out.]
  • Да, сэр. [Yes sir.]
  • Группа, выдвигайся! [Squad, move out!]
  • Группа, начать движение! [Squad, lets move!]
  • Группа, сюда! [Squad, over here!]
  • Группа, прекратить огонь! [Squad, cease fire!]
  • Там какое-то движение! [Something moved over there!]
  • Аа, что-то потревожило то дерево. [Something moved those trees.]
  • Кто-то в тех кустах, огонь! [Someone in these trees, fire!]
  • Какое-то движение там! [Something moved over there!]
  • Группа, строем назад! [Squad, back in formation!]
  • Группа, остаться на патрулировании! [Squad, stay on patrol]
  • Группа, развернуться! [Squad, fan out!]
  • Группа, оставаться вместе. [Squad, stay together.]
  • Прикрывающий огонь! [Covering fire!]
  • Назад, на дорогу! [Back to the road]
  • Под мостом кто-то есть! [There's someone under the bridge!]
  • Там кто-то есть около командирского грузовика! [There's someone by the comm truck!]
  • Там кто-то ещё, около электростанции! [There's someone by the power station!]
  • Я кого-то видел в подвале! [I saw someone in the cave!]
  • По дороге кто-то движется! [There's someone moving on the road]
  • Там кто-то есть около газопровода! [There's someone by the gas main!]
  • Охраняй этот вертолёт! Чтоб никого около него не было. [Guard this chopper! I don't want anyone near it.]
  • Там кто-то есть около сторожевой вышки! [There's someone by the guard tower!]
  • Там внутри кто-то есть! [There's someone in there!]
  • Они около главных ворот. [They're near the main gate]
  • В подвале кто-то есть. [Someone's in the cave.]
  • Они на шоссе. [They're on the main road.]
  • Они на шоссе. [They're on the back road.]
  • Они около моста. [They're near the bridge.]
  • Я кого-то видел около командирского грузовика. [I saw someone near the comm truck.]
  • Они около линий электропередачи. [They're near the power lines.]
  • В туннеле кто-то есть. [Someone's in the tunnel.]
  • Они в районе ущелья. [They're in the canyon area.]
  • Они у ворот дворца. [They're at the chateau gates.]
  • Они около кухни. [They're near the kitchen.]
  • Я видел кого-то в комнате с пианино. [I saw someone in the piano room.]
  • В главном зале кто-то есть. [Someone's in the main hall.]
  • В левом крыле кто-то есть. [Someone's in the south wing.]
  • Я видел их во внутреннем дворе. [I saw them in the courtyard.]

Alima Interrogation

  • Alima: No, stop!
  • Alima: I know nothing.
  • Alima: I can't answer your questions.
  • Alima: *Panting* Go to hell, you bastard.
  • Alima: Whatever, do what you will.
  • Alima: I don't remember.
  • Alima: I have nothing to say.
  • Alima: NO!
  • Alima: *Moans*
  • Alima: *Death moans*
  • Alima: *Death moans*

Stone Interrogation

  • Pulikovsky: Может это освежит тебе память! [Perhaps this will jog your memory.]
  • Stone: Damn cowards. Untie me, I'll show you how to torture someone.
  • Pulikovsky: *Moans*
  • Pulikovsky: *Death moans*
  • Pulikovsky: *Death screams*

Dull Knife In My Ribs

Berlin, Germany: IPCA Agency European Command

Imani: Hey, how you holdin' up? Damn... sorry, forgot about the stitches.
Stone: Huh, ain't nothin'.
Imani: It wasn't your fault, Stone.
Stone: Ten years in 'Nam and I never lost a pilot. Like a dull knife in my ribs.
Imani: You never found her body. Remember Lipan's trick in New York? No one is dead in this business until you touch their corpse.
Stone: Don't know. If Alima's not dead, she's wishin' she was.

Transition to somewhere else, where Lian and Gabe are quarrelling.

Lian: No, Gabe, not Zohar! I don't trust him!
Gabe: He's all we've got. We need to find out what Yushchenko is selling, and the Mossad already has an op set up in Sana'a.
Lian: What's the price, Gabe? Where is the line?
Gabe: I'll let you know when I cross it. Who can we send?
Teresa: I know a pretty good field agent.

Tash, Kumyr, Kyrgystan: Saydahmat's Village

I Had To Stop The Deal

Berlin, Germany: IPCA Agency European Command

Lian: Teresa told me you obtained these credentials in Yemen, from a North Korean agent. I dealt with another North Korean agent in Kyrgyzstan. If you read my mission report, you know that I was sent to Tash, Kumyr, to retrieve the bio-weapon container that we knew Yushchenko had sold. I knew from my sources that a North Korean agent was coming that night to purchase it. I had to stop the deal from going down.

Transit to...

Tash Kumyr, Kyrgyzstan: Askar Saydahmat's Compound

Sok-ju Yang: Кто ты? Где- где Самаев? (Who are you? Where is Samaev?)
Lian: The village guards bought into my old peasant woman disguise, but warned me to keep to myself.
Sok-ju Yang: Э, что? (What?)
Lian: Saydahmat's men were not to be trusted. If drunk enough, they would accost anyone. But if they bothered me, they would get more than they bargained for.

Mission: Main plot

  • Lian: A little mission background radio log

Sok-ju Yang: Я здесь по делу. Как дойти к Досболу Самаеву? [I'm here on business. Which way to Dosbol Samaev?]
Guard: Жди на городской площади. Он тебя найдёт. [Wait in the town square. He will find you]

Samaev: Должно быть ты Сок-жу Ян. У тебя план банка? [You must be Sok-ju Yang. You have the bank draft?]

Lian: When I got to the village square, I watched the transaction. Samaev came up to Sok-ju, took something, probably a bank transfer draft, then went off. That was the moment I was waiting for. I then had to follow Samaev back to the armory.

Samaev: Подожди здесь, я вернусь через несколько минут. Мне придётся позвонить по сотовому, чтобы навести справки о фондах. На это может уйти некоторое время. [Wait here, I'll be back in a few minutes. I'll have to use our cell phone to verify funds. It may take a while]

Lian: Here's where it got tricky: I had to eliminate Samaev after he got the container from the armory. There were guards everywhere, so I had to wait until some moment, when he was out of sight of the guards. I picked my spot carefully.

Samaev: У меня есть чек банка Северной Кореи. После того как мы проверим фонды, я отнесу ему контейнер. [I have the North Korean's bank check. After we verify funds, I'll take the container to him]

Lian: Evidently, the North Korean agents weren't the only terrorists looking to buy arms. I ran into a Yemen terrorist I later found out was Zayed Al Dhahiri. I didn't have a DPE order so... I issued a field order.

Samaev: Всё в порядке, контейнер у меня. Будь внимателен. Не думаю, что он что-нибудь планирует, но я никому не доверяю. [Alright, I have the container. Keep a sharp eye. I don't think he is planning anything, but I don't trust anyone]

Lian: I waited until just the right moment, then hit him with a poison star.

Lian: He went down like a sack of rice. I got the container, and had to hide the body. He was... heavier than it looks.

Lian: Part one of the mission was complete. But now I was racing against the clock. I had to find Saydahmat's house, break-in, and execute the DPE order. I didn't have much time because Sok-ju Yang was not going to wait for a long before he'd start asking where his container was.

Lian: Heading completely out of the way, I found a stash of Saydahmat's personal files. In it were more of Yushchenko's papers.

Lian: At some point, I forgot that I was on a dangerous mission. I was having so much fun changing outfits.

Sok-ju Yang: Кто ты? Где- где Самаев? [Who are you? Where is Samaev?]
Lian: I'm Saydahmat's mistress. Samaev is sent me in his place. He's working out some problems with the funds transfer on our end, but says funds have been verified. Here's your product.
Sok-ju Yang: Э, что? [What?]
Lian: He humbly apologizes for the delay. He does not wish to keep you waiting any longer.
Sok-ju Yang: Это очень нестандартный ход. Но... раз он... так говорит, я думаю, он не послал бы тебя, если бы было что-нибудь не так. [This is most irregular. But if he says so, I guess he would not send you if there was something wrong]

Lian: Sok-ju seemed pretty surprised to see a concubine show up instead of Samaev, but he bought the story completely! Men can be pretty gullible. Show a little skin and their brains just seem to shut down.

Lian: Now I had to duck out of sight, lose the guards and wait for Sok-ju to reach a secluded spot. Then, I would make my move.

Lian: Finally Sok-ju moved into the shadows. I was ready with a poison throwing star.

Lian: Some of the outfits were not provocative enough. It had to be... very revealing to distract the guards by Saydahmat's door.

Lian: Some were so skimpy they felt like nothing but strings!

Lian: Once I got past the guards and into the suite, I simply had to eliminate him. Then, slink back out. I hadn't counted on the laser trip wire warning system. Pretty high-tech for a yak herder. But... I knew how to deal with it.

Lian: I really hated changing back into that old sherpa woman disguise. Clothes really do make the woman.

Lian: At last, I'd made it to the gate. Soon, I would be at the LZ and on my way home. The mission was a success.

Mission: PDA radio logs

Lian: A little mission background

Lian: I didn't have any firearms, only my throwing stars. I couldn't afford to make any noise. If I set off any alarms, the deal wouldn't go down and I might not get the container. What you don't know from reading my initial report is that I was also sent to carry out a DPE order on Saydahmat. Getting to him was going to be tricky. All the more reason to keep to the shadows.

Lian: How the arms deal works

Lian: They ran a pretty tight operation. A buyer would come to the village and wait in the central square. Saydahmat's courier, Dosbol Samaev, would take an order and the money, and go to the actual armory. The buyer... never got to see it.

Lian: All legal targets

Lian: Advanced recon showed that almost everyone in the village was involved in the arms trade. Anyone out at that time of night was certainly going to be a legitimate target.

Lian: Hide bodies

Lian: But I knew that if I took out one of Saydahmat's thugs, I'd have to do it where no one could see me. And I had to hide the body in the shadows.

Lian: Disguise

Lian: My disguise was pretty solid. So long as I didn't act suspicious or... get too close to those leering guards.

Lian: Can't take weapons

Lian: They were all pretty heavily armed. I could have taken any of their weapons of course but... there was no reason to. The sound of a gun would set the whole place off.

Lian: Concubine Outfit

Lian: I didn't want to pick out something too sexy to wear on the streets so it would cause too much distraction.

Lian: Revealing Outfit

Lian: I knew I had to wear something provocative to get past the guards and to Saydahmat's suite.

Mission: Character quotes

Sok-ju Yang

  • Что ты делаешь? [What are you doing there?]
  • Кто ты? [Who are you?]
  • Засада! Охрана! [Ambush! Guards!]

Dosbol Samaev

  • Что, кто там? [What, who's there?]
  • Кто там бродит? [Who's moving over there?]
  • Охрана! Охрана! Дайте сигнал тревоги! [Guards! Guards! Sound the alert!]

Guards (sherpa outfit)

  • Эй ты, старуха! Убирайся отсюда! Здесь никому нельзя находится! [You there, old woman, get away from here. No one is allowed back here]
  • Эй ты, старая ведьма, убирайся отсюда! [You there, old hag. Get out of here]
  • Старуха, остановись! [Old woman, stop!]
  • Ааа, уйди от меня, ведьма. [Get away from me Hag]
  • А ну подожди... Ты вовсе не старуха. Охрана! [Wait, you're no old woman! Guards!]

Guards (mistress outfit)

  • Ууу, детка. Иди сюда, ты что тут делаешь? Ты пришла меня согреть? [Ohh baby. Come here you, what are you doing out here? Come to keep me warm have you?]
  • О ля-ля. Поцелуешь нас, а? [Ohh la, la. Give us a kiss eh?]
  • А ну иди сюда, босс ни о чём не узнает. [Come here, the boss won't know!]

Mission: Unused main plot

Lian: Saydahmat must have spent a fortune on his mistresses. Silks, furs, sheer lace, you name it, they had it.

Lian: Once I got the container, I had to change back into my sherpa outfit and skulk my way out the way I came in.

Lian: Since I had my sherpa disguise on already, I just had to sneak out the village gate... the way I'd come in.

Mission: Unused PDA radio logs

Lian: Follow Suk-ju Yang

Lian: I waited near the gates for Sok-ju Yang to arrive. I knew I just had to keep to the shadows and tail him to the village square.

Lian: Ditch the sherpa disguise

Lian: My plan was to ditch the sherpa disguise and dress up as one of Saydahmat's mistresses. Then, I could sneak into his bedroom, execute the DPE order, and walk straight out the door past the guards. After that, my plan was to go meet Sok-ju in the village square and pretend that Samaev had sent me in his place.

Lian: In through the window

Lian: The entrance to Saydahmat's house was well guarded. The only way in was through the upstairs balcony that open into his concubines quarters. That fit into my plan perfectly.

Lian: Meet Sok-ju Yang

Lian: Now I had to change into something less sexy and get to the town square to meet Sok-ju Yang. I would give him the container then ambush him on his way out of the village and take it back, where he wouldn't be able to alert the guards.

Lian: Sok-ju Yang wouldn't talk to a sherpa woman

Lian: I finally figured out that Sok-ju wasn't going to pay any attention to an old sherpa woman. I'd have to dress as one of Saydahmat's mistresses.

Mission: Unused character quotes

Sok-ju Yang

  • Где Самаев? Я-я очень долго ж-ждал. [Where is Samaev? I've been waiting for a long time.]
  • Что его... з-задерживает так на долго? [What is taking him so long?]
  • Так, я больше не буду ждать. [I'm not waiting here much longer]
  • Где Сайдамат? Я- э... разбуди его, я требую вернуть мне деньги. [Where is Saydahmat? Wake him up, I demand my money back.]
  • Охрана! Охрана! Сейчас же отведите меня к Сайдамату! [Guards! Guards! Bring me to Saydahmat at once!]
  • Что тебе нужно, старуха? Убирайся! [What do you want old woman? Get away!]
  • В темноте что-то движется. Кто там? [Something's moving in the darkness. Who's there?]
  • Кто там? [Who's there?]

Dosbol Samaev

  • Аа, это моя прелесть. Иди ко мне. [Ah, it's you my pretty. Come to me.]
  • Что? Кто ты? Охрана! [What? Who are you? Guards!]
  • Эх ты, подожди. Кто ты? Охрана! [Wait, you there. Who are you? Guards!]
  • Ты, будь на стороже. За что мы тебе платим? [You, keep alert. What are we paying you for?]
  • Мне показалось, что я заметил какое-то движение в тени. [I thought I saw someone moving in the shadows.]
  • Думаю ничего не было. [I guess it was nothing.]
  • Эх ты, старуха. Остановись! [You there. Old woman, stop!]
  • Эй ты, милочка, ты идёшь, чтобы развлечься с нами? [Hey there, sexy doll, you coming out to play with us grunts?]
  • Не припоминаю, чтоб я тебя видел раньше. Ты здесь новенькая, из женщин Сайдамата? [I don't remember seeing you before. You new here, one of Saydahmat's new women?]
  • Застрели её! [Shoot here!]
  • Убей её! [Kill here!]
  • Не дайте ей сбежать! [Don't let her escape!]
  • Останови её! [Stop her!]
  • Сюда! [Over here!]
  • *Moans*
  • *Death moans*
  • *Death screams*

Guards (sherpa outfit)

  • Уходи, здесь никому нельзя находиться. [Go away, no one is allowed in here.]
  • Убирайся отсюда. [Get away from here.]
  • Старуха! Ты что там делала? Тревога! Проверьте, где хозяин! [Old woman! What were you doing in there? Alert! Check the master!]
  • Постой, ты кто? Охрана! Тревога! Нарушитель! [Wait, who are you? Guards! Alert! Intruder!]
  • Нарушитель! Убийца! [Intruder! Assassin!]
  • Уйди от меня, ведьма! [Beastly old woman. Get away!]
  • Самозванец! Охрана! [Imposter! Guards!]

Guards (mistress outfit)

  • Отправляетесь на прогулку, госпожа? Будьте осторожны, кругом бандиты. [Going for a walk mistress? Be careful, there are ruffians about.]
  • Направляешься к боссу, а? Счастливчик он. [Going to see the boss eh? Lucky man, him.]
  • Эй красотка! Плюнь на босса, займись мной! [Eh gorgeous. Forget the boss, come entertain me.]
  • Боссу здорово повезло. Иди прямо. [Boss has all the luck. Go right in.]
  • Эй, ты не из любовниц Сайдамата! Тревога! Нарушитель! [Hey, you're not one of Saydahmat's mistresses! Alert! Intruder!]


  • Он не задержится. Заткнись и веди себя тихо. [He won't be long. Shut up and be patient.]
  • Он появится здесь с минуты на минуту. [He should be any minute.]
  • Я не знаю что его так задерживает. [I don't know what is taking him so long.]
  • Неизвестно. [I don't know.]
  • Должно быть что-то не так. Дайте сигнал тревоги. Что-то случилось с Самаевым. [Something must be wrong. Sound the alarm. Something's happened to Samaev.]
  • Да, сэр. Сейчас мы начнём его проверять. [Yes sir. We'll run a check on it now.]
  • Это контейнер который вы потребовали, сэр. [Here is the container per your request sir.]
  • Кто-то убил Самаева! Охрана! Тревога! (Someone's killed Samaev! Guards! Alert!)
  • Кто-то убил хозяина! Сайдамат мёртв! Тревога! (Someone's killed the master! Saydahmat is dead! Alert!)
  • Кто-то убил одного из покупателей! Тревога! Дайте сигнал тревоги! (Someone's killed one of the buyers! Alert! Sound the alarm!)
  • Кто-то убил охранника! Тревога! Дайте сигнал тревоги! (Someone's killed the guard! Alert! Sound the alarm!)
  • Застрели её! (Shoot her!)
  • Убей её! (Kill her!)
  • Не дай ей уйти! (Don't let her escape!)
  • Останови её! (Stop her!)
  • Она прячется в тени! (She is hiding in the shadows!)
  • Она на той стороне! (She is on the other side!)
  • *Moans*
  • *Death moans*
  • *Death screams*

A Few Surprises Waiting

Berlin, Germany: IPCA Agency European Command

Lian: Anyway, I'm sure Saydahmat's thugs had quite a few surprises waiting for them in the morning. Yeah, they'll find someone to take his place, but I shut down at least one illegal source of weapons... for a while. And with this evidence you found in Yemen, we're one step closer to solving this thing. I'm going to have Teresa start putting more feelers out in the East. Might have to pay another visit to Tokyo. Or Seoul.

Sana'a, Yemen: Arms Bazaar

Today You Work For Me

Sana'a Yemen: Taherir Palace

Fade in to show Fatha al-Hassan on the phone. Khorsh Wallid Abdul enters from behind him; he holds up a gesture to 'wait'.

Al-Hassan: كل شيءٌ جاهز، رجالي الموجودون في المدينة في إنتظارك، موافق، ابلغها تحياتي، فهمت، مع السلامة. الروس سوف يأتون بعد قليل يا خورش، قابلهم عند البازار و قدهم إلي. [The arrangements are made. My men in town are expecting him. Agreed. Give her my regards. Understood. Good-bye. Khorsh, the Russians will be here soon. Meet them in the bazaar and bring them to me.]
Khorsh: أنا لا أثق بالكفار، لا أدري كيف تتعامل معهم بعد ما حدث في أفغانستان [I don't trust the infidels. After Afghanistan, I don't know why you deal with them.]
Al-Hassan: أنا لا أطلب منك أن تثق بهم، أما عن دوافعي فَلن أبوح بها، هل تشكّ في صحة دوافعي؟ [I did not ask you to trust them. And my reasons are my own. Will you question them?]
Khorsh: بالطبع لا [Of course not.]

He nods and exits.

Sana'a Yemen: Zohar's Safe House

Cobra is making its way through the streets. As this happens the screen intercuts to show Teresa in the headquarters.

Teresa: Okay, we're going to do this Zohar's way, for now. But remember Gabe's instructions, we're here for the viral container, nothing else.

While she speaks, the agent finds a door which is pulled open from inside. Zohar sticks his head out from behind.

Zohar: Quickly, I've been expecting you. Come in, come in please. I am Ehud Ben Zohar. I must ask you for your Agency communication devices. For today, you'll take orders from me. It will be a very dangerous mission. Your Agency asks much of me, and offers little in return. But working together, much can be accomplished, eh? Here's the plan...

Mission: Main plot

Zohar: Remember, you're undercover here. Your disguise will work only so long as you keep your distance from Khorsh's men. Objectives are outlined in your... how do you call it: PDA. Find some credentials and move quickly. We don't have much time to set up the ambush before Yushchenko arrives.

VIP: أهلا، هل أنت سايق التنقلات؟ [Hello, transport driver!?]

VIP: أين سايق التنقلات؟ [Where is that transport driver?]

VIP: يا ربي لو كنا إعتمدنا على الجمل لكنّا قد وفرنا في الوقت (God,) [...A camel could have been more timely.]

Zohar: You must obtain credentials to get into the restricted area.

Zohar: Look for a quiet out-of-the-way place, where's Khorsh's men would not see you.

VIP: الرائحة كريهة فعلاً [Foul.] (The smell is nasty indeed.)

VIP: ااه، هذا مثير [Interesting.]

  • Teresa: Fadhil wanted by Interpol radio log

  • Ahmed Salim Fadhil's quotes

Follow VIP to the alley

Guard 1: وسِّع الأزقة لو سمحت [Keep the alleys clear please.]
VIP: ألا تدري من أكون يا هذا، أطلب خُرَيشْ “خورش”، سوف أُعلِّمك كيف تتكلم مع أسيادك [Do you know who I am? Call Khorsh, I shall teach you to disrespect your betters.]
Guard 1: أنا آسف، لم ألاحظ مكانتك، هل تريد أن أ.. أن آتي لك بشيء تشربه و أنت تنتظر [My apologies. I did not notice your credentials. Can I bring you anything, a refreshment while you wait?]
VIP: هكذا يكون الحديث؟، لا تكلمني بعد الآن [I thought so. Don't address me again.]

Follow VIP to Khorsh's apartment

VIP: يا عبدالله، هل عدت الى منزلك بعد؟ [Abdul! Are you home yet?]

Zohar: You cannot leave corpses where they can be spotted by Khorsh's men. You must move them.

Zohar: Hide the body any place out of sight.

Zohar: Excellent. Now make your way into the restricted area.

Guard 2: أنا متأسف، غير مسموح لك بالمرور، ما لم تظهر لي التصريح [I'm Sorry. Passage is not allowed unless you have proper credentials.]

  • Zohar: Destroying communications equipment radio log

Zohar: The equipment that controls the cell tower is on top of the mosque. Use your sniper rifle to destroy it. I'm outlined on your mission display all of the communication apparatuses that must be destroyed.

Zohar: When you are ready, we must eliminate Khorsh.

  • Walid Abdul Khorsh's quotes

Zohar: Excellent work. You could make a living as a freelancer, eh?

  • Teresa: Follow Zohar's instructions radio log

Zohar: The detonators are prepared. Yushchenko is too to arrive shortly. It is time to set the plan in motion. Retrieve the explosives. I will contact you again when you have them.

Destroy any radio first

Zohar: You have to disable the satellite uplink.

Zohar: There is another radio, in an old apartment in the south part of town. You must destroy it as well, or Khorsh's dogs will run to it, when they are alerted.

Zohar: Try to get to Khorsh's office, and get his video tapes.

Zohar: Remember, I need those video tapes from Khorsh's office.

Zohar: Khorsh has a backup radio at his headquarters. You have to find it, and disable it.

Zohar: Excellent work. Now the people of the world will see and hear al-Hassan for themselves, and see the kind of man that he is.

Zohar: Excellent work. All communications are now shut down.

Zohar: Eliminate as many of Khorsh's thugs as you can. If there are too many left when Yushchenko arrives, we'll be taking fire from all sides.

Zohar: You must eliminate Khorsh's thugs!

Zohar: Very good. With Khorsh's men out of the way, this should go very smoothly.

Zohar: Excellent work, my friend.

Zohar: I am at the bazaar. Bring the explosives to me here. The Russians will be here soon.

Zohar: You must hurry with the explosives, or the Russians will arrive before we can set them.

Zohar: Excellent. Now stand back and find some cover. When the Russians arrive, we'll have a little surprise for them.

Zohar: The explosives are planted. Now we wait.

Zohar: Ready? Now!

  • Anatoly Yushchenko's quote

Zohar: A thousand curses! The vehicles are armored. Be ready, we are in for a fight.

Zohar: Quickly! The blast did not take them out. They're running for it. You must take them out!

Zohar: Good work. That the last of Yushchenko's guards.

Zohar: Excellent. You have eliminated Yushchenko, yes? But he did not have the viral case on him, is he?

Mission: PDA radio logs

Zohar: Credentials required to enter market

Zohar: I have been watching the market place for some days now. Khorsh has a tight record system. No one gets in or out of the restricted market place, without a written credentials. You must... how do I say, 'acquire' some of these credentials from one of the terrorist buyers outside the market place. I am sure that they will not part with them willingly, eh?

Teresa: We're monitoring Zohar

Teresa: Can you read me? Okay. This is a secured channel. Zohar doesn't know that our MDRD contains a backup PCD system. Sorry, too many acronyms. I'll be monitoring everything. Good luck.

Zohar: I'm readying the detonators

Zohar: I'm readying the detonators now. Soon, you may see me in the central market place. Do not approach me or attempt to communicate with me directly. We must not be seen together or call attention to ourselves.

Teresa: Fadhil wanted by Interpol

Teresa: Oh my God, I think you found Fadhil's office. He's a plastic surgeon wanted by Interpol in 12 countries. He specializes in doing identity changes for criminals and terrorists around the world. If you can, take photos of his files.

Zohar: Khorsh is a murderer

Zohar: When al-Hassan took over this part of the town, the local police did not wish to go along with him. They were men of integrity and honor. Those fresh graves are evidence of the price they paid for that honor. Remember this; we are here fighting terrorists, not the people of Yemen. Men like al-Hassan and Khorsh use and destroy entire villages for their own purposes! Terrorism is our enemy. But you are not here to help me with my problems, are you?

Zohar: I have witnessed atrocities

Zohar: You would not believe some of the atrocities I have witnessed these past weeks. Khorsh and his men tortured not just those who would not do as they said, but anyone at all who disagreed with them. Political prisoners, missionaries, medical workers, teachers, desert tribesmen and others! All under the careful guidance of Khorsh. The man truly is evil through and through.

Zohar: al-Hassan is more evil than Khorsh

Zohar: But if Khorsh is the embodiment of evil, what does that make the man who employs him? Al-Hassan is far worse than Khorsh. Because al-Hassan, as an important leader, is entrusted to serve and protect his people. Instead, he abuses and exploits them. It is bad enough when he does it to his own. But we draw the line when he attempts to profit by selling weapons to those who would destroy us! Of course, we have gone to the UN Security Council, but they do nothing but debate and argue. But this is my problem, yes?

Zohar: Destroying communications equipment

Zohar: You must shut down all of Khorsh's communication equipment before Yushchenko arrives. I have a scrambler on the cell tower, so Khorsh won't be able to alert the palace, but he will be able to alert the reserve troops' barracks outside town.

Teresa: Follow Zohar's instructions

Teresa: This is Teresa. We've given you okay for any action necessary to eliminate Yushchenko and obtain the viral case he's carrying. Follow Zohar's instructions. Lipan out.

Zohar: Khorsh video taped confessions

Zohar: Inside Khorsh's headquarters, you will find the room al-Hassan uses to torture his prisoners. They have a camera set up, so they can film their false confessions. I have obtained enough evidence to already shut down this entire operation, but that additional evidence will help sway the UN Security Council to act. You must obtain it before Khorsh and his thugs are alerted, or they will destroy it. Once you have the tapes, you may then eliminate all of the evil dogs.

Teresa: Lian also found a NK agent

Teresa: That's interesting... Lian's report from Kyrgyzstan also mention a North Korean agent. Get his credentials and any other paperwork he's carrying. We'll see if we can find a connection.

Zohar: Yushchenko's car is armored

Zohar: Very disconcerting... The Russians are not driving the vehicles I was led to expect. These were armored. Built to withstand explosive fire. Perhaps recent events in Belarus have... how do you say, spooked them.

Mission: Wrong actions


Zohar: Cobra's down. Repeat, agent Cobra is down. / Cobra is down!

Spotted, time is out or bring the explosives to Zohar before destroying the radios

Zohar: *Yell* Curse the desert sands! Now we are in for a fight.

Spotted or bring the explosives to Zohar before get the video tapes

Zohar: Curse the desert sands! Khorsh's men are alerted. They will have destroyed the video tapes. Can I not rely on you to follow instructions?

Bring the explosives to Zohar before eliminating all Khorsh's thugs

Zohar: You didn't eliminate enough of Khorsh's men.

Khorsh escapes

Zohar: At last, you have let me down. Khorsh is escaped. Who knows what acts of terrorism he will commit in the future? Your usefulness begins to elude me.

Time is 9:00

Zohar: The sands of time are running out!

Time is 13:30

Zohar: The hourglass is almost empty.

