Vladimir Zhidkov is a minor antagonist in Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain.
A Chechen hardliner who witnessed the atrocities committed by Russian forces in his home, Zhidkov joined with Mikhas Ivankov and the Chechen Democratic Partizans to battle against Russian occupation. He appeared to have experience with combat suggesting military training, but data remains deficient. Zhidkov ranked third in the organisation behind Ivankov and Mikhail Pulikovsky, but despite the lack of promotion opportunities, he remained in the group, perhaps drawn by the allure of terrorism rather than the financial compensations it provided.
Zhidkov received direct orders from Ivankov requiring that he close down a steel mill in Belarus that was among the last of Niculescu's operations with the Syphon Filter virus. Zhidkov and a unit of CDP soldiers assaulted the compound, setting the machines to overload, slaughtering several of the mill workers, placing explosives on key structures and forcing foreman Tekla Dobranski to comply with his instructions. He demanded that the foreman open a safe with files from Dr. Nikolai Jandran, but the Agency intervened and set a bomb on the train tracks Zhidkov used to enter the mill. After the operatives foiled his operation, he attempted to evade death or capture, but ironically died when his train ran over the bombs.
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