Shen Rei: "Bitar's device. It's not fully charged. I sabotaged it. Shoot it, destroy it!"
"With Violent Intent" is the twenty-second mission of Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow. Being the penultimate mission, it involves Gabe stopping Bitar from escaping the dam with a fully charged X-Z-2.
Gabe Logan (playable)
Ghassan al Bitar (K.I.A.)
Shen Rei (radio, K.I.A.)
Lian Xing (radio)
This mission is not time-based, but the more time you take to slow down Bitar's lift, the more enemies will assault you. Prioritise, therefore, slowing down his cart. This can be done by destroying the tanks.
As the mission begins, a thug with a Desert Eliminator will ride down to your cart on the zip line. Snipe him before he lands, and snap to the wall directly in front. You will need to stop Bitar from escaping by destroying the hydraulic tanks on his cart, while contending with various enemies on platforms.
When the tanks are destroyed, Bitar's vehicle will be slowed considerably, and will even decelerate to the point that you will be ahead of him. The man is wearing a super-powered version of the AS armour that Malak had used. Don't waste time trying to use your electric attacks on him. Not even grenades will work against him. Rather, toss an explosive at his cart. The resulting explosion will trigger the X-Z-2, which as you heard from Shen Rei, is in fact rigged to blow, thus killing Bitar and anybody else in the blast radius.
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