Mission: Character quotes


  • أنا متأسف، غير مسموح لك بالمرور، ما لم تظهر لي التصريح [I'm Sorry. Passage is not allowed unless you have proper credentials.]
  • أوقفو هذا الشخص، ليس لديهم تصاريح [Stop that person! They are an imposter!]
  • تنبهوا، تنبهوا، يوجد بيننا شخص دخيل [Alert! Alert! We have an intruder!]
  • أرى أن بحوزتك كل التصاريح اللازمة، أهلا بك في سوقنا الخصوصية [I see you have proper credentials. Welcome to our private market.]
  • أنا آسف للتعطيل، أ.. سوف تجد السوق الخصوصية في الناحية الجنوبية من هنا [Sorry to keep you waiting. You'll find the exclusive market just south of here.]
  • أهلا بك من جديد [Welcome back.]
  • نحن سعداء برؤيتك مجددا بعد هذا الغياب القصير [Good to see you back so soon.]
  • هذا المكان هو خارج الحدود المسموح بتواجدك، واصل السير [This area is off limits. Move along.]
  • أنا آسف، غير مسموح لأحد بالدخول هنا حتى و إن كان من حاملي التصاريح [I am sorry, not even credentialed customers are allowed in here, I am sorry.]
  • ?ماذا تفعل؟ أنت هناك [You there, what are you doing?]
  • كل شيء يبدوا طبيعياّ [Everything seems ok.]
  • أنت يا هذا، قف!، من أنت؟ ماذا تفعل هنا؟ [You, stop. Who are you? What are you doing here?]
  • قف!، و إلا أطلقت النار [Stop or I'll shoot.]
  • عفواً [Pardon me.]
  • أرجوك أتركني أمر [Let me pass peasant.]
  • واصل السير [Move along.]
  • ماذا تفعل هنا؟ [What are you doing here?]
  • عفواً سيدي [Excuse me.] (sir.)
  • إبعد عن الطريق لو سمحت يلا [Move out of my way dog.]
  • أنا أحاول المرور من هنا [I am trying to get through here.]


  • النجدة، النجدة، إنّهم يهاجموني، النجدة (Help!)[Help me! I'm being attacked!] (Help!)
  • يا حراس، أحدهم يحاول أن يقتلني [Guards! Someone is trying to kill me!]
  • النجدة، أنجدوني يا حراس، النجدة, أنجدوني يا حراس [Help! Help! Guards!]

Ahmed Salim Fadhil

  • مرحباً، أنا الدكتور أحمد سالم فضيل، إن كنت تبغي وجهاً جديدا، فإنّك أتيت الى المكان المناسب [Welcome. I am Dr Ahmend Salim Fadhil. You are looking for a new face perhaps? You have come to the right place.]
  • زبائني من كل أنحاء العالم، و لكن بالطبع لا يمكنني أن أكشف لك عن هويتهم، أنا أحتفظ بملفاتي في سرية تامة [I have clients all over the world. Of course, I cannot discuss them. I need to keep all my files in the strictest confidence.]
  • أعتقد أنّك على دراية بأنّ جراحة التجميل لها حدود، فأنا يمكن لي أن أغير من ملامح وجهك فتبدو و كأنّك شخصاً آخر، و لكنّني لا أستطيع تغيير هيكل الرأس [You understand the limits of plastic surgery I assume. I can make you into a very different person, but I cannot change the overall structure of your head.]
  • أنت مرةً أخرى؟، كنت أعلم أنّك لن تجد في مدينة صنعاء كلها أحداً في مثل براعتي [Back again? I knew of course that you would find no one else in Sana'a that could match my skill.]
  • ماذا تفعل هناك؟ غير مصرح لك بالنزول الى السرداب يا صديقي [What are you doing there? You are not allowed to go into the basement my friend.]
  • إنذار، إنذار! أطلبوا الحراس [Alert! Alert! Get the guards.]

Walid Abdul Khorsh

  • كونوا دائما مستعدين يا كلاب، يجب أن تجتهدوا! حتى تحصلوا على أجواركم [Keep on your toes you dogs. You have to earn your pay around here.]
  • يا هذا، حاول أن تبدوا يقظاً، لو رأاك الحسن في حالة الكسل هذه لقطعت أذنيك [Look alive there. If al-Hassan sees you slouching about, I will have your ears.]
  • هل من واجبي القيام بعمل كل شيء بنفسي أنا؟ [Why must I do everything myself around here?]
  • الشخص الروسي سيصل هو و رجاله في أية لحظة، عليكم أن تكونوا على أتم الإستعداد [The Russian and his men will be here soon. Make sure everything is prepared.]

Anatoly Yushchenko

  • Это западня, нас обстреливают! [It's a trap, we're under fire!]
  • Помогите! Остановите их! [Help me! Stop them!]
  • Где моя охрана? [Where are my guards?]
  • Беги! Засада! [Run! It is an ambush.]
  • Нет, оставь меня! Это западня. [No, get away from me. It's a trap.]
  • Стреляйте в них, стреляйте в них! Проклятый аль-Хассан. [Shoot them, shoot them. Damn al-Hassan.]

Mission: Unused main plot

Zohar: Why have you not obtain credentials yet? You must hurry. Yushchenko will be here soon.

Guard 1: كيف الحال؟ [How is it going?]
Guard 2: كل شيء هادئ [Everything is quiet.]

Guard 2: *Moans*

Zohar: You not use your firearms. If we alert them to our presence before I am ready... things will be very complicated.

Guard 3: هل يوجد شيء تود الإبلاغ عنه؟ [Anything to report?]
Guard 4: لا، كل شيءٍ طبيعي [No. Nothing out of the ordinary.]

Guard 4: *Death moans*

VIP: ما هذا المكان؟ [What is this place?]
Guard 5: أعتقد أن هذه عيادة جراحة التجميل، لا يوضح لي جيداً [Plastic surgeon's office I think, they are not very talkative.]
VIP: نعم، على ما يبدو عندك حق [Yes. It appeared so to me as well.]

Guard 6: هل أنت تايه؟ [Are you lost?]
VIP: أ.. أنا هنا أنتظر شريكي في التجارة (I..) [I am waiting for a business associate]
Guard 6: خذ حذرك من الغوغاء، لأنني لا أستطيع أن أتواجد في كل مكان من هذه الأزقة لحماية هؤلاء الضيوف المهمين [Be careful of the riff-raff. I cannot be everywhere along these alleys to protect our special guests.]

Guard 2: السوق موجود أمامك [The market's out front.]
VIP: أنا أنتظر عودة صديقي عبدالله من بزار [I am waiting for my friend Abdul to return to the bazaar.]
Guard 2: إِحترس [Watch yourself.]

Zohar: Have you destroyed all of the comm equipment yet?

Guard 7: كيف الحال؟ [How are things?]
Guard 8: كل شيءٍ تمام، ولا جديد [Good, good. Nothing new here.]

Guard 7: *Death screams*

Zohar: You must eliminate Khorsh before Yushchenko arrives, or the operation will be very difficult to complete.

Zohar: Time grows short. You need to retrieve those explosives.

Zohar: They almost here. Get ready.

Zohar: Let's move!

Zohar: That was Yushchenko. You must get him! He has the viral case. I will deal with the others. You cannot let him escape!

Zohar: You must get Yushchenko's guards. All of them!

Zohar: Get Yushchenko!

Zohar: Don't leave any of his guards.

Zohar: You like the desert? We will burry you in it!

Zohar: Die!!!

Zohar: Over here!!!

Zohar: There is one of them there!!!

Zohar: Quickly, get them!

Zohar: Now we have them!

Zohar: Covering fire!

Zohar: Flank out!

Mission: Unused character quotes


  • لا توجد لديك تصاريح [You do not have credentials.]
  • الدخول ممنوع للأشخاص غير المصرح لهم، أبرز تصريحك [Authorized entry only. Let me see your credentials.]
  • السوق المفتوح به كثير من التخفيضات على الملابس و الشمع، ارجوكم أن تواصلوا السير [The open market has plenty of good deals on clothing and candles. Please move along.]
  • السوق العمومي موجود خلفكم من هنا، أرجوكم أن تواصلوا السير [The public market is that way. Please move along.]
  • أفسح الطريق أيها الفلاح [Shove off, you peasant.]
  • أفسح الطريق قبل أن يبعدك صديقي بالقوة، إنك تطفش الزبائن المحترمين [Move along before my friend moves you for me. You're scaring away the esteemed clientele.]
  • نحن نقوم بحفر مقابر إضافية اليوم، هل تريد أن تدفن في واحدة منها! [We are adding fresh graves today...You want one too?]
  • هل عثرت على ما تريده؟ [Did you find what you were looking for?]
  • حسناً، واصل التحرك [Ok, then. Move along.]
  • غير مسموح بالمشغابة, إمشي من هنا [No loitering around here, get moving.]
  • هل رأيتم أيّ شيء غير معتاد؟ خُرَيشْ “خورش” طلب منّا أن نكون أكثر حذرا [Have you seen anything unusual?] (Khorsh demanded from us to be more cautious.)
  • تماماّ يا فندم [Yes sir.]
  • أه، لقد غاب عن نظري، إبحث عنه هناك [I lost the intruder. Look over there.]
  • همم، هناك شيء غريب يدور هنا [Something is not right here.]
  • *Moans*
  • *Death moans*
  • *Death screams*
  • عفواً [Pardon me.]
  • أرجوك، أتركني أمر [Let me pass please.]
  • واصل السير [Move along.]
  • ماذا تفعل هنا؟ [What are you doing here?]
  • عفواً [Excuse me.]
  • إبعد عن طريقي لو سمحت [Move out of my way please.]
  • أنا أحاول المرور من هنا [I am trying to get through here.]
  • إسمح لي [Pardon me.]
  • دعني أمر [Let me pass please.]
  • إستمر [Move along.]
  • ماذا تفعل هنا؟ [What are you doing here?]
  • إسمح لي يا سيدي [Excuse me sir.]
  • إبتعد عن طريقي [Move out of my way please.]
  • أنا أحاول الوصول الى هنا [I am trying to get through here.]
  • *Moans*
  • *Death moans*
  • *Death screams*
  • عفواً (Pardon.)
  • أرجوكم، أتركوني أمر (Please, let me pass.)
  • واصلوا السير (Keep walking.)
  • ماذا تفعل هنا؟ (What are you doing here?)
  • عفواً سيدي (Excuse me, sir)
  • إبعدوا عن طريقي لو سمحتم (Move out of my way please.)
  • أنا أحاول المرور من هنا (I am trying to get through here.)


  • ما هذه الرائحة الكريهة، أهي رائحة المجاري أم هي رائحة بضاعتك؟ [A stench pervades this market. Is it the sewer or your wares?]
  • هل يمكنك أن توصل العربة الى هذا العنوان؟، شكراً جزيلا [Can you ship this wagon to this address? Thank you very much.]
  • إستدعوا الحراس، هناك من يحاول قتلي [Call the guards! Someone is trying to kill me!]
  • *Moans*
  • *Death moans*
  • *Death screams*

Ahmed Salim Fadhil

  • تعال معي، سأعرض عليك نماذج لما يمكن أن أقوم به، و بعد هذا نتكلم في السعر [Come with me. I will show you examples of my work, and then we can talk price.]
  • قتلة، يا حراس، أطلقوا صفارة الإنذار [Murderer! Guards! Sound the alert!]
  • *Moans*
  • *Death moans*
  • *Death screams*

Walid Abdul Khorsh

  • هل سوق السلاح به كساد اليوم يا رجال؟, حسناً!، بعد لحظات قليلة يمكننا لنا أن نحصل على بعض الروبلات الروسية [Arms dealing a little slow today men? Soon we will have some extra rubles to spend, eh?]
  • أنت هناك، ماذا تفعل؟ [You there, what are you doing?]
  • ماذا يحدث هنا؟ أطلق صفارة الانذار [What is going on here? Sound the alert!]
  • إتصل بالحسن على طريقة اللاسلكي و أبلغه بأنًه شيئاً يحدث [Get to the radio, call al-Hassan that something is going on.]
  • أنت هناك، قف مكانك و إلا أطلقت النار عليك [You, stop or I'll shoot.]
  • أين ذهب الرجال؟ أطلق صفارة الإنذار، فليخرج الجميع الآن الى الشارع [Where are the men? Sound the alert, everyone into the streets now.]
  • إستعدوا للموت، سأراكم في جهنم [Tend to your own deaths. I'll see you in hell.]
  • *Moans*
  • *Death moans*
  • *Death screams*


  • ماذا تفعل؟ لا تدخل [What are you doing? Stay out of there.]
  • أطلقوا صفارة الإنذار [Sound the alarm!]
  • قتلة، الإنذار، أطلقوا صفارة الإنذار [Murderer! Alarm, sound the alarm!]
  • سأفكر في كل هذه الإحتمالات, أشكرك [I must think these choices over. Thank you for your time.]
  • ماذا تريد؟ [What do you want?]
  • أتركني لحالي، فأنا مشغولٌ الآن [Leave me alone I am busy.]
  • أنا أنتظر شخصاً، إرحل.. إرحل عن هنا [I am waiting for someone. Go away.]
  • يا حراس، يا حراس [Guards! Guards!]

Yushchenko's Bodyguards

  • Осторожно, это западня! [Look out, it's a trap.]
  • Стреляйте в них! Стреляйте в них! [Shoot them, shoot them!]
  • Береги Ющенко, не дай им убить его! [Protect Yushchenko, do not let them kill him.]
  • Да, товарищ командир, мы стараемся. [Yes comrade, we are trying.]
  • Мы делаем всё что можем, они сражаются как безумные. [We are doing our best, they fight like madmen.]
  • Шевелись, шевелись! Берите их! [Move, move. Get them.]
  • Их слишком много, беги! [There are too many, run for it.]

Anatoly Yushchenko

  • Нет, оставь меня. Это западня. [Get out of my way you fool.]
  • Я умру за Чечню и заберу вас с собой. [I will die for Chechnya, and I will take you with me.]
  • *Moans*
  • *Death moans*
  • *Death screams*

You Cannot Kill My Spirit (Khorsh's false confession)

This is unlocked by sneaking into Khorsh's office without sounding the alarm. Should the player's stealth be compromised at any point within the man's compound, the guard on the second level will attempt to destroy this evidence. Depending on where exactly you are in the office, you will have a varying amount of time to stop him.

Video from Khorsh's office...

Al-Hassan: ألا تريد الأعتراف بعد؟ لماذا تريد أن تصعّب الأمور على نفسك؟ [No confession yet? Why do you make it hard for yourself?]
Captive: إنّني أعترف، أعترف بأتّني أحتقركم و أحتقر كل ما تمثلوه [I confess. I confess to despising you and everything you stand for.]
Al-Hassan: Oh!
Captive: ، أنتم بتطرفكم جعلتم الحياة صعبةً على الجميع [You and your fanaticism, you make it harder for us all.]
Al-Hassan: أمتأكد أنت؟ [Indeed?]
Captive: أنت تقتل هؤلاء الذين يكرهون حكومتك القمعية.. وتقتل الذين يرفضون أن يركعون.. [You kill those who despise your repressive government; you murder those who do not bow to your will. You will not win al-Hassan. You may kill my body, but you will not kill the spirit.....]
Al-Hassan: سوف ترى [We shall see.]

He turns to the civilian and bats the man with his arm. Fade out.

Do Your Own Dirty Work

Sana'a Yemen: Zohar's Safe House

Zohar: That is the deal, Logan, take it or leave it. I would tell you where the viral container is hidden, once your team has helped me with my objective. Not before.
Gabe: Lian warned me not to trust you, Zohar, but I ignored her.
Zohar: What is not to trust? We both have a job to do, yes? Do you want it? Or not?
(deliberating hard but quickly) Alright, Zohar, but escort and backup only. You have to do your own dirty work.
Zohar: But of course. Then we have a deal.
Gabe: I want that container within 24 hours. Logan out.
(turns to Cobra) You see? He can be very accommodating when it suits his purpose. (goes across to the room where a briefcase is laid) Al-Hassan will be expecting the Russian and a case containing biological weapons. (flips the case open and the camera intercuts to show the interior, where a pair of Desert pistols are placed along with various attachments) But I'll have a surprise for him, eh? *Laughs* (closes the case) Alright. Your uniforms are over there. (points to the corner) Change quickly! Our host will be expecting us... and we mustn't keep him waiting. (the character goes to where Zohar has pointed)

Sana'a, Yemen: Taherir Palace

The Mossad Avoid Them

Sana'a, Yemen: Taherir Palace

A bus pulls up at the entrance and the doors swing open. An AK-47 armed guard stands at the door as Zohar descends the steps.

Guard 1: تعال معنا لو سمحت [Come with us please.]

As they follow the man, Zohar starts talking.

Zohar: Play the tourist! Look around you! Act surprised and pleased! Let us avoid the Dhar Judeem if we can. Even the Mossad avoid open conflict with them! You will be asked to wait in the security room while I'm escorted to al-Hassan's private suite to complete the transaction. You must arm yourself, and watch the monitors. When al-Hassan is dead, take out your guards and head to the balcony. I will get al-Hassan's weapons contracts and meet you there.
Guard 1: إنتظر أنت هنا، أما أنت، فتعال معي [(to Zohar) You wait here. (to the player) You come with me.]

The character enters an area with a security cage.

Guard 2: أترك سلاحك هنا، لن تحتاج الى الإنتظار طويلا [Put your weapons here. (points to the cage) You won't have to wait long.]

Mission: Main plot

Zohar: I'm being escorted to al-Hassan suite even now. Remember, our meeting will be monitored. You must rearm and take out the guards there, before I complete my business with al-Hassan. I'm almost there. Just before I open the case, I will say... 'your eminence'. The security guards must be eliminated before then.

Teresa: You have to find a way into the cage to get your weapons back. Hurry, you don't have much time.

Teresa: Try going over the rail from above.

Teresa: Hurry! You have to eliminate those security guards before Zohar eliminates al-Hassan, or they'll put the palace on alert.

0:33 time left

Al-Hassan: عندك البضاعة؟ (You have the goods?)
Zohar: In English please, my Arabic is not so good.
Al-Hassan: Of course. You have the goods?
Zohar: As agreed, but I am instructed to deliver to you... alone.
Al-Hassan: You men, wait outside.
Zohar: It really is quite remarkable this new weapon.
Al-Hassan: The Yemeni Liberation Authority will make good use of it. I assure you.
Zohar: Here it is, your eminence.

Zohar: *Constantly panting* Good work. I've made the hit. I'm going to slowly make my way to the balcony now. Meet me there. Our ride will be here shortly.

Teresa: Excellent work!

Fail stealth

Zohar: Get to the balcony, quickly!

Zohar: I'm sure my government will reward you, for destroying these dangerous weapons of mass destruction.

Fail stealth

Zohar: *Constantly panting* I need covering fire, or we will never get out of here!

Zohar: *Panting* I'm running for it, provide covering fire for me!

Zohar: The pass is blocked. I will have to go around the long way.

Zohar: I am near the garage. Keep them occupied.

Zohar: *Constantly panting* I am moving again! Shoot, SHOOT!

Zohar: *Constantly panting* There is a guard blocking my path!

Zohar: Heading towards the guest quarters. I must find those contracts.

Zohar: *Constantly panting* There are snipers taking pot shots at me. Please, take them out!

Zohar: Coming along the north wall. Keep them busy, please!

Zohar: At the north guard tower!

Zohar: Passing through the water garden.

Zohar: The pass is blocked. I will have to go around the long way.

Zohar: Searching the main palace.

Zohar: I have found the safe where the contracts should have been! But they're not there! Very... puzzling.

Zohar: *Constantly panting* I am moving again! Shoot, SHOOT!

Zohar: The contracts are not here. Without them, my mission here is a failure! Heading into the security tower. I will meet you on the balcony.

Zohar: *Constantly panting* I am almost there. Make them keep their heads down.

Zohar's health is 10-60%

Zohar: *Constantly panting* That was close! I could have had better supporting fire from a blind man!

Zohar's health is 70-100%

Zohar: Very good work. I could not have made it here unscathed without your help.

Zohar: I have reached the building. They will be upon us now. Watch your back.

Zohar: They are coming up the ladder. Take them out!

Zohar: Be careful of the Dhar Judeem. Take them off quickly. Do not let them reach the balcony. They do not fear pain, they do not fear death.

Zohar: If you allow the Dhar Judeem onto the balcony, you may not be able to stop them.

Allow Dhar Judeem on the balcony

Zohar: The Dhar Judeem are on the balcony. I warned you not to allow them to reach you!

Zohar: They are on the roof above you!

Zohar: Around the corner. Get him!

Zohar: Most impressive. Not a single Dhar Judeem made it onto the balcony. A legendary feat to be sure.

Zohar: *Constantly panting* Now stay there and hold that position! The chopper will pick us up there!

Zohar: Our ride is here! Let us leave this palace of death.

Stone: Ride's here. Don't keep us waitin'.

Stone: Jump!

Stone: Come on, let's go. Move!

Zohar: Roof access is blocked off. We must jump from here.

Stone: Jump already! Can't wait here all day.

Zohar: You have the grace of a gazelle. Excellent!

Complete all of the objectives

Zohar: Mission complete. Good work, guys!

Mission: PDA radio logs

Looking for contracts

Zohar: The weapons contracts are not in al-Hassan's private suite. I'm going to look for them on my way back to you. Provide covering fire as you please.

Scud Missles

Zohar: Those are the same type of missles that al-Hassan has been selling to terrorists on the black market. Destroy their firing mechanisms. Who knows how many innocent lives they would have taken.

Mission: Wrong actions


Zohar: Cobra's down. Repeat, agent Cobra is down. / Cobra is down!

Time is out or fail stealth

Zohar: *Constantly panting* I told you to eliminate them before the hit! Now we will have the entire palace security to deal with! Move! Move! Get to the balcony. I am on my way. The chopper will pick us up there.

Zohar is pinned

Zohar: I can't move! *Panting* Pinned down!

Cover provided

Zohar: *Constantly panting* I am moving again! Shoot, SHOOT!

Zohar taken a hit

Zohar: *Moan* I'm taken a hit. Where is my covering fire?!

Kill Zohar

Zohar: Cobra, collateral damage is not allowed under your agency's regulations!

Time is 12:45

Zohar: The hourglass is almost empty.

Mission: Character quotes


  • ?ماذا تفعل؟ أنت هناك [You there, what are you doing?]
  • غير مسموح بالمشغابة, إمشي من هنا [No loitering around here, get moving]
  • هل رأيتم أيّ شيء غير معتاد؟ خُرَيشْ “خورش” طلب منّا أن نكون أكثر حذرا [Have you seen anything unusual?] (Khorsh demanded from us to be more cautious.)
  • كل شيء يبدوا طبيعياّ [Everything seems ok]
  • قف!، و إلا أطلقت النار [Stop or I'll shoot]
  • همم، هناك شيء غريب يدور هنا [Something is not right here]
  • أرجوك أتركني أمر [Let me pass please]
  • واصل السير [Move along]
  • ماذا تفعل هنا؟ [What are you doing here]
  • عفواً سيدي [Excuse me sir]
  • إبعد عن الطريق لو سمحت يلا [Move out of my way please]
  • Ayeeee!
  • Ahhhyeaaaea!
  • الآن سوف تتقابل مع خالقك [Now you will meet your maker!]
  • هل تشعر بحدّ سلاحي؟ [Feel the tip of my blade.]
  • مُت يا جبان [Die coward!]
  • الموت للغزاة [Death to the invaders!]
  • إدفع حياتك ثمناً لعدوانك علينا [Pay the price of your aggression!]
  • يا إلٰهي، ماذا يحدث؟ أطلقوا صفارة الإنذار, يا حراس, يا حراس [Oh my God, what is happening? Sound the alert. Guards, guards.]
  • ماذا تفعل هناك؟ إنتظر في مكانك [What are you doing there? Wait over there.]
  • لقد قتلو الحسن، أوقفوهم [They have killed al-Hassan. Stop Them.]
  • إنهم كفرة، مجرمون، أقتلوهم [Infidels! Murderers. Kill them.]
  • هناك، بسرعة، هناك، أحدهم هناك [Over here, quickly. One of them is over here]
  • أطلقوا النار عليهم, لا تدعوهم يفرّون [Shoot them. Don't let them get away.]
  • أطلقوا النار، أطلقوا النار [Shoot! Shoot!]
  • هناك، بسرعة [Over there! Quickly.]
  • إنّهم يتّجهون الى الشرفة، أوقفوهم [They are heading for the balcony. Stop them.]
  • هيا بنا الى غرفة الأمان، بسرعة [The security room. Hurry.]
  • لقد قُتل زعيمنا، دمروهم بالكامل [Our master is dead. Destroy them all.]
  • لديهم حوامة، أوقفوهم [They have a chopper, stop them.]
  • إنّهم يحاولون الهرب [They are trying to escape.]
  • لا تدعوهم يهربون [Don't let them escape.]

Mission: Unused main plot

Zohar: Curses. They must have found al-Hassan's body. I'm running for it! Give me covering fire!

Zohar: *Panting* They are coming perilously close to killing me here!

Zohar: I am passing the front gates, heading towards the main palace.

Zohar: Nothing... Jesus.

Zohar: Heading towards the east tower.

Zohar: Again, nothing. The east doors are blocked! Heading to the south doors, cover me! Help me moving quickly around the palace to the west.

Zohar: Passing the west tower. Cover me.

Zohar: *Constantly panting* These guards have very good aim! Where are you?!

Zohar: Alright, I will do this myself!

Zohar: *Constantly panting* Never mind... I will kill the dogs myself!

Zohar: *Panting* Curse the day I was born! Where are you? Where is my covering fire?!

Zohar: I am heading to the security room now.

Zohar: Look over there. You see? One of the guards has a shoulder-mounted rocket. There are also three others. They must ALL be taken out, before we can call for the chopper.

Zohar: *Panting* You must take out those SMRs, or I cannot call for a chopper!

Zohar: There is a guard with a rocket. Kill him!

Zohar: Excellent! Now get the others!

Zohar: Good! Now kill the last one.

Zohar: That was the last one. Excellent work!

Zohar: It is as I told you. You can empty an entire clip into their chest. It forwards they come!

Zohar: In their eyes, one sees only hatred for us. They kill us without thought or remorse!

Zohar: Let me see your death face!

Zohar: I will see you in hell!

Stone: Coverin' fire!

Zohar: Jump, jump! Quickly!

Mission: Unused PDA radio logs

Gabe has a surprise

Teresa: Do as Zohar says. Don't worry. Gabe has a little surprise ready for him.

Chopper surprise

Zohar: Mission complete. Mossad Command, we are ready for pickup.
Crush: That's a negative.
Zohar: Where is my pilot?!
Stone: Sorry 'bout that... We gave him some time off.
Zohar: Stone...
Stone: You got it, bud. ETA: 5 minutes.
Zohar: Hmm... Logan never ceases to amaze me. As you wish. We will be ready.

Mission: Unused character quotes


  • عفواً [Pardon me]
  • أقتلوهم، إنّهم محتالون (Kill them, they’re imposters!)
  • ِف مكانك، و إلا أطلقت النار (Stop where you are, or I’ll open fire.)

Fight As True Warriors

Sana'a, Yemen: Taherir Palace

The helicopter ascends as Zohar's voice is heard.

Zohar: You fight as true warriors! Perhaps you could work for me. The Mossad could use agents such as yourselves.
Stone: We take a rain check on that, Zohar. We've got business to discuss.
Zohar: *Laughs* As you wish...

Sana'a, Yemen: Zohar's Safehouse

Zohar: Here is your container. I was not planning to keep it.
Stone: And here's al-Hassan's weapons contracts.
Zohar: You have photographed them for your own records, I am sure. You must congratulate Logan for me. Very clever man to send you to the palace to steal from al-Hassan while we were busy in town.
Stone: You can't blame the man after what happened last time.
Zohar: Of course, I was not to blame, eh? But no matter. Let us drink to our success! Until the next time...
Stone: I look forward to it.

Berlin, Germany: IPCA Agency European Command

Imani: I couldn't get close enough to plant a bug, but they exchanged somethin', you can see the envelope, there.
Lian: That's definitely Mara.
Imani: I tried to follow her after the meeting, but she lost me in the marketplace. We've since tracked her to Bangkok, then Moscow. Trail's cold since then.
Gabe: ID on the man?
Teresa: Yong-jun Kim, in Tokyo somewhere. Definitely DPRK. The Japanese Secret Service thinks he has ties to the Yakuza.

Screen goes dead, lights come on.

Gabe: Lian, you go to Tokyo. Take Imani with you. I want to handle Mara myself. Stone, you're with me. Lawrence, you up to another assignment yet?
Lawrence: Of course.
Elsa: Gabe, I don't think that is wise.
Gabe: No choice. We're running out of time. Who do we have they can work with MI6 in Minsk?
Lian: I've got someone.
Gabe: Alright! Let's move. Elsa, what have you got?
Stone: ...You watch your back with the DPRK. Those guys used to kidnap Japanese citizens just so their spies could learn the culture better!
Imani: What're you, my father now? As I recall, that was you who managed to get yourself captured in Belarus. How 'bout you watch your own back?
Stone: Yeah, yeah... rub it in.
Lian: I'm sending you to Minsk. Teresa will give you a complete briefing later. Here's your itinerary. You'll be meeting up with an MI6 operative named Maggie Powers. I think you'll like her.

Minsk, Belarus: International University

It's About Bloody Time

Minsk, Belarus: Jandran's Office

Nikolai Jandran is packing his possessions.

Jandran: Никулеску приказал свернуть с этой дислокации. Мы покидаем Беларусь. [Niculescu has ordered this entire location shut down. We're moving out of Belarus.]
Guard 1: Понятно. [I understand.]
Jandran: И усильте службы безопасности. Головорезы Иванкова могут объявиться в поисках сыворотки. [And beef up security. Ivankov's thugs might show up looking for the serum.]
Guard 1: Вы не идите обратно? [You're not coming back?]
Jandran: Нет. Я направляюсь к буровой установке, затем в Париж присматривать за новыми лабораториями. Я хочу, чтобы это оборудование уже ожидало меня, когда я доберусь туда. [No. I'm heading out to the rig, then to Paris to oversee the new labs. I want this equipment waiting for me when I get there.]

He exits to his car. Intercut with the point of view of somebody using a binoculars to scout the streets. Cut back to show Jandran driving away. Finally we transit back to the person holding the bino.

Maggie: It's about bloody time! Brilliant! Jandran's just left; he should be passing your position any moment.
Crush: Copy that. We're clear.

Screen switches back to Maggie's view of the bino.

Maggie: Alright, send the team in. Don't know how long he'll be gone, let's move quickly! I'm going to stay in this observation area as long as I can and to watch his return.
Crush: Right. Crush out. Good luck. I'll be just around the corner.

