After Lian Xing is captured by Dillon Morgan and Derrek Falkan in Kazakhstan, she is brought to the McKenzie Airbase as a "terrorist under quarantine". The doctor is seen walking with Morgan, Falkan, Dr. Elsa Weissinger and Thomas Holman, who talks off an Unnamed Airman who asked for their identification. He enters the room with Weissenger, who cautions him to be careful with her as she hadn't expected the virus to weaken her so quickly.
He is shown preparing to extract plasma from her, snickering as he says two bags of plasma should be enough. He states she won't feel a thing only to be caught by surprise when Xing suddenly executes a suckerpunch at his face, knocking him out cold as she says he's the one who won't feel a thing. His body is left at the foot of the bed in her room, unconscious.
It's unknown what happened to the doctor and whether or not he was part of the Agency or a former Pharcom researcher like Weissinger.
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