Mission: Main plot

Maggie: Remember, you must remain incognito as long as possible. If you blow our cover, Jandran's technicians inside the university will be alerted, and will have time to destroy evidence. Keep your head down, weapons hidden and act naturally.

Maggie: According to Miss Lipan, you have some devices that must be planted. Please proceed.

Maggie: The satellite tracking beacons are located in my safehouse. You need to retrieve them.

Maggie: You must move about the streets without being seen by the snipers Jandran is placed on various buildings.

Maggie: Good work. Now plant the rest.

Maggie: That's two completed.

Maggie: Ah, those gates are locked tight. You have to find a way to disable the lock.

Maggie: Try to find a decent vantage point and shoot it with a sniper rifle.

Guard 2: Ааа... Какой это был номер? 1-3-6-8? Ээ нет. Ээ 2-4-8-3? Чёрт! 1-0-6-3? *Exhales* В конце концов, я должен помнить этот номер! [What was that number? 1-3-6-9? No. 2-4-9-3? Damn! 1-0-7-3? Finally, I should remember that number.]

Guard 3: Ооо господи, тут холодно. [God it's cold out here.]
Guard 2: Аа, ты можешь снова сказать это. [You can say that again.]
Guard 3: Ооо господи, тут холодно. [God it's cold out here.]

Maggie: Right then. Now, let's see if you can get to that computer.

Maggie: That's the ticket! With those files, we'll just have a look-see what Jandran's up to.

Maggie: That window provides an excellent vantage point. You can view the entire docking yard and half the streets.

Maggie: You're moving about with a visible weapon. If I can see it so can the snipers and patrols.

Maggie: Excellent shooting. That should do it.

Maggie: Good job. One more to go.

Maggie: Don't approach the warehouse until all the sniffer devices are planted.

Maggie: Excellent! That was the last of them. Now, to the business at hand.

Maggie: Right. Good work. You've got the beacons. Let's go to work, shall we?

Maggie: When you gain access to the labs, we'll need to take video. Lab specimens, samples and anything else you can find.

Maggie: I need you to plant the beacons on the shipping containers located in the warehouse docking area.

Maggie: That's one of the refrigerated trucks I mentioned. See if you can get at it.

Maggie: One of the workers will have the key to it.

Jones: Проверь температуру на этих грузовиках. Нам не нужно чтобы эта говядина испортилась. [Check the temperature on those trucks. We don't want that beef to spoil.]

Maggie: We need to get a peek inside that truck.

Maggie: That's the ticket. Interesting... So it appears that Jandran is involved with these cattle shipments somehow. Miss Lipan will be very interested in this report I'm sure.

Maggie: You must hurry! These beacons should have been planted by now.

Maggie: Excellent! One more then.

Maggie: Hmm, disguise might be a good idea. If you wear those clothes, it will be much easier to get through the warehouse undetected.

Maggie: That's it then. Hopefully we'll turn something up.

Maggie: An entrance to the basement storage room should be very close to where you're standing.

Guard 4: Дай мне сварочную горелку. [Get me a welding torch, will ya]
Guard 5: Подожди! [Hold on]

Guard 6: Что ты делаешь?! Утечка там, выше! [What are you doing? The leak is up higher]
Guard 7: Экхм, прекрати кричать на меня. Я знаю, что я делаю. (Stop screaming at me.) [I know what I'm doing.]

Guard 8: Похоже уже поздно. Интересно сколько сейчас времени. [Seems like it's getting late. I wonder what time it is.]
Guard 9: Похоже этот парень работает допоздна. [Those guys seem to be working awfully late.]

Complete half of the objectives

Maggie: The first part of the mission is complete. Good work, guys.

Maggie: You need to make your way to Jandran's labs. We don't know how much time we've left.

Maggie: That's the labs. Recording data from your MDRD.

Maggie: I'm at the rendezvous point with Mr. Crusher. Hurry, if you please.

Mission: PDA radio logs

Maggie: Deploy particle sniffers in key locations

Maggie: Dr. Weissinger wants you to plant the particle sniffers in key locations around the university neighborhood. This is our early warning detection system. If something goes wrong and contaminants escape, we need to know about it quickly.

Maggie: Jandran's guards are the suits patrolling the street

Maggie: Jandran seems to have hired a personal army of bodyguards to watch his labs and shipping operations. They're the suits patrolling the streets. Miss Lipan has issued DPE orders for any of them but use caution; they do not want our presence known until the last possible moment.

Maggie: Download shipping records from office computer

Maggie: Two nights ago, I hacked into a computer at the warehouse office. I found a personnel file but couldn't view it. I believe it has all of the records for the containers that had been shipped in and out of here. If we can just gain access to that computer, we can download those files. Might prove useful.

Maggie: I've placed silenced rifles around the area

Maggie: I realized that you would not be able to remain undercover if you're walking about with a large rifle strapped to your back, so I've placed a few silenced rifles throughout the neighborhood. Use them as needed to quietly take down the opposition. Best to leave them where you found them when you're finished.

Maggie: Sniffers should be deployed by now

Maggie: One might move at a tad more alacrity. You should be finished with the sniffer devices by this point.

Maggie: Jandran's guards are armed with CAWS

Maggie: Going through the warehouse shipping files I've come across invoices for CAWS. I can only surmise that some of Jandran's security have Close Assault Weapon Systems. These are deadly and highly accurate fully automatic shotguns made for quickly taking down multiple targets. Take extra precaution.

Maggie: Avoid university security -- non-lethal force only

Maggie: The university is locked down and the front entrance is under watch by university security. These security forces now work for Jandran and are to be considered collateral targets. Non-lethal force must be used.

Maggie: University front gates are locked down

Maggie: As I explained, the university is completely locked down. Waltzing into the front door like an expected guest will not be an option. University building plans show a network of underground maintenance tunnels connecting the physical plant, Jandran's office area, and the warehouse to the south. Try that instead.

Maggie: Retrieve the equipment located in my Safe House

Maggie: Please, retrieve the beacons. We don't have much time, Jandran could return at any moment.

Maggie: Plant beacons on any biological containers

Maggie: Trucks have been moving in and out of here day and night for the last two days. I've told Miss Lipan Jandran might be closing up shop. I've checked several of the containers and have not found any biological containers leaving or arriving. We planting the beacons just to be sure.

Maggie: Check out the refrigerated truck

Maggie: There've been a couple of shipping trucks different from the others. They seem to be specially equipped with refrigeration units. Probably just food shipments for the cafeteria, but we should check them out to be sure. Certainly there's not been a steady stream of them, just enough to make me curious.

Maggie: DPE is authorized for workers and Jandran's guards

Maggie: You've entered Jandran's warehouse area. This part of the university is directly under Jandran's control and is overrun with his personal bodyguards and security. Lethal force is authorized but silent only. We don't want to set the whole place on alert.

Maggie: Jandran's office has a private elevator to his labs

Maggie: Jandran's labs will be located near his office in the main university building. There's a private elevator going to a highly secure floor beneath it. That will be the location of the labs.

Maggie: Obtain a sample from the MUCRD

Maggie: The device in the center of Jandran's lab is a Multi-User Containment Research Device. It allows four researchers to working currently on the same samples. Dr. Weissinger would ask for a sample of its current contents I'm fairly certain.

Maggie: I'm picking up strange radio traffic

Maggie: I'm picking up some local radio traffic that's not coming from Jandran's men. They keep scrambling channel, so I can't get a clear read. I see nothing from my position but someone might be approaching from the north. Be prepared to scramble out of there quickly.

Maggie: Jandran's labs are in flames -- Time to leave

Maggie: We've got our video, and since Jandran's labs are in flames, is not much point in my keeping watch from now, is there? Time to leave, team. Mr. Crusher, you ready?
Crush: Standing by.
Maggie: Head to the pick up position immediately.
Crush: Roger that. Be there in 2 minutes.

Mission: Wrong actions


Maggie: Cobra's down. Repeat, agent Cobra is down. / Cobra's down!

Spotted by the camera

Maggie: How unfortunate. I can hear the alarm all the way from up here. Now the computer is locked down. Security will be on route. Find cover.

Destroy the computer

Maggie: It would have been useful to gain access to those computer files. Ah, well...

Fail at least one objective and complete the mission

Maggie: Well, that was a good bit of work, eh? We've answered some questions but are left with a lot more. Someone either wanted Jandran and his work destroyed or wanted to remove evidence. Perhaps both. In any case, we were rather fortunate in our timing I should think.

Time is 10:00

Maggie: You're running out of time.

Time is 15:00

Maggie: Time grows short.

Mission: Character quotes

Jandran's Guards & Workers

  • Эй там, что ты делаешь? [You there, what are you doing?]
  • Это служебная территория. Вам здесь нельзя находиться. [This is a restricted area. You do not belong back here.]
  • Позовите службу безопасности. У нас неизвестный гость. [Call security. We have an intruder.]
  • Охрана! Охрана! [Security! Security!]
  • Дайте сигнал тревоги. Здесь кто-то есть! [Sound the alarm. There is someone back here.]
  • Эй ты, остановись! [You there, stop.]
  • Покажите ваши документы. [Let me see your papers.]
  • Наши приказания стрелять без предупреждения. Убейте их! [Our orders are to shoot on sight. Kill them.]
  • Эй ты! Остановись! [You there. Stop.]
  • Я сказал не двигаться! Покажите ваши документы. [I said don't move. Show me your papers.]
  • Что ты там делаешь? [What are you doing over there?]
  • Стой или я стреляю! [Stop or I'll shoot.]
  • Выключите системы сигнализации! Предупредите службы безопасности! [Sound the alarm system. Alert security.]
  • Там они! [There they go.]
  • Сюда! Остановите их! [Over here. Stop them.]

Mission: Unused main plot

Maggie: I'm tracking Jandran's men in your area. Take caution. Use silent force.

Maggie: I've got Jandran's men on track near your position. Be careful.

Maggie: Jandran's men coming straight at you. Take precautions.

Maggie: You've been spotted. Eliminate him!

Maggie: If possible, we need to get access to that shipping computer.

Maggie: Planting a sniffer device at the gate is going to be tricky. Find a way to lure the security guards out of the enclosure. Remember, non-lethal force only.

Maggie: A security guard is heading towards you now. Move.

Maggie: There is a security guard near you. Be careful.

Maggie: Where are you going? My safehouse is up the hill.

Maggie: That's unfortunate. He's going to trigger the alarm. Our operation just became a tad more difficult.

Maggie: You won't get much done hanging about there.

Maggie: You're heading off in an odd direction. I need you in the warehouse.

Maggie: Check his pulse. All right, he appears to be breathing. You going to have to move him out of the way. We can't leave him there for another patrol to find.

Maggie: You have to move that university security guard. If a patrol spots him, they'll place the university area on alert.

Maggie: There is a good spot.

Maggie: You planning on dragging him all about the city? Find a place to drop him.

Maggie: Not there. They'll spot him for certain.

Maggie: I am forced to point out that silent force actually involves NOT shooting the place up with a loud weapons! You were lucky that time security wasn't about to hear it. Please, be more careful.

Maggie: We've been lucky. I was able to override the alarm. Try to use more caution.

Maggie: That's done it. I couldn't to override the alarm that time. Now we're in for it. Let's get this thing done and get out!

Maggie: Smart way in. I'll bet one of the workers has a key to unlock the gate.

Maggie: So far so good. We've managed not to raise any alerts yet. Keep it up then.

Maggie: That's good. Now plant the rest of them.

Maggie: Where are you going? Please, let's try to focus on the task at hand, shall we?

Maggie: Security seems very tight in there. You might have to find an alternate route.

Maggie: You can't get there by taking that route. You have to take one of the underground passages.

Maggie: That's where the catacombs should intersect with the basement area.

Repairman 1: К чёрту! Пододвинь ещё! [Hell! Move more!]
Repairman 2: Я пытаюсь. Крепи! [I'm trying. Stick it!]

Maggie: Those are university repairmen. Not part of Jandran's security.

Maggie: Good lord, I'm downloading the blueprint for the university now. It's a bloody maze down there.

Maggie: You're now entering the main university building complex. Up those stairs, you'll find the exit to a courtyard. You can get to Jandran's building through a window that opens on the courtyard.

Maggie: That's the window. Jandran's office is down the hall into the left.

Maggie: You're in Jandran's office. The elevator should be ahead into the left.

Maggie: The power to Jandran's elevator is shut down. If you jam the security system, I bet someone will take the other elevator up to investigate.

Maggie: The tunnels are full of smoke. If you don't find an oxygen mask, you won't be able to see or breathe.

Maggie: Keep moving! In 2 minutes, the university is going to be an inferno.

Maggie: It will take all four of you but we need to obtain samples from that device.

Maggie: Excellent teamwork! Dr. Weissinger will be pleased.

Maggie: Ahh, looks as though they've destroyed evidence. Perhaps if we had not alerted security so soon we might have gotten here in time to prevent them.

Maggie: Jandran's labs are under attack. Get out of there, they going to burn the place to the ground. Move it!

Maggie: They're setting fire everywhere. Whatever they're wearing is immune to flames, some sort of asbestos kevlar. Normal ordinance won't do much good I'm afraid.

Maggie: The gas lines are ruptured. If you can find a way to shut them down, you'll open access to the tunnels.

Maggie: They're armed with G11s.

Maggie: You not going to be able to shoot through that armor with normal weapons. Try using a G11. Give them a taste of their own.

Mission: Unused PDA radio logs

Maggie: Disabling front office power will disable it's security

Maggie: I installed some equipment on the power and phone lines of the front office to help cover my hack. I discovered that shutting down the power disables the office security. Might be worth giving a try.

Maggie: Entering the physical plant -- avoid collateral targets

Maggie: You're entering the university physical plant. You'll find security is very tight. If you're spotted by collateral targets, they will try to stop and question you. They been very skittish these last few days. You try to run, they will attempt to stop you. Use non-lethal force only when absolutely necessary.

Maggie: Alternate route

Maggie: The building plans describe an access plate to the old catacomb system that connects to the boiler room area. From there you be able to gain entrance to the security room from the opposite side. Find storeroom A2.

Maggie: Beware of Boiler Caps

Maggie: Be careful with those boiler caps. One or two misplaced bullets and the iron plate will shoot out one with enough force to cut you in half. I wouldn't wanna clean up that mess...

Mission: Unused character quotes

Jandran's Guards & Workers

  • Мне понадобится помощь с этими ящиками. [I'm going to need help with those crates.]
  • Скажи этим людям чтобы они поторопились с этим. Я не хочу провести здесь всю ночь. [Tell those men to hurry it up. I don't want to be here all night.]
  • Джандран сказал, что мы должны всё перетащить до завтра. [Jandran said we have to have everything moved by tomorrow.]
  • Двигай! Пошли, пошли! [Move it! Come on, come on.]
  • Внизу, в цокольном хранилище ещё больше контейнеров. Их мы заберём в последнюю очередь. [There are more containers down in the basement storage. We will get them last.]
  • Они пошли в эту сторону. Остановите их. [They went over that way. Stop them.]
  • Не убивай меня, я просто рабочий! [Don't kill me, I'm only a worker.]
  • Стреляйте в них! [Shoot them.]
  • В какую сторону они пошли? [Which way did they go?]
  • Помогите! [Help me, I've been hit!]
  • Не стреляйте в меня. Я просто работаю здесь. [Don't shoot me. I only work here.]
  • *Moans*
  • *Death moans*
  • *Death screams*

CDP Fire Soldiers

  • Сожги, сожги всё это. [Burn it, burn it all.]
  • Здесь кто-то есть. Убейте их. [Someone's over here. Kill them.]
  • Они хотят здесь всё сжечь, чтобы ничего не осталось. [They want the entire place torched, leave nothing.]
  • Мне здесь нужен огонь. [I need fire over here.]
  • Используй гранаты! [Use grenades!]
  • Офис Джандрана тоже сожги. [Burn Jandran's office as well.]
  • Огонь подбирается к газопроводу. [Fire's hitting the gas lines.]
  • Хорошо. Здесь всё взлетит в воздух. [Good. The whole place will go up.]
  • Поджигай всё, нас защитят костюмы. [Torch everything, our suits will insulate us.]

Deep Sea Salvage Op?

Fade in to show the player's point of view as he sprints for the waiting vehicle.

Minsk, Belarus: International University

Crush: Move it or lose it! Getting hot around here!

Berlin, Germany: IPCA Agency European Command

Teresa is issuing instructions to a camera which captures footage from Jandran's labs.

Teresa: There! No, back up. Forward... There! Freeze that frame. Enhance and enlarge.

We can barely make out the name 'S.S. Lorelei' on a crate in Jandran's lab.

Teresa: I'll be damned! Someone's running a deep sea salvage operation.
Lawrence: So it would seem...
Teresa: You up for another mission? So soon?
Lawrence: Indeed. I am anxious to help. Who is available to help me?
 (Teresa turns)

North Atlantic Ocean, SS Lorelei Salvage Site

The arm of a minisub grabs a second crate that looks exactly like the first one from Jandran's lab. The camera follows the vehicle as it traverses through the water until its spotlight illuminates a word: SS Lorelei.

Transit to the interior of the salvage rig as the minisub surfaces.

Worker 1: Это последняя. Последний отсек хранилища теперь пуст. [That's the last of it. Final storage compartment is now emptied.]
Worker 2: Мы читаем твои мысли. Они все для тебя готовы. [We read you. They're all ready for you.]
Worker 1: Скажите Джандрану, что последний груз на борту. [Tell Dr. Jandran that the last load is aboard.]

Samashki, Chechnya: Ivankov's Home

Nothing is Black and White

Berlin, Germany: IPCA Agency European Command

Lawrence: We tend to paint life with a limited palette of black and white. (gestures with his hands) Governments are good or evil. Leaders wrong or right. In my fight against apartheid, I saw much that would make one think in those terms. But missions like ours to the North Atlantic, where we face evil, certainly in a man like Jandran, prove to me most things are not so simple. (transit to elsewhere)

Samashki, Chechnya

Lawrence: Is it justified to take even a single innocent life... to prevent a greater evil? During my mission to Chechnya, I had similarly difficult questions to answer.

Mission: Main plot

  • I was sent to Ivankov's home radio log

  • Many types of non-lethal force radio log

  • Evidence of Russian patrols radio log

Soldier 1: Есть сообщение? [Anything to report?]
Soldier 2: Здесь всё спокойно, сэр. [All quiet here sir.]

Soldier 1: Я хочу, чтобы могила была засыпана до полуночи. Поторопитесь с этим. [I want that grave filled by midnight. Hurry it up.]
Soldier 3: Будет сделано, сэр. [On it sir.]

Lawrence: Schools were meant to be places of learning. Where the young and curious could expand their knowledge. What lessons had been taught in this place? How many curious minds had been silenced?

  • There was Gregorav's Chopper radio log

  • Gregorav was directly involved radio log

  • They too, were after Ivankov radio log

  • I would not stand by radio log

Gregorov: Ты же видишь что сопротивляться бесполезно. Не усложняй своё положение. [You see it is pointless to resist. Do not make it any harder on yourself.]
CDP Prisoner: Я не знаю! [I don't know.]

Gregorov: Скажи мне, где находится база Иванкова и я оставлю тебя в живых. [Tell me the location of Ivankov's base and I will let you live.]
CDP Prisoner: Я не могу вам сказать того, чего я не знаю! [I can't tell you what I don't know.]

Gregorov: Где база Иванкова? Где находятся остальные сторонники чеченской демократии? [Where is Ivankov's base? Where are the rest of the Chechnyan Democratic Partisans?]
CDP Prisoner: Да, я сражался. Да, я чеченский партизан, но я не был офицером. М-мне не говорят таких вещей. [Yes, I fought for the cause. Yes, I am CDP, but I was not an officer. They don't tell me these things.]

Gregorov: Ты же отдаёшь себе отчёт в том, что это не последняя чеченская деревня. Скажи то, о чём тебя спрашивают или мы убьём тебя и займёмся следующим. [This is not the last village in Chechnya, you realize this. Tell me what I want to know, or we will kill you and move on to the next one.]
CDP Prisoner: Вы убили мою семью, уничтожили мой дом. Я бы не сказал вам, даже если б я знал. [You murdered my family, destroyed my home. I would not tell you even if I knew.]

Gregorov: Я делаю это без всякого удовольствия. Вы угрожаете Москве, и мы уничтожим вашу страну. Вы взорвёте здание мы взорвём деревню. Понятно? [I do not enjoy having to do this. You threaten Moscow, we destroy your country. You blow up a building, we blow up a village. You understand?]
CDP Prisoner: Почему бы вам в таком случае не убить меня и не покончить с этим? [Why don't you kill me then and be done with it.]

Gregorov: Скажи мне то, о чём я тебя спрашиваю! [Tell me what I want to know.]
CDP Prisoner: Посмотрите вокруг. Ничего не осталось. Всё кончено. [Look around you. There is nothing left. It is finished.]
Gregorov: Говори! [Talk.]

Gregorov: Ты же видишь, что сопротивляться бесполезно. Вертолёт готов? [You see it is pointless to resist. Is the chopper prepared?]
Soldier 4: Да, сэр. [Yes sir.]

Gregorov: У меня кончились силы. Он не заговорит, остальные тоже. После того как я уйду, прикончи его и других. Ты останешься и лично проследишь, чтобы всё было приведено в порядок. Чтобы не осталось никаких следов. Я отправляюсь в Москву. [I am finished. He won't talk, nor will the others. After I leave, finish him and the others. You stay and personally supervise the cleanup here. I am heading back to Moscow.]
Soldier 4: Да, сэр. [Yes sir.]

Gregorov: Мы отбываем. [We are leaving.]

  • I would not stop Gregorav radio log

Lawrence: I would photograph Uri in the act. He would not be able to deny his involvement.

Lawrence: Now was my chance.

Lawrence: One good photograph would be sufficient.

  • Present evidence to Logan radio log

  • I would have to time it carefully radio log

CDP Prisoner: Thank you, my friend. I don't know who you are, but I thank you.
Lawrence: Move quickly and silently, they must not know I am here.
CDP Prisoner: Thank you again. Спасибо. (Thanks.)

Lawrence: More disconcerting was my discovery of a recent mass grave. The village may have been destroyed accidentally, but the people who lived there surely most of them would have survived. I would also have to photograph these grave sites. I hoped there would be no more of them.

Lawrence: At this point, standing beside the second mass grave I knew that indeed I was witnessing some kind of ethnic attack. I was helpless to do more than record the evidence.

  • The Russian's were holding prisoners radio log

Soldier 5: В завершение проверьте все здания. Не остались ли там трупы, нельзя их оставлять на виду. [Finish checking the buildings for bodies. We can't leave any lying around.]
Soldier 6: Я позабочусь об этом, сэр. [I'll see to it sir.]

Soldier 5: Ищите везде! [Search everywhere!]

Lawrence: I confirmed the sites of freshly dug earth were in fact mass graves. I discovered one, which had not yet been filled in. This meant that perhaps the operation was still in progress.

Lawrence: The church... had been utterly destroyed. Only a portion of the steeple allowed me to guess at the structure's purpose.

Lawrence: The hospital as well... My anger began to grow, as I thought of the human callousness necessary to destroy a place of healing.

  • Escaping with their lives radio log

Prisoner: Они уничтожили всю нашу деревню. [They have destroyed our entire village.]

Prisoner: Спасибо за то, что вы освободили нас. Я не знаю куда идти, или куда бежать. [Thank you for freeing us. I do not know where to go or where to run.]

Mission: PDA radio logs

I was sent to Ivankov's home

Lawrence: The mission seems straightforward enough. We had not been able to contact Uri Gregorov, the SVR head, for some days and the crisis in Moscow was growing. We uncovered allegations the Russian military was practicing ethnic cleansing in Chechnya. I was sent to Ivankov's home village of Samashki to investigate.

Many types of non-lethal force

Lawrence: There were many types of non-lethal force at my disposal. My air gun of course, the taser, and grenades, which carried a powerful anesthetic gas. A target would wake up with a terrible headache, but they would be alive.

Evidence of Russian patrols

Lawrence: There seemed to be several patrols of Russian soldiers in the area. So that much was true. The Russians were involved. But my goal was to gather evidence, not fight a war. If I had to, I would use non-lethal force to prevent my capture or discovery. I would not kill them. No matter what they had done.

I found a scrap of paper

Lawrence: I searched the rubble of Ivankov's old home. I found nothing of interest save for a scrap of paper with several numbers written on it. It probably mean nothing, but I kept it nonetheless.

There was Gregorav's Chopper

Lawrence: There was an SVR chopper in the middle of the road ready for departure. Logan's hunch proved correct. Uri Gregorov was here in Chechnya.

Gregorav was directly involved

Lawrence: The man doing the interrogation was none other than Uri Gregorov. The Agency had made many dealings with Gregorov over the years. Logan would be most disappointed to learn that Gregorov was directly involved in something like this.

They too, were after Ivankov

Lawrence: I was beginning to understand. The SVR was here to find Ivankov. Their desperation was apparent. They would destroy Ivankov's home, torture his followers and murder them one by one until they told them what they had come to discover, the secret location of Ivankov's military stronghold.

I would not stand by

Lawrence: This then, was a difficult choice. The Russians, pressured by the threat of a biological attack that would kill millions of Muscovites, responded with desperate measures. The Chechnyans, pressured by years of oppression and murder, also responded with desperation. I built in no position to judge them, but I would not stand by and let them kill this man.

Present evidence to Logan

Lawrence: I did not look forward to presenting this evidence to Logan.

I would have to time it carefully

Lawrence: I would have to time the rescue carefully. As soon as Gregorov left, I would only have a minute before others would come. I could not use gas because it would knock out the hostage as well, and there would be no time to carry him to safety.

I would not stop Gregorav

Lawrence: I would not stop Gregorov from leaving. Though I wished I could. He could not learn of my presence, or it would harm our ability to deal with him later.

The Russian's were holding prisoners

Lawrence: I despaired of finding any Chechnyans alive. I stumbled across a makeshift holding cell. It was apparent that the Russians were holding prisoners here. Awaiting execution. I would do my best to free them.

Escaping with their lives

Lawrence: When I opened the door, they shook in terror at the sight of yet another gunman. It took very little coaxing to get them to run for their lives. I could not blame them for their fear.

Mission: Wrong actions

Spotted by Gregorov

Gregorov: Там кто-то есть! Схвати его! [Someone is over there! Get him.]

Mission: Character quotes

Russian Soldiers

  • Иди сюда! [Get over here.]
  • Эй ты! Остановись! [You there! Stop.]
  • Я там видел кого-то. [I saw someone over there.]
  • Помогите! [Help!]
  • Кто-то приближается! [Someone's coming!]
  • Давай! [Come on!]
  • Где патруль? Почему они не отметились? Найди их. [Where is the patrol? Why have they not checked in? Find them.]
  • Ищите везде! [Search everywhere!]

Mission: Unused main plot

Lawrence: I had to hide the bodies of the unconscious soldiers to prevent their being seen by their comrades. To uncover the whole truth, I had to prevent them from knowing I was there.

Lawrence: Throughout the region, I witnessed scenes of terrible destruction. Entire villages bombarded by heavy artillery lay in ruins. My goal was to see if Ivankov's claims held any validity. Were the Russians targeting non-military targets?

Lawrence: Samashki it appeared had been leveled. I would take photographic evidence of any non-military targets, which admittedly... was everything. But especially I was looking for targets such as schools, churches, hospitals. Proof that they had targeted innocent citizens.

Gregorov: Кто там? Охрана! [Who is there? Guards!]

Gregorov: Пошевеливайся! [Move it.]

Lawrence: The photographic evidence provided by the graves, would be even more compelling than that of the destroyed structures.

Lawrence: I had to overcome my aversion to the site of destruction and death... and photograph the evidence.

Lawrence: My mission would be in vain if I did not have photographic evidence.

Lawrence: I decided I had photographed enough collateral damage. The photographs would be used in evidence and then filed away, but the images would stay with me forever.

Lawrence: I took the last photographs I would need. So much senseless death, so many innocent lives.

Lawrence: Even in South Africa during apartheid, I had never seen such wanton death and destruction. I was hardened to it, but it was becoming difficult to maintain my composure. Anger... welled up inside me.

Lawrence: I would have to find a way to deal with the guards. Openly confronting them might cause them to open fire on the prisoners.

Prisoner: Поторопитесь, нам нужно спасаться. Если они нас обнаружат, они нас убьют! [Hurry we must flee. If they discover us, they will kill us.]

Prisoner: Мы здесь просто крестьяне, бедные фермеры. Зачем им это делать с нами? [We are just peasants, poor farmers. Why do they do this to us?]

Lawrence: They were scared and disoriented. I would have to lead them through the patrols to safety.

Lawrence: If we were seen, they would be killed instantly, and my mission would be over.

Lawrence: Once at the outskirts, I motioned for them to get away quickly.

Mission: Unused PDA radio logs

I had seen enough

Lawrence: I had accomplished my mission and obtained all the evidence required. Frankly, I had seen enough. It was time to leave. Again, I had to be very careful not to be seen. The Russians could not be allowed to learn there had been a witness.

Mission: Unused character quotes

Russian Soldiers

  • Кто-то прячется в тени. [Someone's hiding in the shadows.]
  • Убей его! [Kill him!]
  • Стреляй! Стреляй! [Shoot! Shoot!]
  • Уберите эти тела! Сейчас. [Get these bodies moved! Now.]
  • Проверьте пленников. Убедитесь что они на месте. [Check on the prisoners. Make sure they are there.]
  • Командир Грегоров готовится к отбытию, проверьте готовку вертолёта. [Commander Gregorav is preparing to leave, make sure the chopper is ready.]
  • Тот же час, сэр. [Right away sir.]
  • Конечно, сэр. [Of course sir.]
  • Докладывай! [Report!]
  • Мне нечего доложить, сэр. [Nothing to report sir.]
  • Разжигай сильнее! Я хочу здесь всё сжечь до самой земли. [Set more fires. I want the place burned to the ground.]
  • Пленники сбежали. Найти их! [The prisoners have escaped. Find them.]
  • Заложник сбежал. Найти его! [The hostage has escaped. Find him!]
  • Осмотрите всё, он не мог далеко уйти! [Look everywhere, he can't have gone far!]
  • *Moans*
  • *Death moans*
  • *Death screams*

Lawrence Mujari

  • Move quickly and get as far away from the village as you can.
  • Go, now!
  • Wait here.
  • Move quietly.
  • No, not that way!
  • Follow me.
  • Come, quickly!
  • This way!
  • Good luck to you.

Always Protect Life

Berlin, Germany: IPCA Agency European Command

Lawrence: So you see the problem I faced. Not act and the CDP hostage would have been killed. Act, free him, and he rejoins the organization we are working to stop. The larger question... presents its own difficulties. On the one hand, the Russians are justified in protecting themselves from terrorism. Yet, the Chechnyans too are justified in their search for justice and freedom. Who is right? Who is wrong? As an observer, I gathered evidence for others to decide, and erred on the side of protecting life. What would you have done differently?

North Atlantic: Lorelei Salvage Rig

How Sane Is That?

Kiev, Ukraine: Ivankov's Townhouse

Mara speaks to Mihai.

Mara: He won't be reasoned with. He is blackmailing the Politburo, Mihai. How sane is that?
Niculescu: How long?
Mara: I don't know, and he won't take me to his base.

Zurich, Switzerland: Niculescu Funds Tower

Niculescu: We can't wait! I want everything shut down, everything! You'll deal with Murakawa, I will handle the others.
Mara: Agreed.

Switch back to Mara.

Niculescu: And find Ivankov's damned base!

North Atlantic: SS Lorelei Salvage Operation

Intercut with the rig exterior and the copter interior.

Crush: ETA: 1 minute.
Lawrence: We are on final approach. I will go to the deck control tower and patch in from there. Crush will hold position on the flight deck.
Crush: Beginning landing procedure. Might get rough.

Transit to show Mujari on the deck.

Lawrence: Give me 2 minutes to get to the tower!

Mission: Main plot

Lawrence: I have control of the tower. Though my friends on the floor here did not give in willingly. I will monitor your progress as long as I can.

Lawrence: On the upper deck, you will find the uniforms worn by the rig workers. Change into them.

Lawrence: Take care. I see several workers on the monitor, milling about. It is going to be very difficult to get through here undetected.

Lawrence: To gain access to the highly restricted level 13, you must first acquire the access codes from the computer system on level 5.

Worker 1: Ты видел Джандрана? [Have you seen Jandran?]
Worker 2: Пару часов назад. Он был в нижнем доке, наблюдал за нагрузкой. [A couple of hours ago. He was in the sub dock supervising the unloading]
Worker 1: Спасибо. [Thanks]

Lawrence: You are on level 6. If you are going to the security room on level 5, you will need to find the personnel elevator or access ladder. These are located in the mess area and the science sleeping quarters fore and aft.

Lawrence: Dressing like the workers will simplify your task immensely.

Lawrence: You need those access codes or you will not be able to gain entrance to level 13.

Lawrence: One more code and you are finished.

Lawrence: Excellent. Now you have the combined access codes to enter level 13.

Worker 3: Сколько времени? [What time is it?]
Worker 4: Понятия не имею. Всё что я знаю, что моя смена ещё не закончилась, ай! [No idea. All I know is my shift isn't over yet, eh?]
Worker 3: Кажется что время здесь остановилось. [Time does seem to stand still down here.]

Worker 5: Как дела? [How's it going?]
Worker 6: Длинный день. Тебе кажется, что стало холоднее? [Slow day. Seem colder to you?]
Worker 5: Здесь всегда холодно. Джандран слишком скупой, чтобы платить за отопление. [It's always cold down here. Jandran is too cheap to pay for heat]

Lawrence: Excellent! Now, proceed with the mission.

Lawrence: You must now make your way to level 13.

Lawrence: Excellent! Dr. Weissinger will be pleased to have another piece of the puzzle.

Lawrence: The chopper crash has destroyed the upper stairwells, and the watertight doors are sealed. I will need assistance from your side to get down.

Lawrence: The upper decks are beginning to flood. You need to find the emergency pump system and activate it.

Lawrence: Very good. That should buy us some time.

Lawrence: Excellent! Anyone trapped on board will now have a chance to reach the lifeboats.

Complete half of the objectives

Lawrence: The first part of the mission is complete. Excellent!

Lawrence: Thank you. Now we must get to the mini-sub docking bay.

Lawrence: You are now on level 13. This is the floor where the mini submarines are docked. The rig's schematics show two docking bases, but there's currently only one sub that functions. It seems that the other one is out for repairs.

Lawrence: It will take all of my concentration to hack into the door security mechanism. You will need to prevent security forces from distracting me.

Lawrence: I have hacked into the security code. Time to go in.

Lawrence: When I open the door, be ready to charge in. One of us must reach the launch override switch on the control panel.

Lawrence: Our primary goal is to find Dr. Jandran. You have the special hypodermic that Dr. Weissinger has prepared.

Lawrence: Good work. The launch procedure has been overridden.

Jandran: What are you doing? No. No, I can't!
Lawrence: Something is wrong! Dr. Jandran is having an adverse reaction to the vaccine!

Lawrence: To descend further you will have to find and use the access ladders in the air shafts.

Lawrence: Excellent. Now you may assemble and plant the nuclear device.

Lawrence: Very good. Now step away from it. I'm setting the tamper detonator now. If someone tries to move it, it will go off by itself. Hopefully after we are far away.

Lawrence: Please, rendezvous with me on level 13 at the mini-sub docking bay.

Complete all of the objectives

Lawrence: Mission complete. Excellent work!

Mission: PDA radio logs

Mujari: The freight elevator

Lawrence: The freight elevator stops at only three levels. Topside, 6 and 12. Level 6 is the loading area for the crew supplies. There are alternate elevators in shafts that connect the remaining decks including the personnel elevator in this control tower. Level 12 is the loading area for the salvage operation. The mini-subs are docked on level 13.

Mujari: Uniforms

Lawrence: Most of the crew's equipment has already been off-loaded, but there are still boxes of uniforms on deck 2. If you can find them, you will be able to move about undetected.

Mujari: Possible DPE orders

Lawrence: Workers are to be considered collateral targets. Jandran's security as in Minsk can be handled with lethal force, but it is my wish that you find other means. However, I recognize that they are armed combatants and I will not oppose fill DPE orders if you can find no other way.

Mujari: Alarm switches

Lawrence: You see the alarm switches on the walls? There are switches like those throughout the facility. If you are spotted, the workers will try to get to one of them. If they succeed, the alarm will sound and the entire facility will go on alert status. Which means all of the watertight doors will close, the elevators will shut down and security will be called. Needless to say, this would be very bad.

Mujari/Teresa: Dr. Jandran is on site

Lawrence: Teresa, our suspicions have proven correct. I have pulled up Dr. Jandran's files; he's on board this rig even as we speak.
Teresa: Copy that. Will he be taken alive?
Lawrence: That is my hope, but we shall see. Mujari out.

Mujari: Deck 3 warning

Lawrence: The passages on deck 3 are primarily viewing tunnels. Do not use explosive or high impact rounds in these tunnels or you will risk implosion.

Mujari: Dr. Jandran a possible Omega Strain carrier

Lawrence: Dr. Weissinger has prepared a special hypodermic, which must be administered to Dr. Jandran before we can move him. Our suspicion is that he has made himself into a carrier for The Omega Strain.

Mujari: Maintain stealth

Lawrence: You should see only workers and technicians in the hallways. Try to look as if you belong. If someone spots you, use silent force before they can get to an alarm.

Mujari/Crusher: Incoming Meta Global chopper

Crush: Uh-oh, we got trouble, two birds incoming.
Lawrence: ID tags?
Crush: Looks like 'Meta Global Security'.
Lawrence: Can you deal with them?
Crush: Oh yeah. Lifting off.

Crusher/Mujari: Chopper down

Crush: One down! Upper decks destroyed. Can't shake the other.
Lawrence: You must hold them off, Mr. Crusher, until we are finished here.
Crush: Copy that, big daddy. Not sure how long.

Mujari/Crusher: Crusher is killed

Crush: Going down! Repeat, going down! Not gonna make it!
Lawrence: Crush is dead... We must grieve for him later. Our paramount duty is to finish this mission and get home ourselves. The chopper and the upper deck are destroyed. We're going to have to use the mini-sub.

Mujari: Jandran in mini-sub docking bay

Lawrence: I have spotted Dr. Jandran on the security system. I am heading down now.

Mission: Wrong actions


Lawrence: Cobra is down. Repeat, agent Cobra is down. / Cobra is down!

Kill first worker

Lawrence: Cobra, you are violating the Agency collateral damage policy. I will not tolerate the loss of innocent life!

Kill second worker

Lawrence: Not acceptable, Cobra.

Kill third worker

Lawrence: You're not performing well, Cobra.

Kill fourth worker

Lawrence: Cobra is blundering.

Kill fifth worker and onwards

Lawrence: Cobra is acting unprofessionally.

Time is 14:00

Lawrence: Time is of the essence.

Time is 21:00

Lawrence: Time grows very short.

Mission: Character quotes

Guards & Workers

  • Как дела? [How's it going?]
  • Трудный день? [Tough day?]
  • Эй, ты куда? [Hey, where are you heading?]
  • Что ты здесь делаешь? Это служебная территория. [What are you doing here? This is a restricted area]
  • Эй, я тебя знаю? [Hey don't I know you?]
  • Кто ты? Эй, я тебя не знаю! Объявите тревогу!! [Who are you? Hey, I don't know you. Alert alert!!]
  • Включите охранную сигнализацию! Дайте сигнал тревоги! [Intruder alert! Sound the alarm!]
  • Дайте сигнал тревоги. Нарушитель! [Sound the alarm. Intruder]

Mission: Unused main plot

Lawrence: You must make your way to the very bottom of the structure, on level 15, and plant the nuclear device there.

Lawrence: From the service elevator, every floor in the complex is restricted except floor 6 and 12. To get the worker uniform, you must find the access ladders and climb between levels. Each floor does have an elevator override system, which can be manually accessed to bypass the elevator security.

Lawrence: Do not get too close to the workers until we are ready. They would be expecting the poor chaps we left back at the salvage company, not you.

Lawrence: There is a worker just ahead. Do not let any of them stare at your face. Let them pass.

Worker 1: Что происходит? [What's going on?]
Worker 2: Понятия не имею, может быть снова ложная тревога? [No idea, maybe another false alarm?]
Worker 1: Может быть. Может быть, новая трещина на палубе две. [Could be. Maybe another crack on deck 2]

Lawrence: Good. You need three more.

Lawrence: You need two additional access codes.

Worker 3: Я только что разговаривал с Джандраном, он тоже не знает что происходит. [I just spoke with Jandran, he doesn't know what's going on either.]
Worker 4: Правда? Значит это не серьёзно, а? [Really? It can't be serious then, eh?]
Worker 3: Я так не думаю, но хотелось бы, чтобы они отключили эту чёртову сигнализацию. [I don't think so, but I wish they would turn off that damn alarm]

Worker 5: Нам приказано возвращаться в казармы. [We've been ordered to get back to quarters.]
Worker 6: Охрана ушла? Это точно? [Is security out? Is this for real?]
Worker 5: Думаю да. Пошли! [I think so. Move!]

Lawrence: You must use the access codes to enter level 13.

Lawrence: You will not be able to enter the restricted level without the access codes.

Lawrence: You are now on deck 2. If you look carefully, you will be able to find a box of uniforms.

Lawrence: Hm... odd. That lab is not on any of the schematics for the salvage rig. They must be using it to process the samples retrieved from the Lorelei.

Lawrence: It might be important to get the raw samples Jandran was working with. See if you can find any.

Lawrence: Don't leave without those samples. I have an idea they will be important to unraveling the secret behind this new strain of the virus.

Lawrence: You must activate the emergency pump system.

Lawrence: The crash has triggered the catastrophic emergency system. Anyone on level 5 has been sealed inside. Two of you must get to that level and free them. I will not allow any man to be drowned like a rat.

Lawrence: You must open two sets of doors that have sealed the workers inside. They are located on deck 5.

Lawrence: The override switch requires two keys. Both of which must be turned at the same time. You must find the keys first.

Lawrence: I need assistance with this door please.

Lawrence: Please, keep the security forces from shooting at me.

Lawrence: Just a few more seconds...

Lawrence: Get to that switch.

Lawrence: I've got it.

Lawrence: We must find Dr. Jandran.

Jandran: Что ты там делаешь? Уйдите от меня. [What are you doing there? Get away from me.]

Jandran: Охрана! Охрана! [Guards! Security!]

Jandran: Ты чё с этим делаешь? [What are you doing with that?]

Jandran: Прекратите! Нет!! [Stop! No!!]

Jandran: Arffghddfdf!

Lawrence: I guess we won't be questioning Jandran...

Lawrence: Level 14. One more to go.

Lawrence: You must now make your way to the lowest level.

Lawrence: You must set the explosive on level 15.

Lawrence: Each of you carries one part of the nuclear device. All parts must be assembled for it to function.

Lawrence: Very good. Now you are in a support shaft beneath the sea floor. Plant the explosive there and set the detonation code. I have the detonator with me.

Lawrence: The device was disassembled for security reasons. The parts fit together as I demonstrated before.

Lawrence: You must make your way to the mini-sub docking bay now please.

Lawrence: Now to get past the door security system.

Lawrence: If you fire your taser into the water, it will incapacitate anyone got standing in it.

Lawrence: The decks are flooding!

Lawrence: You need to find a way around the watertight doors.

Lawrence: Follow me.

Lawrence: Down that way!

Lawrence: Cover me!

Lawrence: Use your taser!

Lawrence: Use gas grenades!

Lawrence: Over there!

Lawrence: Here.

Mission: Unused PDA radio logs

Mujari: Nuclear device

Lawrence: The nuclear device you carry is the smallest our government manufactures, but it will be sufficient to do the job. When it detonates, it will create a blast that will envelope not just this structure, but the hulk of the sunken Lorelei as well. Try not to drop it.

Mujari: Survivors

Lawrence: I do not intend to kill anyone on board this salvage rig. Once we have the device set, I will give them warning and enough time to reach the lifeboats on level 1. We will then give them sufficient time to get away, before we detonate.

Mujari: Science sleeping quarters - Deck 12

Lawrence: You are now in the science sleeping quarters. The scientists are scheduled to change shifts individually at different times. Do not be caught in there.

Mujari: Jandran's adverse reaction to the vaccine

Lawrence: Most unusual. Dr. Jandran has had an adverse reaction to the drug. Dr. Weissinger will be most disappointed. She needed desperately to speak with Jandran about his work.

Mission: Unused character quotes


  • Как идут дела? [How's it going?]
  • Что ты делаешь на этой палубе? Это служебная территория. [What are you doing on this deck? This is a restricted area]
  • Что ты здесь делаешь? Брось что делал. [What are you doing up here? Get moving]
  • Что ты здесь делаешь? [What are you doing down here?]
  • Стой. Покажи твоё удостоверение. [Halt, let me see your ID]
  • Стой или я стреляю! [Halt or I'll shoot]
  • Тревога! Тревога! Охрана! [Alert! Alert! Security!]
  • Палубы заливает! [The decks are flooding!]
  • Мы здесь в западне! [We're trapped in here!]
  • На помощь, помогите! [Help us, please help!]
  • Мы не можем выбраться! [We can't get out]


  • Эй, я тебя не узнаю, ты здесь новенький? [Hey, I don't recognize you, you new here?]
  • Я не вооружён. Пожалуйста, не убивайте меня! [I'm unarmed. Please don't kill me]
  • Не стреляйте, не стреляйте! [Don't shoot, don't shoot]

I Will Not Kill Them

This is automatically unlocked by completing the mission on par.

North Atlantic: SS Lorelei Salvage Operation

A boat carrying unconscious salvage personnel floats away on the ocean.

Lawrence: I would not kill them for making bad career decisions.

A Nuclear Device

North Atlantic: Lorelei Salvage Rig

Lawrence: Attention salvage personnel! A nuclear device on this vessel will detonate in one hour. You have till then to make your escape.

Panels beneath the rig slide open and the minisub descends into the ocean.

Lawrence: There are times when a person's only crime is in whom he chooses to work for. I will not kill them for making bad career decisions.

The vessel starts moving away from the rig. A massive explosion rocks the structure, a shockwave flattens it.

Berlin, Germany: IPCA Agency European Command

Lian: Imani's already following Yong-jun Kim. They flew out of Tokyo this morning. Does Gabe know about Crush yet?
Teresa: Not yet. He and Stone are still in Moscow.
Lian: God, this is gonna push him over the edge. First Alima, now Crush.
Teresa: I know.
Lian: We have to keep moving. Gina, gather the team and get going. Be careful, you're the last pilot we've got. I want them in Tokyo by tonight.
Gina: Yes, ma'am. Leaving now. Come on, hotshot! Let's not keep the lady waiting.

The two move towards the door, but the player stops to look at Alima's and Crusher's pictures hanging on the wall. Gina notices this.

Gina: Don't think about it. Just push ahead. It's the only way to survive, you know.

Tokyo, Japan: Murakawa Tower

Shake and Bake Op

Tokyo, Japan: Murakawa Tower

Gina: ETA to Murakawa Tower is 0-0-2 minutes.
News Reporter: *Illegible Japanese speech*
Lian: Alright, this is a shake and bake op with four goals. First, find Murakawa. Our primary goal is to get in, take him and get out. Second, take out Murakawa's lab. Your load out has enough C4 to take out the entire floor. Next, DPEs. I have one for each of Murakawa's officers, and one for the HNT leader, Korin Matsua.
News Reporter: 支店勤にする。大阪ビジネス地区周辺でトラブル発生。繰り返し前勤務にすぐ。ビジネス地区周辺で爆発と本当のトラブル発生。 (Become a branch employee. Trouble occurred around Osaka business district. Repeatedly immediately before work. Explosion and real trouble occurred around the business district.)
Gina: It's started.

Copter approaches the Murukawa tower landing pad.

Lian: That's our cue.

Intercut with the point of view of somebody armed with a SMAW aimed at the aircraft.

Gina: Hot LZ. Hot LZ! Hang on!

The craft spirals out of control as the missile hits it.

Lian: Teresa, we're going down! Say again, our LZ is hot! We're going down!
Gina: Come on. Come on! Hold on. Get up there! So me pegas a mierda! (You beat the shit out of me!)

Mission: Main plot

Gina: One of the stabilizer controls has been hit, I'm gonna need a minute to fix it.
Lian: You heard the lady, buy us some time, so we can get this bird in the air.

Lian: Give us some cover here, if this chopper takes any more damage we’re in trouble!

Lian: We need covering fire, keep them off us!

Gina: Got it! Not sure how long it'll hold.
Lian: Alright, we're heading to LZ2 for more repairs. Stay on task.

Lian: He's one of Murakawa's officers. Take him out.

Lian: Good work. Now find the rest.

Lian: I've got an ID on him.

Lian: Akio Tamura.

Lian: Another one down, you've got more to go.

Lian: I've got an ID on him.

Lian: Hideki Satou.

Don't eliminate all officers on the street

Lian: Radio chatter shows you haven't eliminated all the officers on the street yet.

Lian: Teresa's been tracking their radio chatter. That's the last officer on the street. The rest are inside.

Lian: I've got an ID on him.

Lian: Ichiyo Kimura.

Lian: There is Matsua. Carry out your DPE order.

Lian: Don't let Matsua get away!

  • Korin Matsua's quotes

Lian: Good work.

Guard 1: 早くしろ。 銃声がどんどん近づいていくぞ。 [Hurry up. The sound of gunfire is growing closer.]
Guard 2: うるさいなあ。 集中できないじゃないか。 そんなに簡単にできるもんじゃないんだよ。 [Quiet. I need to concentrate. This is complicated.]

Guard 1: 彼らは私たちに行く! [They're on to us!]

Before activating the elevators

Lian: They must have been trying to activate the elevators. Finish what they started.

After activating the elevators

Lian: Looks like they were trying to activate the elevators. Too bad they didn't know you'd already done that.

Lian: That explosion must've caused a lot of structural damage; it didn't just destroy the stairwells. Teresa, get a call into the Tokyo government and warn them to send in a structural engineer after all the smoke clears.
Teresa: Copy that.

Lian: That's Ryusaki.

Lian: The elevators have been electronically disabled. Find a way to enable them or bypass the lock-out.

  • Iwao Ryusaki's quotes

Lian: Good job. Check to see if he has the control unit that unlocks the elevators.

Lian: The upper floors of the tower should now be accessible.

Lian: One of Murakawa's officers is on this floor.

Lian: Three more to go.

Lian: I've got an ID on him.

Lian: Makoto Isikawa.

Lian: I've zeroed in to their radio traffic, there's an officer on this floor.

Lian: Two more to go.

Lian: I've got an ID on him.

Lian: Yataro Tanaka.

Lian: Sweep this floor and make sure you eliminate any of Murakawa's officers that you see.

Lian: One more to go.

Lian: I've got an ID on him.

Lian: Takeshi Mori.

Lian: That's the last of them. Good work.

Lian: I've got an ID on him.

Lian: Hitoshi Eto.

Complete half of the objectives

Lian: The first part of the mission is complete. Good work, guys.

Security Guard: 侵入者派遣! 侵入者派遣! 警報ベルを鳴らして! [Security breach! Security breach! Sound the alarms.]

Lian: That the private elevator to the tower's upper floors. See if you can unlock it from the security station.

Lian: That's the central information data center. Find the main terminal and start uploading data.

Lian: We need that data.

Spotted in the data center

Lian: He started a data auto destruct protocol. Upload the data quickly before it's all destroyed.

Some of the data destroyed

Lian: *Sighs* Looks like they destroyed some of the data. I wish you could've gotten to it sooner.

  • Data Center Worker's quotes

  • Lian: Murakawa involved with North Koreans radio log

Lian: Remember, you have to secure the rooftop, or we can't come in to pick you up.

Lian: Teresa, Murakawa's dead. Looks like a suicide.
Teresa: I'm guessing that will make it hard to interrogate him.
Lian: Huh, you're a big help.
Teresa: Sorry. I'm still trying to get used to this whole Chief of Operations thing.

Lian: That's the tape from Murakawa's hidden surveillance camera. Let's hope it has something useful on it.

Lian: There's a hidden switch to Murakawa's secret escape route to the roof. See if you can find it.

Lian: We're not landing on a hot LZ. Remember how that worked out the first time?

Lian: Gina, the rooftop has been cleared. Get ready to take off.
Gina: Copy that. We're ready to go.

Lian: This must be Murakawa's lab. There'll be a self-contained viral holding unit somewhere in here. Elsa wants us to get samples if possible but I told her that it was not our top priority.
Teresa: Lian, warn them to put on a hazmat suit before they enter the protected area of the lab. Otherwise, they're gonna risk contamination.
Lian: Copy that. The lab schematic shows that the hazmat suits are stored near the decontamination airlocks.

Lab Worker: どうやってここに入った? お前は誰だ? [How did you get in here? Who are you?]

  • Lab Worker's quotes

Lian: Make sure you plant the charges.

Lian: Good work. Elsa and Lawrence will be happy you were able to get those samples.

Lian: That's the last of the charges. Now clear out of there!

Lian: Approaching the LZ now. Let's start wrapping this up.

Lian: LZ achieved. Repeat, we are at the LZ. Your ride is here, let's move.

Lian: You call this LZ secure?

  • Lian Xing's quotes

Lian: Get to the rooftop; we're ready to take off.

Complete all of the objectives

Lian: Mission complete. Good work, guys.

Mission: PDA radio logs

Lian/Gina: Chopper's damaged

Lian: How's it going, Gina?
Gina: The damn control has been severed. Got the spare parts bag open now, just be a second.
Lian: I'm glad you know what you're doing.

Lian: Murakawa's office

Lian: Okay, the mission's not off to a good start, but we are still a go. Murakawa's office's on the top floor. Nail down the rooftop LZ and radio me when you've planted the explosives. Remember, you do not have a DPE for Murakawa, repeat, we want him alive.

Lian: DPE's on Murakawa officers

Lian: Gabe usually won't sign this many DPEs for one op, but my report on Murakawa's operations made it clear that the entire operation had to be shut down. If we don't take out all of his officers, one would just step up and take Murakawa's place.

Lian: Yakuza snipers on rooftops

Lian: Listen up; we've spotted HNT snipers moving along the rooftops. Keep your eyes open and your head down.

Lian: HNT leader is Matsua

Lian: Matsua is the local leader of the Higashi no Takibi, Murakawa's arch rivals. I spent the last week undercover convincing Matsua that the Yakuza are going to strike the HNT, so that Matsua would attack first. While you're dealing with Murakawa, I'll take care the HNT headquarters. If you look at Matsua's record, you'll see why he's DPE order was approved.

Gina/Lian: Yakuza codes hacked

Gina: I've hacked into the Yakuza radio codes.
Lian: Piping it in.

Gina/Lian: ID on Ryusaki

Gina: I'm picking up scattered radio chatter from the tower. Most of it coming from the lobby.
Ryusaki: 彼らいる外部。 今すぐやめろ。 誰もが駐車場に侵入するつもりです。 先ほど負荷が屋上からヘリかを捕捉した。 どこにいる? [They're on the streets. I want them stopped now. They're going to come up through the garage. Our men on the roof just spotted a chopper. Where are you?]
Lian: That's Murakawa's head of security, Iwao Ryusaki. He killed his entire family as proof of loyalty to Murakawa. He's not going to go down easy.

Lian: Elevator to labs on the roof

Lian: While undercover, I was able to get to most parts of the tower except the labs. They keep security pretty tight on the upper floors. I think there's a freight elevator on the roof. You should be able to get to the labs from there.

Lian: DPE Orders on Officers

Lian: You have to fulfill these DPE orders. If you miss any, you gonna have some explaining to do.

Teresa/Lian: Imani on flight

Teresa: Lian, I've just received an update from Imani. She's on an international flight with Yong-jun Kim. She's got the bug planted.
Lian: Where are they now?
Teresa: Somewhere over Myanmar. ETA to Seoul is 2 hours.
Lian: Copy that.

Lian: Security floor

Lian: The security floor is just above you. So far, they've been isolated and don't know you've made it this far into the tower. See if you can make it through the security floor without being detected. It'll make your job much easier.

Lian: Murakawa involved with North Koreans

Lian: When I was working undercover, I realized that Murakawa was involved with the North Koreans somehow. I'm sure that his computer files will have lists of the all the transactions between the Yakuza and Yong-jun Kim.

Lian: Find surveillance tape I planted

Lian: When I was here undercover, I discovered that Murakawa had surveillance cameras everywhere, including his office. He must not have heard about what happened to Richard Nixon. Anyway, if we can find out where security stores the tapes, we might be able to find out what happened up here.

Lian: Plant explosives in lab

Lian: You have to triangulate the positions of the explosives, so that they destroy just the labs. Our goal is to destroy the Yakuza's ability to buy and sell bio-weapons. We don't wanna bring the building down so follow directions.

Mission: Wrong actions


Lian: Cobra is down. Repeat, agent Cobra is down. / Cobra is down.

Don't cover the helicopter

Lian: Teresa's not gonna be happy when she gets the repair bill for this hole.

Matsua escapes

Lian: You let him get away! That's probably gonna come back to haunt us.

Sound the alarm on the security floor

Lian: Now you're gonna have to find a way around the security gate and disable the alarm.

All the data destroyed

Lian: Don't bother, the data's been destroyed, you should've gotten to it sooner.

Time is 7:30

Lian: What are you guys doing? Time's running out!

Time is 11:15

Lian: We're running outta time. Pick up the pace.

Mission: Character quotes

Yakuza Guards

  • こちら。 奴らはこっちにいるぞ。 [Over here. They're over here.]
  • やめろ! [Stop them.]
  • こっちにひど 見える。 [I see one over here.]
  • 到来。 [They are coming.]
  • 戻れ! [Get back!]
  • 殺せ! [Kill them!]
  • Oゼロ! [Noooo!]
  • 援軍をください。 [I need reinforcements.]
  • 助けが必要です。 [Get help over here.]
  • 火だ! [Fire! Fire!]
  • ガード違反! 今すぐセキュリティコールをしてください。 [Security breach! Get security.]
  • こっちの何か聞こえてぞ。 [I heard them over here.]
  • ここで一人みたぞ。 [I saw one over there.]
  • 何か聞こえたぞ。 [I heard something.]

Korin Matsua

  • お前はあのをラジもののXing下で働いたいるな。 [You must work for Xing, traitorous witch.]
  • 俺は掴め様なんて早く寝ない。 [You won't take me alive.]
  • 殺せ! [Kill them!]
  • 私は援軍が必要です。 [I need reinforcements.]
  • アイムガレージで。 ここへ到着する。 [I'm in the garage, get down here.]
  • 興に伝えろ 総合するなら正々堂々と本人が出てこいてな。 [Tell Xing to deal with me herself.]

Iwao Ryusaki

  • 収入者はロビーにいる。 早くロビーに人を集めろ。 [Intruders in the lobby. Get in here!]
  • あなたは私から隠れません! [You cannot hide from me.]
  • 出てこい。潔くを決めたことだ 。 [Come out and die with honor.]
  • お前には誇り護率ってものがない。 [You have no honor.]
  • まるで子供じゃないか。 [You hide like a child.]
  • 武器を下ろして! 命だけは助けてやる。 [Put down your weapons. I will be merciful.]
  • お前らの仲間は全員呼ん。 だところでこっちは痛くも痒くもないな。 [Call all of your accomplices. It will do you no good.]
  • そこにいるのはわかってるんだ。 [I know that you are down there.]
  • 名誉ある死を遂げよう。 [I will die with honor.]
  • お前に俺はこの前先祖! [You will not take me alive.]
  • お前を殺すのが楽しみだ。 [I'm going to enjoy killing you.]
  • *Death screams*

Data Center Worker

  • お前誰だ? ここで何やってんだ? [Who are you? What are you doing here?]
  • なんとま? どうやってここに入った? [What do you want? How did you get in here?]
  • 聞こえるか。すでに奴らデータセンターを突破したぞ。 [Help. They've breached the data center.]
  • *Panting* 何もしないでくれ。 武器は持ってないんだ。 [Please do not hurt me. I'm unarmed.]
  • 俺はここで働いてるだけでは。殺さないだけは! [I only work here. Please don't kill me.]
  • あー撃つな打たないでくれ俺はここで働いてるだけなんだよ。 [Don't shoot. Don't shoot. I only work here.]
  • *Death screams*

Lab Worker

  • バカこの! 俺たちを皆殺しにする気か? [You fool. You will kill us all.]
  • ここでの打ちいを止めてくれ. 私たちが感染するじゃないか. [Stop shooting in here. You will contaminate us.]
  • 仕事も邪魔しないでくれよ! [You are ruining my work!]
  • 警備! こちら! 警備! [Security! Security!]
  • どうやってここに入った? お前は誰だ? [How did you get in here? Who are you?]
  • ここには入ってクらないで! [You're not getting in here!]
  • あっちへ行け! 入ってくるな。 [Go away. You can't come in!]
  • おーい! 助けてくらあ! 俺は成立3 p 設備から出られないんだ! 助けてくらい!!! 誰かがここに入ってこようとしてるんだ! [I'm trapped in the bio-containment unit! Help me, someone is trying to break in!]
  • 急いで研究室に応援を呼んでくれよ! [We need reinforcements in the labs!]

Lian Xing

  • Over here.
  • Give me some backup!
  • Help me clear this roof.
  • Get these guys.
  • You want some of this?!

Mission: Unused main plot

Lian: I have one for each of Murakawa's officers, and one for the HNT leader, Korin Matsua.

Lian: You're doing a good job of keeping them occupied. Keep it up.

Lian: Remember, we've got DPE orders for all of Murakawa's officers.

Lian: He's another one of Murakawa's officers. Eliminate him.

Lian: He's also on our Interpol list. Take him out.

Lian: He's another officer. You know what to do.

Lian: Another Murakawa officer.

Lian: One of Murakawa's top officers.

Lian: He's the last officer you have to eliminate.

Lian: One down seven to go.

Lian: That's another one out of the way. Keep moving.

Lian: Good work. Now eliminate the rest.

Lian: I've taken him off the list. Keep up the good work.

Lian: Expect some company now that security's been alerted.

Lian: You need to shut down the alarm system.

Lian: It's not critical but try to get to Murakawa's mainframe before they start destroying data.

Lian: Plant one charge by the barrels.

Lian: Plant two inside the labs.

Lian: You have one charge to go.

Lian: You haven't finished planting the charges.

Lian: You have to set those explosives before we can take off. Hurry!

Lian: *Moan* I'm hit!

Mission: Unused character quotes

Yakuza Guards

  • 男が落ちた!入力しないでください! [Man down. Man down.]
  • 必要な増援! [Requesting reinforcements.]
  • 外から来ているみたいだ。 ねもう耐えられない。 [They're coming from the streets. Get more men out there.]
  • 承知しました。 [Yes sir.]
  • 私たちはサーを試みています。 [We're trying sir.]
  • それらを保持することはできません。 [We can't hold them sir.]
  • それらを止めることはできません。 [We can't stop them sir.]
  • 今それらを停止! [I want them stopped.]
  • それらを停止す, るか そうでなければ生きて戻ってくると思うな。 [Stop them or don't bother coming back alive.]
  • 奴らはガレージにある。建物の中にこれらの人が入ってくるようにするつもりはない。 [They're in the garage. Don't let them get inside the building.]
  • ここでもう少し男性。 [We need more men down here.]
  • 彼らはタワーのセキュリティネットを突破しました。 ここに降りて。 [They've breached tower security. Get down here.]
  • セキュリティネット違反。 [Security breach.]
  • これらの人はエレベーターの中にいる。やめろ! [They are in the elevators. Stop them.]
  • これらの人はオフィス階にある。 [They are on the office floor.]
  • セキュリティ階にある。 [They are in the security floor.]
  • ラボのセキュリティが壊れています。 [Lab security has been breached.]
  • これらの人は村川のオフィスに向かっている。 [They are heading towards Murakawa's office.]
  • 奴らの一人に見える。是非ステップアップ。 [I see one of them. Get up here.]
  • *Moans*
  • *Death moans*
  • *Death screams*
  • こっちは一人やられた [Man down.]
  • *Moan* 殴られた。 [I'm hit.]
  • ガレージでここに! [In the garage!]
  • ヘリコプター落下! [Chopper down.]
  • ヘリコプターを止めろ! [Stop that chopper.]
  • 奴らは階段にいるぞ。 [They are in the stairwell.]
  • 奴らは廊日に向かっているぞ。 [They are heading toward the lobby.]
  • 奴らはエレベーターに向かってるぞ。 [They are heading toward the elevators.]
  • 誰かここにいるぞ。 [Someone is over there.]

Korin Matsua

  • *Moans*
  • *Death moans*
  • *Death moans*

Iwao Ryusaki

  • 私たちは攻撃を受けている! 佐藤、木村,石川、どこにいる? [We are under attack! Satou, Kimura, Isikawa, where are you?]
  • *Moans*
  • *Death moans*

Security Floor Guards

  • 侵入者がいるぞ。 警備をコール! [We have an intruder. Call security.]
  • 誰だお前? どうやってくくり開いた? [Who are you? How did you get in here?]
  • ここは立ち入り禁止だぞ。 [This is a restricted area.]
  • 止まれ! ここは立ち入り禁止だ. [Stop! This area is restricted.]

Data Center Worker

  • *Moans*
  • *Death moans*

You Know What To Do

This is unlocked by searching the Murukawa tower for the randomly positioned tape. There are 3 possible locations, as with Ivankov's papers in Belarus 2. The tape is on the 2nd floor, the 4th floor or the 8th floor. For floor 2 it is close to the lone Yakuza official, for floor 4 it is in a room north of the lifts and for the 8th floor it is a cabinet east of Murukawa when you first enter his suite.

Fade in to show Murukawa sitting at his table with a shadowy figure in his office.

Video taken from Lian's planted camera...

Mara: Yong-jun Kim will not be allowed to reach Korea. It is already taken care of. (lays a pistol on Murakawa's table) I don't need to tell you what is expected of you, do I?

Imani Is Gone

Copter flies away from the tower.

Tokyo, Japan: Murakawa Tower

Lian: Good work. Murakawa Industries... is out of business.

An explosion rocks the building's scientific lab facilities.

Gina: Teresa, Lian's been hit.
Lian: It's nothing. Mission accomplished. But... we didn't get Murakawa. Tell Gabe-
Teresa: Wait. I've got news. It's not good...
Lian: What?
Teresa: Imani's flight, it's just gone down.
Lian: What do you mean?
Teresa: She's gone, Lian. No survivors.
Lian: Take us home, Gina.

Taguang, Myanmar: Irawaddy Basin

Mihai, I've Seen It

Kursk, Russia: International Airport

Mara: I have seen it, Mihai, you haven't-
Niculescu: Calm down, Mara. What are you talking about?
Mara: Ivankov never intended to use the virus; he merely sold it to raise funds.
Niculescu: What are you talking about?
Mara: Moscow. Don't you understand? He purchased it from the North Koreans. He's going to launch against Moscow-
Niculescu: You're starting to lose it, Mara. Get ahold of yourself.
Mara: He took me to his base, Mihai. I have seen it. I'm flying to Moscow. I'm going to warn Uri and the Politburo. Tell them where Ivankov is. He has to be stopped.
Niculescu: No, Mara, wait. We still have time. I have a plan...
Mara: What plan?! What are you talking about?
Niculescu: Mara, listen to me. Meet me in Montenegro tonight. I know what to do-
Mara: I don't know what to do! It's out of control, he's out of control!
Niculescu: Trust me, Mara. I have everything under control.

Berlin, Germany: IPCA Agency European Command

Gabe: Dammit, Teresa. Why didn't you stop her?
Teresa: Yeah right. I can't tell Lian what to do any more than I can tell you. She felt responsible, so she went.
Gabe: What do we know about the crash?
Teresa: The Myanmar government claims it was the weather, but they're not allowing the IAA in to investigate.
Gabe: As soon as Lian contacts you, let me know.
Teresa: You got it.
Gabe: I hope she knows what she's doing.

Taguang, Myanmar: Irawaddy Basin

Lian: You're not going to find any survivors, but we're not leaving her out here. It's my fault she's dead. We flipped a coin. Heads - I'd follow him, tails - she would. A damn coin toss! It should've been me on that plane. *Moans* I'm not gonna be much help on this one. Can you do it? Alright, go.

Mission: Main plot

Lian: You have to find Yong-jun Kim. The viral case was handcuffed to his arm.

Lian: The entire Myanmar army is going to be swarming over that crash site looking for the viral container that Yong-jun Kim was carrying. I'm not messing around with these bastards; you take them out on sight. Watch out for snipers. That path should take you inland directly to the crash site, but stay off it if you can, they'll have sentries posted.

Lian: Imani was seated in row 27D. Find her, and you'll find the tracking device.

Lian: I've given you multiple remote-triggered explosives; I want them planted along the footpath. I'll detonate them when you are on your way back.

Lian: That's one.

Lian: Keep going.

Lian: Muang will set up a mobile command center. Find it, and eliminate him.

Lian: Good work. One more to go.

Lian: All right, that's enough along the path. On your return, anyone following you will have a surprise or two.

Online only

Lian: Keep an eye out for the airplane's black box recorder. We can turn it over to the IAA as evidence that this plane was shot down.

Lian: I want explosives planted on both sides of the bridge. On your way back, we blow it after you cross. That will slow them down.

Lian: One more.

Lian: Look for any other footbridges which cross the river; snags, logs, bridges, whatever. Plant an explosive on each one. I don't want them to have easy access across.

Lian: Good work. They'll have to cross the river and deal with the mud. That will slow them down.

Lian: I want you to find and eliminate the soldiers who actually fired the rocket that downed this plane. They're going to pay for this act of terrorism with their lives.

Lian: That's one.

Lian: That's two.

Lian: *Sighs* That's her. Take the tracking device. Don't worry; we're not going to leave her out here. You'll have to come back later and get her.

Lian: Jot down your coordinates. Once you get the case, you're going to come back and get Imani. We're not going to leave one of ours behind.

Lian: Use the tracking device to find the viral case.

Lian: Aghh... Damn it, the case is gone! They've beaten us to it.

Lian: The tracking device shows that the case is moving. One of the Myanmar soldiers has it. Go get it!

Lian: Imani said that Yong-jun Kim checked a briefcase into baggage. It might contain important papers on what his mission was about. Find it.

Lian: There's a radar tracking unit somewhere in the area. I want you to find and destroy it.

Lian: That's the Myanmar mobile command. Find Muang, and eliminate him.

Lian: Find that radar unit. I don't want them to be able to use it to down any more commercial aircraft.

Complete half of the objectives

Lian: The first part of the mission is complete. Good work, guys.

Lian: Good work. One less piece of technology they had at their disposal.

Lian: That looks like Yong-jun Kim's briefcase. Good work!

Lian: Think that's it. If not, it'll have to be good enough. All the closest approaches are set.

Lian: He has the viral container. Take it.

Lian: That's the aircraft black box flight recorder. Grab it!

Lian: Now go get Imani's body and get back here.

Lian: We're not leaving here without Imani. Go get her.

Lian: You have to go back and get Imani's body. I don't care if the entire Myanmar army is chasing you, we're not leaving without her.

Imani's body already on the boat

Lian: All right, head back as quickly as you can. It's time to get outta here.

Lian: Get back to the boat, army reinforcements are already on route.

Lian: Blowing the snags.

Lian: Blowing the bridge.

Online only

Lian: One of you is going to have to carry the body while the others provide cover fire. You're going to have to work together. I don't want any more bodies to deal with.

Lian: Good work. Let's go home.

Complete all of the objectives

Lian: Mission complete. Good work, guys.

Mission: PDA radio logs

Lian: Leg hurt too badly to move much

Lian: *Moan* Dammit! My leg's killing me. Dr. E is not going to be very happy with me when we get back. Might be serious.

Teresa/Lian: Find out who is in control

Teresa: Lian, come in. Do you read me? This is Command. Come in.
Lian: Ah, sorry, Teresa, I'm in no mood to hear lectures from you or Gabe. Find out who's commanding the army out here, I want a DPE order and I want it now!
Teresa: Copy that. I'm on it.

Lian: Plant explosives along route to crash site

Lian: You're going to be dragging the entire army along with you when you return and you'll be moving slow since you'll have Imani's body. We have to find some ways to slow them down.

Lian: Stay out of the muddy river

Lian: Stay out of the river. The mud at the bottom is a foot thick. It'll slow you down so much that you'll be an easy target for sentries along the bank.

Teresa/Lian: DPE authorized for Than Muang

Teresa: Lian, I have an ID on the field commander who must've ordered the plane shot down. His name is Than Muang. Gabe's authorized a DPE, no problem.
Lian: Copy that. He's history.
Teresa: I'm supposed to give you a big lecture about being a one-woman army and all that... but I think I'll wait till you get back.
Lian: Thanks, Teresa, we'll be okay.

Lian: Don't cross river until explosives in place

Lian: Don't cross the river until you've completed all the escape preparations. Let's do one thing at a time.

Lian: Crash site found

Lian: That looks like part of the crash site. I'm surprised that much of the plane survived intact. The rest will be spread out over a large area.

Lian: Recover the viral container

Lian: We can't let the Myanmar army had the viral container Yong-jun Kim was carrying. Who knows what would happen if they suddenly gain the ability to wipe out an entire country. We've got to stop them.

Mission: Wrong actions


Lian: Cobra is down. Repeat, agent Cobra is down. / Cobra is down.

Don't mine the footpath

Lian: You didn't plant all the explosives along the path. Hope you make it back to the boat when they're in pursuit.

Don't mine the footbridge

Lian: You didn't mine the footbridge. It's going to be tough to stay out of them on your way back.

Don't mine the log bridges

Lian: You didn't plant explosives on all the log bridges. You need to, or they won't be slow down enough.

Time is 10:00

Lian: What are you guys doing? Time's running out!

Time is 15:00

Lian: We're running outta time. Pick up the pace.

Mission: Character quotes


  • ใครกำลังไปที่นั่น? เธอ,หยุด! [Who goes there? You, stop!]
  • แจ้งเตือน! แจ้งเตือน! เตือนภัย! [Alert! Alert!] (Sound alert!)
  • ยิงพวกเขา ไฟ! ไฟ! ไฟ! [Shoot them. Fire!] (Fire! Fire!)
  • เฮ้พวกเขาอยู่ที่นี่! (Hey!) [They are over here!]
  • ก็ไปทางนั้น. สายตรวจ! [They went over that way. Patrols!]
  • มีบางอย่างย้ายไปที่นั่น! [Something moved over there!]

Mission: Unused main plot

Lian: He was sitting in first class. Find the nose section of the plane. His remains will be near there.

Lian: This is going to sound callous, but you're going to have to find Imani's body. Imani planted a homing beacon on the case. The tracking device should be on her or near her.

Lian: That's one.

Lian: Damn! I wish we could've gotten Muang. I'll be back for him. He's going to pay for murdering my friend.

Lian: Find the soldiers with the rockets.

Lian: *Sighs* Damn. I wish you would've gotten soldiers with the rockets. Who knows what other civilian targets they might have in mind.

Lian: You never found the radar unit. Let's hope they don't shoot down any more civilian planes.

Lian: Finding his briefcase isn't going to be easy. When the plane broke up it could've been scattered anywhere.

Lian: The black box could be anywhere. We have to find it.

Lian: Don't try to climb up there without support. Snipers will cut you to shreds.

Lian: Alright, move.

Lian: Setting off the path explosives, move!

Lian: I said to stay out of the river. The mud will make you an easy target.

Lian: They've got snipers in the trees. Keep a sharp eye out.

Mission: Unused character quotes


  • ครับผม. ทันที, ครับผม [Yes sir. At once sir]
  • ครับผม. [Yes sir.]
  • เราได้รับคำสั่งให้ลาดตระเวนเพื่อค้นหากล่องดำ. [We have been ordered to step up patrols. Find the case.]
  • ส่งคำถามไปที่ศูนย์บัญชาการที่. เราคิดว่าทำแล้ว [Send a runner to command. We think the case has been found.]
  • มีบางอย่างอยู่ตรงนั้น! [Something's over there!]
  • ส่งสายตรวจไปที่นั่น! [Send a patrol over there!]
  • ส่งสำหรับการลาดตระเวน [Send for a patrol.]
  • อยู่ใกล้จุดตก. [Stay near the crash site.]
  • ก็ต้องไปตามเส้นทาง. [Patrol the paths.]
  • *Moans*
  • *Death moans*
  • *Death screams*

Than Muang

  • คดีอยู่ที่ไหน? เอามาให้ฉันเดี๋ยวนี้เลย. [Where is that case? I want it brought to me at once.]
  • บอกให้อยู่แล้วแต่เวรฉันอยากจะหาคนทำให้เจอ. [Tell them to step up the patrols. I want that case found.]
  • ฉันได้ยินเสียงปืน. ไปดูว่าเกิดอะไรขึ้น. [I heard gunfire. Go see what is going on.]
  • รายงานกลับมาที่ศูนย์บัญชาการ.หาข้าวหากล่องดำไม่พบ, เป็นเรื่องของคุณไม่เกี่ยวกับผม. [Report back to command. If we don't find the case, it will be on your head, not mine.]
  • นั่นใคร? หยุดพวกเขา. ยามแจ้งเตือน! [Who is that? Stop them. Guards, alert!]
  • แจ้งเตือน! แจ้งเตือน! หยุดยิง! ยิง! [Alert! Alert! Stop them, Shoot! Shoot!]
  • อยู่ตรงนั้น? [What's over there?]
  • ส่งสายตรวจ! [Send a patrol!]
  • แจ้งเตือน! แจ้งเตือน! หยุดยิง! ยิง! [Alert! Alert! Stop the, Shoot! Shoot!]
  • *Moans*
  • *Death moans*
  • *Death screams*

Black Box Recorder

This is unlocked by recovering the black box flight recorder. It is on top of the structure where the Meta Global terrorist will arrive at (ie, a campfire). It can only be accessed online if you boost your teammate onto a wall and the boosted person will need to shimmy across a pipe. It is however also doable offline with the jump glitch.

Audio recovered from the Asian Airways black box recorder...

Pilot: ...Heading 232, climbing 15,000. Ladies and gentlemen, this is Captain Johnson, and I'd like to take a minute to thank you for flying with us on Asian Airways today. You can see I've switched off the seatbelt sign so you're free to move about the cabin. In a few minutes, we'll be reaching our cruising altitude of 30,000 feet. The hostess will be moving down the aisle shortly with your favorite beverage, courtesy of Asian Airways. Forecast is clear, but we might experience a little bump, as we get closer to the Korean peninsula. For now, if you look out your windows, you'll see that we're passing over the Southern Myanmar rainforest. Myanmar used to be known as Burma. Wait, excuse me.
Co-pilot: Better look at this!
Pilot: What the hell is...?! Control, I've got a radar alarm! Contrail moving very fast! Intersect, I try take evasive action.
Co-pilot: It's a missile!
Pilot: Diving! I've got this!
Co-pilot: We're not gonna ma-!

We'll Mourn For Imani

Taguang, Myanmar: Irawaddy Basin

Soldier 1: แจ้งเตือน! แจ้งเตือน! หยุดยิง! ยิง! (Alert! Alert! Stop the, Shoot! Shoot!)
Soldier 2: ก็ไปทางนั้น. สายตรวจ! ส่งสายตรวจไปที่นั่น! (They went over that way. Patrols! Send a patrol over there!)
Gabe: Are you all right, Lian?
Lian: It's just beginning to... beginning to sink in. It should've been me, Gabe.
Gabe: But it wasn't you. I need you here, Lian. We'll mourn for Imani when this is done. We have to find Niculescu. I need your help.
Lian: I know... Lian out.

Zurich, Switzerland: Niculescu Funds Tower

I Don't Give A Damn

Budva, Montenegro: Niculescu's Estate

Mara: We have to warn them, Mihai. Ivankov means to go through with it. You said you would stop him.
Niculescu: I don't give a damn about the Russians.
Mara: No, of course you don't. Let him murder ten million Muscovites so long as our stock price goes up.
Niculescu: Are you didn't seem so troubled when it was Washington.
Mara: Frankly, I'm surprised, Mihai, that you haven't found a way to profit from this... but you have. Of course, you have.
Niculescu: We have products to move, Mara. Anything can be profited from.
Mara: I must... You drugged me... We have to stop him! I'm going to tell them where his base is, tell them what is happening... Must stop him! Mihai... no... can't-
(she faints)
Niculescu: No, Mara, my dear. I'm afraid you won't be speaking to anyone.

Berlin, Germany: IPCA Agency European Command

Gabe: Who said anything about going to Zurich?
Birchim: Damn it, Logan! I'm not going over this again! You are forbidden from touching Niculescu in any way! I don't want to hear about you being anywhere near Zurich!
Gabe: I heard you.
Birchim: You got that?
Gabe: Logan out.

Connection cuts off.

Teresa: Now what do we do?
Gabe: I don't care what Birchim says. I'm going to Zurich.
Lian: Gabe, you can't! You're gonna jeopardize the entire Agency!
Gabe: He's the only lead we've got.
Lian: Listen to me, this isn't critical. Dr. E is close to a vaccine for the virus, it won't be a threat much longer. We're close to finding Mara, we have the North Korean connection to follow up, and Ivankov-
Gabe: I don't give a damn about Ivankov! I want Niculescu!
Lian: Gabe, stop! You're going to risk everything we've worked for!
Gabe: No! They risked everything. They did! I'm going to make sure their deaths mean something!
Lian: You don't think I want that too?! But you're doing exactly what Birchim wants! This isn't about Niculescu anymore, Gabe, it's about saving lives! You're doing this to find Ivankov's base, right, Gabe? You're not doing it just to get to Niculescu.
Gabe: If I get Niculescu, I get Ivankov.
Teresa: I've never seen Gabe obsessed like this. What's going on?
Lian: I don't know. I hope he knows what he's doing.

Zurich, Switzerland: Niculescu Funds Tower

An armoured truck enters the Meta Global headquarters and stops on a platform. The vehicle ascends.

IPCA Agent: Au fait, qu'est-ce que je dois récupérer? [What am I picking up, anyway?]
Guard: Des tableaux de peinture. Mais viens manger avec nous. L'expédition peut attendre. [Paintings. But come have dinner with us. The shipment will wait.]
IPCA Agent: Il faut quand même que j'imprime le bordereau d'expédition. [I still have to print out the shipping order anyway.]
Guard: Ah vous devez être nouveau ici. On n'est jamais censés laisser de documents. [You must be new here. There isn't supposed to be any paper trail, ever.]
IPCA Agent: Vraiment? Bon sang, j'ai déjà entré les données dans le système. [Really? Damn, I've already entered it in the system.]
Gabe: Teresa, we're in.
Teresa: Copy that. Standing by.

Mission: Main plot

Teresa: We've got a bypass on all security feeds that exit the building, but there's no way to externally shut down the internal systems. If you trip one of their lasers or let a camera pick you up, it will trigger their internal alarm.
Gabe: Right. We can deal with internal security.
Teresa: An alarm won't just alert security; it will also shut down the core mainframe to protect data. We won't be able to access Niculescu's most secure account information.
Gabe: We'll be careful. Heading up to Niculescu's office now.

Gabe: Place a micro-transceiver into each recorder. There should be one on each floor. They'll replace the incoming image from the camera system with a pre-recorded one from our Berlin mock-up.

Gabe: You have to incapacitate the guards. Use non-lethal force and hide them.

Teresa: They've got the first transceiver set. Sending signal one, now.
Gabe: Good work. Plant the rest.

Gabe: You need to find the emergency elevator power system.

Gabe: Good work. You'll need to take the elevator to the vault floors.

Teresa: Insert the data transmitters in each of the data consoles.

Teresa: Good work. Beginning data upload now.

Teresa: You need to search all the vaults on the upper floor.

Gabe: Find the main circuit relay and implant the bypass switch. We want to affect the laser system, not the computer systems.

Teresa: I don't have access to the security system for the lowest floor. They can't get past the secure entry.
Gabe: They have to find the chief of security and get the master code from him.

Gabe: All right. That should've taken the initial laser circuits offline.

Teresa: The core room temperature is controlled within 5 degrees. Your body heat will raise the temperature enough to set off the alarm in just a few minutes. You won't have much time.

Teresa: Virus insertion complete. Now get out of there. This is only account information, Gabe. Won't give you Meta Global, but might prove useful.
Gabe: Copy that. We need those Meta Global files.

Teresa: Gabe, they've made it out of the mainframe successfully. I've got everything hooked up and ready to go.

Teresa: They've started checking vaults, Gabe. Nothing yet.

Teresa: Empty.

Complete half of the objectives

Gabe: The first part of the mission is complete. Good work, guys.

Teresa: Nothing yet.

Teresa: Last vault on the upper floors, Gabe. Nothing.

Gabe: Those files are here. Search all the vaults on the lower floor.

Teresa: They've got the final transceiver set. All signals transmitting as planned.
Gabe: Excellent. Hopefully that will take care of the camera system.

Teresa: Empty.

Teresa: We need the lower vaults searched.

Teresa: Gabe, they found a vault that won't open with the master security key.
Gabe: That has to be where he's keeping his critical files. I've found a security code in Niculescu's office. You guys stay there. I'm bringing it down.

Mission: PDA radio logs

Gabe: Guards are innocents

Gabe: Remember, the bank security just work here. Consider them collateral targets for the duration. Understood?

Gabe/Teresa: Gabe finds Niculescu's Office part 2

Gabe: I'm in Niculescu's office. Using the electronic lock bypass. Going in. Teresa, I'll be ready to hack the computer security system from Niculescu's personal interface soon.
Teresa: Copy that. Standing by to receive data as soon as the data transmitters are set.

Teresa/Gabe: Birchim's file

Teresa: Gabe, they've found an interesting file.
Gabe: Anything with Meta Global on it?
Teresa: No, but let me move to a private channel.
Gabe: No kidding. That might prove useful.

Mission: Wrong actions


Gabe: Cobra is down. Repeat, agent Cobra is down. / Cobra's down.

Kill first guard

Gabe: Cobra, you're violating our agency collateral damage policy!

Kill second guard

Gabe: Dammit, Cobra!

Kill third guard

Gabe: You're blowing it, Cobra!

Kill fourth guard

Gabe: Cobra's screwing up.

Kill fifth guard and onwards

Gabe: Cobra, stop screwing around!

Set off an alarm

Gabe: You need to find the alarm override switch and shut it down.

Turn an alarm switch

Gabe: Thank you. That wailing can get on your nerves.

The core room is locked down

Teresa: That's the door control access switch to the core room, but the alarm has shut down all power to it. There's no way to restart it from within the bank. We'll have to forget access to the core mainframe.
Gabe: Dammit! I wanted that account information, but it wasn't critical. What we need are the Meta Global files. Continue the mission.

Time in the core room is out

Gabe: Dammit, Cobra!

Time is 9:00

Gabe: What are you guys doing? Time's running out!

Time is 13:30

Gabe: We're running out of time. Pick it up.

Mission: Character quotes

Security Guards

  • Toi là-bas, arrête-toi! [You there, STOP!]
  • Qu'est-ce que tu fais ici? Arrête-toi! [What are you doing there?] (Stop!)
  • Arrête ou je tire! [Stop or I'll shoot]

Mission: Unused main plot

Gabe: You have to get to the security room and set the transceivers before I can hack into the security system from Niculescu's office.

Gabe: I need you in that security room!

Gabe: All right. That's the security room.

Teresa: There goes the alarm. Now we won't be able to get access to the core mainframe.

Teresa: There's a security guard coming. Be careful.

Teresa: Security is just around the corner.

Teresa: Security is down the hall.

Teresa: Security is in the elevator.

Gabe: Incapacitate the guards. If they see you, they'll set off the alarm.

Gabe: Good work.

Teresa: Gabe needs those transceivers set.

Gabe: There should be an access ladder in the fan vent system. You'll have easier access to each floor if you can shut down the power to the vents.

Gabe: Did you find the elevator power system yet?

Teresa: I need you to retrieve those data transmitters now.

Teresa: That's one. Get the rest.

Teresa: One more.

Teresa: Good work. All data transmitters collected.

Gabe: I need you to get to the computer room. As soon as I bypass security from Niculescu's office, you'll be able to insert the data transmitters.

Teresa: Gabe needs you to get to the computer room.

Teresa: Alright. Gabe's bypassed computer security. You can insert the data transmitters.

Teresa: We need those data transmitters set.

Teresa: That's one. Insert the rest.

Teresa: One more.

Teresa: You can't let any of the computer technicians see the transmitters.

Teresa: There's a technician. Incapacitate him.

Teresa: You're going to have to hide him.

Teresa: Good work. All data transmitters collected.

Gabe: Get to that circuit relay!

Gabe: Get to the override switch.

Gabe: Have you found the chief of security yet?

Gabe: Incapacitate him and get the master security codes.

Teresa: Once you incapacitate him, you get his handprint and transfer it to your hand-template loaf. Use that to get past the lower floor security.

Gabe: Searching his desk. Nothing.

Gabe: I've gone through all of his file cabinets. Nothing.

Gabe: Executive secretary files, boardroom files. Not a damn thing.

Gabe: Found a security code. Doesn't seem to open anything up here.

Gabe: Assistant offices. No Meta Global files.

Teresa: It's going to take teamwork to gain access to the mainframe. One of you has to operate the door controls, while another goes into the core mainframe and inserts the virus.

Teresa: That's the door control access switch to the core room.

Teresa: Shit, there goes the alarm. All the mainframe power has just shut down.
Gabe: Dammit! I wanted that account information, but it wasn't critical. What we need are the Meta Global files. Continue the mission.

Teresa: You've got five minutes. Temperature's rising.

Teresa: You've got four minutes.

Teresa: Three minutes. Temperature's rising.

Teresa: Two minutes.

Teresa: You're down to one minute.

Teresa: You're out of time.

Teresa: Crap... We had the virus planted but the alarm went off. Now the mainframe shut down so it won't do us any good.
Gabe: Dammit! I wanted that account information, but it wasn't critical. What we need are the Meta Global files. Let's find them.

Teresa: Alright. You're inside the core housing. Find the access ladder and go down it as quickly as you can. The I/O port should be right there.

Teresa: Okay. Now look for the I/O port.

Gabe: Not all of the hallways are outfitted with laser sensors. Watch the guards patrol paths, and see which ones are clear.

Gabe: The guards are using special visors to show them which laser sensors are turned on. They've got them stored in the equipment room.

Gabe: Hide them. You don't want passing security patrols to see them.

Gabe: Use your gas grenades to incapacitate them.

Gabe: Use your taser.

Gabe: Use your smoke grenades to reveal the location of the lasers.

Gabe: Use the visor. It will show you where the lasers are.

Teresa: Still nothing.

Teresa: Gabe, they're not finding anything.

Teresa: We need those upper vaults searched.

Teresa: They've searched all the lower vaults but one, Gabe. No Meta Global files.

Gabe: I'm on my way.

Gabe: I'm almost there.

Gabe: If you're not at the vault, meet me there now. I'm on my way.

Gabe: Keep that vault area clear of security.

Gabe: Incapacitate them!

Gabe: Get him!

Gabe: I could use some help over here.

Gabe: Good work. Teresa, I'm at the vault. Using Niculescu's security code now. It works!
Teresa: Keeping my fingers crossed.

Mission: Unused PDA radio logs

Gabe/Teresa: Gabe finds Niculescu's Office

Gabe: I'm heading up to Niculescu's office now. The upper floors are a maze of laser-triggered alarms. Using smoke grenades and the laser alignment devices.
Teresa: Handy little gadgets, eh?

Gabe: Security patch in

Gabe: Teresa, I should have you patched in to Niculescu's security system now. Bypassing the security system that monitors computer activity.

Teresa/Gabe: ALA financial files

Teresa: Those look interesting. Gabe, we might've found at least one thing of interest. The QLF's financial records.
Gabe: Interpol will find that useful.
Teresa: No kidding. If these are all of their bank deposits, they'll be able to shut down the QLF completely.
Gabe: But it doesn't do us much good. I need those Meta Global files.

Teresa: Data Transmitters

Teresa: Data transmitters set. I'm uploading now. Will take a few minutes.

Gabe/Teresa: Gabe is uploading Niculescu's office computer files

Gabe: Teresa, I'm uploading files from Niculescu's personal computer.
Teresa: Copy that. Receiving data now. I've got a team working on the encryption codes.

Gabe/Teresa: Gabe searching Niculescu's office

Gabe: Teresa, I'm coming up empty. Searching his paperwork, files, folders. No names, no address books, no files. Nothing.
Teresa: Nothing here yet either.
Gabe: Dammit! Gotta be something here.

Teresa/Gabe: Teresa has checked the info Gabe has uploaded

Teresa: Bad news. So far, none of Niculescu's computer files contain any incriminating evidence at all.
Gabe: How many files have you processed?
Teresa: Nearly all of them.
Gabe: Don't give up yet. It's here. I'm sure of it.

Teresa: Plant Virus

Teresa: I've written a computer virus that will trace through all of the bank accounts. The problem is that near as I can tell, they're using an ancient mainframe structure, one of those big babies that takes up two entire floors. You're not going to be able to insert using the standard I/O ports; those are going to be monitored. You're going to have to crawl into the central housing via the cooling system and insert it from the inside.

Teresa/Gabe: Search for Vaults

Teresa: Okay. I've got the vault codes from Niculescu's personal security system. You can start searching vaults now.
Gabe: The vaults are located below the main floor. We need to search all of them. We're looking for everything and anything that will tie Niculescu to Meta Global Funds, Murakawa or Ivankov.
Teresa: Records, discs, viral cases, files, anything. Let's hope we find something, eh?
Gabe: Niculescu's Metal Global files are here somewhere. I'm sure of it.

Mission: Unused character quotes

Security Guards

  • Hé, comment ça se passe? [How's it going?]
  • Tu te calmes. [Everything is quiet]
  • Déclenche l'alarme! [Sound the Alarm]
  • Au secours! [Help!]
  • Ils sont partis par où? [Which way did they go?]
  • Par ici! [Over here!]
  • Qu'est-ce que tu fais? [What are you doing?]
  • Ho, quoi? Ho, j'ai dû m'endormir! [Hmmph, what? Huh, must have dozed off]
  • Qu'est-ce qui se passe? Y a de la fumée ici. Fais sonner l'alarme! [What the hell, there is smoke in here] (Sound the alarm!)
  • Il y a un truc qui cloche avec le système laser. Déclenche l'alarme. [Something is wrong with the laser system. Trigger the alarm]
  • L'alarme s'est déclenchée. Où est le reste de l'équipe de sécurité? [The alarm is going off, where is the rest of the security forces?]
  • Il y a quelqu'un dans l'ascenseur. Va jeter un œil. [Someone is in the elevator. Go check it out]
  • Il y a un truc qui cloche avec le système informatique. [Something is wrong with the computer system]
  • Qu'est-ce que c'est que ça? Quelqu'un a bidouillé les terminaux informatique. [What the hell is that? Someone has tampered with the computer system]
  • Il y a un garde de sécurité qui se fait tirer. Alerte! [There is a security guard down. Alert!]
  • Qu'est-ce que vous fichez? Vous pioncez ou quoi? Allez hop! Alerte! Alerte! (What the hell are you doing? Are you begging or what? Get up! Alert! Alert!)
  • Il est où le chef? Quelqu'un l'a vu? [Where's the chief, has anyone seen him?]
  • Ils sont dans la salle d'informatique. [They're in the computer room]
  • Ils sont à l'étage supérieur, au sous-sol. [They're on the upper vault floor]
  • Ils sont à l'étage inférieur, au sous-sol. [They're on the lower vault floor]
  • *Moans*
  • *Death moans*
  • *Death screams*

Niculescu's Paintings

Zurich, Switzerland: Niculescu Funds Tower

Gabe: Teresa, it's finished. We're in the last vault and there's nothing here but some shipping crates filled with paintings! Either Niculescu's way smarter than I gave him credit for. Or, he really doesn't have anything to do with Meta Global. Lian was right. I failed.
Teresa: Don't know if it means something but I think those paintings you've found are Niculescu's. I've got a shipping request filed for several containers, insured for millions. Inventory says 'antique paintings'; there might be an address on the shipping containers.
Gabe: Montenegro... Is Niculescu the kind of man who keeps all of his valuables in one place? All neat and ordered like a museum collection? Let's get out of here. You're heading back to Berlin. This is something I have to do myself.

Berlin, Germany: Agency European Command Center

Teresa: He said he was going to Montenegro alone. I haven't been able to contact him.
Lian: Damn it, Gabe... What did he find in Zurich?
Teresa: Nothing. There were no Meta Global files.
Warren: We are doing everything in our power to help our Russian allies with this current terrorist threat. The threat of global biological war, and any use of weapons of mass destruction will of course affect us all.

Budva, Montenegro: Niculescu's Villa Estate

I Was Near The Edge

Berlin, Germany: IPCA Agency European Command

Gabe: For the first time, I didn't have any answers. I went into Niculescu's office complex expecting to find the answers to everything: his involvement with Meta Global Funds, Mara, Ivankov, Syphon Filter... but we found nothing. It hit me hard. What if I was wrong? Or worst, what if I was right? But Niculescu was better than me, smarter, playing me... had been from the start. I was near the edge by then, obsessed, irrational. I'm sure I wasn't thinking clearly, but I knew one thing: I had jeopardized the Agency, and everyone's careers by going into Zurich against orders... and I had failed.

Budva, Montenegro: Niculescu's Villa Estate

Gabe: If I was going to get evidence on Niculescu, I was going to have to do it alone. I had to risk everything. Gambling that while Niculescu was too smart to keep records in Zurich. Maybe he wasn't as smart as he thought. He kept his most valuable paintings in his villa. Maybe he kept other things of value there as well.

Mission: Main plot

  • Estate is well guarded radio log

Guard 1: Он собирается её убить? [Is he going to kill her?]
Guard 2: Кто? [Who?]
Guard 1: Русский колдун Арамов, кто же ещё, идиот. Я слышал, что Никулеску собирался убить её. [The Russian witch, Aramov, who else? Idiot. I heard that Niculescu was going to have her killed.]
Guard 2: Ну откуда мне знать? Он держит её в свите хозяина, это всё что я знаю. [How would I know? They're holding her in the master suite, that's all I know.]
Guard 1: Эх, я никогда ничего не знаю. [Peh. I never hear anything.]

  • Rescue Mara before she is murdered radio log

Guard 3: Ты видишь что-нибудь? [You see anything?]
Guard 4: Нет. Всё чисто. [No. All clear.]

  • Niculescu's safe contents radio log

Captain: Там было какое-то движение, но сейчас я ничего не вижу. [Something moved over there, but I can't see anything now.]

Guard 5: Где капитан? [Where's the captain?]
Guard 6: Внизу, в винном погребе. [Down in the wine cellar.]
Guard 5: Снова пьёт вино Никулеску по тысячу евро за бутылку? [Drinking Niculescu's thousand Euro bottles of wine again?]
Guard 6: Ха, пока он ещё не попался. [He hasn't gotten caught yet.]
Guard 5: *Laughs* Пьяный ублюдок. Однажды он попадётся, и тогда я получу повышение. [The drunk bastard. He'll get caught one of these days, then I'll be up for a promotion.]

Guard 7: Что они там делают? Они же должны были мучить её. [What are they doing in there? Are they supposed to be torturing her?]
Guard 8: Я ничего не слышу. [I don't hear anything.]
Guard 7: Что бы ты ни говорил. [Whatever you say.]

Guard 9: Ну Мара, почему ты не сотрудничаешь, а? Если ты хочешь, мы можем быть более убедительными. [Come Mara, why don't you cooperate, eh? We can be more persuasive, if you want.]
Mara: Оставьте меня, вы свиньи. Потные чеченские крестьяне. [Leave me alone, you pigs. You filthy Chechnyan peasants.]
Guard 10: Думаю ты ей нравишься. *Laughs* [I think she likes you.]
Mara: Мне плевать на тебя, на вас обоих! Тьфу! [I spit on you, both of you.]
Guard 9: Хех, нет, ты же ей нравишься. [She does like you.]
Mara: Прекрати это, я убью тебя! [Stop it, I'll kill you.]
Guard 9: Это мы тебя убьём сразу же, как нам позвонят. [No, it is we who shall kill you, just as soon as we get the call.]

  • Niculescu's bedroom locked radio log

  • Key acquired now to surprise the guards radio log

Mara: Kill them!

Mara: Logan...

Mara: It's can't be you...

Gabe: It seemed hard to believe. Niculescu was in my grasp. I felt like Ahab about to plunge the harpoon into his demon whale. Niculescu was mine. Mara was going to give him to me. And nothing else mattered.

Mission: PDA radio logs

Estate is well guarded

Gabe: As I expected, the villa was well guarded by a small army. And while they look like war-beaten mercenaries, criminals who probably murdered and raped their way across Croatia, Serbia and who knows how many ex-Soviet states, I wasn't going to kill any of them. At least, not until I had proof that Niculescu was the man I was looking for.

Brought along my E.P.D.D.

Gabe: I did bring along my taser. I don't allow anyone to use it in the field because it has the unfortunate habit of causing targets to burst into flame. But with the right touch, you can incapacitate someone from a great distance, without killing them.

Rescue Mara before she is murdered

Gabe: So Mara was there. That's when I knew I was onto something. If Mara was involved with Niculescu directly, I had him. After years of searching, digging to uncover the Syphon Filter conspiracy, I was close. I merely had to get to Mara before they murdered her.

Niculescu's safe contents

Gabe: Inside the safe was one of the more interesting things I found, Niculescu's files on Mara. I didn't get a chance to read through them until later, but they explained a lot. Or, at least as much as anything could explain Mara's behavior.

Niculescu's bedroom locked

Gabe: I found the room where they were holding Mara, but the guards by the door didn't have the key. I couldn't break down the door without alerting the guards inside. I would have to find the key.

Key acquired now to surprise the guards

Gabe: Once I had the key, I knew that I had to open the door and move quickly. I could take them so long as they were surprised.

Mission: Character quotes


  • Помогите! [Help!]
  • Кто-то приближается! [Someone's coming!]
  • Давай! [Come on!]
  • Убей его! [Kill him!]
  • Стреляй! Стреляй! [Shoot! Shoot!]
  • Я что-то слышал. [I heard something.]
  • Мне показалось, я что-то слышал. [I thought I heard something.]
  • Что здесь происходит? [What's going on out here?]
  • Дайте сигнал тревоги! Нарушитель! Нарушитель! [Sound the alert! Intruder, Intruder!]
  • Что это было? [What was that?]
  • Там кто-то есть. [Someone's there.]

Mission: Unused main plot

Captain: Это действительно хорошее вино. Калинка-малинка. *Laughs* [This is really good wine.] (Kalinka-malinka.)
Guard 11: Должно быть по тысячу евро бутылка. [It should be at a thousand Euros a bottle.]
Captain: Ну достань ещё одну бутылку. [Get another bottle.]
Guard 11: Это ты достань ещё одну бутылку. [You get another bottle.]
Captain: Я здесь ответственный. [I'm in charge here.]
Guard 11: Ты пьяный. [You're drunk.]
Captain: Ты пьяный! [You're drunk.]

Mara: Остановись, я говорю! [Stop it, I say.]
Guard 10: Что ты говоришь, не понял? [What do you say, hmmm?]
Mara: Оставьте меня одну! [Leave me alone.]
Guard 10: Ну давай, сотрудничай со мной. [Come, cooperate with me.]
Mara: Аа, уйдите от меня! [Get away from me.]
Guard 10: Ты же знаешь что ты этого хочешь. [You know you want to.]
Mara: Я убью вас голыми руками! [I'll kill you with my bare hands.]
Guard 10: Ну не будь такой капризной. [Don't be so difficult.]
Mara: НЕТ! [NO!]
Guard 10: Идиотка женщина. Заткнись же! [Stupid woman. Shut up already.]
Mara: Никогда! [Never!]

Mara: Кто же это? [Who is this?]
Guard 9: Заткнись! [Shut up!]
Guard 10: Так точно, мы готовы. Мы позаботимся об этом. Безусловно. [Roger, we ready. We'll take care of it. Sure.]
Mara: С кем ты разговариваешь? [With who are you talking to?] Mihai! Talk to me! What are you doing?! Don't do this to me, Mihai!!!
Guard 9: Я сказал, заткнись! [I said shut up!]
Guard 10: Очень хорошо. До свидания. Извини, дорогая. Пора. [Very well. Goodbye. Sorry darling. It's time.]
Mara: Давай. Мне уже всё равно. [Come on. I don't care anymore]

Guard 10: У тебя готовный шок? Он сказал, что на простынях не должно остаться никакой крови. [You readiness shock? He said that there should not be any blood on the sheets.]
Guard 9: Готово. [Ready.]
Guard 10: Закрой глаза. [Close eyes.]
Mara: No, no, NO!

Mara: Help me!!!

Mara: Mihai! Where are you?! Damn you...

Mara: *Moans*

Mara: *Death moans*

Mara: *Death scream*

Mara: Thank you.

Mission: Unused PDA radio logs

Completely alone on this mission

Gabe: I knew I was going to be completely alone on this one. So I hooked up with a friend of mine in the Advanced Combat Research Group. She loan me a prototype of their newest combat suit. The ACEO. You can find complete specs on it in Zeus. It was a difficult op. Without that special combat rig, I might not have been able to pull it off.

Niculescu's safe found

Gabe: I found a safe behind one of Niculescu's paintings, but couldn't open it. I didn't know what was in it, but I knew I was going to find out. The only problem was the patrolling guards. Finding a way to get past them without triggering an alert... was going to be difficult.

Captain of the guard has bedroom key

Gabe: The captain of the guard was in the wine cellar. I figured he would have all the keys to the house.

Mission: Unused character quotes


  • Иди сюда. [Get over here.]
  • Я там видел кого-то. [I saw someone over there]
  • Он там! [He's in there!]
  • Я кого-то видел около бассейна! [I saw someone by the pool!]
  • Что это там? [What's that over there?]

I Tried To Tell Him

Budva, Montenegro: Niculescu's Villa Estate

Zeus Files theme plays during this cutscene.

Mara: Well, this is a nice change. Instead of trying to kill me, you actually save my life.
Gabe: Maybe I just wanted to make sure the job was done right.

He approaches with a pistol locked and loaded.

Mara: How many times have you tried, Logan? Now is your chance. But then you would never find Ivankov, would you?
Gabe: What makes you think I care?
Mara: But of course you care! You're one of the good guys, aren't you? You're not going to let... *Laughs* Ooh, it's Niculescu, isn't it? That's how you found this place. Of course. You've been to Zurich and found nothing.
Gabe: Give me his files, Mara. All of them.
Mara: His files? Huh, what a fool you are. There are no files. What, do you think Mihai is some stupid dog stool like Phagan? Or Hadden? You think you will just crawl under the bed and find a box full of papers marked 'Meta Global Funds'?
Gabe: Something like that.
Mara: He keeps it in his head. All of it. You will never get Niculescu.
Gabe: Goodbye, Mara.

He draws a bead on her.

Mara: Wait, do with me what you will. I cannot help you with Niculescu. But Ivankov... that is something I can do.
Gabe: I'm listening...
Mara: It was never about the virus, you know. Ivankov, I mean. That was a tool. A distraction. Some... easy cash. Your Agency, you're all so intelligent, aren't you? The virus. The Omega Strain. So much energy spent looking for tomorrow's weapon of mass destruction. You do not see that Ivankov... wants yesterday's. I tried to tell him. Mihai, I mean. Mihai expected Ivankov to use the virus against Moscow. He would not listen to me. I tried to tell him that Ivankov sold the virus. Made a deal with the North Koreans, traded the Omega Strain for a nuclear bomb.
Gabe: That's what Ivankov is using to blackmail the Politburo.
(whining) I tried to tell him. Poor Mihai. He has stockpiled thousands of doses of viral antigen, for the killing Meta Global would have made. No matter that ten million of my countrymen would have to die in the process!
Gabe: Listen to me, Mara. Listen-
(whining) But he's not going to make much money of a smoldering crater, is he? Where's the profit in that?!
Gabe: Snap out of it! Listen to me. I don't care about Niculescu anymore. You were right. I was obsessed with him. For a while, uncovering Niculescu was all that mattered to me. I don't know why, but you've got to help me now. There's still time, Mara.
Mara: Ivankov?
Gabe: Help me, Mara. Tell me where he is.

Kiev, Ukraine: Chechen Terrorist Base

I'm Sorry Gabe

Zurich, Switzerland: Niculescu Funds Tower

Police cars swarm the streets around the building.

Woman: *Illegible French speech*
Niculescu: Of course, they didn't find anything! There was nothing to find! I can't be touched and you know it! If Logan's behind this, I want him! You understand me? Talk! What are you saying? How could she escape?! What in the HELL is going on?! Where is Logan?!

Berlin, Germany: Agency European Command Center

Gabe: The base is well guarded from the north and east. Team 2 will have to be especially cautious.
Lian: How many troops are we dealing with?
Gabe: She didn't know, but assume the worst. Ivankov will have his best men concentrated within the base itself. It really won't matter how many there are.
Stone: How much time we got?
Teresa: None. The deadline given by the Politburo is tomorrow at midnight. We have to stop Ivankov before then.
Gabe: This is what we've been waiting for. Let's go.
Lian: Gabe, wait! I just wanted to tell you I'm sorry. You were right. If you hadn't gone to Zurich, you may never have found Ivankov's base.
Gabe: No, Lian. You're the one who was right. I didn't go for the right reasons. I got very lucky. Don't worry. My head's clear now, I know exactly what we have to do.

Ukraine Military Base: Kiev, Ukraine

Ivankov: Что-то не так я это чувствую. Я меняю график. Мы должны начать процедуру запуска и немедленно. Нужно чтобы в нижних туннелях все немедленно переоделись в противопожарные костюмы. Вы четверо. Мои старшие офицеры. Люди выполнять свой долг, товарищи, я этого не боюсь. Когда наступает конец, мы все готовы умереть за наше дело. Мы не допустим, чтобы смерти Жидкова, Пуликовского и Ющенко оказались напрасными. [Something is wrong, I can feel it. I am moving up the time table. We are to begin the launch sequence immediately. I want everyone in the lower tunnels to change into fire suits immediately. You four are my top officers. The men will do their duty, comrades, I do not fear for that. When the end comes, we are all prepared to die for the cause. We will not let Zhidkov, Pulikovsky and Yushchenko's deaths be in vain.]
Savin: За наше дело! [For the cause!]
Petrenko: За наше дело! [For the cause!]
Ushakov: За наше дело! [For the cause!]
Leonov: За наше дело! [For the cause!]

Mission: Main plot

Gabe: All right. Everyone's in position. I'm entering from the north and I'm going straight into the silo.
Stone: Good luck. All right, let's do this by the numbers. Pick your targets carefully.

Lian: Remember, our primary goal here is to disable and destroy that missile. You have the information Gabe brought back from Montenegro. If you see Ivankov or his top four lieutenants, eliminate them.

Gabe: Stone, start setting those explosives. Once this missile is disabled, I want to get the teams out of here quickly.
Stone: Already on it.

Lian: Vladik Savin. He's another one of Ivankov's lieutenants.

Savin: Мне нужна помощь! [Covering fire]

Savin: Убирайся с дороги! [Get out of the way]

Savin: Попробуйте мой пулемёт, тупые американцы! [Eat my machinegun fire, stupid Americans]

Lian: Good work. Savin is eliminated.
Stone: Damn it... Save some for me!

Stone: There goes the alert. Well, no more Mr. Nice Guy, time to tear 'em up and spit 'em out!

Stone: We need you to find Ivankov's helipad and disable his bird. I don't even want him thinkin' about gettin' out of here.

Lian: That's Petrenko.

Lian: Petrenko down.
Stone: Giddy up.

Gabe: All the underground access doors are shut down. I'm going to find a bypass system and see if I can get them open. Wait for my signal before you try to come down.

Lian: That's Ivankov's tank commander, Ushakov. Eliminate him!

Lian: Good work. Gabe, Ushakov is down.
Gabe: Good work. Keep it up.

Stone: Shit... I'm feelin' like a schoolgirl here. Pinned down by fire in the west hangar. Gotta get some backup.

Stone: I could use some supportin' fire here. I got a shitstorm here! You hear me?!

Stone: Good work, compadre. Let's kick some ass.

Stone: Get over there and disable that chopper. Ivankov ain't goin' nowhere.

Lian: Chopper's disabled.
Stone: Good work, kid. Now go kill some spetsnaz.

Complete half of the objectives

Gabe: The first part of the mission is complete. Good work, guys.

Stone: I need you to get to the brig. I'm gonna carry Alima out of here and I need some coverin' fire.

Stone: Move it!

Stone: Lian, I've got Alima. I'm carry her out to the LZ.
Lian: We've got an IV and med kit standing by.

Stone: Damn it, I said get over here. Ah, never mind, I'll carry her out without any help.

Online only

Stone: I'm gonna carry her to the LZ. I need you to give me some cover fire while I move. Let's do it.

Stone: Thanks for the help. I'm gonna carry her out to the chopper. You get back to work.

Stone: Made it. They'll take care of you.
Gina: Oh my God, she looks bad.
Lian: She'll be alright. Let me work.
Stone: You will take care of her?
Lian: She'll be fine, now get back to work, Stone.

Stone: I'm headin' outside the fence. Gonna work my way around to the other side of the compound to set explosives. See if I can keep myself out of trouble. You get back to work.

Gabe: Stone, I've found Yushchenko's store of viral containers. Sending an LOC to your PDA now. Make sure you plant one of the explosives there.
Stone: Yes, sir. Blownin' stuff up; I'll get right on it.

Lian: That's Leonov.

Leonov: Давайте убираться отсюда. [Let's get out of here]

Eliminate Leonov in the bunker

Lian: Good work. Gabe, Leonov is eliminated.
Gabe: Keep it up. We getting closer.

Lian: Leonov's heading for the chopper. Stop him from escaping.

Lian: Don't let Leonov get away.

Leonov: Давайте убираться отсюда. [Let's get out of here]
CDP Soldier 1: Система управления вертолётом повреждена. [The chopper's guidance controls are damaged]
Leonov: Задержи их, поторопись. [Fix them, hurry]

Leonov: Отрегулируй управление полётом! [Fix the flight controls]
CDP Soldier 1: Мы пытаемся их починить. [Working on them]

Leonov: Поторопись. [Hurry up]
CDP Soldier 1: Я этим занимаюсь, перестаньте на меня кричать! [I'm doing it, stop yelling at me]

CDP Soldier 1: Почти починили. [Almost fixed]

CDP Soldier 1: Теперь очень близко. [Very close now]

Leonov: Давайте убираться отсюда. [Let's get out of here]

Gabe: I've found the access bypass switch. The doors to the underground compound should be open now.

Gabe: The missile's moving into launch position. Get to its launch controls before it reaches the launch platform. We can't let it launch. Move it, people!

Gabe: I've confirmed that Mara wasn't lying. The warhead on this thing is live, repeat, this is a live nuke!

Lian: Oh my God, Gabe, they found where Ivankov was hiding his computer files!
Gabe: Awesome work.
Lian: Elsa and Lawrence will be glad to hear this.

Gabe: If we don't stop this missile from launching, a lot of people are going to die.

Gabe: We need you guys in here now!

Gabe: Give me some covering fire.

Gabe: I'm working on the missile's guidance controls. If we can't stop it from launching, at least we can stop it from hitting Moscow. I need some cover fire.

Gabe: Keep those guys off me while I get to this guidance system.

Gabe: The missile's launching. Clear out.

CDP Soldier 2: Десять. [Ten]
CDP Soldier 2: Девять. [Nine]
CDP Soldier 2: Восемь. [Eight]
CDP Soldier 2: Семь. [Seven]
CDP Soldier 2: Шесть. [Six]
CDP Soldier 2: Пять. [Five]
CDP Soldier 2: Четыре. [Four]
CDP Soldier 2: Три. [Three]
CDP Soldier 2: Два. [Two]
CDP Soldier 2: Один. [One]

Gabe: Great job, we've done it! Now let's blow this place to hell.

Gabe: Time to get out of here. Stone, those explosives set?
Stone: All ready to go, chief.
Gabe: Everyone to LZ2! Lian, come get us!
Lian: Roger that. On my way.

Mission: PDA radio logs

Gabe: Take out commanders, used silenced weapons

Gabe: You're on ground control. Use silenced weapons when possible. Take out as many guards as you can without alerting them to our presence. Target their commanders. If we can take them out early, we can hurt morale when the firefight breaks out.

Lian: Chopper Pad

Lian: That's Ivankov's helipad, be careful. Leonov might still be around there somewhere. Look for the flight control gyro and disable it. Leonov will think the chopper works until he tries to take off, then... you'll have a surprise waiting for him.

Stone/Gabe: Haddad in the brig

Stone: Thank God, it's Alima! I found Alima in Ivankov's brig!
Gabe: Alima? Is she alive?
Stone: It looks like it, but she looks pretty bad. They must've brought her here from the chateau. Looks like she's been tortured non-stop. Don't worry, hon, we gonna get you out of here. I'm carrying her out. Get over here and give me some cover.

Lian/Stone: Alima's condition

Lian: Alima's beat up pretty badly. Heavy trauma to the head, torso, dehydration, lacerations, contusions. *Sighs* She's lost a lot of blood.
Stone: She gonna make it?
Lian: I honestly don't know. Vital signs aren't good, I've stabilized her but that's all I can do for now.
Stone: I'm gonna kill 'em all.

Gabe/Lian/Stone: Gabe near missile silo

Gabe: I'm in the missile approach tunnel. They must've moved up their timetable for launch. It's being prepped now.
Lian: Oh my God...
Gabe: No need to panic yet, but it's time to take off the white claws. I need you down here.
Stone: Roger that. On the way.

Mission: Wrong actions


Gabe: Cobra is down. Repeat, agent Cobra is down. / Cobra's down.

Don't help Stone in the west hangar

Stone: Ain't waitin' anymore. Come get me, you sons uv bitches! Well, that was ugly. Sure could've used some help with that one.
Gina: You okay, Stone?
Stone: Just peachy. Headin' down now.

Chopper is fixed

CDP Soldier 1: Всё, починили. Давай, давай! [There, they are fixed! GO, GO, GO]

Leonov escapes

Leonov: Теперь вы до нас не доберётесь. [Now you can't touch us]

Missile is launched

CDP Soldier 2: Пуск! [Lift off!]

Fail to stop the missile

Gabe: Dammit! The missile's launching.
Lian: Oh my God... We couldn't stop it?
Gabe: No. I damaged the on-board controls enough so that won't hit Moscow, but it's going to hit somewhere.

Time is 12:30

Gabe: What are you guys doing? Time's running out!

Time is 18:45

Gabe: We're running out of time. Pick it up.

Mission: Character quotes

CDP Soldiers

  • Мне нужна помощь! [Covering fire]
  • Убейте их! [Kill them]
  • Остановите их! [Stop them]
  • Хватайте их! [Get them]

Mission: Unused main plot

Stone: Listen up. By the time you're through that front courtyard, I don't want a single CDP soldier breathe the nature's clean air. You got that?

Stone: You're gonna have to get 'em all! If this place goes on alert before we're ready, it's gonna be hell to pay.

Stone: You didn't eliminate all of the soldiers like I asked. You're gonna disappoint old Uncle Stone.

Stone: You got enough of 'em. Move on.

Stone: Never mind, I disabled the chopper myself. Thanks for being on top of that.

Stone: I need you to sit there and guard Alima until I get there.

Stone: Dammit. I said wait there for me! If anythin' happens to that little gal, I'm gonna tear you a new one.

Stone: Allright, good job. Let's get her outta here.

Stone: Damn it, I said I need some cover fire!

Stone: Alright, good job. Let's get her outta here.

Lian: They trying to fix the flight controls. You have to take him out before they get it fixed.

CDP Soldier 1: Я не подпущу их близко. [I'll keep them at away]

CDP Soldier 1: Я их взорву. [I'll blow them up]

CDP Soldier 1: Да. [Yes]

Lian: Leonov's down.
Stone: Good work, partner.

Lian: They fixed the chopper controls, Leonov's getting away.
Gabe: Dammit.

Leonov: Да, мы это сделали. [Yes we've done it!]

Leonov: До свидания, простофили! [Good bye suckers!]

Mission: Unused PDA radio logs

Stone/Gina/Lian: Stone update

Stone: I'm workin' my way through the east courtyard now. More these CDP guys than ticks on a mule.
Gina: Feeling a little rambunctious, Stone?
Lian: Come on, you guys, can the chatter.

Gabe/Lian/Gina/Stone: Alima found alive

Lian: Oh my God! Gabe! They've found Alima!
Gabe: Alima? Alive?
Gina: Thank God. Gracias de mio. (Thanks from me.)
Lian: Appears to be, but she looks pretty bad.
Stone: Thank God, she's alive. You stay there and guard her. I'm on my way.

Gina: Intercepted Radio Message

Gina: Listen to this.
CDP Soldier: Я смываюсь отсюда. [I'm getting out of here]
Ivankov: Вероломный ублюдок, я сам тебя и убью! [Traitorous bastard, I will kill you myself]
CDP Soldier: Безумный идиот, ты сражайся до конца. Я останусь в живых, чтоб сразиться в другой раз. [You fight to the death, you crazy lunatic. I will live to fight another day]

Gabe: Stop doors from opening

Gabe: Find the controls to those doors and stop them from opening. It might take more than one of you.

Mission: Unused character quotes

CDP Soldiers

  • Здесь мёртвый солдат! Тревога! Дайте сигнал тревога! (There's a dead soldier over here! Alert! Sound the Alert!)
  • Эй, где патруль, который должен был быть здесь? Распределитесь и найдите его! (Hey, where's the patrol that's supposed to be here? Spread out and find him.)
  • Разве здесь не полагается быть охраннику? Где он? (Isn't there supposed to be a guard here. Where is he?)
  • Нам необходимо их найти, иначе этот ублюдок Пуликовский вместо их застрелит нас. (We must find them or that bastard Pulikovsky will shoot us instead.)
  • Сюда! Охранника убили! (Over here! A guard's been killed!)
  • Командир, пришлите замену охраннику. Один охранник пропал. И мы не можем найти его. (Commander, send a replacement guard. One's missing and we can't find him.)
  • Я что-то слышал на той стороне. Проверь. (I heard something over there. Check it out.)
  • Да, сэр. (Yes sir.)
  • Стоп, брось оружие! (Halt, drop your weapons.)
  • Убей их. Не дайте им сбежать. (Kill them. Don't let them escape.)
  • Группа, выдвигайся! (Squad, move out!)
  • Группа, начать движение! (Squad, lets move!)
  • Группа, сюда! (Squad, over here!)
  • Группа, прекратить огонь! (Squad, cease fire!)
  • Там какое-то движение! (Something moved over there!)
  • Аа, что-то потревожило то дерево. (Something moved those trees.)
  • Кто-то в тех кустах, огонь! (Someone in these trees, fire!)
  • Засада! (Ambush!)
  • Какое-то движение там! (Something moved over there!)
  • Группа, строем назад! (Squad, back in formation!)
  • Группа, остаться на патрулировании! (Squad, stay on patrol)
  • Группа, развернуться! (Squad, fan out!)
  • Группа, оставаться вместе. (Squad, stay together.)
  • Прикрывающий огонь! (Covering fire!)
  • Мне нужно подкрепление! (I need back up!)
  • Назад, на дорогу! (Back to the road)
  • Под мостом кто-то есть! (There's someone under the bridge!)
  • Там кто-то есть около командирского грузовика! (There's someone by the comm truck!)
  • Там кто-то ещё, около электростанции! (There's someone by the power station!)
  • Я кого-то видел в подвале! (I saw someone in the cave!)
  • По дороге кто-то движется! (There's someone moving on the road)
  • Там кто-то есть около газопровода! (There's someone by the gas main!)
  • Охраняй этот вертолёт! Чтоб никого около него не было. (Guard this chopper! I don't want anyone near it.)
  • Там кто-то есть около сторожевой вышки! (There's someone by the guard tower!)
  • Здесь внутри кто-то есть! (There's someone in here!)
  • Там внутри кто-то есть! (There's someone in there!)
  • Охрана! Охрана! (Guards! Guards!)
  • Товарищ, нет лишней сигаретки? (Comrade, spare a cigarette?)
  • Ты чё мне не отвечаешь? Ээ? (Why don't you answer me? eh?)
  • Почему ты не на своём посту? (Why aren't you at your post?)
  • Аа, ты пришёл, чтоб оплатить свой проигрыш? Или проиграть ещё? (Ah, here to pay up your gambling debt? Or lose some more?)
  • Ух, холодно, нет у тебя водки? (I'm freezing, you have some vodka with you?)
  • Ты здесь, чтобы освободить меня? (You here to relieve me?)
  • Как продвигаются их поиски, товарищ? (Any luck finding them comrade?)
  • Эй, что ты тут делаешь? (Hey, what are you doing here?)
  • Они в туннелях. [They're in the tunnels]
  • После тебя! [Behind you]
  • Подкрепление! [Back up]
  • Они в туннелях! [They're in the tunnels]
  • Они около вертолёта. [They're by the chopper]
  • Он в ангаре. [He's in the hangar]
  • Они на подъёмном кране. [They're in the gantry]
  • На ракете! Остановите их! [On the missile! Stop them]
  • Они около тюрьмы. [They're near the brig]
  • У них есть пленник! [They have the prisoner]
  • Не дайте им сбежать. [Don't let them escape]
  • Идёт запуск ракеты. [The missile's launching]

Gary Stoneman

  • Give me some coverin' fire.
  • Could use a little help here.
  • Shit.
  • Damn it, give me some backup here!
  • Over there. Get 'em!
  • Over here.
  • Assholes and elbows!
  • Holy shit!
  • Damn bastards.
  • I'm gonna set her down for a second. Cover me.
  • Almost there.
  • Made it.

Gabriel Logan

  • Missile's moving down the tunnel. I could use some help here.
  • Where are you guys at?
  • Soldier up there. Get him!
  • There's Ivankov. Kill him.
  • Fire!
  • Get out of here. Move!
  • They're wearing fire protection suits. Aim for their oxygen tanks.
  • Behind me.
  • Up there. Attack!
  • Down there. Don't let them get around you.

Mikhas Ivankov

  • Остановите их! [Stop them]
  • Сражайтесь за родину! [Fight for the mother land]
  • Сражайтесь за Чечню! [Fight for Chechnya]
  • Боритесь, товарищи! [Fight comrades]
  • Убейте их! [Kill them]
  • Они пытаются остановить запуск. Убейте их! [They're trying to stop the launch. Kill them]
  • Он на ракете. Снимите его оттуда! [He's on the missile. Get him off of there]
  • Они на подъёмном кране ракеты. Не дайте им сбежать! [They're in the missile gantry. Don't let them escape]
  • Они пытаются воспрепятствовать открытию дверей отсека запуска. Остановите их! [They're trying to keep the launch bay doors from opening. Stop them]
  • Что там происходит? [What is going on up there]
  • Где Леонов? [Where is Leonov]
  • Где мои офицеры? [Where are my officers]
  • В ваших противопожарных костюмах. [Into your fire protection suits]
  • Это Логан, убей его! [It's Logan, kill him]
  • *Moans*
  • *Death moans*
  • *Death screams*

Is It Finally Over?

Ukraine Military Base: Kiev, Ukraine

The Agency copter flies away from the headquarters, which explodes in the background.

Lian: We clear and our way home. Awesome work, guys.

Final Zeus: Epilogue

Canon (Good Ending)

Ten Million Saved

Gabe: We just saved the lives of over ten million people. Not bad for a night's work.
Stone: Hell yeah!
Gabe: We couldn't have done it without you.
Warren: That one hell of a ceremony planned here in Washington. And another in Moscow. Close up shop and come home. After everything's settled down, we'll talk about this new facility for your Agency.
Gabe: Yes, Mr. President.

The Cure Is Working

Teresa: Here's the latest reports from the IRC. The cure is working.
Lawrence: A small price to pay. We would not have been able to find the cure without everyone's help.
Gabe: Where's Dr. E?
Lawrence: She has not yet returned from the Special Council at the World Health Organization. I have not heard from her for some days.
Gabe: Have her come see me when she gets back. I wanna congratulate her in person.
Lian: So it's really over this time? It's hard to believe.
Gabe: Without the Syphon Filter virus to fight, what do we do?
Lian: *Laughs* I'm sure something will come up.

Going Home

Stone: Come on, darlin'. Let's go get your gear.
Alima: Thanks, Stone. It's good to be going home.
Teresa: Hey, you! We're supposed to be getting ready for a party. Let's move it. Goodbye, guys.

Outside the base, Gabe places his arm on Lian.

Gabe: Where's Dr. Elsa? Damn it!

I Am Always Ready

Niculescu: Where are the funds? How did they get into the computer system?

Intercut with his office door which is thrown open. A man walks towards Niculescu's desk.

Mob: There is a problem...

He goes towards Niculescu, a pistol in his hands raised at the art collector.

Niculescu: Yes, of course... Don't let me keep you. I'm always ready.
Mob: I doubt that... very much.

I Forgot To Mention

Birchim: Don't think you've gotten away with anything, Logan. You may have the President fooled but not me.
Gabe: I found something interesting I forgot to mention. It seems a Washington official has a Swiss account with more than three million euros in it...

As he speaks the door is thrown open and a pair of men enter. Birchim rises.

Birchim: What's this all about?! I've done nothing! W-what are you doing?!
Federal: Alex Birchim?! We have a federal warrant for your arrest under the Homeland Security-

Second fed holds up a document. First fed moves to apprehend Birchim.

Birchim: Homeland Security?! I-I demand to see the President! I demand to see my attorney! I demand-
Gabe: Goodbye, Birchim.
Federal: Under the provisions of the Homeland Security Act, you do not have the right to an attorney!

Omega Strain Credits

Credits Roll while Elsa Weissenger walks away.

Credits play - Staff Roll

Good Night Sweetheart

Mara: Yes. I'll think about it, but I cannot make promises. I think perhaps I am through making promises. Goodbye. (Begins to read Gabe's letter) 'Dear Mara, I just wanted to thank you for your help. Without it, I'm sure a lot of innocent people would have died. I've enclosed a copy of the deal you signed with the Myanmar army. Which resulted in the deaths of 291 innocent people, including my friend, Imani Gray. I wanted to let you retire, as we discussed, but in the end, the price was too high. I know you'll understand. Signed, Gabe Logan.'
Stone: Goodnight, sweetheart.

Non-canon (Bad Ending)

Sacrifice For Moscow?

Lian: We should've stopped that missile from launching!
Gabe: The missile will miss Moscow! I made sure of that. We just saved ten million people's lives. That's nothing to be ashamed of.
Lian: Those lives to be sacrificed for the lives of Moscow...

Nuclear explosion.

Warren: I have to attend a summit meeting next week to see if I can stop a war. Close up shop and come home. After everything's settled down, we'll... talk about where to go next.
Gabe: Yes, Mr. President.
Lian: He doesn't sound happy.
Gabe: No, he doesn't. The world's barely been saved from a nuclear war. There's going to be more than just one type of fallout to deal with.

Doesn't Look Good

Teresa: Here's the latest WHO reports. Doesn't look good.
Gabe: You did the best you could. Where's Dr. E?
Lawrence: She has not yet returned from the Special Council at the World Health Organization.
Gabe: Tell her to see me when she gets back.
Lian: I wonder if this will ever be over.
Gabe: Listen to me, we've stopped Ivankov. That's all that matters.

Clear Those Accounts

Niculescu: Yes, sell it! I want to transfer all my bioware holdings! Do it, now! Yes, all of them! There are always opportunities, Mr. Logan. Always.


Teresa Lipan

  • Cobra...
  • Python...
  • Viper...
  • Dragon...
  • Cobra earned the mission's marksmanship award.
  • Python earned the mission's marksmanship award.
  • Viper earned the mission's marksmanship award.
  • Dragon earned the mission's marksmanship award.
  • Cobra earned the mission's efficiency award.
  • Python earned the mission's efficiency award.
  • Viper earned the mission's efficiency award.
  • Dragon earned the mission's efficiency award.
  • Cobra managed to not get killed.
  • Python managed to not get killed.
  • Viper managed to not get killed.
  • Dragon managed to not get killed.
  • ...managed to not get killed.
  • Cobra's earned a new commission.
  • Python's earned a new commission.
  • Viper's earned a new commission.
  • Dragon's earned a new commission.
  • ...earned new commissions.
  • Cobra's earned a new rating.
  • Python's earned a new rating.
  • Viper's earned a new rating.
  • Dragon's earned a new rating.
  • ...earned ratings.
  • Cobra's earned a commendation.
  • Python's earned a commendation.
  • Viper's earned a commendation.
  • Dragon's earned a commendation.
  • ...earned commendations.
  • Cobra's earned a medal.
  • Python's earned a medal.
  • Viper's earned a medal.
  • Dragon's earned a medal.
  • ...earned medals.
  • You finished the mission in record time. Awesome work!
  • You're taking way too much damage out there. Go back to your training basics on evasive action and defensive maneuvering.
  • You're failing a lot of objectives out there. Try to follow the mission parameters.
  • Agent Cobra, I'm writing you up for violating our mandate on collateral damage.
  • Agent Python, I'm writing you up for violating our mandate on collateral damage.
  • Agent Viper, I'm writing you up for violating our mandate on collateral damage.
  • Agent Dragon, I'm writing you up for violating our mandate on collateral damage.
  • Teresa here. PDA update.
  • Teresa here. Check your PDA.
  • This is Lipan. Info update.
  • Check your PDA. Lipan out.

Imani Gray

  • Cobra has left the mission.
  • Python has left the mission.
  • Viper has left the mission.
  • Dragon has left the mission.
  • Cobra's injured. Repeat, Cobra is injured.
  • Python's injured. Repeat, Python is injured.
  • Viper's injured. Repeat, Viper is injured.
  • Dragon's injured. Repeat, Dragon is injured.
  • Cobra's down. Repeat, Cobra is down.
  • Python's down. Repeat, Python is down.
  • Viper's down. Repeat, Viper is down.
  • Dragon's down. Repeat, Dragon is down.
  • Cobra's down!
  • Python's down!
  • Viper's down!
  • Dragon's down!
  • Cobra has blown an objective.
  • Python has blown an objective.
  • Viper has blown an objective.
  • Dragon has blown an objective.
  • Cobra, I said no collateral damage.
  • Python, I said no collateral damage.
  • Viper, I said no collateral damage.
  • Dragon, I said no collateral damage.
  • Good work, Cobra.
  • Good work, Python.
  • Good work, Viper.
  • Good work, Dragon.
  • Use your head, Cobra.
  • Use your head, Python.
  • Use your head, Viper.
  • Use your head, Dragon.
  • Stop screwing up, Cobra.
  • Stop screwing up, Python.
  • Stop screwing up, Viper.
  • Stop screwing up, Dragon.
  • Cobra's out of control!
  • Python's out of control!
  • Viper's out of control!
  • Dragon's out of control!
  • Cobra's screwing up!
  • Python's screwing up!
  • Viper's screwing up!
  • Dragon's screwing up!
  • Nice teamwork. You guys are quick.
  • Listen up, team. You're way too slow. Let's get this done!
  • You're running out of time! Pick up the pace.
  • You're almost out of time!
  • The first part of the mission is complete. Good work, guys.
  • Mission complete. Good work, guys.

Gary Stoneman

  • Cobra has left the mission.
  • Python has left the mission.
  • Viper has left the mission.
  • Dragon has left the mission.
  • Cobra's injured. Repeat, Cobra is injured.
  • Python's injured. Repeat, Python is injured.
  • Viper's injured. Repeat, Viper is injured.
  • Dragon's injured. Repeat, Dragon is injured.
  • Cobra's down. Repeat, Cobra is down.
  • Python's down. Repeat, Python is down.
  • Viper's down. Repeat, Viper is down.
  • Dragon's down. Repeat, Dragon is down.
  • Cobra's down!
  • Python's down!
  • Viper's down!
  • Dragon's down!
  • Cobra has blown an objective.
  • Python has blown an objective.
  • Viper has blown an objective.
  • Dragon has blown an objective.
  • Cobra, I said no collateral damage.
  • Python, I said no collateral damage.
  • Viper, I said no collateral damage.
  • Dragon, I said no collateral damage.
  • Great work, Cobra.
  • Great work, Python.
  • Great work, Viper.
  • Great work, Dragon.
  • Pull your head out, Cobra.
  • Pull your head out, Python.
  • Pull your head out, Viper.
  • Pull your head out, Dragon.
  • You're actin' green, Cobra.
  • You're actin' green, Python.
  • You're actin' green, Viper.
  • You're actin' green, Dragon.
  • Cobra's out of control!
  • Python's out of control!
  • Viper's out of control!
  • Dragon's out of control!
  • Cobra's screwin' up!
  • Python's screwin' up!
  • Viper's screwin' up!
  • Dragon's screwin' up!
  • I've never seen a team work together so quickly. Great job!
  • You should be able to complete objectives faster than this.
  • Time is runnin' out.
  • You're almost out of time!
  • The first part of the mission is complete. Good work.
  • Mission complete. Good work, team.

Ehud Ben Zohar

  • Cobra has left the mission.
  • Python has left the mission.
  • Viper has left the mission.
  • Dragon has left the mission.
  • Cobra's injured. Repeat, agent Cobra has been hurt.
  • Python's injured. Repeat, agent Python has been hurt.
  • Viper's injured. Repeat, agent Viper has been hurt.
  • Dragon's injured. Repeat, agent Dragon has been hurt.
  • Cobra's down. Repeat, agent Cobra is down.
  • Python's down. Repeat, agent Python is down.
  • Viper's down. Repeat, agent Viper is down.
  • Dragon's down. Repeat, agent Dragon is down.
  • Cobra is down!
  • Python is down!
  • Viper is down!
  • Dragon is down!
  • Cobra has blown an objective.
  • Python has blown an objective.
  • Viper has blown an objective.
  • Dragon has blown an objective.
  • Cobra, collateral damage is not allowed under your agency's regulations!
  • Python, collateral damage is not allowed under your agency's regulations!
  • Viper, collateral damage is not allowed under your agency's regulations!
  • Dragon, collateral damage is not allowed under your agency's regulations!
  • Excellent, Cobra.
  • Excellent, Python.
  • Excellent, Viper.
  • Excellent, Dragon.
  • Curses, Cobra!
  • Curses, Python!
  • Curses, Viper!
  • Curses, Dragon!
  • Stay on task, Cobra.
  • Stay on task, Python.
  • Stay on task, Viper.
  • Stay on task, Dragon.
  • Cobra's gone mad!
  • Python's gone mad!
  • Viper's gone mad!
  • Dragon's gone mad!
  • Cobra is blowing it!
  • Python is blowing it!
  • Viper is blowing it!
  • Dragon is blowing it!
  • You're very quick. Miss Lipan will be pleased.
  • You're working very slowly.
  • The sands of time are running out!
  • The hourglass is almost empty.
  • The first part of the mission is complete. Good work, guys.
  • Mission complete. Good work, guys!

Maggie Powers

  • Cobra has left the mission.
  • Python has left the mission.
  • Viper has left the mission.
  • Dragon has left the mission.
  • Cobra's injured. Repeat, agent Cobra has been hurt.
  • Python's injured. Repeat, agent Python has been hurt.
  • Viper's injured. Repeat, agent Viper has been hurt.
  • Dragon's injured. Repeat, agent Dragon has been hurt.
  • Cobra's down. Repeat, agent Cobra is down.
  • Python's down. Repeat, agent Python is down.
  • Viper's down. Repeat, agent Viper is down.
  • Dragon's down. Repeat, agent Dragon is down.
  • Cobra's down!
  • Python's down!
  • Viper's down!
  • Dragon's down!
  • Cobra, you've just blown our stealth.
  • Python, you've just blown our stealth.
  • Viper, you've just blown our stealth.
  • Dragon, you've just blown our stealth.
  • Cobra has blown an objective.
  • Python has blown an objective.
  • Viper has blown an objective.
  • Dragon has blown an objective.
  • Cobra, collateral damage is not allowed under your agency's regulations!
  • Python, collateral damage is not allowed under your agency's regulations!
  • Viper, collateral damage is not allowed under your agency's regulations!
  • Dragon, collateral damage is not allowed under your agency's regulations!
  • Good work, Cobra.
  • Good work, Python.
  • Good work, Viper.
  • Good work, Dragon.
  • Stay on task, Cobra.
  • Stay on task, Python.
  • Stay on task, Viper.
  • Stay on task, Dragon.
  • Bloody hell, Cobra.
  • Bloody hell, Python.
  • Bloody hell, Viper.
  • Bloody hell, Dragon.
  • Cobra's gone mad!
  • Python's gone mad!
  • Viper's gone mad!
  • Dragon's gone mad!
  • Cobra's blowing it!
  • Python's blowing it!
  • Viper's blowing it!
  • Dragon's blowing it!
  • I've never seen a team work together so quickly.
  • You're working too slowly.
  • You're running out of time.
  • Time grows short.
  • The first part of the mission is complete. Good work, guys.
  • Mission complete. Good work, guys.

Lawrence Mujari

  • Cobra has left the mission.
  • Python has left the mission.
  • Viper has left the mission.
  • Dragon has left the mission.
  • Cobra is injured. Repeat, agent Cobra has been hurt.
  • Python is injured. Repeat, agent Python has been hurt.
  • Viper is injured. Repeat, agent Viper has been hurt.
  • Dragon is injured. Repeat, agent Dragon has been hurt.
  • Cobra is down. Repeat, agent Cobra is down.
  • Python is down. Repeat, agent Python is down.
  • Viper is down. Repeat, agent Viper is down.
  • Dragon is down. Repeat, agent Dragon is down.
  • Cobra is down!
  • Python is down!
  • Viper is down!
  • Dragon is down!
  • Cobra, you have just blown our stealth.
  • Python, you have just blown our stealth.
  • Viper, you have just blown our stealth.
  • Dragon, you have just blown our stealth.
  • Cobra has blown an objective.
  • Python has blown an objective.
  • Viper has blown an objective.
  • Dragon has blown an objective.
  • Cobra, you are violating the Agency collateral damage policy. I will not tolerate the loss of innocent life!
  • Python, you are violating the Agency collateral damage policy. I will not tolerate the loss of innocent life!
  • Viper, you are violating the Agency collateral damage policy. I will not tolerate the loss of innocent life!
  • Dragon, you are violating the Agency collateral damage policy. I will not tolerate the loss of innocent life!
  • Excellent, Cobra.
  • Excellent, Python.
  • Excellent, Viper.
  • Excellent, Dragon.
  • Not acceptable, Cobra.
  • Not acceptable, Python.
  • Not acceptable, Viper.
  • Not acceptable, Dragon.
  • You're not performing well, Cobra.
  • You're not performing well, Python.
  • You're not performing well, Viper.
  • You're not performing well, Dragon.
  • Cobra is acting unprofessionally.
  • Python is acting unprofessionally.
  • Viper is acting unprofessionally.
  • Dragon is acting unprofessionally.
  • Cobra is blundering.
  • Python is blundering.
  • Viper is blundering.
  • Dragon is blundering.
  • I've never seen a team work together so quickly.
  • You're working far too slowly.
  • Time is of the essence.
  • Time grows very short.
  • The first part of the mission is complete. Excellent!
  • Mission complete. Excellent work!

Lian Xing

  • Cobra has left the mission.
  • Python has left the mission.
  • Viper has left the mission.
  • Dragon has left the mission.
  • Cobra is injured. Repeat, agent Cobra has been hurt.
  • Python is injured. Repeat, agent Python has been hurt.
  • Viper is injured. Repeat, agent Viper has been hurt.
  • Dragon is injured. Repeat, agent Dragon has been hurt.
  • Cobra is down. Repeat, agent Cobra is down.
  • Python is down. Repeat, agent Python is down.
  • Viper is down. Repeat, agent Viper is down.
  • Dragon is down. Repeat, agent Dragon is down.
  • Cobra is down.
  • Python is down.
  • Viper is down.
  • Dragon is down.
  • Cobra, you have just blown our stealth.
  • Python, you've just blown our stealth.
  • Viper, you've just blown our stealth.
  • Dragon, you have just blown our stealth.
  • Cobra has blown an objective.
  • Python has blown an objective.
  • Viper has blown an objective.
  • Dragon has blown an objective.
  • Cobra, you're violating the Agency collateral damage policy.
  • Python, you're violating the Agency collateral damage policy.
  • Viper, you're violating the Agency collateral damage policy.
  • Dragon, you're violating the Agency collateral damage policy.
  • Good work, Cobra.
  • Good work, Python.
  • Good work, Viper.
  • Good work, Dragon.
  • Stay on task, Cobra.
  • Stay on task, Python.
  • Stay on task, Viper.
  • Stay on task, Dragon.
  • You're blowing it, Cobra.
  • You're blowing it, Python.
  • You're blowing it, Viper.
  • You're blowing it, Dragon.
  • Cobra is acting unprofessionally.
  • Python is acting unprofessionally.
  • Viper is acting unprofessionally.
  • Dragon is acting unprofessionally.
  • Cobra is blundering.
  • Python is blundering.
  • Viper is blundering.
  • Dragon is blundering.
  • I've never seen a team work together so well.
  • You won't break any Agency records at this pace.
  • What are you guys doing? Time's running out!
  • We're running outta time. Pick up the pace.
  • The first part of the mission is complete. Good work, guys.
  • Mission complete. Good work, guys.
  • *Moan*

Gabriel Logan

  • Cobra's left the mission.
  • Python's left the mission.
  • Viper's left the mission.
  • Dragon's left the mission.
  • Cobra is injured. Repeat, agent Cobra has been hurt.
  • Python is injured. Repeat, agent Python has been hurt.
  • Viper is injured. Repeat, agent Viper has been hurt.
  • Dragon is injured. Repeat, agent Dragon has been hurt.
  • Cobra is down. Repeat, agent Cobra is down.
  • Python is down. Repeat, agent Python is down.
  • Viper is down. Repeat, agent Viper is down.
  • Dragon is down. Repeat, agent Dragon is down.
  • Cobra's down.
  • Python's down.
  • Viper's down.
  • Dragon's down.
  • Cobra, you've just blown our stealth.
  • Python, you've just blown our stealth.
  • Viper, you've just blown our stealth.
  • Dragon, you've just blown our stealth.
  • Cobra's blown an objective.
  • Python's blown an objective.
  • Viper's blown an objective.
  • Dragon's blown an objective.
  • Cobra, you're violating our agency collateral damage policy!
  • Python, you're violating our agency collateral damage policy!
  • Viper, you're violating our agency collateral damage policy!
  • Dragon, you're violating our agency collateral damage policy!
  • Good work, Cobra.
  • Good work, Python.
  • Good work, Viper.
  • Good work, Dragon.
  • Dammit, Cobra!
  • Dammit, Python!
  • Dammit, Viper!
  • Dammit, Dragon!
  • You're blowing it, Cobra!
  • You're blowing it, Python!
  • You're blowing it, Viper!
  • You're blowing it, Dragon!
  • Cobra, stop screwing around!
  • Python, stop screwing around!
  • Viper, stop screwing around!
  • Dragon, stop screwing around!
  • Cobra's screwing up.
  • Python's screwing up.
  • Viper's screwing up.
  • Dragon's screwing up.
  • I've never seen a team work together so well.
  • You won't break any Agency records at this pace.
  • What are you guys doing? Time's running out!
  • We're running out of time. Pick it up.
  • The first part of the mission is complete. Good work, guys.
  • Mission complete. Excellent work.

Quick Chat Messages


  • Incoming message.
  • Cobra's completed an objective.
  • Python's completed an objective.
  • Viper's completed an objective.
  • Dragon's completed an objective.
  • Warning. We are behind schedule.
  • Cobra is...
  • Python is...
  • Viper is...
  • Dragon is...
  • Cobra says affirmative.
  • Python says affirmative.
  • Viper says affirmative.
  • Dragon says affirmative.
  • Cobra says negative.
  • Python says negative.
  • Viper acknowledges.
  • Dragon says negative.
  • Cobra's going in.
  • Python's going in.
  • Viper's going in.
  • Dragon's going in.
  • Cobra's providing cover fire.
  • Python's providing cover fire.
  • Viper's providing cover fire.
  • Dragon's providing cover fire.
  • Cobra needs armor.
  • Python needs armor.
  • Viper needs armor.
  • Dragon needs armor.
  • Cobra needs ammo.
  • Python needs ammo.
  • Viper needs ammo.
  • Dragon needs ammo.
  • Cobra's under heavy fire.
  • Python's under heavy fire.
  • Viper's under heavy fire.
  • Dragon's under heavy fire.
  • Cobra needs cover fire.
  • Python needs cover fire.
  • Viper needs cover fire.
  • Dragon needs cover fire.
  • Cobra needs help climbing.
  • Python needs help climbing.
  • Viper needs help climbing.
  • Dragon needs help climbing.
  • Cobra needs you to rendezvous.
  • Python needs you to rendezvous.
  • Viper needs you to rendezvous.
  • Dragon needs you to rendezvous.
  • Cobra says fall back.
  • Python says fall back.
  • Viper says fall back.
  • Dragon says fall back.
  • Cobra says flank them.
  • Python says flank them.
  • Viper says flank them.
  • Dragon says flank them.
  • Cobra says follow.
  • Python says follow.
  • Viper says follow.
  • Dragon says follow.
  • Cobra says to stay.
  • Python says to stay.
  • Viper says to stay.
  • Dragon says to stay.
  • Cobra needs assistance.
  • Python needs assistance.
  • Viper needs assistance.
  • Dragon needs assistance.

Carthage 1

  • In the west subway entrance area.
  • In the west terminal.
  • In the bank area.
  • In the restroom area.
  • In the west tunnels.
  • In the food court.
  • In the west mall entrance area.
  • In the field morgue area.
  • In the west mall.
  • In the law firm.
  • In the north mall entrance area.
  • In the east mall.
  • In the east mall entrance area.
  • In the plaza.
  • Near the north mall entrance.
  • Near the first aid truck.
  • Near the scanning station.
  • Near the Place.
  • Near the east subway entrance.
  • In the mezzanine.
  • In the east tunnels.

Carthage 2

  • Near the west street access.
  • In the control room.
  • In the south sewer pipe.
  • In the north sewer pipe.
  • In the pump room.
  • In the vents area.
  • Near the south street access area.
  • Near the furnace room.
  • In the south access tunnels.
  • In the north access tunnels.
  • In the abandoned terminal.
  • In the old tracks area.
  • In the east street access area.
  • In the south apartments area.
  • In the tenements.
  • In the south warehouse streets area.
  • In the west alley area.
  • Near the west sewer access.
  • In the machinery room.
  • In the warehouse.
  • In the north warehouse street area.
  • Near the east sewer access area.
  • In the old theater.
  • In the basketball court area.
  • Near the south sewer access.

Carthage 3

  • In the south mall.
  • In the west mall.
  • In the east mall.
  • In the north mall.
  • In the upper mezzanine.
  • In the lower mezzanine.
  • On the sky bridge.
  • Near the front doors.
  • Near the side doors.

Belarus 1

  • In the slag pit building.
  • In the north east yard area.
  • At the rendezvous point.
  • In the east yard area.
  • Near the melt foundry.
  • In the east tunnel.
  • In the courtyard.
  • In the office area.
  • In the west tunnel.
  • In the coil building.
  • In the west yard area.
  • Near the water tower.

Belarus 2

  • Near the main road entrance.
  • Near the east guard station.
  • In the main road tunnel.
  • Near the gas main.
  • On the old bridge.
  • In the bridge canyon area.
  • Near the water intake building.
  • In the main road approach area.
  • At the chateau main gate.
  • Middle creek area.
  • In the big cave.
  • In the little cave area.
  • In the watch tower area.
  • In the back country.
  • In the lower creek area.
  • Near the downed chopper.
  • In the east canyon area.
  • In the middle canyon area.
  • In the west canyon area.
  • In the south backroad area.
  • Near the power substation.
  • In the middle backroad area.
  • In the north backroad area.
  • Near the comm truck.
  • In the water in-take room.
  • In the small sewers.
  • In the north west courtyard.
  • Near the large fountain.
  • Near the small fountain.
  • In the large sewer system.
  • In the north sitting rooms.
  • In the lower north wing.
  • In the upper north wing.
  • In the north vents.
  • In the piano room.
  • Near the open bedroom window.
  • Near the north entrance.
  • In the north corridor.
  • In the main courtyard.
  • Near Lenin's statue.
  • On the main steps.
  • At the main chateau gate.
  • In the north attic.
  • In the main hall.
  • In the kitchen courtyard area.
  • In the kitchen.
  • In the kitchen chimney.
  • In the south courtyard.
  • On the south courtyard roof.
  • In the window room.
  • In the south courtyard hallway.
  • In the south vents.
  • In the dining hall.
  • Near the south entrance.
  • In the lower south wing.
  • In the upper south wing.
  • In the south east vents.
  • In the south attic.

Yemen 1

  • In Fadhil's office.
  • In the ruins.
  • In the sewers.
  • In the west entrance area of the bazaar.
  • In the west alleyway.
  • In the east alleyway.
  • In the abandoned temple courtyard.
  • In the abandoned temple.
  • In the cemetery.
  • In the weapon's bazaar.
  • At the road to Taherir Palace.
  • In the hotel district.
  • In the old town area.
  • On the slum rooftops.
  • In the slum area.
  • Near the old town apartments.
  • In Khorsh's headquarters.

Yemen 2

  • Near the front gates.
  • Near the north guard towers.
  • Near the guest quarters.
  • Near the west guard towers.
  • Near al-Hassan's suite.
  • Near the water garden.
  • Near the main palace.
  • Near the east guard tower.
  • In the security building.
  • In the security staircase.
  • Near the south guard tower.
  • On the south balcony.
  • On the west balcony.
  • On the east balcony.
  • On the north balcony.
  • On the upper balcony.


  • Near the safe house.
  • Near the university street.
  • In the main gate area.
  • Near the university court area.
  • Near the overlook.
  • In the north alley area.
  • Near the north street area.
  • In the throughway.
  • Near the bend.
  • Near the faculty apartments.
  • Near the drop off zone.
  • In the south alley.
  • In the south street area.
  • Near the warehouse office.
  • Near the south alcove.
  • In the north stairwell.
  • In the lower storage room.
  • In the upper storage room.
  • In the hidden stairway.
  • Near the refrigerated truck.
  • At the warehouse gate.
  • In the docking yard.
  • In the docking bay.
  • On the catwalks.
  • In the foreman's office.
  • In the lower halls.
  • In the upper halls.
  • In the south stairwell.
  • In the elevator.
  • In the lab corridor.
  • In Jandran's labs.
  • Near the main lab entrance.
  • In the courtyard well.
  • In the north catacombs.
  • In the south catacombs.
  • In the university stairwell.
  • In the west corridor.
  • In the abandoned tunnels.
  • In the south corridor.
  • Near the south stairwell.
  • In the basement storage.
  • In the upper manufacturing area.
  • In the lower generator room.
  • In the east corridor.
  • In the utility storage room.
  • In the north corridor.
  • In the physical plant.
  • In Jandran's elevator.
  • In the Jandran's office.
  • In the main hall.
  • Near the courtyard open window.
  • In the south courtyard.
  • Near the courtyard well.
  • In the engineering building.
  • In the underground stairwell.


  • Topside.
  • Topside, control tower.
  • Topside, chopper pad.
  • Topside, elevator shaft.
  • On level two.
  • On level two, west hall.
  • On level two, east hall.
  • On level two, maintenance shaft.
  • On level two, storage.
  • On level three.
  • On level three, main viewing hall.
  • On level three, west hall.
  • On level three, east hall.
  • On level three, east shaft.
  • On level three, west shaft.
  • On level four.
  • On level four, west mess hall.
  • On level four, east mess hall.
  • On level four, west kitchen.
  • On level four, east kitchen.
  • On level five.
  • On level five, west hall.
  • On level five, east hall.
  • On level five, south hall.
  • On level five, north hall.
  • On level five, west bunker.
  • On level five, east bunker.
  • On level five, east shaft.
  • On level five, west shaft.
  • On level six.
  • On level six, storage room.
  • On level six, north hall.
  • On level six, west hall.
  • On level six, east hall.
  • On level six, south hall.
  • On level six, vents.
  • On level six, west shaft.
  • On level six, east shaft.
  • On level twelve.
  • On level twelve, storage room.
  • On level thirteen.
  • On level thirteen, north hall.
  • On level thirteen, south hall.
  • On level thirteen, north bay.
  • On level thirteen, south bay.
  • On level thirteen, break room.
  • On level fourteen.
  • On level fourteen, north shaft.
  • On level fourteen, east shaft.
  • On level fourteen, south shaft.
  • On level fourteen, main shaft.
  • On level fifteen.
  • On level fifteen, north shaft.
  • On level fifteen, east shaft.
  • On level fifteen, south shaft.
  • On level fifteen, main shaft.


  • Near the garage entrance.
  • Near the Ramen restaurant.
  • Near the fire truck.
  • Near the elevated walkway.
  • Near the Murakawa Tower main entrance.
  • Near the bullet train bridge.
  • Near the downed chopper site.
  • In the garage entrance.
  • In the north garage.
  • In the garage elevators.
  • Near the lobby desk.
  • Near the lobby elevator.
  • In the main lobby.
  • On the lobby stairs.
  • In the lobby hallway.
  • On floor one.
  • On floor one, elevator.
  • On floor two.
  • On floor two, break room.
  • On floor two, west hallway.
  • On floor two, stairwell.
  • On floor two, main room.
  • On floor two, restroom.
  • On floor two, main elevator.
  • On floor three.
  • On floor three, restroom.
  • On floor three, elevator.
  • On floor four.
  • On floor four, main room.
  • On floor four, west hallway.
  • On floor four, stairwell.
  • On floor four, conference room.
  • On floor four, restrooms.
  • On floor four, the exec office.
  • On floor four, small office.
  • On floor five.
  • On floor five, guard room.
  • On floor five, south lobby.
  • On floor five, north lobby.
  • On floor five, secure elevator.
  • On floor five, main elevator.
  • On floor five, west hallway.
  • On floor five, stairwell.
  • On floor five, air shaft.
  • On floor six.
  • On floor six, main frame.
  • On floor six, secure elevator.
  • On floor six, computer room.
  • On floor six, airshaft.
  • On floor seven.
  • On floor seven, viral lab.
  • On floor seven, freight elevator.
  • On floor seven, lab clean room.
  • On floor seven, lab room.
  • On floor eight.
  • On floor eight, Murakawa's office.
  • On floor eight, exec restroom.
  • On floor eight, secret stairs.
  • On floor eight, secure elevator.
  • On floor eight, reception area.
  • On floor eight, conference room.
  • On the roof.
  • On the roof, chopper pad.
  • On the roof, south side.
  • On the roof, freight elevator.
  • In the freight shaft.
  • On the roof, secret stairs.
  • On the roof, west side.
  • On the roof, north side.
  • On the roof, east side.


  • Near the boat dock.
  • Near the south crash site.
  • Near the north crash site.
  • Near the east crash site.
  • Near the west crash site.
  • Along the river.
  • Near the army camp.
  • Near the army field command.
  • Near the old temple.
  • In the south jungle area.
  • In the north jungle area.
  • In the west jungle area.
  • In the east jungle area.
  • On the south path.
  • On the north path.
  • On the east path.
  • On the west path.
  • Near the large falls.


  • On the main floor, lobby.
  • On the main floor, teller area.
  • On the main floor, vault door.
  • On the main floor, vault elevator.
  • On the main floor, air vents.
  • On the main floor, elevator.
  • On the main floor, maintenance hallway.
  • On the main floor, maintenance room.
  • On the main floor, garage.
  • On the main floor, security room.
  • On the main floor, air shaft.
  • On level one, cooling room.
  • On level one, air shaft.
  • On level one, main frame room.
  • On level one, computer room.
  • On level one, vault elevator.
  • On level two, north hallway.
  • On level two, south hallway.
  • On level two, west hallway.
  • On level two, east hallway.
  • On level two, vault A.
  • On level two, vault B.
  • On level two, vault C.
  • On level two, vault D.
  • On level two, west elevator.
  • On level two, east elevator.
  • On level three, west hallway.
  • On level three, east hallway.
  • On level three, north hallway.
  • On level three, south hallway.
  • On level three, vault A.
  • On level three, vault B.
  • On level three, elevator.
  • In the physical plant.
  • In Jandran's elevator.
  • In the Jandran's office.
  • In the main hall.
  • Near the courtyard open window.
  • In the south courtyard.
  • Near the courtyard well.
  • In the engineering building.
  • In the underground stairwell.


  • Near the main base entrance.
  • Near the north east guard tower.
  • Near the northwest guard tower.
  • Along the forest perimeter.
  • Near the fuel tanks.
  • In the freight elevator.
  • Near the large storage area.
  • In the barracks.
  • Near the officers quarters.
  • Near the north west access.
  • In the security office.
  • Near the south courtyard.
  • In the brig.
  • Near the south guard tower.
  • In the archive building.
  • Near the east guard tower.
  • Near the north east access.
  • In the administration building.
  • In the planning room.
  • In the infirmary.
  • In the cartography building.
  • Near the south east access.
  • Near the missile silo opening.
  • Near the south silo access.
  • In the missile hangar.
  • Near the north east surface access.
  • In the boiler room.
  • In the east corridor.
  • Near the south east surface access.
  • On the hangar catwalks.
  • In the vents.
  • In the north corridor.
  • In the loading bay.
  • In the silo access tunnel.
  • In the silo chamber.
  • Near the silo surface access.
  • In the south corridor.
  • In the war room.
  • In the east corridor.
  • In the small storage area.
  • In the west corridor.
  • Near the north west surface access.
  • In the storage bunker.
  • Near the command junction.
  • In the upper storage hangar.
  • In the lower storage hangar.
  • In the freight elevator.



Field Agent

There is no comment on this rank.

Investigative Agent

Imani: You've earned your first rank. Good job.

Intelligence Agent

Imani: You've achieved your second rank. The next tier of ranks are all officer level. Good work.

Field Officer

Teresa: You've achieved officer level command. The next eight rank grades are all officer level. That's pretty cool.

Investigative Officer

Teresa: You've earned a new rank. Good job.

Intelligence Officer

Teresa: You've earned a new rank. Good job.

Field Research Specialist

Teresa: You've earned a new rank. Good job.

Investigative Research Specialist

Teresa: You've earned a new rank. Good job.

Intelligence Research Specialist

Teresa: You've earned a new rank. Good job.

Field Analyst Specialist

Teresa: You've earned an additional rank. You're getting pretty high up in the Agency now.

Investigative Analyst Specialist

Teresa: You've earned an additional rank. You're getting pretty high up in the Agency now.

Intelligence Analyst Specialist

Teresa: You've earned the highest non-command officer rank we have. Pretty soon, you'll be giving me orders.

Field Supervisor

Lian: You've achieved the commander level IPCA ranks. The next five rank grades are all commander. Excellent work.

Investigative Supervisor

Lian: You've earned a new rank. Good job.

Intelligence Supervisor

Lian: You've earned a new rank. Good job.

Field Operations Commander

Lian: You've earned a new rank. Good job.

Investigative Operations Commander

Lian: You've earned a new rank. Good job.

Intelligence Operations Commander

Lian: You've earned the highest commander level rank we have. Next up are the operations level commanders. Do you have what it takes?

Assistant Chief of Operations

Gabe: You've achieved operations level command. That's a very impressive achievement.

Deputy Chief of Operations

Gabe: Congratulations. You've earned a new rank.

Chief of Operations

Gabe: You've earned an additional rank. Very difficult to do with this level of command. Congratulations.

Commander in Chief

Gabe: You've earned the highest rank possible in the IPCA. Congratulations.


Combat Specialist 1

Stone: Combat Specialist. Sounds like somethin' a pencil pusher would come up with, but I like what it stands for. Being in this business is sometimes no different than being a town marshal in the old west, it's all about using your guns. You've earned your first Combat ratin'. Keep it up.

Combat Specialist 2 / 3

Stone: This is an upgrade to your Combat Specialist ratin'. Good work.

Combat Specialist 4

Stone: This is one of the hardest ratings to earn in this agency. I'd take my hat off to you but my head would get cold. Let me salute you instead.

Combat Knife Specialist 1

Lian: One of my specialties has always been knives, throwing knives and bladed weapons in general. Part of my training in Pai Lum Kung Fu. I'm very pleased to present you your first Combat Knife Specialist rating. Good work.

Combat Knife Specialist 2 / 3

Lian: This is an upgrade to your Combat Knife Specialist rating. Congratulations.

Combat Knife Specialist 4

Lian: I'm impressed! This is a very difficult rating to earn. Won't be long before you're as good with knives as I am. Excellent work.

Combat Sharp Shooter 1

Stone: I do a lot of kiddin' around about stuff, but this is one area I take deadly serious. You wanna be a sniper. A good one. You have to work at it. Leave your nerves at the door and put your cojones in your backpack. This ratin' proves you're on your way to being one of the best we've got. Keep it up.

Combat Sharp Shooter 2 / 3

Stone: This is an upgrade to your Combat Sharp Shooter ratin'. Keep the target in your sights.

Combat Sharp Shooter 4

Stone: Alright dammit, I'm takin' my hat off to ya cold air or not, and I'm salutin' ya. This is a hard ratin' to earn and I'm proud to give it to ya. Wear it with pride, and don't fire till you see the whites of their eyes.

Non-Lethal Force Specialist 1

Lawrence: The effective use of non-lethal force is an important part of your training and experience. I am pleased that you know this and have taken it upon yourself to earn this rating. It is proof that you realize that violence, while necessary, is not always the only way.

Non-Lethal Force Specialist 2 / 3

Lawrence: This is an upgrade to your Non-Lethal Force rating. I am very pleased. Continue the good work.

Non-Lethal Force Specialist 4

Lawrence: I have not been so pleased in a very long time. It is not often that I am given the opportunity to present this elite award. And it is with great pleasure that I do so. Congratulations.

Tactical Explosives Specialist 1

Stone: It don't get any sweeter than this. Blowin' shit up and gettin' paid to do it. This ratin' has got to be the most popular one I give out. Everyone likes tactical explosives. Wear this patch with pride.

Tactical Explosives Specialist 2 / 3

Stone: This is an upgrade to your Tactical Explosives ratin'. Good work and keep 'em flyin'.

Tactical Explosives Specialist 4

Stone: Now to earn this elite ratin' you had to've blown up half the globe about three times. Not sure if we should encourage folks like you, or lock ya up. Here it is. Go make 'em jealous.

Team Etticiency Specialist 1

Teresa: Working together as a team is one of the toughest things to do it seems. Guess there are just too many cowboys and cowgirls who wanna do things their way, but this rating proves you've learned how. Keep it up.

Team Etticiency Specialist 2 / 3

Teresa: This is an upgrade to your Team Efficiency rating. Good work.

Team Etticiency Specialist 4

Teresa: This truly is one of the rarest Agency ratings. Great job. I don't do salutes or anything. I could hug you.

Special Ratings

Bio-data Retrieval Expert

Elsa: I often think of my Agency grade and clearance level as being almost honorary so, I'm often surprised when I'm put in a position to give out ratings or awards. But, you have earned this one. Bio-data Retrieval is very important in our work. Continue to excel and congratulations.

Computer Information Expert

Teresa: Seems like I'm getting all the wussy awards to hand out this time. Computer Information Expert? Jeez, hello, Gabe, I do know how to shoot a gun! Okay sorry. Here, you've earned this rating by proving you're as big a geek as me. Congrats.

Elite Discrete Personnel Elimination

Stone: Huh, damn... Teresa wrote the name for this ratin' just so I couldn't say it. Special Agency Elite Discrete Personnel Elimination Expert. Let's see you say that three times fast. But you've earned it. More than that, you've proven to me that you do rate. Welcome to the world of the elite sniper.

Stealth Operations Expert

Lian: The Stealth Operations rating is very difficult to earn. Only 5% of the agents working for us have earned it. Wear it with pride.

Military Tactics Expert

Stone: Oh, now this is more like it. A badge that proves you know how to blow shit up. I like it. You wear it with honor now, and make all the greens wish they had one.

Elite Combat Expert

Stone: Any badge or ratin' is got the word 'combat' in it and it's mine to give out. Guess you think I'm some kind of old warhorse, like one of those retired generals got nothin' better to do than stand around thumpin' his chest and smokin' cigars. Aah, what the hell. To earn this ratin', you first had to earn every other elite ratin' the Agency has to offer. Not an easy thing to do. This proves you are one of the elite. I'm proud to work with you.

Field Efficiency Expert

Teresa: Being good is important. Being good and fast is more important. This rating proves you've learned that. A tough rating to earn. You'll be the envy of all the agents who see you wearing this patch. Congrats.

Survival Tactics Expert

Lawrence: My respect for human life extends far beyond my own, but that does not mean that I have left behind the need for self-preservation. Far from it. To be effective in this profession, you must learn to complete your missions with as little injury to yourself as possible. And in this, you have excelled admirably. I present you with this rating.

Hitman Expert (Unused)

Stone: So you think you might know somethin' about being a hitman? You know how to find a mark, take a shot, get in, get out. Well, maybe. This ratin' shows me you're workin' on it. Keep it up. We'll see if you really do rate.


Gray, Imani

Imani: You've earned my respect and the respect of the entire team. It is with great pleasure that I award you this certificate of commendation, for duties and performance while under my command. I look forward to workin' with you again. Congratulations.

Stoneman, Gary

Stone: What more can I say that I haven't said already? I don't care much for fancy ribbons and doily awards. No piece of paper or metal is gonna make you somethin' you're not. But what the hell. One of these might help you get elected someday. Or your grandkid can take it to show-and-tell. So I'm givin' you this commendation. You don't got no choice about it, It's yours.

Ehud Ben Zohar

Zohar: So, we meet again so soon! Yes, I had some difficulty with your superiors, but I have been given permission to give you this commendation from my government. You have earned it many times over. Farewell, my friend. May our paths cross again.

Powers, Maggie

Maggie: The queen herself has asked me to present this to you in her stead. Our government would like to present you with this commendation in recognition of your professional demeanor and outstanding achievement in the execution of your duties. It was a pleasure working with you.

Mujari, Lawrence

Lawrence: There are many qualities I look for in a person; kindness, humanity, thoughtfulness. But I realize that in this profession, one must also be agile, quick, decisive. You have proven to me that you possess all of the above. I am therefore pleased to present you with this commendation. Congratulations.

Lipan, Teresa

Teresa: I'm just a desk jockey this time out, so I don't get to give many fancy awards or medals, so let me enjoy it. I've been giving you instructions for almost this entire mission. And you've always done your best. But the work you did for me in Zurich was exceptional. So I'm giving you a commendation. Don't expect a raise or anything though, budget's kinda tight. Maybe a better parking place. I'll see.

Xing, Lian

Lian: I've been on many difficult missions, and I've worked with some of the best people in that business. And I can honestly say that you have performed admirably in all that I've asked you to do. I'm giving you this commendation. It will become a permanent part of your record, and will be a testament from now on as to your skill, bravery, and conduct. Thank you.

Logan, Gabe

Gabe: As you know, I don't give out praise lightly. I want members of my team to think about their job the way I do. I don't expect thanks for doing my job; I do it because it has to be done. That said, I'm giving you a commendation for your work under my direct command. You've earned it.


Medal of Distinction

Warren: During the Civil War, Congress passed by unanimous resolution the following bill. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, that the President of the United States be, and he is hereby authorized to: create a medal of distinction, to be prepared with suitable emblematic devices and to direct that the same be presented in the name of the Congress to such persons as shall most distinguished themselves by their gallantry in action and other soldier-like qualities. Your commanding officer, Gabriel Logan, has offered me more than sufficient evidence that you have met these requirements. And it is with great pleasure that I present you with this Medal of Distinction. The American people are grateful for your service. Thank you.

Agency Medal of Valor

Gabe: The IPCA Medal of Valor is the highest award that I can bestow. Earning it, means you've gone far beyond the call of duty, and have accomplished everything that I or anyone else have asked of you. You have achieved the highest possible clearance level, the highest grade. And have earned every award, commendation and rating, which this agency has to offer. A truly rare and remarkable achievement. In addition to this medal, I offer you my respect and this salute.

Stone's Medal of Courage

Stone: Aah, like I said, I'm not much for medals. I earned this Medal of Courage in 'Nam. Would have refused it 'cept my dear old mom wanted it for her China hutch put it right next to all the medals the old man earned in WW Deuce. Now I'm glad I took it, cuz I'm giving it to you. Some folks think I'm gettin' too old for this business. Maybe I am. Ten years ago, I would've pulled your ass out of the fire probably more than twice. It's true, no one lives forever. But the only way I'm retirin' is in a body bag. Here. Take this. Like I said, it's what I got to give that means the most to me. I want you to have it.

Carthage Exemplary Service Tribute

Imani: Gabe sent me this to pass along to ya. The citizens of Michigan don't have any idea who we are of course, but the chief of the Carthage police wasn't gonna give up until he knew who saved the lives of his men. He ended up sendin' this medal along with his thanks to the feds in Washington, who forwarded it to the President, who... well, you get the idea. I'll read the letter he sent. 'I am praying that my efforts are not in vain and that this award and my thanks arrive at the person or persons, who saved the lives of my men. The Police Exemplary Service Tribute is only awarded for service, characterized by good conduct, industry and efficiency that serves as a model for others. I'm very pleased to present it to you. Thank you, and God bless.' That's it. Good work.

Homeland Security Citation

Warren: These are trying times, and we are forced to fight a different kind of war. The kind of war that our grandfathers could never have dreamed of. I am grateful that we have public servants, such as yourself, willing to put their lives on the line for the freedoms and security of our country. It is my distinct honor to present you with this Homeland Security Citation. Thank you.

Ellison Warner Award

Levy: I'm presenting this award to you for the service you provided in helping ensure the safety of the Civil Airways. The threat of terrorism from ground-launched missiles is by far the largest growing threat to civil aviation today. Your work has probably saved hundreds of innocent lives. On behalf of the International Aviation Association, I present you with this medal and offer my thanks.

Karkadann, Alima's Unicorn Charm

Alima: What can I say, you know? You've done a lot for me. My mom, she was so freaked when she found out I hadn't croaked. I owe it all to you. These are pretty tough times, you know. I mean for people like my mom, who don't speak English so good and... being from the Middle East. Anyway. I want you to have this. It hasn't brought me a lot of luck. Maybe it will do better for you. Thank you.

Republic of Korea Service Award

Lian: Our embassy in Korea wanted me to forward this to you. It's the Republic of Korea Service medal. It was initially created by the South Korean government in 1951 to honor all United Nations troops who battled the Communist aggressors during the Korean War. After 48 years, the medal was finally approved by the Department of Defense. It is also awarded to persons of note for exemplary duty to the Korean people. The Prime Minister sends along a note with his regrets that he couldn't deliver it in person. Congratulations.

South African Freedom Medal

Lawrence: For many years, I fought against apartheid in my homeland. Long years of injustice, hatred and murder have given me a certain perspective on the sanctity of human life. In our work, I understand that men must die. But through your actions, you have proven to me that you respect innocent human life as much as I. For this, I am giving you something that was given to me by the president of South Africa himself. The South African Freedom Medal. It is the highest award that can be given to a man in South Africa. Keep it with honor, as I have done before you.

President's Official Liberty Award

Warren: In 1945, President Truman established the presidential medal to recognize exceptional meritorious service by private citizens during World War II. The medal was reintroduced in 1963 by President Kennedy, as a means of honoring distinguished civilian service in peacetime. While these days can hardly be thought of as times of peace, your distinguished service has moved us one step closer to removing those factions that would force a terrorist war upon us. The Presidential Medal is our nation's highest civil award, and I present it to you with your country's gratitude.

Great Lakes Service Medal

Teresa: This was just delivered to our office via our liaison in Washington forwarded from Michigan. It's a letter from the Governor. Let me read it. 'The Great Lakes Service Medal is the highest distinction which my state government can bestow. As the governor, I speak for every Michigan citizen when I present you with this medal and offer my sincere thanks for services performed.' That's pretty cool. Good job.

Kinshi Kunsho: Order of the Golden Dragon

Harada: 金鵄勲章または金のタコの勲章とはわが国での軍事における勇敢な精神と統率力を讃える賞である。 金のタコとは 神武天皇の戦での勝利を援助したという神々の使者を象徴する。 今日我々は感謝の意を込めてこのメダルを送る。 (The Gold Medal or Gold Octopus Medal is an award that honors the brave spirit and leadership of the military in our country. Gold Octopus symbolizes the messengers of the gods who helped the Emperor Shinmu to win the battle. Today we will send this medal with great gratitude.)

The Golden Cross of Russia

Yadin: In 1939, the USSR Supreme Soviet presidium established the Golden Cross of Russia. It is presented to heroes of Russia, together with my country's highest award, the order of Lenin and diploma of the president of Russia. The title of hero of Russia is conferred on person for services to the state, involving heroic behavior on an individual or collective basis. I am honored to present this to you on behalf of the people of Russia.

Mossad Friend to Peace Medal

Zohar: Glad to see you, my friend. Speaking on behalf of the Mossad, I present this medal to you with our deepest appreciation and gratitude. You have done much to rid the world of terrorism, and to provide stability to a troubled region of the world. May peace be upon you.

United Nations Peace Award

Elsa: As you know, Lawrence and I have worked very hard to find and develop a cure for The Omega Strain of the Syphon Filter virus. When we were awarded the United Nations Peace Award, we discussed it and agreed completely that it should be shared with those who helped us achieve it.
Lawrence: Indeed, without your diligent work in the field there would be no cure. And my life, as well as the lives of millions of others, would have been forfeit.
Elsa: So, please accept this award and our thanks.
Lawrence: You have done well.

Elsa's Final Deposition

Elsa: As you will know by now, I did not tell the whole truth in my deposition, and for that, I am sorry. After Mara's visit in Munich, I agreed to meet the project's financier: Mihai Niculescu. The situation was surreal. Mara knew what would happen. I met with Mihai in Montenegro, and many times afterwards. I knew what he was, everything in my deposition I learned first hand. Mihai could not love any woman. I knew this. He loved what I represented, the ability to control fate, to shape the future. It did not matter what future, to him, all possible outcomes were equal. What mattered was who threw the dice. Yes, I worked very hard to create the cure for the Omega Strain, that was the beginning. I have used everything I learned to fashion something new, exciting. I will prove to Niculescu, as I proved to Kaufmann, I do have a destiny. I will change the world.
